Only when you dare to be different from others and stand out as one who does not conform to expected norms in the conduct of your life or business can you expect to achieve great things.
Winners do the simple things ... which losers choose not to. Yes, I've repeated the headline. So read it again, this time slowly. Winners ... do ... the .... simple ... things ... which ... losers ... choose ... not ... to. Now, this is not a throw-away line, a cheap shot, a meaningless mantra. On the contrary, it is a statement of fact and full of meaning. It is profound. Consider the individual words - Winners, Losers, Simple, Choice, Do. Each one is powerful. Each one defines critical elements for you to consider as you make your way on the path pf life.
Of the infinite number of such paths you can follow, it is you, no other person, who determinies your choice. You choose. Having made the choice you must act on it. You must do. The choice is simple, follow the soaring path of a winner or the downward spiral of the loser.
Everyone chooses to be a winner of course, don't they? Er well ... actually no. Everyone may say they want to be a winner but then again, words are empty, only actions count. Actions speak louder than words. And the actions of many are not those of winners. Many choose to follow the losing pathways of 'the herd'. Why? Because it's the easy thing to do; it's convenient and fashionable. Often that choice equates to no action at all - laziness, indifference, apathy - yes, it's easy to do nothing. It is much harder to do something; to take the risk of making good things happen. And here I've introduced another word ... risk. It is the element of risk inherent in what winners choose to do which distinguishes them from losers. They take the risk of being successful.
I guess I've always been a risk-taker. As a youngster I was foolhardy in the extreme. I was the kid who climbed into the quarry, ran on the rail track and defied the school bully. I was fortunate to escape with only a bloody nose from the latter and no more serious outcomes from the others. I rode my luck. Later, I took more calculated gambles. Mountain trekking alone in winter storms, swimming solitary in heavy seas. I was more aware of the dangers, prepared for them and welcomed them ... but I was still exposed and had some close calls. The plus is that I developed self-belief, resilience and awareness of risk and reward. An awareness which I carried with me into my business life and entrepreneurial career. I progressed from reckless risk to managed risk and then to no-risk risk (more of that shortly).
What's the point of risk without reward? Easy question. Easy answer. None. And whether the reward is the accolade of school chums as to your daring, the self-satisfaction of overcoming the extremes of nature or the material gains of profitable financial transactions and business dealings, the fact is that it is the potential reward which motivates the risk. Or is it? Because there's another greater reward inherent in all risk. What is that reward? It's the sheer joy and exuberance of doing it! Yes, the end result of the endeavour takes second place to the ecstasy experienced in doing it!
So, of all the simple things winners do which losers choose not to, by far the most significant is that they choose to take the risk of enjoying the ride. Once you know to do that and have fun, then the outcomes look after themselves.
There are three grades of risk in my book. 1. Reckless Risk - Self-explanatory, I hope! 2. Managed Risk - Where the degree of risk is calculated and a pre-determined limit applied to the extent of the action undertaken and weighed against the projected potential benefit. 3. No-Risk Risk - The smart and ultimate way of managing all your affairs, personal and business!!
How does no-risk risk work? Surely it's a contradiction? Not so; the answer is ... simple. You let another party undertake the risk while you yourself retain all potential benefit! Intrigued? You should be. It's not only what winners do that losers choose not to, it's what the vast majority would not know how to do, nor believe it possible.
Yet risk-free, endless fun and profit are easily achieveable. I've done it and continue to do so. My experience suggests that I am one of the few people who can show you how to employ no-risk risk. Learn now in my Winning Big In Life And Business eye-opener. It's more than a game changer, it's a life changer!
I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.
Pick up your 40% off special copy of 'Winning Big In Life And Business' when you Click on the image below.
'WINNERS DO THE SIMPLE THINGS' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

I can attest that your book is worth reading and that you have a knack for making learning fun. The no-risk risk is mind-blowing along with many more eye-opening lessons. Thank you, Tom.
Thanks George.
Your stated "What's the point of risk without reward?" The potential reward which motivates the risk. I know this is me up and down.
There's another greater reward inherent in all risk. The sheer joy and exuberance of doing it! The adrenaline is really pumping so good when I'm in that mode. I'm super pumped.
The end result of the endeavour takes second place to the ecstasy experienced in doing it! Absolutely truth here. I've experienced it many times in life. It's a great feeling to have. Thank you Tom Riach for sharing your post and your book here. I highly recommend anyone reading my comment to take advantage of the valuable offer you're giving today.
Yes Terri, the publication of my latest novel, 'The Boy From Broughty Ferry', gives a perfect example. I'm super happy it's out there and proving so popular but my overall feeling is of anti-climax compared to the thrilling buzz experienced in the minutes, days and months while writing it!
I'm loving the new novel so much and enjoying it thoroughly. I can't wait to get to the end. I'm sure it will be great. I can sense the thrill you got while writing it. I'm thrilled and excited just reading it.
Don't get to the end too quick Terri - relish the journey! :-) ... it takes in some interesting places, n'est-ce pas?!