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Three Essential Tools for AdSense Users

Three Essential Tools for AdSense Users

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Three Essential Tools For Adsense Users

With AdSense being one of the most popular ways to earn an income online, there have been quite a few tools released to make webmaster’s lives easier.

Here are three of the coolest tools for setting up, using and managing AdSense ads.

==> The AdSense Sandbox Tool

What kind of ads will show up on your site? What kind of ads are already showing up on your site? What kind of ads are showing up on your competitor’s site?

The AdSense Sandbox tool will give you a whole array of ad listings to look through.

This can help you start your campaign with certain advertisers blocked, or to optimize your page a bit more if you’re finding a lot of irrelevant ads.

The sandbox tool can be found HERE

==> AdSense Notifier

It can be very addictive to watch money coming in. How many times a day do you track your stats? Many webmasters will check their AdSense earnings as much as five times, ten times, even twenty times a day.

How much time does this take? Even if it just takes a minute or two each time, they add up. Also, every time you check your stats you’re interrupting your work flow. It takes energy and time to get back into the flow.

You’re also more likely to go off on other distracting activities (i.e. email, Facebook) after you start checking your stats.

AdSense Notifier is a free Firefox plug-in that will completely handle this for you. Basically, it’ll check your AdSense earnings for you every 15 minutes and display it for you in the lower right corner of your browser.

This way, you’ll always know exactly how much you’ve made today without having to break your workflow.

This tool can be downloaded here:

== > Adsense Alternate URL

If you have PSA ads displaying on your sites but you don’t want to go through the trouble of setting up another ad network or finding affiliate products for all of your sites, Alternate URL is the perfect answer.

Alternate URL will find the best alternatives to AdSense for your website and place alternative ads on your site for you anytime a PSA ad would display. The revenue is split 50/50 with you and you’re paid by PayPal every month.

If you run just one main site for the majority of your income, you’ll probably want to find your own affiliate ads or use another ad service for your PSA ads. But if you have hundreds of sites that make up your income, Alternate URL will be a lifesaver.

You can register at:

These are three of the coolest, most unique tools available to AdSense publishers today.  I am not an affiliate for these as just thought they would be of interest to you.

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P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..


P.P.S. – Click the link and get a 3 day $2 trial period with My Lead System Pro===>>> HERE

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Who Is at Risk from ADHD?

Continuation of my ADHD Series

Who Is at Risk from ADHD?


Who Is At Risk From ADHD

Research regarding possible causes, treatments, and risk factors for ADHD is ongoing. Thus, parents and medical professionals sometimes have to rethink their ideas about ADHD based on recent research. In understanding something about who is at risk for developing ADHD, it’s important to note that what role genetics, environment, injury, and parenting practices play in the development of ADHD is not a settled issue.

Following are some of the known and conjectural risk factors for developing ADHD.


What kinds of children develop ADHD symptoms? Are there are particular groups that tend to be more susceptible to this disorder? Boys are more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD, but some sources point out that new diagnostic techniques and insights may show more females with ADHD than was previously thought.

Research indicates that ADHD is a universal disorder, and is not particular to any ethnic group or culture. However, ADHD tends to be more discernable in cultures that require children to attend school.


Health experts have pointed out that there’s no such thing as a genetic epidemic, and ADHD diagnoses are rising at epidemic proportions. Nonetheless, there may be genetic components besides gender.

ADHD has been observed running in families, but that may not necessarily indicate an actual gene being involved. Instead, parenting practices or environmental factors may come into play, as families tend to raise their children similarly to how they were raised.


The role of the environment in the development of ADHD is controversial, and is still undergoing research. Recent findings do point to some distinct possibilities in this regard, however.

Even before a baby is born, environmental factors may play a role in increasing the risk of the baby developing ADHD. Research indicates a connection between maternal smoking, drinking, and/or drug abuse and the development of ADHD symptoms in the child later on.

Exposure to pesticides has been strongly implicated in the development of ADHD. In the early spring of 2010, a highly-publicized study pointed to the possible correlation between pesticide exposure and the development of ADHD in children.

Exposure to lead in children under the age of 6 may also play a role in ADHD.

Natural health experts point out the role of artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and other food additives in ADHD. They also note the overall role of a healthy diet in preventing and managing ADHD. So children whose families do not practice healthy eating habits may be at greater risk for ADHD.


According to research, children and babies who suffer head injuries are much more likely to develop ADHD than children who are not injured.

Parenting Style

Studies around the world have indicated certain parental behaviors that are consistent among families with ADHD kids. But it’s unclear as to which came first – did the parenting style result in or exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD in the kids? Or did the kids’ ADHD produce the same parental reactions and subsequent parenting styles?

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P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..

P.P.S. – Click the link and get a 3 day $2 trial period with My Lead System Pro===>>> HERE

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Use Customer Feedback to Answer “What Should I Write About Next?”


What Do I Blog About Next

When you first started your content marketing business, chances are you had no trouble coming up with content ideas. But as you continually put out content, you’ll at some point hit a wall where you’ll start to have trouble coming up with new content ideas.

When you get to this point, instead of trying to figure out all your content ideas on your own, why not try asking your user? After all, at the end of the day it’s their opinion that really matters. Here’s how to do this.

==> Asking through Direct Email

One great way to ask for feedback is to just ask by email. If you have a list of buyers or customers, just send out an email asking if they have any feedback. If they get the sense that you’re really trying to help them by offering better content, they’ll be very willing to help you out. This works especially well in environments that have a strong sense of community or a “we’re in it together” sense.

==> Using Surveys to Ask for Opinions

Surveys can be another great way to ask for people’s opinions. Surveys can be a lot more involved, where you ask customers several questions and get a lot of useful feedback. You can ask questions about how they like the content so far, what they’d like to see more of in the future, any unanswered questions they have, demographic questions and so on. Because surveys take more time to answer, usually you’ll need to create some sort of prize or incentive to get people interested. For example, you can give away a free eBook to anyone who answers the survey. Or you can give away a higher ticket item in a sweepstakes style.

==> Using the Phone

For marketers who want to go one step beyond what most people do, there’s the phone option. If someone orders from you, chances are on their order form they needed to fill out their phone number. One way to get powerful feedback as well as to send a message that you really care is to pick up the phone and give them a call. Let them know you’re calling because you want to make sure you’re providing the best service possible.

Ask them if they have any feedback, or ask them 3-5 questions you prepared beforehand. Once you have your feedback, use it to structure your future content so it really answers your customer’s unmet needs. If you do the feedback process well, you should have a very good idea of exactly what your customers want to know. If you provide that information for them now and consistently in the future, you’ll have loyal readers for life.

If you enjoyed reading this post I would appreciate your feedback so please share,tweet, google+ and comment.  Thank you.MerleBeFunky_Profile Photo.jpg

P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..

P.P.S. – Click the link and get a 3 day $2 trial period with My Lead System Pro===>>> HERE

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My Child Has ADHD – Will It Go Away?

My Child Has ADHD – Will It Go Away?

child-adhd-will-go-away/ ?

Do You Recognise These Symptoms – ADHD

As a parent, you may find yourself desperately hoping that your child, who has been diagnosed with ADHD, will outgrow this disorder. Unfortunately, there is not a clear answer to the question of whether or not ADHD ever goes away. However, there is some promising research that suggests ADHD can be managed by medication and/or natural means.

There is even some research to suggest that ADHD does, in fact, “go away” if causal factors can be identified and eliminated. There are varying opinions regarding the causal factors and treatments of ADHD, and, depending on the approach and results, experts come to different conclusions about ADHD’s permanence.

The Role of Food in ADHD

An interesting study came out earlier this year (2011) regarding the role of diet in ADHD. This study suggested that alterations in a child’s diet could greatly reduce or eliminate ADHD symptoms. Admittedly, the study said, dietary changes do not work in all cases of ADHD, but they did make a difference in the majority of test cases (64%, according to the research). For those 64%, their ADHD did indeed seem to “go away.”

So you could consider this a hopeful possibility for your child; perhaps he or she is one of the ones whose ADHD symptoms are food-related. The doctors in the above study said that looking for a causal factor first – when ADHD symptoms are first observed and diagnosed – is key to managing each case according to its unique patient. Talk to the health care provider(s) of your choice about the dietary route if you think that may be the culprit.

Medication and Therapy

Many ADHD sufferers, families of sufferers, and medical professionals do not think that ADHD ever really goes away. Rather, they believe it can be managed through medication and therapy. Instead of ADHD “getting better,” this camp maintains that the brain can be re-trained and symptoms managed so that the ADHD seems to go away – but actually, the patient has just learned how to manage and live with it.

Because research shows that the brains of ADHD-diagnosed individuals actually operate differently than normal brains, parents and doctors alike often focus on those cognitive symptoms and seek to normalize them. Generally, the cause of these abnormal brain patterns is not sought out by those who take this approach; the fact that the abnormalities exist is enough to warrant treatment of the abnormalities themselves.

Symptom Management

Regardless of which view you hold with regard to ADHD, there is a general consensus that symptoms can be managed. A diagnosis of ADHD does not necessarily mean a life-long battle with the same ADHD symptoms. As you work with various health care providers (and do not be afraid to “shop around” until you find one whose views you can work with), you will hopefully come to a point where you are comfortable with your treatment approach.

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P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..

P.P.S. – Click the link and get a 3 day $2 trial period with My Lead System Pro===>>> HERE

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Give Your Content an Emotional Punch

Give Your Content an Emotional Punch

Pow Punch
When you’re writing content online, you can write it in such a way that it sounds very factual and impersonal. Or, you can write in a way that really packs an emotional punch.

By and large, most small publishers will do better with the latter approach. Of course, if you’re starting a website like Wikipedia or WebMD you’ll probably want to take on a professional tone. However, if you’re a smaller website looking to gain traction, you’ll want to aim to engage your reader’s emotions.


==> It Makes People Remember You

People browse dozens if not hundreds of websites every day. Most websites fail to draw their readers in emotionally.

How many website do you visit each day that gets you to laugh, gets you to feel touched or gets you to get angry about something? How often do you feel like a website is talking directly to you and your problems and that they understand where you’re coming from?

These kinds of websites stand out. There’s a reason why YouTube videos of shocking clips, funny clips or touching clips tend to get passed around a lot. They make people feel something, and that’s memorable.

==> It Gets You More Links

Content that evokes a lot of emotion tends to get linked to a lot more. Naturally, people are a lot more likely to want to share or endorse something that really got them riled up.

It gets more shares on Facebook and gets more retweets. In other words, it has a higher chance of getting passed around immediately, but also has much stronger long-term potential.

==> Develop a Stronger Reader Relationship

Finally, emotional content will help you build a much stronger bond with your readers.

People reading your content will feel like they can relate with you, as opposed to feeling that you’re just an objective website on the internet.

This translates to people coming back more often, to a more lively community around your blog or business and finally to more loyal buyers and customers.

As an added benefit, people will also want to partner with you more. If they can tell you’re really passionate about something or that you have a way of being able to move an audience, they’re likely to want to invite you to speak at their events, do teleseminars for their audience and in general open up their customer base to you.

There are many benefits to creating content with an emotional punch rather than just factual information. Adding a dose of personality is great for just about any small to medium sized business. Unless you’re trying to build an encyclopedia-type site, try to make your website as emotionally engaging as possible.

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P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..

P.P.S. – Click the link and get a 3 day $2 trial period with My Lead System Pro===>>> HERE 

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Adsense What Are the Best Placements for High CTRs?


Google Adsense

Over the years, webmasters have tested literally hundreds of different placements for their Google AdSense ads to find which ones get the highest click-through rates. Instead of starting your own testing from scratch, it can really help to start with a proven placement and make improvements from there.

Here are four placements that have been proven time and time again with high CTRs.

==> The “Above the Fold Double Sidebar” Placement

Above the fold, put two small placements in your sidebar. This will basically look like two ads right on top of one another.

This creates the impression that the ads themselves are part of your navigation. Because it’s above the fold in places where people are used to looking for navigation bars, your ads get a lot of visibility.

Split test left versus right to see which gets you the highest clicks.

==> The “Look At This Ad First” Placement

According to the Google Heatmap and many webmaster anecdotes, this placement often makes the most money. Unfortunately, it does detract aesthetically from the site.

The ad unit is placed above the content, dead center in the page with no text wrapped around it. In order to read the article, the person has to actually scroll down past the ad.

In other words, they’re forced to look at the ad. This generally results in pretty high CTRs.

==> The “Right Under Top Nav Banner” Placement

If you have a top navigation bar, placing a banner ad right under your navigation bar can get very high click-through rates.

People who glance at your top navigation bar are also very likely to see your ad. In fact, some people may even just accidentally click on your ads.

Experiment with text ads versus image ads in this placement. Also experiment with using text links.

==> The “Inside Content Large Rectangle” Placement

This placement usually doesn’t get as high a CTR as the “Look At This Ad First” placement, but it’s aesthetically more pleasing to the eye and still performs very well.

It’s ideal for sites that want to earn income now, but still want to build a long-term brand. Rather than optimizing just for getting the most clicks possible now, you’re getting as many clicks as you can while still building some customer loyalty to your site.

Basically you place a large rectangle either on the left or right hand side of your page and have the text just wrap around the ad. This gets very high click throughs and looks quite decent.

These are four of the top tried and true placements for getting good CTRs on AdSense. As always, results will vary based on your site and niche, so always split test for yourself.

If you enjoyed reading this post I would appreciate your feedback so please share, tweet, google+ and comment.  Thank you

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P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..

P.P.S. – Click the link and get a 3 day $2 trial period with My Lead System Pro===>>> HERE

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Why Content Is Still King

Why Content Is Still King

Content Is KingLong before the internet was invented, the defining axiom in print was that “content is king.” Today, where online content dominates print content, many of the world’s top SEO and web marketing experts still say that “content is king.”

Why is this the case? That even after decades, no matter the medium, content is still the crux of good marketing?

==> It’s What Builds Loyalty

Businesses aren’t built on first-time visitors. Companies like the Wall Street Journal don’t make most of their money from people picking up their papers for the first time. They make money from people who’ve read their content and then decided it was good enough that they either want to purchase again or subscribe to a subscription. If the business had to get a new customer every time in order to get paid, they’d all have gone under by now.

Yet many online publications approach their business that way. Instead of focusing on repeat visitors, they focus on optimizing for search engines so they get more new customers. At the end of the day, however, the really famous and successful blogs like Huffington Post or TechCrunch ultimately still get most of their traffic from repeat visitors. Yes, search engines love them – but their businesses would be a fraction of what they are today if they didn’t have great content.

==> The Evolution of Search Engines

For many years Google and other search engines have worked towards making their search results pull up better and better results.

They want people who search on their engines to find the best content possible in relationship to what they’re looking for. As search engines get smarter, marketers who focus primarily on marketing tactics rather than actual content will die away. Google has proven this repeatedly by continually downgrading the importance of low-quality links and upgrading the importance of usage statistics and other metrics to actually measure the content of a website.

If you build your website around great content while having a decent understanding of basic SEO, your site will flourish. If you put all your attention on SEO and don’t pay much attention to your content, you’ll always be trying to stay one step ahead of the search engines.

==> The Ability to Sell High Ticket Items

A low quality content website might be able to sell $0.20 clicks via AdSense. But a high quality website could sell $5,000 DVD sets by the hundreds. Having great quality content allows you to build a relationship with your readers. That relationship allows you to sell any number of things to your readers.

From high end items to recurring memberships to one on one coaching, it all starts from having high quality content. In the long run, only content that really helps people is going to succeed. Content that doesn’t do so is likely to get downgraded more and more as time passes.

Question: Would You Like To Have Your Own Content Robot Working For You 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week?” Imagine for a moment that you could have unlimited content but never had to pay for it.

Click Above to check it out !!

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P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..

P.P.S. – Click the link and get a 3 day $2 trial period with My Lead System Pro===>>> HERE

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Who Are The Best Prospects In The World?

Everyone is getting leads whether they are free or paid for !

So how do you get the most profitable prospects for your Busininess?


The following is something I learnt from the great man himself – Jonathan Budd –

You should be targeting the “low hanging fruit” – How?  You have probably been lied to in the past e.g.

  1. Your upline tells you to harass strangers
  2. They tell you to call Uncle Joe, Tom, Dick or Harry
  3. They tell you to buy the worst quality broke and often at times depressed leads for high prices
  4. They tell you to just keep doing it and if it doesn’t work ….. (this is the definition of insanity)
  5. Most people struggle endlessly to find ANY actual good leads for their business and NEVER break out of this terrible position in business.

Think about solving the problems.  They can be solved by not trying to do more of what doesn’t work.   So the answer :   Why not just recruit the people who are already interested in your company to begin with? There are already people out there researching your company.  Why not just try and recruit them?   Secret No. 1 – Company Targeted Prospects   It is consistent, reliable, fresh and easy.  In fact, as Jonathan says ‘it is like taking candy from a baby’ because these prospects are so good.  No matter what company you are in, it works for you and your team – you can duplicate in multiple companies   There is a tool you can use to search for who is searching for your company.  Just take a look at how many people type in your company’s name on a daily basis.  And this tool is - as an example below I searched for Pure Leverage and this was the result.

Toolbot for PL

  It is a keyword research tool.  There are 100’s and even 1,000’s looking at your company, looking for the right sponsor or team to join.  Or they may be looking for more info because they are actually interested.   This is just one of Johathan’s secrets.  I am not making any commissions on this but if you want to learn more about his others secrets then please visit and take a look at  I am sure you will not be disappointed.   If you are looking for a great company to generate free leads for you then I can recommend below – why not take a look and see for yourself. Attraction Marketing System     P.S. – If you liked this post please share and comment ………. P.P.S  -  Do you have enough leads?  If your upline doesn’t have a step-by-step blueprint for success then check this out HERE (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads)

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Are You Doing All You Can In Your MLM Business

Are You Doing All You Can In Your MLM Business

Below is a short video by Diane Hochman which is well worth listening to.  This is one lady who knows what she is talking about and if you listen to her and follow what she tells you then you will succeed !!

   If you enjoyed reading this video I would appreciate your feedback so please share, tweet, google+ and comment.  Thank you 


P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..

P.P.S. – Click the link and get a 3 day $2 trial period with My Lead System Pro===>>> HERE

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3 Vital Mistakes for Recruiting on Facebook

3 Vital Mistakes for Recruiting on Facebook


3 Vital Mistakes People Make On Facebook

While Facebook is an absolute goldmine, prospecting on this social network has gotten a little bit out of control. So to help you learn how NOT to grow your business on Facebook, here are three steps every online marketer needs to know.


How Not To Grow Your Business on Facebook

With over 901 million people in its network, Facebook is the go-to spot for hungry network marketers looking to recruit fresh blood into their home based business.

1. Make Sure Your Profile is Professional I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been prospected by someone who has a timeline cover of them hanging out in a club with drinks in their hands, or a wall full of profanity.  This you don’t want to see. You have to present yourself in a professional manner to attract the types of people who want to seriously build a business from home. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying you shouldn’t be yourself. But, network marketing is a serious profession, and if you want to recruit other top notch teammates, you must convey some sort of tact.

2. Never Ever Spam People


Never Ever Spam People

With the way that people spam their affiliate and business opportunity links online you’d think this sport of activity must be driving results if so many people are doing it.  WRONG!  The only thing worse than having no prospects is having angry and annoyed prospects. Never send mass messages in the hopes you’ll catch a few people who are interested in your business…it does not work.  Think to yourself “why are they spamming” – they must be desparate…….

3. Never Take Advantage of Your Relationships


Never Take Advantage

One of the most tragic things on Facebook is the blatant lack of respect and courtesy people have for their “friends” because they are so focused on promoting their business. Look, Facebook is a social network, which means you should be building friendships. When someone accepts your friend request, don’t make them regret it because the first thing you send them is a link to your MLM opportunity.

I know we’ve all seen those messages: ‘Hey Susie, I see you are interested in Internet Marketing, me too! Let me share with you this amazing opportunity. I’m not trying to pitch you my business, but if you are interested, here is my link. I think you’d love it…. Definitely not the way to go.  Get to know your friends first and build up a relationship with them first.  Find out what they want and if you can help them. Then the message finishes off with “Looking forward to learning more about you.” – not trying to pitch your business, huh !!  I would think twice about a message like this ….. Not trying to pitch your business, huh!

This is not what you want to do to build a successful business online, and when it comes to recruiting on Facebook, you should never, ever, ever, send an “unsolicited link” out. Social media is a place to get to know new people, share stories, connect through pictures, videos, and status updates. Not everyone is going to be a good fit for your business opportunity, and it is your job to connect with people first to figure that out.  Reach out to your target market and find out if you can help anyone.

Pitching is going to frighten them off straight away. If you take the time to nurture your relationships on Facebook, you’ll have people running to you to ask you what it is that you do and how they can be a part! I am sure we have all been a bit guilty of this when we started out, I know I was until I learnt to correct way to market through My Lead System Pro and Pure Leverage.

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Click the link and get a 3 day $2 trial period with My Lead System Pro===>>> HERE Click the link and get a 7 day $1 trial period with Pure Leverage ===>>> HERE – your will gain a great insight into a lot of information and training for just that small measley fee …

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Dr Wayne Dyer: Manifest Your Destiny

Dr Wayne Dyer: Manifest Your Destiny

 manifest your destiny

The central theme of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, “Manifest Your Destiny” is that we have the power within to attract to ourselves all that we could ever want. There are many people who say this all day, every day, but truth be told very few of us really get the literal truth of this.

We all have a Divine power within us that has gone untapped, largely because of our conditioning. Everything about the society in which we live conditions us to fear and to not trust in our own inner guidance; but trust things outside of ourselves. Restoring that innate self-trust is crucial in manifesting your destiny, because it is that inner guidance that leads us.

Dr. Dyer lists several suggestions on ways to nurture trust in yourself:

  1. Admitting your confusion or failures
  2. Keep in mind that you cannot go to a higher ground if you are hanging on to a lower level.
  3. Acquire a rebellious attitude toward the philosophy that preaches a style of God as a boss who is authoritarian and a benevolent tyrant. Rejection of this model doesn’t mean you’re an atheist, but rather a believer of true divinity.
  4. Remember that trusting does not mean you never experience life’s valleys. Do not abandon trust when your ego thinks things should be different than they are. Begin to look for the lesson in the darkness rather than cursing it.
  5. Take your serious problems and turn them over to God.
  6. To remember that the presence of complete trust is evident in your life when what you think, do and feel are all balanced and in harmony.
  7. Begin a meditation practice.

Trusting in ourselves is trusting in the Source that created us; because we are oneness with God. This is the source of all spiritual traditions, for example…

Christianity teaches “The kingdom of heaven is within you.”

Islam teaches “Those who know themselves know their God.”

Buddhism teaches “Look within, you are the Buddha.”

Yoga teaches “God dwells within you, as you.”

This is but a small sampling of the many spiritual traditions around the world; so understand that there are many religions and faiths, yet there is but one common message.

Listed below are the 9 Spiritual Principles for “Getting Everything You Want” as given by Dr. Dyer. I highly suggest you get the book, “Manifest Your Destiny” in order to get the breakdown of each principle. Dr. Dyer goes deep into each one bringing the reader into a higher state of awareness.

9 Spiritual Principles for Getting Everything You Want:

  1. Becoming Aware of Your Highest Self
  2. Trusting Yourself is Trusting the Wisdom that Created You
  3. You Are Not An Organism in an Environment, You Are an Environed Organism
  4. You Can Attract To Yourself What You Desire
  5. Honoring Your Worthiness to Receive
  6. Connecting to the Divine Source with Unconditional Love
  7. Meditating to the Sound of Creation
  8. Patiently Detach From the Outcome
  9. Reacting To Your Manifestations With Gratitude and Generosity

“Destiny is not pre ordained. Destiny is ordained totally by you. Every single moment of your now existence is the result of your previous thought. The idea that everything is already laid out for you in advance is a hallucination. You can and do manifest your own destiny.”

- Dr. Wayne Dyer, Manifest Your Destiny

If you are ready to develop yourself, your business and your life into what you desire… then follow the breadcrumbs left by the top earners in the industry by clicking====>>>> HERE 

If you missed my previous Dr Wayne Dyer posts they are listed below:

Get Inspired with Wayne Dyer

Wisdom From the Tao Te Ching-Wayne Dyer

The Power of Intention

From Ambition to Meaning

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7 Reasons Why A Blog Is Better Than A Website

7 Reasons Why A Blog Is Better Than A Website

blog vs website

Businesses have had websites for years. Now, more individuals are hosting their own ‘websites’, by having a blog. There are more than 17 million registered blogs, and more popping up daily. Here are 5 reasons having a blog is better than a website!

  1. Blogs are easy to set up! You can install a WordPress blog in merely minutes. You don’t have to be too technically savvy to get this done. You don’t have to worry about coding, and the core files are there for you. You can find ‘done for you designs’ called themes. There are tons of free ones! The WordPress dashboard is very user friendly. All you need to do is log in, add your content. It is very easy to manage your pages, categories, and comments. The blog platform does the technical work. You get to add your content and manage your site the way you want!
  1. Reader interaction! When someone visits your blog and has an opinion, they can share it through commenting. You’ll get to know frequent visitors, and respond to their comments. Those conversations can continue through comments or email. When you have comments on a particular topic, it makes other visitors stop to take notice of what’s going on at your blog! Encourage and welcome those comments!
  1. Blogs are more Search Engine Friendly than websites. When a blog is updated, the search engine bot will crawl your site to index your new content. With a blog, you have the ability to optimize your blog content. When you link your pages to each other, you give the search engine bot more options to crawl. This is especially helpful when targeting a specific keyword. You can install a plugin called ‘All In One SEO Pack’ to help with optimization. [option add SEO Pressor affiliate link]
  1. Blogs are more popular on social media sites than websites. Because our sense of community has evolved with the internet, readers are more likely to share your best content on social media sites. Readers interact with bloggers. Bloggers also interact with other bloggers and syndicate (share) content they find valuable. It’s very easy to install various plugins that make it easy for your reader to share your content to their favorite social media site!
  1. Readers can subscribe to blogs via RSS feed. RSS stands for ‘Real Simple Syndication’. When a reader subscribes to your RSS feed, your content is delivered directly to their email. They are among the first to know when you have new content, and visit your site as a result. With a website, there is rarely new content and there is no reason for the visitor to visit the site on a regular basis.
  1. Blogging helps with personal branding! When you have a blog, you can shine in your niche by providing content relevant to your target audience. You will be viewed as an authority figure in your niche by the content and knowledge you provide.  The more questions you answer, the more you will brand yourself as a leader. Post content regularly and optimize them so that they are easily found by the search engines.
  1. You have complete control over your blog. You control everything – the look, the content, the hosting, when it’s updated – EVERYTHING! You can update your blog whenever you get ready. You can add or takeaway at your will. With a website, you don’t have that kind of freedom.

Having a blog offers incredible flexibility that a website does not. If you’re ready to own your own piece of internet real estate, contact me here a request a call on the contact form.

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Make Money from Home Yes, Get Rich No!

Make Money from Home Yes, Get Rich No!

Every website that promotes making money from home is always promoting how rich you can become, which never pans out. I will show you ways to pay a bill or two from home.

Making money from home gets a bad rap, because many people have been burned on their quest to find ways to make money from home. Many have been misled, misguided and misinformed by slick ad copy, which plays on people’s emotions.

I have observed that most people don’t even believe that they can be rich, so I think it’s time to guide people toward avenues that will enable them to keep their lights on, or put gas in their cars, rather than sell them a dream just to make a buck off of them.

I see so many aspiring marketers struggling financially, and being taken advantage of by so-called gurus in the industry who continue to push their useless re-purposed products on people who are striving just to keep their heads above water. Let me be clear here, I don’t see the marketer as the guru’s victim because we are all adults here.

I would just like to contribute a real solution to people, and earning an extra couple hundred bucks could make a difference in someone’s household.

There are quick ways to make a few bucks online if you have certain skills, and if you are an internet marketer, you have more skills than you think you do. You probably know how to do a whole host of things that people are paying others to do right now as we speak.

Do you blog?

If so, you know how to use WordPress, and you are probably familiar with plug-ins and HTML code. You also have the ability to research and write effectively. You know how to shoot, edit and upload videos, and chances are you know how to do proper keyword research.

Do you have a Facebook, and or Twitter account?


If so, you know how to post status updates, and you know how to manage your social media accounts. You may even have a Facebook Fanpage, and if so, you may know about pay-per-click. You probably have some skill in writing persuasive ad copy.Twitter


Do you have a list?

If so, you definitely know how to use an auto responder, and you understand email marketing. You may also know how to put together an effective email marketing campaign.

So you see? You have way more gold in between those ears than you realize, and people are out there ready to pay you for your knowledge. So, you can make money from home doing what you are already doing. You can become a ghost blogger, writer, editor, proofreader, social media manager, virtual assistant, online community moderator, and the list goes on, when you get creative and use your imagination.

It’s time to think outside the box when it comes to making money. Your network marketing business should not be your only avenue because chances are you haven’t made a dime with it yet anyway. Therefore, put your skills to use, and get paid in the meantime.

For more ways to help you earn real money, click ====>>>> HERE

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Video Marketing Success

Video Marketing Success


Video Marketing Success and Your Online Business


Video marketing is becoming more and more popular by the day and from various studies and statistics it has been proven to work for your online business.  You are more likely to get a higher ranking from Google with a video than with just a blog post.


video marketing

  This doesn’t have to be an expensive option as you have sites that let you make videos for free plus you have Windows Movie Maker which is a great place to start.  If you have some spare cash then I would highly recommend Camtasia which is around $97.  This is a great piece of software and so easy to use. Once you have recorded a video and put it on Youtube then that is there for life and people will be viewing it for years to come. It doesn’t matter what social media site you go to they will always encourage you to post a video where you can share and get comments and you can comment and share other people’s videos. 

The viral video opportunities are endless if you use the correct strategies for creating and posting videos.  Below are a few tips to help you to optimize your videos and help with yourvideo marketing success. Your Video Title You need to have a very powerful title that is going to draw attention and grab the viewer’s attention, the same as you would with a blog post.  It is also important to use your keywords in the title because then it is more likely to show up in the search engines when someone is searching for a specific topic. 

Remember also that Google own Youtube making it very powerful. Your Website URL When you have uploaded your video to Youtube make sure that you edit it, and it is always a good idea to put your website URL right at the beginning of the description and then again at the end of your description. Put your tags in speech marks and when you edit the video add a text box with your call to action and include your website URL in the text box as well.   This is a great way of getting more exposure to your business.


Content ‘How to’ videos are always very successful, as I know myself if I am looking for how to do something then I will always go to youtube and always get an answer.  You might think that if you do a ‘how to’ video that there will be too many others doing the same but you can still do it with whatever you have learnt recently or that you might have seen people asking for.  I have often seen comments from people asking ‘can someone tell me ‘how to’ …………..?’.  

 Research it then do them a quick video.  Don’t make the videos too long either as most people get bored quickly.  About 2-4 minutes is the average when you can still hold someone’s attention.  So take your time and think of what people are looking for.  Value is  the key to good content. Brand Yourself On Your Video If you have a company logo make sure that you display it on your video.  You can show if all through your video or at certain key points in the video.

From Youtube to Your Website – Once you have uploaded your video to Youtube make sure that you also embed your video on your own website as this will increase the amount of time that people will spend on your website and hopefully keep them captivated to grow your audience.  Google’s algorithms will consider how many times that a video has been viewed and when an embedded video is viewed it gets added to your total views on Youtube, which is important for showing up in the Google search results. 

Above all else just be sure to provide quality content and  information that is going to help other people in their business. If you would like more information and exceptional training and support to help with anything you need to know on creating a great website from blogging and videos plus everything you need to know then please CLICK HERE………. I hope this has been of some help to you and if you enjoyed reading this post please comment and share.

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How To Develop A Daily Strategy For Achieving Success

Daily Strategy

There are just 3 components to this simple daily strategy for success, but the hardest part is committing yourself to actually doing it. Once you commit yourself, the rest is easy as pie. Every great achiever implements daily rituals in their lives, so it is up to you to do the same if you want to succeed.

1. Begin a morning ritual:

Spiritual – This could include meditation, prayer gratitude writing, etc. Some form of connection to your Spirit.

Mental – Reading inspiring books, watching videos, any material that will stimulate your mind positively.

Physical – Yoga, walking in nature, exercise. You want to get your body in motion and work up a sweat.

Your morning ritual is most effective in durations of 30 minutes to an hour, with an hour being ideal. However, make it suitable for your needs. Keep in mind this is crucial to your strategy for success.

2. Begin an Evening Review: 

Indulge in the “Mirror Exercise” (Author of “Chicken Soup For The Soul”, Jack Canfield)

ACKNOWLEDGE – With eye contact look in the mirror and acknowledge your wins and victories for the day – big or small. (For example I didn’t lose my temper in traffic.)

AFFIRMATIONS – With eye contact look in the mirror and say the 5 core statements or use your own: I am enough, I am worthy & deserving, I forgive myself, I trust myself, I allow myself to receive.

I LOVE YOU – With eye contact look in the mirror and say to yourself “I Love You”!

These activities are the act of taking care of you, nourishing yourself and working on your self-confidence and esteem. When we take time for ourselves, we are both consciously and subconsciously telling ourselves that we matter and that we are valuable; that our needs are important.

Some may say this is a bunch of hogwash, but the reality is most entrepreneurs are lacking the necessary self confidence and self esteem needed to be successful as a business owner. It will be impossible to attract leaders if you are not a leader yourself. This is precisely why so many people can’t seem to make Network Marketing work for them. The time spent on building yourself up will pay off huge dividends. Just ask the top income earners! They will tell you all about the time they invested in THEMSELVES before they saw success. You just cannot get around it!

3. Write down your daily tasks to complete:

Calling leads

Social Media posting – adhere to a strict plan and then move on!

Offline marketing including meet-up groups, one-on-one presentations, chamber meetings, drop card marketing.

Whether you do online or offline marketing, or a combination of both, you want to write out your tasks clearly and check them off as you go along during the day. Doing this concrete action plan daily will net you tremendous results; and you will see yourself transform into the leader you knew you could be.

If you are ready to develop yourself, your business and your life into what you desire, then follow the breadcrumbs left by the top earners in the industry by clicking ===>>> HERE

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The Power of Intention

The Power of Intention


The Power of Intention

The word intention as defined in Merriam-Webster is: A determination to act in a certain way; resolve. This is exactly what Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about in The Power of Intention. When we resolve ourselves to letting go of the ego, and improving our energy by surrounding ourselves with positive influences of all manner, and also replace the negative self-talk with positive affirming messages, then we have tapped into the true power of intention by choosing our connection with the Source Energy that we emanate from. Dr. Dyer shares what he calls the 7 Faces of Intention, and when we come into alignment with these 7 areas in our lives we will know that our intention is a perfect match to that of the Source of all life, and this is a powerful state to create from.

1. Face of CreativityDetermine that everything you create in your life is done so intentionally
2. Face of KindnessIntend to be at peace with everyone in your life, including all of your relatives. Always choose kindness, regardless of what the other person is choosing.
3. Face of LoveLove, trust and respect yourself. Your view of the world depends upon how much you respect and love yourself. When you trust yourself, you’re trusting in the infinite wisdom that created you. When you fail to trust yourself, you are denying your own divinity, therefore attracting the opposite of your well-being.
4. Face of BeautyBeauty is truth, and truth is beauty. Look for and appreciate beauty everywhere and in everything.
5.Face of ExpansivenessIntend to express the genius that you are. Don’t let life de-genius you. Honor your intelligence, wisdom and evolution.
6. Face of AbundanceIntend to BE abundant, be in a state of gratitude, being thankful for all that you are and seeing yourself as attracting more of that and being willing to give it away. The Universe always gives you evidence of what you believe, so believe that there is infinite abundance for you rather than believing in your lack.
7. Face of ReceptivityIntend to attract ideal people and ideal relationships into your life. Be open to everyone, and be the kind of person you wish to attract.

There are many ways to connect to intention, and Dr. Dyer shares a list of great ideas for doing just that:

  1. Want more for others than you want for yourself.
  2. Think from the end – see yourself as you would like to be.
  3. Be an appreciator in your life. Look for that which is valuable, rather than worthless.
  4. Stay in rapport with Source Energy (God, Jehovah, The Creator, Allah, The Universe) – Your job is to be in a state of harmony with Source.
  5. Understand resistance – EVERY thought that you have that is other than the Source from which you emanated is resistance; every unkind thought, every judgmental thought, every uncreative thought, every thought of fear, of depression, every thought of It can’t happen…. ALL RESISTANCE.
  6. Contemplate yourself as surrounded by the conditions which you want to produce.
  7. Understand the Art of Allowing.
  8. Practice radical humility.
  9. Be in a constant state of gratitude – be grateful for everything that shows up.
  10. Keep in mind that you can never solve a problem by condemning it. You can’t shame your way into higher consciousness.
  11. Play the match game – Always ask yourself “Am I matched up with the field of intention?”
  12. Meditate – Make it a practice in your life. It is essential because it is your way of staying connected to Source.

Keep in mind always that you are whole and perfect as you were created, and remember to contemplate yourself surrounded by the conditions you want to produce, and feel that. If you are ready to develop yourself, your business and your life into what you desire… then follow the breadcrumbs left by the top earners in the industry by clicking here ____________ If you enjoyed reading this post I would appreciate your feedback so please share, tweet, google+ and comment.  Thank youMerleBeFunky_Profile Photo.jpg

P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..

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How To Develop A Successful Mindset

How To Develop A Successful Mindset

Each of us has the capacity to change our minds and the way that we think. We can change our mindset if the current one is not working for us; and most of us could use an upgrade. Keeping in mind that a belief is only a thought that we keep thinking, it’s easy to understand how simple it is to change a belief and thus change a mindset.

Success Mindset

All of the personal development books that you will no doubt read, hear and absorb on the road to entrepreneurship and business must be preceded by self-awareness. Truth be told, all of the books, DVDs, seminars and coaching really won’t sink in if you have not crossed the threshold of self-awareness. Are you aware of what you are thinking? Have you become the observer of your thoughts? Do you analyze why you do the things you do? Do you question your motives?

If the answer is yes, then you are standing at the door of personal expansion, and are ready for Tony Robbins’ 4 Simple Steps that will move you into developing a new success mindset:

1. Select an area of your life that you would like to improve and describe what that area is like for you currently. Be Specific. For example, your health may be poor. You may be overweight and suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and fatigue.

2. Write down the rituals that have shaped your current condition in this area. Be honest. For example, you may eat processed foods, sugary snacks, drink sodas, don’t eat vegetables or exercise regularly. You may not drink enough water, and you may not get enough sleep.

3. Write down what you want. What is your compelling vision? Be specific. For example, you want to be healthy in order to live a long prosperous life; to be around for your children and grandchildren or to be the example of health for your family. This is more important than just losing weight, or fitting into certain size clothing.

4. Write down rituals that will get you your compelling vision. What do you need to do differently each day to get what you want? For example, you will wake up at 6 am to meditate for 30 minutes, prepare a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and fresh berries, and you will walk for 30 minutes every day. Writing everything down in a journal, rather than on loose sheets of paper, will give your work the respect it deserves. You must make that small shift for yourself, because truly this is some of the most important work you can do for yourself.

This is far more important and valuable than any marketing strategy that you could ever implement. Keep this in mind as you move toward your vision whatever it is… “It is not what we get that makes us happy, but it is who we become and what we are able to give, because we have become more. That sense of contribution is what creates the deepest meaning.” ? Tony Robbins.

If you are ready to develop yourself, your business and your life into what you desire… then follow the breadcrumbs left by the top earners in the industry by clicking HERE ……….

FREE VIDEO! Real, Everyday People Showing You A SIMPLE WAY To Make Money On The Internet

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How To Set Up A WordPress Blog Step 1

How To Set Up A WordPress Blog

Wordpress Logo

Setting up a WordPress Blog is quite simple once you get the hang of it.  I have had several people asking me to help them set up a blog so thought I would do a post and video instructions on this topic.

First of all you will need to choose a domain name and there are a few good company’s where you can get this.  I use Fasthosts as I live in the UK and it is only a local call if I need help but in four years have never had to contact them so I am very happy with them. Then you have GoDaddy and Hostgator who are also great and doing a special offer at the moment.  I am not an affiliate but I would suggest checking this out……..  Check out the video above for further instructions.

In the second video I will explain about themes, plugins and widgets.

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From Ambition To Meaning

Shifting From Ambition to Meaning

There is a phenomenon called a “Quantum Moment” or “Peak Experience” which has been studied and discussed by great minds worldwide including Dr. Wayne Dyer.

shifting-from-…ion-to-meaning ‎

Ambition To Meaning

The Shift

This phenomenon has been described as “a moment in which you feel different, moved emotionally… responding to what would otherwise be an ordinary situation, but you respond instead in an extraordinary way… increasing your ability to perceive and process information vital to you and your purpose in being here.” – (W. R. Miller & J. C’DeBaca, Anatomy of a Quantum Change.

Spirituality & Health, February, 2005)

Many people report that a shift of sorts occurs within them preceding a quantum moment or peak experience. A quantum moment or peak experience as explained by Abraham Maslow has 4 characteristics.

  1.  It’s very vivid
  2. It’s a surprise
  3. It’s benevolent (They always feel good)
  4. It’s enduring (It doesn’t come and go – It lasts with you forever)

When we shift into a different state in our lives, exactly what is supposed to happen will most certainly happen for us. Often times in our lives, the lowest points, when we think it can’t get any worse- is what we need to propel us to that higher place. Most people who speak about profound shifts and breakthroughs, the moment when their lives changed came not out of “doing”, but actually surrendering and allowing. It is an intangible moment of being open and flexible to the Spirit. Some people call it “letting go, and letting God”.

Surrendering to the Spirit opens us up to a shift into the true nature of ourselves, and this shift occurs differently for men and women. There was a recent study called “The Moment That Turns Your Values Upside Down”, which took an in-depth look at “The Quantum Moment”. A group of men and women were studied and surveyed about their life values, both before and after having experienced a Peak Experience or Quantum Moment. The entire group was followed over a lifetime, and the findings show collectively:

The Top 5 Values for Women Before:

  1. Family (Taking care of everyone else)
  2. Sense of Independence
  3. Career
  4. Fitting In
  5. Attractiveness

It’s not surprising that the findings show that women suffer from an internal conflict between self identity and societal roles for women. However, the findings change quite dramatically as women experience Quantum Moments or Peak Experiences:

The Top 5 Values for Women After:

  1. Personal Growth
  2. Self-Esteem
  3. Spirituality
  4. Happiness
  5. Forgiveness

One could conclude that the women shifted into an innate knowing of their value and worthiness as being something that is internal and eternal, rather than external and fleeting. Now let’s take a look at the findings for the men, as they also experienced a profound shift in their values.

The Top 5 Values for Men Before: 

  1. Wealth
  2. Sense of Adventure
  3. Achievement
  4. Idea of Pleasure
  5. To be Respected

Of course men are brought up to be the provider, and to be the man so it’s not surprising to see their top 5 values list. However, take a look at the difference a shift makes:

The Top 5 Values for Men After:

  1. Spirituality
  2. Personal Peace
  3. Family
  4. God’s Will (Sense of Purpose)
  5. Honesty

As we move from ambition to meaning that does not mean that we lose ambition. Quite the contrary, but now we have ambition with meaning, and now ambition is transformed into purpose. We notice that we begin to trust in ourselves, and when we trust in ourselves, we are essentially trusting in the Spirit to lead us. We also start to detach from the outcome, which allows us to remove resistance. We then realize that rather than making things happen, we are allowing them to come naturally.

Dyer says if we want to see the doors open in our lives, we detach from what the ego says, and allow ourselves to live from the Spirit. Lao Tzu spoke about 4 Virtues that he encourages us to live by:

The 4 Virtues:

  1. Reverence for all life (Respect)
  2. Sincerity (Honesty)
  3. Gentleness (Kindness)
  4. Supportiveness (Service to others)

When we shift from ambition to meaning, we also come to realize that this is not a race, and we don’t have to run. In fact, we might even slow it down and take a look around rather than chasing everyone.

If you are ready to develop yourself, your business and your life into what you desire… then follow the breadcrumbs left by the top earners in the industry by clicking here ____________

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