Content and time management for social media
No matter what you do in life or business, time once spent is the one thing you can never get back. In reality it is your most precious commodity. For business how you spend your time can make or or break especially solopreuners and small one person businesses.
Time is money
I am sure most of you have heard this at some point in your life. The wisest use of your time is something for which you should always strive. There are many places a business owner can reduce the time they spend not doing customer care.
Keep it simple
Simple is best, because simple works. If you haven't read Tom Riach's blogs on Syndication express I highly suggest you do. What you will learn is to succeed all you need is simple ideas, and simple execution of those ideas. Simple is less time consuming. You may believe you don't have time to read the work of others. If what you learn saves you time a few minutes reading time could save you hours. Who wouldn't like to be able to save hours everyday?
To learn more about how to effectively use your time on social media please follow the link below.
All points are well stated and very true. Your advice and tips will help people.
The goal of my business is to help others succeed. Things which are not well stated and true aren't going to help anyone.
Of course. This is just one reason I started Syndication Express to help bloggers, article writers and authors get the exposure, branding and free organic traffic they need. So far it's working as planned. Thank you for sharing this information in the SE community.
The reason I am back using Syndication Express is thanks to an article George Pierce posted here. He showed in numbers that his highest source of visitors is Syndication express. The more people you can reach, the more you can help. Since the loss of IBOtoolbox my referral numbers have dropped. Most of my business has always come from referrals by people I reach with information of value to them and others.
Thanks, Dennis. SE has been outperforming FB for traffic to my IM Training channel for a couple of years. And it is an average of 10 FB posts to one SE post, yet SE does better.
I am guessing the social sharing and other syndication comes into play on Syndication Express way more than it does on Facebook.
You are so right on all points. Outsourcing is probably our best option, but most of us cannot afford that option. Thanks for the help with the planning of our time, Dennis.
Knowing you George, I am pretty sure you didn't gain much from this article. It might though get a few people to look in upon what you do, which is help others create content people need to know. In reality this pretty much focuses upon how you help others.