3 Wrong With Affiliate Marketing (The Truth About Affiliate Marketing)

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Affiliate marketing is a good business model.

But there are 3 things in my opinion wrong with affiliate marketing.

Check out my blog post below to find out more http://www.shareofmoney.com/blog/3-things-wrong-with-affiliate-marketing

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  • Top Member

    Excellent advice in this video John Cory Jackson and it's good to see you here. I would like to add my two cents in as well. 

    The one thing most people do online is sign up for too many affiliate marketing programs. There's no way possible you can do them all on a daily basis. You'll burnout and almost ready to quit. You join one and educate yourself about it and training is key. If they don't offer training, get the hell away from them.

    As an affiliate marketer, you're a problem solver. Find customers that need what you have to offer.

    Stay focused on those people that you qualify to be in business with you, this will eliminate the tirekickers. You're just wasting valuable time with them because they won't do any work. They looking for free money. 

    As for building your database of customers, get them on a list, and get to know them first. Don't pitch on them in your first email because you must develop your relationship with them. Remember these 3 words "Know, Like and Trust!"



  • Top Video Contributor

    I agree with you completely, you have done an excellent job of identifying 3 areas of affiliate marketing that can be troublesome, especially for beginners, best of all, you provide real solutions that will work and are useable, thank you, John.  

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