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Remember to read and comment on blog posts/press releases, videos once a week before publishing a blog post/PR or adding a video. If you expect others to comment on your content, you should do the same. Don't just publish your content and move on, your being active here on SE will help you in the long run. Relationships is the key to success and when you leave a relevant comment, now you're engaging with other members on SE.
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What's New on Syndication Express?

What's New on Syndication Express?

On Monday, September 21, 2020, I notified members they can publish press releases in the SE community. 

I been thinking about it for a while now and decided on Saturday, Sept. 19, 2020 to try this out and add it to the site.

Guidelines for publishing press releases:

PRs that have just been copy/pasted does no one any good. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing know its copied and do not give it any indexing attention. Do your potential friends a favor and post benefical information about you and your business. Be creative, caring, inspirational, and mostly be UNIQUE! Your audience is waiting to see what you write next! Make sure to add value for the SE community. Adding images and videos is allowed. Minimum of 250 words is required! 

This is for members that don't have a blog or write articles. This way you will be a part of a growing, networking community and connect with people that will read your press release and comment/share on their favorite social media site(s). 

Remember caring is sharing. When everyone implement this daily, you will reap the benefits of massive exposure on social media sites. Don't just publish a press release and move on to the next site, show that you care by reading, commenting/share and this is engaging. This will allow you to connect and learn about the people in the SE platform. 

Many of you know me from IBOtoolbox and remember me saying IBO spirit is alive and real on Twitter. Well that same spirit is alive and real here.

Additionally I created a Twitter Strategy training that has grown me a huge following on Twitter. I recommend that you check out my Twitter Strategy training

I'm sure you'll find my Twitter training very beneficial.

Finally you can learn more about other new features on Syndication Express at the link below:

Syndication Express - New Look and Added Features

Thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing your comments/feedback about Syndication Express.

Terri Pattio


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Terri Pattio - Founder/Owner of Syndication Express.

Creator of TP Twitter strategy and Social Media Strategist

Owner of Winning Domains and Small Business Websites

Click on my picture to message me if you have questions or need more information.
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  • Top Commentor

    Awesome Terri.  Along with excellent advice to build relationships with your audience and not just copy and paste something.  Put your best foot forward.  I can also agree that your Twitter Strategy is very effective.  Once you implement it, you will gain Twitter Followers.  Not just any old followers but your targeted audience. 

    • Top Member

      Thank you Robin for reading and commenting. I appreciate your testimony/feedback about my Twitter Strategy training. 

  • Top Commentor

    Great news Terri -onwards and upwards!!

    • Top Member

      Thank you Tom for reading and commenting. I thought a long time about doing this and I believe this will be a definite plus for the SE community. 

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1 month of banner advertising is $7.00 (PRIME SPOT - displayed at the top of page on SE press release).

Click here to make your payment now

Your 350x350 banners will be displayed on 2 other location within the community. 

Your 468x60 banner will be displayed at the top of the profile pages ~ $5.00 a month

Payment Confirmation will be sent to your inbox. Be watching for it, also you'll get relevant details that you should know. 

Terri Pattio



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