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Why You're NOT Using SEO ~ 3 Free Tools


Hi Everyone!  I am George Pierce, this post is about SEO.  I have discovered many reasons people might not use or fully embrace SEO (Search Engine Optimization), even though it's a proven strategy for increasing online visibility.   

1. Lack of Knowledge or Awareness
2. Time-Consuming
3. Resource Constraints
4. Misconceptions
5. Overwhelm with Information
6. Poor Experiences
7. Focus on Other Channels
8. Algorithm Changes
9. Misaligned Goals
10. Impatience for Results

SEO results can take time to materialize, which can be discouraging.

Many people abandon their SEO efforts before they see significant progress, or they never begin. To make matters worse, almost everyone who uses SEO does it wrong. 

What can you do?

Education: Learning the basics of SEO can demystify the process.  

Long-Term Perspective: Understanding that SEO builds sustainable, organic growth over time can help you to make it a worthwhile investment.


Tool Utilization:

Many user-friendly SEO tools can simplify the process for beginners.  Some are free, yet they are outstanding!  Above is a snapshot of ChatGPT.  The free version is powerful enough to help anyone.  As a beginner, for your SEO to be as effective as possible, as fast as possible, you want to put your focus on keywords that have good search volume and less competition.  Two additional tools that can help you are Ubersuggest and Keyword Explorer; both have excellent free versions.  

SEO means free quality traffic.  As your efforts, knowledge, and skills grow, so will your results.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  Consider visiting my free Internet Marketer training channel on YT for more help. 



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  • Top Member

    You nailed all the important points and shared great tips to guide newbies in the right direction.

  • Top Commentor

    The bonus feature for readers of your excellent guidance George lies in the style of the presentation itself - short, sharp and simple - info and systems that are not thus are more likely to be ignored and the advice less likely to be implemented. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      My time is limited, but I have committed to giving back, so brevity is somewhat of a necessity.  Thank you,  Tom. 

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