Nichola James's Posts (39)

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The Ideal You

The-Ideal-You_zps3ca73f15.jpgEveryone has a story. Everyone’s story is different but it is a made up one. The great thing about this is that we can change our stories if we don’t like them. You are able to change the way your life is going if you don’t like it. However, the real question is - What is your real story? Is your story working for you? Because if it isn’t, you can change it but you have to be willing to change it.

Furthermore, when you tell your story to yourself or others, you feel the effects of your story. If you are telling a story that you don’t like, then you can change it. Additionally, if your story is one of lack and hardship then you will have these experiences in your life. However, if your story is about happiness, good health and abundance, then these things will be your life's experiences.

More importantly, the question is - Do you like your story? Do you want it to change? Some people are caught up in their stories that they think they are these stories. When you are willing to change your story, think about  the image of the ideal you.

Finally, how does  the ideal you look? How does the ideal you spend time or money? How is the ideal you different from the you now? What qualities do you see in the ideal you? What will the current you have to give up to be the ideal you? It may be a habit. There is always something that you have to give up. You have to let it go. What is stopping you? Whatever it is, let it go and take action towards the ideal you. Do it now, don’t wait!

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Five Headline Mistakes to Avoid

Five-Headline-Mistakes_zps576a82ff.jpgHeadlines are  a vital part of successful marketing. The real question is, how do you create effective headlines. The creation of effective headlines is a skill that can be learned. Make sure that yourheadlines get read by avoiding these five common mistakes.

1. Making it about you or your business 
Your headline needs to be about your prospects and the benefits they will receive.

2. Making it boring
Make your headline appealing so that your prospects will be curious and want to continue reading.

3. Making it too general
You need to be specific in your headline. This will help to attract your target market.

4. Making it about too many concepts
When you try to include too much in your headline, the effectiveness diminishes and this could be un-motivating to your prospects.

5. Making it too wordy
Use words that are powerful and relevant in your headline. Get rid of weak words that will decrease the effectiveness of your headline.

Headlines writing can be fun. The more you do it the easier it will become. The writing of effective headlines is a skill that can be mastered. These are some formulas for creating effective headlines:

  • How to
  • Who Else Wants...
  • Secrets of
  • X Number of step to/keys to/secrets of...
  • Ask a question

You can used effective headlines in these places:

  • Websites
  • Articles 
  • Postcards
  • Brochures
  • E-mail subject lines

Headlines can mean the difference between attracting new prospects, or not. Consequently, you need to write powerful effective headlines to make sure your copies get read.

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Your Mind! How to Achieve Peace of Mind

mindimage_zps08fa5b0d.jpgThe mind is the most powerful organ of the body. It is the faculty of consciousness and thought. “The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Aristotle. An important part of having a better peace of mind is learning to let go. Take these steps to have a greater peace of mind.
1. Let go of fear. It is the ultimate destroyer. Fear is a made up story about a future event that has not happen yet. Fear, judgment, anger, resentment, guilt, blame, worry, regrets, comparing, competing are all based in fear and will take you down because they are not loving towards yourself. Moreover, fear is simply taking a past experience and projecting it into the future with the anticipation of it happening again and then re-experiencing it in the present. When you think about this, you will say to yourself, why am I doing this? 

More importantly, where does fear come from? If you have it, it is coming from you. The good news is that it’s a made up story and you can change the story because you are in control. Fear is not hanging on to you; you are hanging on to it. Occasionally, it is important to have a good laugh at yourself. When you catch yourself engaging in any of these actions - comparing, judging, worrying, say to yourself, isn’t this interesting what I choose to do to myself today then laugh it off and let it go.

2. Let go of judgment. When you judge someone, you are actually taking on his or her issues. It is much easier to promote what you love than to bash what you hate. Think about where you want to focus your time and energy.

3. Let go of anger. Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die from it. The question is who wins in an argument. The answer is no one; then why do we argue? We do because we want to be right and make the other person wrong. We need to recognize that blaming someone for our own misery, no matter how justified and easy it is to do, will only keep us stuck and leave us feeling like victims. We must realize that we can choose emotional well being even when life does not turn out the way we want it.

4. Let go of comparing. There will always be someone with more or less, than what you have, more money, less money, more personality, less personality. There will always be people with less or more. Just because someone has more than you, it does not make him or her more than you. They may have more but it does not make them more. When you compare yourself with others, it may make you feel less than what they are. So don’t compare yourself with others. Compare yourself with the you yesterday.

5. Let go of competing. You don’t have to be the best; just do your best, with this way everybody wins. 

6. Let go of regrets. Regretting what has happened in the past is a waste of vital energy. We can’t change the past. We all know that but we try to do it anyway. It’s over. The past doesn’t live here anymore unless you allow it in. 

7. Let go of worry. There is no sanity in worry. Why worry about something that hasn’t happen yet? If you look at yourself worrying with an unconditioned mind, you would probably say something like - this is absurd - why am I doing this?

8. Let go of blame. Blaming is the ultimate need to control drama. When you need control, you are out of control. We blame others to keep from taking responsibility for our own actions and the results we produce.

9. Let go of guilt. It will keep you chained to the past. Letting go of guilt gives you true freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness. You have to be free to be happy. If in your heart, you are clinging on to anything - anger, guilt or even possessions, you could never be free. Guilt is about self-forgiveness not about the other person. Let it go and move on.

Remember, “The human mind is our fundamental resource.” John F. Kennedy. Do not make any of the nine pieces above rob you of your piece of mind. For more on peace of mindGO HERE!


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Love - What Is Love?

LoveImage_zps4e5099c6.pngLove cannot be bought or sold. It can face all things. Love is the greatest blessing in life. It is easier to experience love than to define it. It never hurts anyone. However, it may cost dearly. “Love is the voice under the silence, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness: the truth more first than sun, more last than star…” E. E. Cummings.

Love is a deep in-describable euphoric feeling for someone. Love is an energy that you are able to put out from your core being. Love is an incredible powerful force. People sometimes dilute the energy of love by assuming that it cannot be directed. You must look at love as a reciprocal loop. When you put your energy into something that can love you back, you will experience a pulsing back and forth from that person. Love is a strength builder in the most powerful way. It gives us a taste of eternity.

The fundamental nature of humans is to be loved. The ancients had several variations for the word “love” which include the following:

“Philia which they saw as a deep but usually non-sexual intimacy between close friends and family members or as a deep bond forged by soldiers as they fought alongside each other in battle. Ludus describes a more playful affection found in fooling around or flirting. Pragma is the mature love that develops over a long period between long-term couples and involves actively practicing goodwill, commitment, compromise and understanding. Agape is a more generalized love; it's not about exclusivity but about love for all of humanity. Philautia is self-love, which isn't as selfish as it sounds. As Aristotle discovered and as any psychotherapist will tell you, in order to care for others, you need to be able to care about yourself. Last, and probably least even though it causes the most trouble, eros is about sexual passion and desire. Unless it morphs into philia and/or pragma, eros will burn itself out.”

“Biologically, love is a powerful neurological condition like hunger or thirst, only more permanent. We talk about love being blind or unconditional, in the sense that we have no control over it. But then, that is not so surprising since love is basically chemistry.” Love is an unconditional affection without limits. Love says I want the best for you and I want you to be happy.

“Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand - Mother Teresa
“Love is a language spoken by everyone but understood only by the heart.” 
“Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.”
“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” James Baldwin
“We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.” Orson Welles

Finally, “The paradox of love is that it is supremely free yet attaches us with bonds stronger than death.”


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“To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business and your business in your heart.” Thomas J. Watson. The only way that you can create a successful business is by taking action. No amount of thinking can make your business succeed. Everyday you have to do something to further your business. It is the only way it will survive. Your business can only be successful when you apply daily focus and action to it. If you are not willing to do this, you are not even in the game; you are standing on the sideline. “Action is the foundational key to all success.” Pablo Picasso.

The question is what you can do daily to grow your business. “The future is purchased by what you do in the present. “ Unknown. 

These are some ideas: 

- Market your business daily. Marketing takes on many different forms. Choose the       form of marketing that is effective and appropriate for your business. In other words, choose marketing that product the results you want.

- Follow up with leads and prospects.

- Write a newsletter or email offer for your list.

- Write an article for syndication.

- Get a video online.

- Build content for your site or blog.

- Check out your competitors.

- Build links

- Send emails, postcards, E-card daily to your prospects, team members or down line.

- Spend some daily time in training for your business.

- Read something new every day that is related to your business.

- Do networking with other home business owners.

- Have a plan and work your plan.

- Review your goals and make sure you are on track to accomplish them.

This is by no means a complete list of daily business activities; however, it gives you an ideas of some of the must do activities.

Think on these quotes:

“The difference between success and failure is the ability to take action.” Alexander Graham Bell

“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day, while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. It is the cumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgments that leads to either fortune or failure.” Jim Rohn

“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” Jim Rohn

“All great masters are chiefly distinguished by the power of adding a second, a third and perhaps a fourth step in a continuous line. Many a man, has taken the first step with every additional step you enhance immensely the value of your first.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Finally, remember: “Approach the start of each day with something in mind and end the day with one word…DONE.” Unknown. For more information, go here!


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Day3-burningCashimage_zps3edab5fe.jpgDo you want to earn residual and leveraged income? Alternatively, are you already on the anti-wealth plan? What is your answer?

“Though painful to say, most people go through their entire lives on what we call the ‘Anti-Wealth’ Plan. Others call it the ‘40/40/40 Plan’. That is, work 40 hours a week for someone for 40 years and retire with $40 in the bank.” Although this may be an exaggeration, it is not far from the truth. The Social Security Board has reported the 85 out of 100 Americans will not possess as much as $500 in savings by age 65. Moreover, only 2 percent will be self-sustaining; the others will have to depend on family, church or the government to supplement their living expenses during retirement.

Should this be the case? Only you can answer this question with a yes or a no. However, there is always another way. The problem with a regular job is that once you stop working the money also stops. Therefore, if you want to achieve real wealth, you cannot do so by trading hours for money. The world’s wealthiest people have known this fact for hundreds of years, that if you want financial freedom, you have to tap into one of the following:

The questions are; what is residual income and what is leveraged income?  Residual income is money that you earn while not working. This money is also called recurring income. Residual money comes in month after month, year after year, after you put a lot of time, effort and money into a job or business to continue to be paid after it is done.

There are several types of residual income such as royalties, subscriptions, advertisements, donations, affiliate links, transfer of rights for percentage of work sold, rental properties, saving and investment programs, E-book sales and more. Nevertheless, the money just does not keep rolling in. You have to put in some effort to continue receiving residual income from the job or business you started. However, you will not have to work at it full time. You can think of it as a part time job that can potentially bring in a full time pay. You need patience and determination to see residual income in the future. With residual income, there is never instant gratification.

Leveraged income is not just about you. Leveraging the efforts of many people can create money through other people’s efforts. There is only 24 hours in a day. Therefore, one can only earn so much through your own efforts. However, you can earn leveraged income in the form of ‘override’ commissions from members of your team in affiliate, network or online marketing businesses.

Additonally, With minimal investment and the desire to learn, you can begin earning leveraged income immediately. You can accomplish this by becoming a business or network marketing home based business owner. Consequently, it is important that you understand the power of leveraged income. As such, you should spend your time creating this type of income because it will be your ticket out of the working life. The sooner you start the better.

“Not only can you earn ‘do-it-once, get-paid-forever’ residual-style income, you also can earn leveraged income on the sales of thousands of other affiliates! If building financial security is one of your goals, you’ve found the vehicle to do it with in SFI.”                       

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Personal weaknessesYou cannot run away from weakness; you must some time fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?” Robert Louis Stevenson. What is weakness? According to, weakness is an inadequate or defective quality, as in a person’s character, slight fault or defect. However, strength is something that is regarded as being beneficial or a source of power according to The Free Dictionary.

We all have the tendency to work on our strengths instead of our weaknesses. It’s much easier that way right? We need to turn our attention to our weaknesses and face them head on. It is only in acknowledging our weaknesses and working on them that we can make them our strengths. “My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.” Michael Jordon.

Something great happens when our strengths and weaknesses are in harmony. When we start to focus more on our weaknesses, they start to be pulled up by our strengths. When we operate our lives this way, we are in a constant state of improvement. Everything is constantly getting better, so our lives are constantly getting better. We will literally transform our lives when we can figure this out.

“Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weakness.” Jean Vanier. Weaknesses are not equivalent to any disabilities. Weaknesses can only be overcome with great dedication and devotion. Therefore, it is important that we take a day, or a week or a month and focus on our weaknesses, and bring them up from a two or three up to five notches until our weaknesses are tagging along with our strengths. Then, we must continue to level up until we feel the magnetic pull of our weaknesses by our strengths. This will put us in a constant state of improvement. 

Consequently, we must make a commitment to strengthen our weaknesses. “If thou wouldst conquer thy weakness, thou must never gratify it.” William Penn. For more on how to strengthen your weaknesses please Go Here!


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businesspicture_zpsdd59f7bb.jpgIf you treat your business like a business, it will pay you like a business. However, if you treat your business like a hobby, it will cost you like a hobby. 

If you purchased a franchise, would you expect it to make money for you if you worked it a few hours a week? Or, you didn’t follow the proven guidelines of the creators of the franchise, of course not! Therefore, your home based business is no different.

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.” Peter F. Drucker. The fact is anything worthwhile in life requires effort and commitment.  It’s the same thing with having your own business. “There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either in or out. There’s no such thing as a life in-between.” Pat Riley.

These are some ways to treat your home based business like a business:

1. Have the Right Mindset

You have to change your mindset from employee to employer. You are the boss, and your business depends on you for its survival. Therefore, you have to impress on your subconscious mind that you are committed. You will not quit. You will do whatever it takes to make your business a success. It is only with this mindset that you will succeed.

2. Create a Plan

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Create a game plan, so that you can lift your business off the ground as soon as possible. Your plan is your road map. It will define where you want to go and what you want to achieve. It gives direction to your business. Then, you have to set goals to achieve what you plan for your business. 

3. Invest in Your Business

Time is needed to do the moneymaking activities such as marketing, networking, prospecting as well as daily activities of running a business. You have to establish your hours of business, and schedule it. Time is needed to get the training and education you need to expand your understanding of your business.

You need money to pay for the cost of doing business, advertising, training and education. Additionally, you need to associate with like-minded people in your field of business. By doing this, you can learn from them and emulate what they are doing right.

4. You Need to Track Your Results

You have to track your results to know what’s working and what’s not working. Daily, weekly and monthly tracking can be done. Some of the things that you can track are phone calls, appointments, presentations, enrollments and more. You can see exactly what is going on, and you can make the necessary adjustments. Tracking is the most important thing you can do as a business owner.

5. Avoid Distractions

Works for 50 minutes then take a 10-minute break; this will help you to be more productive. Close your office door and focus on the task. Do not multi-task; your brain does not like it. Only check your email and facebook a few times a day, and don’t send more than half an hour each time, then get back to your next task. “There’s no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen.” Wayne Dyer.

Remember it is impossible to achieve success in life or attain our goals without commitment. “You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers.” Les Brown. Are you looking for a home based business to make a commitment? SFI is that business! 


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Gratitude - The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” Henry Ward Beecher. According to Wikepedia, “Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgement of a benefit that one has received or will receive.” “If the only prayer you say in your life is ‘thank you’, that would suffice.” Meister Eckhart.

Gratitude in action

Gratitude means being thankful for all the simple pleasures and acknowledging everything that you receive. It also means to be aware of how much you have been given. More importantly, it means to live your life as though everything is a miracle. “The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy.” Henri Nouwen

When you are in a state of gratitude, you focus on abundance and not on what your life lacks. This creates a cadence that allows you to receive tenfold.  Because, what you focus on expand. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” Melody Beattie

The Benefits of Gratitude  

Research has shown that giving thanks makes you happier and more resilient; it strengthens relationships, reduces stress and improves health. It also increases alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John F. Kennedy

Ways to Practice Gratitude 

1. Keep a gratitude journal: This is a concept that was made famous by Sarah Ban Breathnach’s book “Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude.” This involves writing down every day a list of 3-10 things for which you are grateful. This can be done first thing in the morning or before going to bed at night. “Gratitude makes sense of your past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie

2. Write a gratitude letter to someone who has exerted a positive influence in your life, but you have not properly thanked. It is suggested that you meet that person and read the letter to them face to face. “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” Aesop

3. We express thanks every day. However, do we really mean it? This is something we should practice. The next time you are truly thankful, look the person you are thankful to in the eyes and simply say “thank you” sincerely. “Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” Henri Frederic Amiel.

Thoughts about Gratitude

“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” Brian Tracy. 

You must begin to bring the discipline of gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for positive experience to be thankful. “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtue, but the parent of all the others.” Marcus Tullius Cicero. You must remember: “Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” Doris Day. For more about gratitude go Here!



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In order to be successful in network marketing, you must possess these three qualities; they are passion, persistence and patience.

“Passion is the genesis of genius.” Tony Robbins. “Passion is the term applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing.”  Wikipedia. 

Achieving great things does not happen if you are not in love with what you do, being in love involves being passionate. Passion is a very important part of being successful at anything. You have to be passionate about the tools, products or services you are marketing. You must use and believe that what you are marketing is valuable and provides a solution to a problem that your prospective customers have. 

The passion for what you are marketing will lift your spirit, energize your heart, and mind to move further and faster in the higher levels of performances. Passion provides the fuel to keep moving forward in the midst of obstacles or uncertainty.

“Man is only great when he acts from passion.” Benjamin Disrael. “Nothing great in this world has ever been accomplished without passion.” George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. “It is your passion that empowers you to be able to do that thing you were created to do.” T. D. Jakes. “When you catch a glimpse of your potential, that’s when passion is born.” Zig Ziglar.
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Quanta was born out of the combination of  Jim Britt and Jim Lute’s expertise, passion and vision to create a company that will be beneficial to their partner-affiliates both personally and financially. Quanta offers the best in personal and professional development and empowering its affiliates to live their lives to the fullest.

ppp_zpscf95dd2f.jpegPersonal Performance Platform (PPP) is one of the four programs offered by Quanta. PPP provides a systematic approach to making radical improvement in one’s life. It is very difficult to stay on track, so to make this easier, PPP program delivers daily video mentor moments Monday to Friday from Jim and Jim.  

Additionally, you will receive powerful and exclusive bi-weekly personal performance audio that will unlock the power of your mind and create impactful and lasting change. “The human mind is our fundamental resource.” John F. Kennedy.

It is of paramount importance that you take the time to develop the mind and unleash its true potential. “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember you can achieve.” Mary Kay Ash. It is important that you gain full use and control of your mind. “You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” Marcus Aurelius.

In addition, you will receive a monthly version of Quanta applied. You will have the opportunity to witness first hand how individuals are applying Quanta’s teachings into all areas of their lives.

quantaIBOimage_zps59f91ee7.jpgThe power of the mind, in particular the subconscious mind, is unlimited yet can be elusive and restrictive if not managed properly. “Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” Earl Nightingale. More importantly, “Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.” Robert Collier.

Many disciplines including letting go, hypnosis, NLP and psychology are employed along with life-changing subconscious programming techniques allowing you to achieve your goals with mathematical accuracy.

Personal Performance Platform will continue to evolve bringing exceptional value to the users of this program by the use of innovation, fun and effective ways to tap into the power of the mind.

The success you are looking for is within you, and we want to help bring out the best. “You will be a failure until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which ‘clicks.’” Florence Scovel Shinn.


Quanta’s “mission is to be real in a not so real world. Getting real, being real and creating real change.”

For only $25.00 monthly, you can’t MAKE THE DECISION to not BEGIN THE QUANTA JOURNEY! Do whatever it takes to JOIN THIS PROGRAM Remember: “Your life creation is always underway in the subconscious.” Jim Lutes.



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rockstarimage_zps11dc08ec.jpgNetwork marketing is popularly known as multi-level marketing, tiered marketing and affiliate marketing. Network marketing is based on a business model on which a company distributes its products and services through a network of independent contractors. 

A network marketer is an independent business owner/distributor who markets the products and services of a company to customers of their own.

In order to become a successful network marketer and receive the distinction as one of the top earners and earn the coveted title of a Network Marketer Rock star. A network marketer has to undergo four stages. These stages are Novice, List builder, Team builder and Master.


This stage is known as Academy level. You are in training learning how to generate leads and how to speak to prospects. This necessary and important stage has to be completed correctly. All other education and experiences will be built unto this foundation.

You have to go through this stage and complete the necessary work you need to do. When you have acquired the knowledge and skills, then you are ready to move to the next stage of network marketing.
rockstar_zpsd38a0e71.jpgList Builder

This stage is known as the Gold level. You now start to generate leads and you know how to communicate with your prospects. Now you are in the process of generating more leads, and you are building your list. It has been said about online and network marketing that the money is in the list. 

You are learning how to write copies. You have to know about auto responders and capture pages. This knowledge is important to capture and collect the necessary information to create your list. Conducting mass communication, running and controlling your own business are all duties of a list builder. You have to undergo training to gain the necessary knowledge to become excellent recruiter in order to build your list.

Team Builder

This stage is known as the Platinum level.  You have a list, which is now a team of people seeking your help, guidance and leadership. You have to be able to provide value to your team in terms of content, tools, systems and produces that will help them to grow personally and professionally. 

You have to know how to communicate with and train your team members. You have to be able to allocate time for group help and time for individuals who need your help. Additionally, you have to be able to keep your team together. This stage allows the team leader to earn residual income.


This stage is known as the Mastery level. This is where the money is. You are able to create and market products, which you have the rights to sell for 100%, profit.  In addition, you have the ability to participate in joined ventures with other network marketers and gain the rewards and financial benefits of such ventures. 

You have to continue to lead with value; also, you have to continue to provide leadership to your team members. Ultimately, the day when you believe you are something special, you are a star.


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What-is-Productivity-Definition-Meaning_zps5136d42e.pngWhat is Productivity?

“According to the Business Dictionary: Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of a person, machine, factory system, etc. in converting inputs into useful outputs”

Productivity is important because getting the job done will help with your business’ growth. If your business grows and progresses, its profits will increase. Productivity is imperative for the survival of your business. 

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the results of commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort” Paul J. Meyer

1.  Set your goals for the month, week and for the day. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

2.  Work in 60-minute intervals. Use a stopwatch or a timer. Work for 50 minutes and break for 10 minutes. During this 10 minute break, step outside and get some fresh air, drink water, do eye exercises or do some stretches.

3.  Spend 90% of your time doing MMA (money making activities) such as writing or producing content, driving online traffic and following up with prospects.

4.  Multitasking is not efficient and it is claimed to lessen you IQ.

5.  Avoid distraction at all cost. Let your voice mail do its job.

6.  Create routine for everything you do.

7.  You must manage yourself in time. Time management is a misnomer.

8.  Exercise is vital. You need to exercise to have the energy to do your work.

9.  Eliminate energy robbers! Try to avoid junk food!

productivity-chain-75_zps08611d49.jpg10. Wake up and go to bed at the same time everyday. Routine is imperative.

11. Email rule #1: Reading emails do not make money, it is a NMMA (non-moneymaking activity).  Check and reply to emails at the beginning and the end of every day not in between. Constantly checking email is the # 1 productivity killers for the online business owner.

12. Email rule #2: Never spend more than 30 minutes per day reading emails.

13. You need to plan your learning and productivity as two separate activities. Set aside at least one hour per day for marketing training.

14. Phone call rule #1: Call leads/prospects on the same day they become your prospects, while you and your offer are fresh in the minds, the sooner the better. 

15. Phone call rule #2: Schedule 1 to 5 hours per day to connect with prospects depending on your time and amount of business you do.

16. Always, schedule time for family, friends…whomever. Having a balanced life is essential.

17. Take your spouse/partner to dinner at least once per week. Reward them for the sacrifices they are making to improve your lives.

productivity-1_zpsdc352800.jpg18.  Having the right mindset before marketing is important, spend one hour per day on personal development.

19. Pick one or two marketing strategies and master them before you move on to new strategies.

20. Set a schedule and stick to it.

Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.” Franz Kafka


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IBOtoolbox - Why Join IBOtoolbox

IBOtoolbox - Why Join IBOtoolbox
IBOtoolbox is a state-of-the-art marketing platform that levels the playing field for the independent business owner. “This unique business building community helps you to brand your business in a way that would normally cost a business thousands of dollars.”
There is no other platform on the internet that comes close to all that IBOtoolbox has to offer. Fortunately, IBOtoolbox welcomes everyone regardless of our skill level. There are no enrollment fees, levels, package, payplans or other strings. This platform is 100% free to use.

Free Tools and Systems

All the tools are 100% free. There are no up grades or memberships.

Contact Manager                 Ibourl System                 Goggle Ranker
Facebook App                     Advertising                     Proven SEO

Wall Plates                          Lead Generation             Business Network

Business Blogger                Traffic System                 Webinars  

Live Chat                            Auto Responder              IBOtube

IBOgigs                              IBOexchange                  IBO Newsletter

IBO Search                         IBO Helpdesk

Thousands of business owners around the world use this platform daily. These are a few reasons why:

1. IBOtoolbox Works

This platform was designed to be the workhorse of business owners marketing efforts from it very inception. IBOtoolbox under hypes and over delivers on every turn whether we are part time or full time internet marketers.

livechatIBO_zps77e3c459.png2. IBOtoolbox Has a Targeted Audience

IBOtoolbox system contains the most targeted audience we will find on the internet. It has over 250,000 daily visitors. These visitors are looking for moneymaking business opportunities, products and services, which they are able to find using the search engines. Ultimately, IBOtoolbox has what every business owner needs - a non-incentivized visitor/prospect base.

IBOsearch_zpsd4da08ed.jpg3. IBOtoolbox Is a Community of Like-Minded Internet Marketers

This platform was specifically developed for the internet marketer. All the tools and systems were developed to help us market our businesses. Every aspect of this platform was particularly designed to fit into our marketing plan.  No other social platform provides all that IBOtoolbox offers to marketers free of cost.

banner2IBO_zps30474ed7.png4. IBOtoolbox Is 100% Free

There are no gimmicks, no levels, no limitations, no restrictions, and no nag screens. Every tool, feature and application is available to every single member. This platform has leveled the playing field, which makes it possible to succeed with internet marketing regardless of our financial situation.

IBOtoolbox is a “safe haven” to build our businesses! Please join me as an associate! I will be happy to share some ideas that will help you get great results here!


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Commitment – The Power of Commitment

3818725062?profile=originalWhat is commitment? According to The Free Dictionary,  commitment is “The state of being bound emotionally or  intellectually to a course of action or to another person or  persons.”

 Benefits of Commitment

Commitment is important to help unleash our true potential. When  we understand the power of commitment, we realize that it is  impossible to achieve success in life or attain our goals without it.

Commitment is much more than a mental exercise; it is a personal quality, “a trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose.” When it is combined with a precise proclamation of intention, commitment can produce a sense of meaningful purpose in our lives. “If you deny yourself commitment, what can you do with your life?” Harvey Fierstein.

The Influence of Commitment

Commitments are powerful because they control how we think, how we sound and how we act. When we make a commitment, we try harder; we look for solutions when obstacles arise. We do not consider quitting as an option, and we do not look back.

A real commitment gives us a script for how we deal with things when times get tough. Therefore, it is important to anticipate the temptations to give up and promise ourselves that the feeling of wanting to quit will not overpower our commitments. “Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there.” Haile Gebrselassie.

environmental_commitment_ssk_16585330How to Fulfill Our Commitment

In the quest to fulfill our commitments, we have to avoid over committing ourselves. We must select to what and whom we commit.  Because of the limitations of our time and attention, it is not possible to do everything we would like. Consequently, we must decide what is of paramount importance to us and commit only to those things.

In addition, we need to know the resources that are available to help us to achieve our goals whether they are human or material resources. When we make a commitment, we accept no excuses, only results. We make commitment to what we do, whether it is in our personal or professional lives, because it is one of the most fundamental principles of success. “There’s no abiding success without commitment.” Tony Robbins

How to Manage Commitment

It is important to manage our commitments because they are something that we must deal with or do that takes our time. Therefore, it is necessary to take the time to ask ourselves, “What do I really want to do?” Alternatively, “What am I passionate about?” We must create goals with checkpoints to achieve success.

Goal setting will help to keep us focused. It also requires a lot of thought and planning. Consequently, each goal we set towards our commitments will serve as a remainder and motivation to do what is necessary to keep us committed. “Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plan.” Peter Drucker.

Commitment is an act, not a word.” Jean-Paul Sartre. Personal commitments are the most important because they stem from within. They involve the investment of time and energy towards something we want to pursue. The accomplishment of our commitment is most successful when backed by passion and inspiration. “You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers.” Les Brown.



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Positive Thoughts – Thoughts Have Power

thoughts-are-powerfulThoughts are powerful. “If you realize how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” Peace Pilgrim.

According to Wikipedia, “Thoughts can refer to the ideas or arrangements of ideas that result from thinking, the act of producing thoughts, or the process of producing thoughts. Despite the fact that thought is a fundamental human activity familiar to everyone, there is no accepted agreement as what thought is, or how it is created.”

How Thought Create Your Destiny

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” Buddha. Thoughts, words and actions are more powerful than we recognized. They have the ability to create or destroy. Your thoughts create your destiny.

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
 Your thoughts become your words,
 Your words become your actions,
 Your actions become your habits,
 Your habits become your values,
 Your values become your destiny.”
 Mahatma Gandhi

If your thoughts, words and actions are not rooted in the truth, you need to stop thinking them, stop saying them and stop doing them. Let your thoughts, words and actions be rooted in the possibilities that are available to you. Constantly, you need to use the three gatekeepers of life. Every thought, every word and every action that you take should pass through the gatekeepers. The gatekeepers are (1) Is it kind? (2) Is it necessary? and (3) Is it true? The three gatekeepers are the greatest gift you can give yourself.



How to Use Your Thought Effectively

“Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power.” Rene Descartes. You have the ability to give yourself the greatest gift in life. It starts with the power within you. “Thought is the only power which can produce tangible riches from the formless substance.” Therefore, you need to believe these three fundamental statements.

(1) “There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.”

(2) “A thought in this substance produce the thing that is imagined by the thought.”

(3) “A person can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.” Science of Getting Rich. “Man alone has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.” Napoleon Hill. Always remember, thoughtsbecome things. Therefore, think and grow rich!



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Business Investment

Business Investment


Let’s talk about Business Investment!

What is your business, and how do you invest in it?

Is it Online, Network Marketing? If the answer is yes, you need to invest in your home business. Your business is your future. It provides you with a sense of purpose for living and the freedom to live your life as you wish.

You have to make a commitment to the success of your business. A commitment of time, money and association with like-minded people has to be made.


Business INvestment

Business Investment


Time Investment

You have to treat your business like a real business. If you treat your business like a business, it will pay you like a business. However, if you treat your business like a hobby, it will cost you like a hobby. You need time to do money making activities, networking, and speaking to prospects as well as the daily activities of running a business. Your daily actions should move you toward your goals not away from them.

If you need to stop watching television shows, going to the movies or just sitting around, you have to do it. Make short term sacrifices that will help you to reap the long term rewards. It is important to sacrifice these personal activities now because your future is worth the present sacrifices.

You have to be disciplined and commit a specific number of hours each day as your hours of doing business. You have to shut out all the distractions and conduct your business. You need to the do the daily, consistent activities. These are the activities that will create success in your business.


Business Investment

Business Investment

Money Investment

It is important to invest money in your business, but money investment alone does not guarantee a successful home business. However, it is necessary to invest money to get the necessary training and education to run a successful home business. Money is needed for your advertisement budget, so that you can tell people about your services and products. Without people to use your products and services, there is no business.

There are also the costs of doing business that require payments to be made regularly. Additionally, there are monthly subscriptions for the programs and systems you use in your business. You may have to sacrifice the purchase of new clothes, eating out, going to the movies or whatever you have to cut back on, so that you have the money needed to invest in your business to grow it and make it into a success story.

People invest money in college education, so that after college, they can get a good job. However, you do not want to spend money for a course that will give you the training you need to advance your home business. This is very ironic because you do not look at self education as important for the success of your business which is your job.


Business Investment

Business Investment

Associate with Like-minded People

Who are you associating with? Your salary is the average of your five closest friends. You have to associate with the people you wish to become. If you are an Online, Network Marketer, you have to associate with  online and network marketers. You become who you associate with.

You have to spend time acquiring the knowledge and skills you need to run your business and achieve the lifestyle you desire. You have to hangout with the people who have the lifestyle that you want. Attend live events, meetings, hangouts, and webinars with like-minded people.

Spend time absorbing and emulating what they are doing. It is only in spending time with like-minded people that you begin to adopt the things that they do, so you begin to speak their language, dance their dance and live similar lifestyles like they live. You learn and implement, and you begin to achieve the success they are achieving.

You have to know your why for doing what you do. It has to be a gut why, so that it is the reason you wake up early in the morning or stay up late at night working at your business. It is what keeps you going even thought you are tired and want to quit. It is what keeps you motivated and committed, because without commitment, it is impossible to achieve success. Business Investment  should be one of your top commitments.



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Business Opportunity - The Quanta Opportunity

3818723642?profile=originalRegarding Quanta

Quanta business opportunity was created out of the mixture of many elements that combined to develop the best business opportunity. These aspects are credited to the creators’ 60 years of joined expertise in both advancement and mlm markets and their readiness to assist others to live satisfying lives.

The motivating force behind this extraordinary company is their approach of "making a distinction" for each and every customer and in each affiliate's life. Quanta is dedicated to constructing an international neighborhood that tries every day to progress, create much deeper connections and attain more.

Who are the Founders

Jim Britt and Jim Lutes are the creators of Quanta. Jim Britt is an experienced business owner, best selling author, a top efficiency professional and leading specialist in the direct marketing sector.

Jim Lutes is a master hypnotist. As a master hypnotist he took his abilities relating to the human thoughts and integrated it with the energy of impact, persuasion, interaction and verified business owner techniques, and he launched Lutes International in the very early 1990's.

The Programs

Quanta business opportunity supplies 4 programs.

1. Individual Performance Platform (PPP) $25/mo.

This is an organized day-to-day video clip mentor minutes from Jim and Jim.

2. Fusion ($149/one time).

This program incorporates Jim Britt's Power of Letting Go with Jim Lutes' Mind Master Piece. Fusion is a 25 audio electronically supplied program.

3. Achievers Club Platform.

This program is a sophisticated system for greater achievers. It will certainly be coming quickly.

4. The Experience.

This program is on its way.

Business Opportunity.

Quanta offers a three-part opportunity.

1. A chance for individual transformation!

2. A possibility for monetary transformation!

3. A chance to add to the lives of others.

The Quanta Compensation Plan.

The Tripling Effect is carried out in the Quanta Leap Compensation Plan. This permits you to escalate your earnings. When each member brings 6 individuals into quanta for the minimum of $24.95 admin and the $25 Personal Performance Platform (PPP), this strategy starts. (Fusion could be an optional code line.).

You need to pass up 3 code lines from the 6 you invite to Quanta. One - yours, 2 - pass up, 3 - yours, 4 pass up, 5 - yours, 6 pass up. When your team locks into their simple system, you will certainly have each code line passing up 3 sales to infinity. In this instance 3 lines!

These 3 lines will certainly pass up 3 sales each per the plan # 2 - 4 - 6 to you. This is with only PPP at $25 and your code lines replicate the Tripling System just 3 times. This is exactly what occurs!





373 x $25 = $9,325 in regular monthly recurring earnings.

Make a dedication to a business opportunity that will certainly change your life and your earnings. Place your wish for success behind a basic strategy, and you will certainly accomplish success.

Life's journey is not designed to walk alone!

Come and walk along with us!

There will certainly be sudden and "Significant Change".

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Leads Online - My Lead System Pro

3818722858?profile=original Are you  looking for Leads Online? Why? Without leads, you have no customers which means you have no business.

Without leads, there will be no sales and no earnings for your company. Leads are the lifeline of your online company. Without leads, your company is lost in the online jungle.

Exactly how Can My Lead System Pro Help You Get Leads Online?

My Lead System Pro (MLSP) is an Education Company and Marketing Platform started in 2008 by Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz and Todd Schlomer.  It offers all the training, support and is an included need to any company.

MLSP offers training in Marketing Strategies that vary from paid advertising, content advertising, social networking, prospecting and a lot more. These are the techniques that you will utilize to obtain leads online.

My Lead System Pro has a cutting edge detailed training to follow. It likewise has all the right things built-in consisting of regular live training, so you're never ever left hanging. There is also a great community with provides support and help when you need it.

My Lead System Pro is an effective home company option and affiliate program. MLSP provides numerous  options to assist you to get leads online and sponsor even more representatives in the MLM of your selection, and assists you construct your MLM revenue.

3818722817?profile=originalEnd up being an Affiliate of MLSPro

You can get and offer outstanding items and get paid commission on the sales of these items when you end up being an affiliate. This puts cash into your pocket that you can now invest into your company.

You can make month-to-month recurring earnings for each member you refer to the business when they stay a member.

At the mastery level of subscription, you have the ability to offer JV items developed by the leading earners and leaders in MLSP. You offer these items and you get 100 % commission.

How to Become a Member of MLSP

When you end up being a member, you have 4 levels of subscription readily available to you: Academy, Gold, Platinum and Mastery. Naturally, each level has certain advantages and benefits. You will pick a particular level of subscription based on your advertising experience and your company strategy and the objectives you desire to accomplish.

Exactly what do you require - Leads of Course - We all do, so that our companies can make it through. End up being a member of My Lead System Pro and get Leads Online.

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