Timothy Eller's Posts (229)

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MCA Review

Motor Club Of America (MCA)Review




MCA provides a wide range of services to both drivers and non-drivers. This includes road side assistance, lawyer services in the event of automobile accidents, tow truck services, health and dental care, and more.




These services are provided to residents in both the United States and in Canada.




As far as the MCA business opportunity goes, members pay around $40 a month for one of the service packages. So you need to be a customer of the service in order to refer others to it as part of the business opportunity. And then when you do refer others to the service you receive a payment of $80.




This is often referred to as the 40 / 80 system. You pay $40 and earn $80 per sale. This works using a form of CPA affiliate marketing. CPA means Cost Per Action and you are often paid a commission higher than the initial sale. So when someone pays $40 to join the MCA you are paid $80 because the company knows that the lifetime value of the customer will be much higher than that. They are therefore prepared to offset that initial commission upfront to say thanks for the new business.




Does MCA Work?




As with any online business opportunity, you will not make money just by being a member of MCA. You will need to take action and do lots of marketing of the opportunity on the internet.




So it is important to invest into your internet marketing education so that you have the skills to promote MCA online and get MCA leads.




If you send lots of traffic to the offer and get lots of leads then there is a good chance that it will work. If not, it wont.




I highly recommend that all MCA members join Empower Network to get the marketing training needed to get leads for their MCA business. You are provided with professional lead capture pages and a suite of the best online training products in the industry. You can also earn significant commissions “on the side” with the built in Empower Network business opportunity.




 I am not a member myself I believe that the MCA Business Opportunity will work if you take massive action and learn how to market on the internet in order to drive traffic to the offer. 



My team and I use the Niche Ad Generator Pro v. 3.0(NAG for short) as a powerful tool to recruit into our business...


Works great for many online businesses as well,I'm sure it will work great for MCA as well.



Here's how...



No matter what you biz op or MLM you are promoting chances are you are just like everybody else and promotingyour biz op link...



Just like everybody else in your Biz op...



That's why when you try free advertising platforms like surfing sites or safelists they don't work...



All marketers are doing is exchanging links with each other...



But our team is not...



See all members on our team get the save Niche Ad Generator Pro capture page that you went through to access NAG...


Or just use it to create powerful ads!


You see, we say;  "No matter what biz op or MLM you may bepromoting our software will help you generate Classified friendlyads...


Works for any advertising!


That's powerful...


Because chances are the leads you will come across are already in a bizop and chances are they are struggling...


Here we come along letting them know it doesn't matter what they are promoting our software will help them...



Tada they register to get access and they subscribe to ourlist...
And everybody loves our software so you will instantly bond withthem...
'nough said...



MCA Software Creates High Converting Ads


Claim Your Free MCA Software By Clicking Here

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Awesome Ad Tips

Ad Tips

Ad Tips


Hey everyone,I came across some cool, Awesome ad tips and thought I would pass them along to you.


Number One On Our Ad Tips 


Did you know that you can post ads on Craigslist in the Biz Opp.category in THREE cities EVERY Day?

You have to sign up for an account but it’s free and so is
the advertising!

Every one loves free ads,right.

I don’t know what type of business you have,but no matter what it is,I’m sure you need advertising.

I hear tons of people telling me that they can’t get results with Craigslist and similar websites with free advertising.

I can tell you straight up,that if you use a proven formula that works,you can get sales and sign ups daily with websites like Craigslist.

That’s the main reason I created this website,to help people get results with their business using these ad tips.

If you would like a free craigslist software click on the video to your right.


Number Two On Our Ad Tips


Here’s how you can use the same ad with the same title and body
for each of the three postings, just scroll over to the right on
the subject line and add some random numbers and letters.

Do the
same thing with different numbers and letters at the end of the
body of the ad. This makes it look like a different ad and won’t
be rejected as a duplicate!

This a great way to increase traffic to your website,using different categories.

Imagine if you had a high compelling offer,that got great results no matter what category you posted it in.

You could be grabbing sales and sign ups daily,hands free with these ad tips.


Number Three On Our Ad Tips


Secret Weapon!

It’s a cool FREE tool.

Use this headline analyzer
to make sure you are getting the most out of your marketing:
Get your Headline analyzer by clicking here.

The  Headline Analyzer calculates the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) of a headline.

This is a great tool to help you create better headlines for classifieds,emails,squeeze pages,blog post,or whatever else you are creating headlines for.

You know, using emotional triggers in your headlines is the key to getting your emails opened.

With all the emails people get these days,it’s getting harder and harder to get your email opened.

Give this tool a try to see how well it works for you.

I hope these Awesome ad tipsare helpful to you,remember you need to learn more to earn more.

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Customer attraction

Customer attraction
Customer attraction
Here are some great tips to help use Customer attraction and get more customers in your business,enjoy

Give Away An Electronic Information Product is a great way to use Customer attraction.

The product could be a simple report posted on your Web
site or in your auto responder to a download for an
the information product should relate to your target audience.
place your advertisement somewhere on the product.
other people to give away the information product to attract
more customers and is the key to customer attraction.

Offer Free Consulting Via E-mail for great Customer attraction.

Allow potential customers to ask you specific questions
relating to the subject of your business.
Giving away free advice can show your prospects your are an expert and give you instant credibility and is a great way to use customer attraction.

Hold A Free Chat Room Seminar and see how much Customer attraction you get.

People go to seminars to learn about a particular subject.
With chat rooms you don’t need to fear public speaking or
spend money to rent out a seminar room and is great for customer attraction.
You can use your
own chat room or hold the seminar in someone elses.
Holding a chat room seminar is an incredible way to get free
Just send a press release to the media announcing
your free seminar.
The best part is,everyone loves free seminars.
It’s free and they will learn new things and ways to use in their business or whatever your seminar is about.
Start an online club & allow people to join for free
Having people join your club is a creative way to use customer attraction. People want to belong to something.
We all need that sense of belonging to something,take advantage of that need and use it.
The club should be related to your
product or service.
You could give away a free e-mail
newsletter for club members only.
Have a members only
message board, e-mail discussion group or chat room. Post
your advertisements on all the club information.
Provide Your Product Or Service For a
discounted price.
Tell people you’ll accept barter deals for your
products or services.
You may not be getting paid this time,but they will become your customers. If they are satisfied they might pay money the next time they make a purchase.
Barter for things to improve your business or your own personal life.
Hope these Customer attraction tips help you attract more customers in your business.
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Cash Flow Solves Everything

Do You Have Cash Flow Problems?


The truth is people do not have BIG problems they simply have small cash flow.  I don’t care what anybody may say.  I don’t care who may disagree.  The truth is CASH FLOW solves everything.  Cash flow solvers problems.   Again, people don’t have BIG problems they simply have small cash flow.   Think about the last time you had a conversation with a friend who was sucking your very energy with all his ‘Whoa is me’ My-problems-are-so-friggen-big drama.


Just pin point one of his problems he shared with you.  Now, imagine your friend having lots of cash flow, yes, lots of money.  Do you think whatever the problem was that he was draining your energy with could have been solved?  I bet it could’ve.   Think about your own problems, no matter what they are…


Do you think you could begin to solve your problems  and end many of them if you had moremoney and cash flow?  I’d bet you could.



In fact, I know you could!

A whopping 90% of divorces are due to financial problems.  Yes, lack of money.  Little Cash Flow or no cash flow.   So I am safe to believe and preach that money –yes, cold hard cash– can save marriages.

There’s not a marriage counselor today and not even the Queen Oprah herself that can compete for having saved more marriages than a nice steady consistent cash flow increase.

Cash Flow solves everything.

ClickBank Profits,cash flow

Profit,cash flow

I dare say a new and consistent cash flow pipeline pumping cash  into newly wed’s bank accounts  would drastically drop the divorce rate down in America.

Statistics say most couples fight about MONEY.  More specifically a LACK of Money ans cash flow.

Pump more money into the household, increase there cash flow and all of sudden you have a HAPPY marriage.

Yes, in many cases and I do mean many, cash flow solves everything.

And don’t think for a minute that money can’t ‘buy’ health.  I happen to know a friend who he is thankful every day that he makes enough money to purchase his medicine for the horrible disease he has.  He has told me over and over again that if he didn’t have the cash flow you wouldn’t be able to afford half his medicines needed to keep him going and working and that government resources would only provide him with less effective generic brands.

Yes, I know… That’s said.  But it is what it is so we have to make sure we have BIG MONEY so we will have small problems.

Let me share this humorous story from my Dad’s pulpit.

Oral Roberts (the Faith based healer), Jim Bakker (mega preacher) and Billy Graham all died and went to Heaven.  St. Peter opens the door and asks, “What are ya’ll doing here? “

Oral Roberts, Jim Bakker and Billy Graham say, “Well we died and we are ready for our mansions in the sky.”

St. Peter looks down at his clipboard and then, “Well listen your mansion won’t be ready for another 3 days.  I know it is hot and stuffy down there but do you mind just waiting in hell for a few days?”

The preachers did not mine and went down to hell to await their mansions. 

Three days later St. Peter hears a hard loud obnoxious knock on Heaven’s gates, and opens the door.  There stood the devil.  He asked, “What do you want?”

The devil said, ” I want you to get those three guys from down there!”

St. Peter said, “Why?  They’re just resting until we have their mansions ready.”

The Devil yelled, “Resting my butt!  Oral Roberts is trying to heal everyone.  Billy Graham is trying to convert everyone.   And Jim Bakker is trying to raise enough cash flow for an air-condition!”


Friends, just know and keep this in mind:  You don’t have Big problems you have small cash flow.  And be of Good Cheer!  There’s ways of cranking out Cash Flow!


Cash Flow By Using Free Advertising

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Who Has Time For A Learning Curve?

You Ain't Got Time For Any Learning Curve!

You Ain’t Got Time For Any Learning Curve!

Who Has Time For A Learning Curve?

Look, if you are like a lot of us we are not getting any younger.  We’re not a ‘Teeny Bopper’ anymore.

We’re not some fast talking, Young Geek that was born with a lap top in his lap and a mouse in his hand.  The truth is that I’ve never seen a ‘wheelchair’ fit in the back of a Lamborgini or any kind of nice sports car.


You Ain't Got Time For Any Learning Curve!

You Ain’t Got Time For Any Learning Curve!


I’m trying to make money NOW not when I am 90 something years old and unable to enjoy it.  And any long drawn out ‘Learning Curve’ will no doubt set you back like crazy while we continue to age, yeah, like crazy.

Empower Network combined with our Team Training and powerful high converting blogging techniques and training will absolutely help YOU cut the learning curve in half, if not more.

I know our video below that we so encourage you to watch will open your eyes WIDE OPEN to experiencing success NOW not in some distant aging future. Watch how one of the top leaders in Empower Network, Michelangelo Lopez, explain it here


Throw The Learning Curve Out

Anytime you take on a new business you have a huge learning curve.

If your new to online business or affiliate marketing there is a huge learning curve.

Do you have time for each learning curve below?


  • Blogging
  • Advertising
  • Autoresponders
  • Videos
  • Follow ups

The best thing about our system is it’s the closest thing to a done for you system that I have seen in my 4 years online.

When you plug in to our system and get on our live webinars and see how the system works you will see why the learning curve is so small you will be wondering where we have been all your life,lol!

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God Has Given You What You Need

What You Need In The Eyes Of God

What You Need In The Eyes Of God



Do You Feel You Don’t Have What You Need?

Sometimes we feel as though were not where we should be at this point in our lives.You start thinking “why don’t I have that new car or new house”.The truth is God gives you what you need when you need it.



So don’t worry if you feel like your not where you think you should be in your life.Don’t worry if your business is not succeeding in the time period you wanted.God will give you what you need when you need it.



If your not seeing the success in your business at this time in your life or if have not got that job promotion you have been praying for.The reason is,it is not what you need at this point.



When you need it,God will give you what you need as soon as you need it.Look at from another point of view.Suppose you have what you need but your really not ready for it.



Think about that for a minute,lets say you got that job promotion that required other skills that you have not really mastered at this time and you got that job and then it was cut short because you did not have what you need.



I believe you would rather have what you need before winning that promotion,then to have won and lost it all.See the point I’m getting at.



Trust God To Give You What You Need



Have faith and trust in God to give You what you need when you need it.



As for myself,I remember a time I really did not have the mindset and thought process in my business to really succeed.



In my current business I was pitched time and time again.But I believe it took my sponsor who was unique among all others to provide me with the leader I needed.



So don’t pray for that million dollar payday or that new new car or house.Instead pray and trust in God to provide you with what you need.Like the skills involved or to meet that special person that will help you achieve those goals.



Timothy Eller



Maybe What You Need To Boost Your Business And Life Is Empower Network


I can’t really Say,that is for you to decide…

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Creative Brainstorming Techniques

Brainstorming Techniques

Brainstorming Techniques

Is that thing on your neck empty,need more ideas for your business,here are a few Brainstorming Techniques & Tips To Generate More Ideas For Your Business to get you started.


1. Communicating regularly with other business people can generate many ideas and Brainstorming Techniques.


There are many resources online and
offline to meet new business people and create Brainstorming Techniques;


chat rooms,

discussion boards,

trade shows,

social media sites,

forums, etc.

Sharing your
knowledge, asking questions, and taking in new information
will stimulate your mind and allow new Brainstorming Techniques to surface.

Your brain will begin to put all this
information together to create profitable business ideas.


2. If you’re not much of a communicator, try reading for some great Brainstorming Techniques.


can also stimulate your mind. Read business books, magazines,
e-books, web sites, journals, e-zines, newspapers,blogs etc.

brain will generate profitable Brainstorming Techniques and ideas by absorbing and
rearranging this information on a regular basis.


3. Don’t have a lot of time to read? You could listen to
business audio books, seminars and courses,not to mention videos,which is my favorite way to get some awesome Brainstorming Techniques.


Listen to
them in the car, while you’re doing house work, working in
the yard, or exercising.

Also, tune in business related radio
stations. This will help you save time and generate
profitable Brainstorming Techniques and ideas at the same time.

There are a few extra tips that will help improve these ideas
generation strategies and Brainstorming Techniques.

Take short breaks to brainstorm about
the information you absorbed.

Keep a notepad and pen
handy to record your ideas so you don’t forget them.

businesses need profitable business ideas and Brainstorming Techniques to
competition and survive.

That’s why you should interact and put yourself out there,if you start providing true value to others,you will get noticed.

One example of this,is myself.

I used to be  a member of an online business community,it’s like the Facebook for business.

Well anyway,I always try to post things to help other members out,and interact with others on their live feed.

By using this approach,I was invited to join in on their leader call.

I was surprised to say the least!

I thought,really,they see me as a leader,wow!

I just see myself as a student of the game.

What I’m trying to say is,you never know how much value your words have until you put yourself out there.

Think about the opportunities you could receive by networking with like-minded people as yourself.

The Brainstorming Techniques you could learn from these unique people.


Meet two leaders that want to Give you their brainstorming techniques and get YOU to the top…

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Link Cloaking Affiliate Links Made Easy





So you have finally stepped into the world of making money online. You too, like the others, have decided to start with  affiliate programs.

Also, you must have heard that it’s not a big deal to make good money with affiliate marketing, provided you choose the right programs and do some strategic planning while promoting your affiliate products. So far so good.

Whether you are promoting other people’s products or promoting your own products – that doesn’t matter because after all it is nothing but your own business and your means to earn good money.

So whichever be your case, I am sure you would not want to leave money on the table and invite others to steal your share of profits.

Even though the industry of affiliate marketing is pretty competitive but if you are cautious and are strategic in your marketing techniques then, it could be very profitable for you.

Take a close look at the industry, you will see that not every one who gets into affiliate marketing is successful. People who are doing well leave no room for failure and take all security measures and understand its importance.

Yes! Security is one of the key factors in affiliate marketing. If you do not adopt proper security measures, then your business will be at high risk. One of the most important way to restore security is to protect your affiliate links. Do not take them for granted. A bit of carelessness on your part in regards to affiliate links may cost you a lot of dollars.

Do you know the long complicated links that you send to your prospective customers not only look convoluted but they can create a lot of problems too!

If you send such an affiliate link to your customers, then the smart ones will definitely figure out that you are promoting someone else’s product and they would rather visit the parent company.

Also, if your link does not function then your customers have to type a really long URL into the browser, which will definitely put him or her off.

You could be a victim of even a worse situation.

What if some devious Internet pirates steal your affiliate links and replace them with theirs. If they do that, then you get no commission at all.

Did I scare you off with all of the above possibilities? Well, that certainly wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to open your eyes and state facts that actually happen in the world of  the Internet. It happened with me until I came across ViralURL , that brought a revolution to my online ventures.

So, if you are not getting the desired results out of your affiliate marketing,don’t lose hope. There’s definitely a remedy to this problem and that is ViralURL

Do I hear you asking, what is it and how can it help in averting any adverse situation for an affiliate marketer like me?
Be patient and read on, if you love your business.


Link Cloaking Affiliate Links Made Easy With ViralURL


ViralURL is a link cloaker that protects you in the truest sense. There may be many unethical people lurking around, who might play with your affiliate links by cutting them off or replacing them with their own etc.

How much effort you put in towards building your business and advertising your business,if your links are tampered with, then all your hard work will be rendered useless.

In order to avoid such a rip off, ViralURL gives you full protection and sees to it that your affiliate links never get exposed to others.

So save yourself from getting ripped. Get all the commissions to your account that you rightfully deserve. All this is made possible by ViralURL


Link Cloaking Affiliate Links Made Easy With ViralURL!


It is a blessing for every affiliate marketer like you and me, who wants to achieve success in their endeavor.

Is ViralURL limited to only link protection?


It does much more than that. Let’s see what ViralURL can do for us:

*ViralURL helps us in protecting commission.
*ViralURL helps in building mailing lists.
*ViralURL helps in tracking statistics.
*ViralURL helps in earning extra ad credits.

In short, ViralURL allows us to create massive business leverage.
I don’t see any negative aspect associated with ViralURL. All you have to do is join it for free, then cloak your links, promote them and see your business soaring higher and higher.

Link Cloaking Affiliate Links Made Easy With ViralURL!


You can get all detailed information about the program from the site ViralURL . There, you can find several unsolicited testimonials from various users of ViralURL. So if you want to protect your business and see your earnings grow, try ViralURL. You have nothing to lose with it.

Learn how to make your Link Cloaking Affiliate Links Made Easy With ViralURL!

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My Fun Life Review

My Fun Life

My Fun Life


What Is My Fun Life?

My Fun LIFE, founded in March 2013, is a privately held network marketing company based in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.


My Fun LIFE will offer lifestyle products, starting with travel. My Fun LIFE booking engine works with a top travel search engine to find Members the best deals on flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, and more.


My Fun LIFE Members earn cash-back on personal travel and get paid when friends book through their booking engine.


My Fun LIFE uses the power of buying in bulk to offer exclusive vacation packages, called Fun TRIPS, at a fraction of what non-Members would pay.


My Fun LIFE Members also have access to Fun CONDOS, luxury condos in resort destinations, at discounted rates.


Company Goals
The mission of My Fun LIFE is ‘’to provide a global network of positive people, life changing products, and an unparalleled opportunity for our Members, our communities and the world we live in!’’


Enrollment Options


Customers can use My Fun LIFE Booking Engine for free. It costs $21.00 to become a Member of My Fun LIFE and receive full access to the Booking Engine, Fun TRIPS and Fun CONDOS packages, as well as a full back office with business building tools, videos, contact management, matrix tracking, and more.



Compensation Plan



My Fun LIFE has a 3×10 forced matrix compensation plan. Members can earn commissions up to 7 levels of pay without sponsoring anyone, or can earn commissions on up to 10 levels of monthly Membership purchases, plus qualify for up to 50% Check Matching and weekly Coded bonuses.



Members receive cash back on all the travel purchases made through their own Booking Engine, and can also earn an override on their referred customers and receive a commission on all their bookings as well, including all of their free customer’s bookings.


You Can Join My Fun Life Below…


My Fun Life

My Fun Life



A Better Alternative To My Fun Life


I have nothing against my fun life,but you could have all those things mentioned above withEmpower Network.


You can make more money now and a whole lot quicker and never worry about how much money your going to save.Can you imagine what your life would be like to not ever worry about the price of anything ever again.


Or better yet if your currently involved with my fun life you can use our system to get ranked on Google and get the marketing education you need to truly take your business to places you can’t imagine.


Not my fun life,this is for your fun life…


Timothy Eller


Get Started Right Now!


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Start Your Business


Who Has $25 To Start Your business

You must do whatever it takes to start your business.It all comes down to what you are willing to do to change your situation.


I’m not sure what you currently do for a living,but if your like me or millions of others on the planet that hate going to their 9 to 5 job and your willing to do whatever it takes to start your business then listen up…


$25 is not much to start your business,you will spend more than that going out to eat at a fast food place for two.


I know better than anyone what its like to struggle in these trying times.I was a single working man with a family of 4 and yet I was able to as I’m sure you can find a way to start your business as well.


If you don’t find a way right now,things will never change.


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein


I heard people tell me they can’t afford it,well I say you can’t afford not to start your business.Think about your car.You have to put fuel in it if you want to get from one point to another right…


Well if you want to start your business you need a vehicle and the fuel to drive that vehicle.You don’t think twice about putting gas in your car when you need to get to that job that your slaving away at day after day,so start thinking the same way when you start your business.Just find money to start your business or you will never know what your life could have been.



Timothy Eller



If you are at all wanting to earn money online in anything you are currently doing then watch this hangout replay now…


Start Your Business Here With Team Prosperity

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Spin Rewriter Review

Spin Rewriter

Spin Rewriter



How Aaron tricked Google With Spin Rewriter



Let me start with a fairy tale about a Spin Rewriter Software … I’m sure
you haven’t heard one in a very long while!


Once upon a time my friend Aaron asked the
struggling internet marketers how he can
help them succeed.


“We want free, high quality, unique content,” they said.



Upon hearing this, Aaron went to his cave
and no one saw him for 2 whole years!



Then, he came back — with a magical
solution, called Spin Rewriter.



In less than 3 days, he sold over 3,747
copies of spin rewriter to now very successful marketers.



The new magical solution of spin rewriter was brilliant.
And everybody lived
happily ever after with the new spin rewriter.
– How about you?




If you want to make a killing online, you
need TONS of high quality and unique content that spin rewriter can give you…



Both for your websites and for SEO. Especially
after all these nasty Google updates!



Aaron’s  spin rewriter software was developed by his team
that includes Stanford and Princeton scientists.



Spin rewriter actually UNDERSTANDS your text and creates
TONS of high quality, readable content from
your old dusty articles… with ONE click!

When we write a blog post we want that content to rank as highly with Google as possible – ideally on the first page of Google towards the top!  If we don’t get our content to rank highly on the search engines, then we will have pretty much wasted our time as nobody will find our content when they do a search!  We can use Spin Rewriter as a super powerful tool in our SEO


Spin Rewriter will completely rewrite our blog posts for us and generate multiple unique versions automatically!  All we need to do is copy and paste our original blog post into the Spin Rewriter software and in less than a minute we will have multiple unique versions of our original content at our disposal!



We are not allowed to re-create or submit the same piece of content more than once as this is classed as content duplication and Google will penalize you for it and your content will not rank.  This is why it is crucially important to generate content that is preferably at least 70% unique.



STOP wasting your money on content andWatch a Spin Rewriter demo video NOW

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Best WordPress Plugins

Best WordPress Plugins


Six Of The Most Popular and Best WordPress Plugins For Blog Security


In the world today, the trend is emerging for self hosted blogs and securing your blog with theBest WordPress Plugins to keep your blog secure to prevent you from being hacked.



Undoubtedly, WordPress is the best tool to have for your very personal blog. One of the important things to think about, which need adequate consideration, is to examine whether your WordPress blog is safe or not. If your not outsourcing your blog to a designer and your hosting/building it yourself then you should probably read the rest of this article before a possible attack could happen to you.



So, it will be necessary to take significant steps toward your website security. There are several WordPress security plugins that can provide you with better security for your network marketing blog.



I have used the Best WordPress Plugins, that can really secure your WordPress blog. Unless you are extremely confident in the inner workings of WordPress and are a security webmaster, I recommend taking advantage of the following best WordPress security plugins which will take you a long way in securing your blog with the Best WordPress Pluginsavailable.



6 Best WordPress Plugins To Secure Your Blog



No. 1 - WP Security Scan Secure Scan strengthens the security for your WordPress installation by scanning your site for security vulnerabilities and suggesting methods in which your can fix the problem.



No. 2 - WP MalWatch WP-MalWatch is a WordPress security plugin scanner designed to help alert you when hackers have been at work inside your blog. When hackers infiltrate a blog, the first thing they do is plant hidden files, disguised and malicious in various directories. Their goal is to litter your WordPress installation and theme with links to their sites.



No. 3 - WP Secure WP Secure plug-in provides secure WordPress installation by hiding your WordPress plug-in directory and version from non-admin users or visitors. Hackers normally use this information to hack there way into a blog, so by adding this plug-in you can maximize your website blog security.



No. 4 - Website Defender WordPress Security The Website Defender WordPress Security plug-in is a free and comprehensive security tool that helps you secure your WordPress installation and suggests corrective measures for: strengthening passwords, securing file permissions, security of the database, version hiding, WordPress admin protection and lots more.



No. 5 - Akismet Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not and lets you review the spam it catches under your blog’s “Comments” admin screen. Akismet comes pre-installed with WordPress, although you’ll need to apply for an API key to use it. You can do this through Akismet’s options panel in the Dashboard.




No. 6 - BackWPUp BackWPUp is a truly excellent plugin that can back up both your files and database, then send them to multiple locations such as Amazon S3, FTP, Dropbox etc. You can select exactly what folders and tables you want to backup, and also schedule automatic backups. A truly handy plugin that is free.



By its nature, WordPress is a secure system with well-crafted code. Despite this, no software is perfect, and security holes are found even in WordPress every so often. When such vulnerabilities are discovered an update is immediately released. Hopefully you can see this as being one of the primary reasons why you should always keep your WordPress site updated to the latest version.



Can I share something with you? Take the extra step and protect your site with these suggested Best WordPress Plugins to secure your blog. Don’t wind up like I did and have your site shut down by Google for a couple of days due to a malicious attack on your site.

Even With The Best WordPress Plugins Your Still At Risk.


Host Your Blog With Empower Network And Leave Those Best WordPress Plugins To Those Trying To Rank On Google And Join Empower And Rank And get Leads Instead Of Just Trying Rank Like The Masses.



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How To Get Free Google Traffic

Google Traffic

Google Traffic


How To Use This Trick And Get Free Google Traffic


Everybody wants to drive MASSES
of free Google traffic to their website.
But there’s a problem…
In order to get Google Traffic, you need to setup
a website with a HUGE number of articles.


All your articles need to be unique,
completely original and high quality.


And herein lies the problem – this process takes TIME.


Time you should be relaxing,
time you should be focusing on the things you love and having a life.
So what’s the solution to getting free Google Traffic.


Right now, there is only one,well actually two but right now lets talk why you need an “article spinner”.


If you would like my other method of getting even more Google Traffic check out our free video that explain the 3 step process by clicking here.


Where were we…
Spinners are advanced pieces of software
that take one article and “spin” them
into hundreds of unique articles allowing you to claim free Google Traffic from your articles.


This tricks the search engines,
and means you get Google Traffic – and profits – the easy way.
You can get Google Traffic and more using
a new tool I just came across…


In fact, it will even submit your articles
to an array of article sites,
turning you into an authority in Google’s eyes and them giving you free Google Traffic.


And if you think this sounds
too good to be true you can check it out here

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Affiliate Website Generator Review

Tackling the whole issue of website building or generation causes nausea or panic for those wanting to get into internet marketing.

Affiliate Website Generator makes it easy.
I have tried out the Affiliate Website Generator (AWG) by Success Etc, Russell Brunson’s company that has put out the DotComSecrets X and DotComSecrets Local products to help affiliates get into the online marketing business. I have started myself with the DotComSecrets X 30-day program, and it has literally brought me out of the marketing stone age. See my product review.

This is a very easy-to-use and powerful affiliate website generator. I was able to get a website up and running in minutes – no kidding! And I have struggled to make websites like this in the past, and they just turned out so lame! No longer!


Affiliate Website Generator Features


There are tons of ‘How To’ videos that explain every step of the process using the AffiliateWebsite Generator, from downloading through installing your new website. There are videos on getting your new website installed by Fiverr and GVO, on how how to make a review, how to install plugins and how to edit your new website in WordPress. There are videos that explain marketing basics such as how to make a Review article, and two on monetization of your new website: “2 Ways To Make Money With Your New Website,” and “2 Steps To Get Quick Traffic To Your New Website.”


Affiliate Website Generator Affiliate Program


In addition to building a new, fantastic website, the Affiliate Website Generator has an affiliate program that rewards you to promote the tool to others with a recurring downline revenue stream. Why not make money while you’re building out your website?


Affiliate Website Generator Extras


Not only can you take part in the affiliate Website Generator affiliate program, but if you go for the DotComSecrets X program and take advantage of the GVO domain and hosting services, you can join three affiliate programs in one, so that promotions of Affiliate Website Generator can benefit you in multiple programs!

I highly recommend the Affiliate Website Generator – don’t waste valuable hours trying to do it manually!


Are you new to internet marketing, like the Affiliate Website Generator but need to know more? I’d highly recommend investing $1 for the 30-day DotComSecrets X 30-day program. Nowhere are you going to get this kind of knowledge and access to a series of tools and methods that can convert for you if you stick with it! Click here to learn more.



Affiliate Website Generator

Affiliate Website Generator

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ASN (All Solutions Network) Review




ASN Claims Of No Investment Required– Income Guaranteed




ASN belief is…


It is their belief that a business opportunity that is worthwhile, that truly can bring success…


believe in what they are doing and what they are offering, they should be willing to forego upfront fees and wait to share in your success.


Tim’s belief…


Can’t say I share that belief with ASN.In order to be truly successful business you need the exchange of money for services.



Not to say you can’t make money with a free business opportunity,I’ve made money with a no cost opportunity myself.



But a business built on free can only take you so far.It’s fine if you just want to make a few extra bucks from home.But if you want to be truly financially free you need a paid product and one that not only pays you but brings people together and uplifts and motivates them to believe they can achieve success.


More from the belief from ASN..





should they need to charge you?  The answer is simple…



most companies realize that your success is far from assured.  Their business model is not to
share your profits but to immediately share your WALLET.  That is not how ASN operates.  See Why You Can’t Fail With ASN.


More from Tim…


Are you kidding me!


I believe anyone can succeed with any business,if it has a proven business model.


Even with ASN.


With the right education,and that’s what we provide here at Empower Network.


And we are not here to take your money,in fact we want to give you 100% commissions on all our products.


Now see why you can’t fail with Empower Network.


We have it all.


High ranking domain.


Viral blogging system.




And best of all,a system by the people and for the people.


I’m not saying that ASN is not right for you.If you want to Join ASN Click Here.



But it’s my belief that Empower Network is by far the greatest way I’ve ever seen to build a business or even take your own business to places you could not imagine.


Timothy Eller



ASN Or Empower Network




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Don’t Worry Be Happy

Don’t worry so much,its bad for the soul.


When we worry we it can do many things to hinder your goals.For one the more we worry the more that worry will become a reality.


If your in business and you are worried about your success and where your next dollar is coming from,don’t worry and have faith in your business and most of all in yourself.


Don’t worry about the money,although it can be hard because that is why you started your business in the 1st place,right.


Just concentrate on trying to help others and provide value and then they will join your business.Don’t worry if they join or upgrade.Just keep being consistent in your marketing and the money will come.


The best ways I have found that keep me from worrying is to look at it another way instead of having my focus on money I focus on listbuilding.


Think about it,the key to online success is your email list or at least the relationship you build with your list,or your friends as I like to see my subscribers.


Start setting goals of how many people you would like to have on your list on a daily basis and don’t worry about the money so much.


Another way is set goals with advertising.What I mean is don’t worry about how much money the ads are making you.Instead set goals to improve your advertising or find better places to advertise.In the process you could build your own advertising system to help others find the best bang for their buck.


Now that’s providing value…


So don’t worry success will come.


Timothy Eller



Don't Worry Be Happy

Don’t Worry Be Happy

 Don’t Worry About Success When You Have The Right System


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5 Minute Mogul Review

5 Minute Mogul
5 Minute Mogul

What Is 5 Minute Mogul

Are you looking for a 5 minute mogul review so you can learn more information about this system? Then you are reading the right review because you will be able to learn the essential facts about this system to help you find out what it really is.
The first fact to understand about 5 Minute Mogul is that you can start using this system for free. Yes, you read that correctly.
This 5 Minute Mogul system offers anyone the chance to use it for free before you decide to spend any money to upgrade with it so you can utilize it better and earn even more income from it.
For any person that is not aware of exactly what this 5 Minute Mogul system is, it is a marketing system that Kimball Roundy created. It was created to help him build his own internet business to become even more successful than it was, but most important to help other business owners online learn how to effectively build their own business from home with 5 Minute Mogul.
Now, with this 5 Minute Mogul system you can begin using 22+ income streams combined with various affiliate programs to help you earn a good income. That is on top of using it to build your own business, if you are currently a business owner.
To provide you with an example of the type of income streams you can use with 5 Minute Mogul, GVO Host Then Profit is one program in the system and this is an opportunity that many of the top internet marketers are also involved in.
That alone tells you that 5 Minute Mogul must be profitable or these big names online would not waste their time with it.
Another fact about this 5 Minute Mogul system is that you not only get the multiple income streams, but you are also going to get tools and training. The 5 minute system is built to provide you with various steps you can take to build your business and income.
Each one comes with a video tutorial that is going to show you exactly what to do and how to get it done right. That way you are never left in the dark about what to do or how to accomplish it because all of this information is going to make it easier for you to get it done effectively.
As you can see, this 5 minute mogul review has provided you with a lot of information about this system. There is much more that you want to learn about it so you can understand it completely and that is why you need to check it out more on your own now so you can decide if this is a system you want to utilize or if you will pass it up and hope that something better comes along someday.
Welcome To 5 Minute Mogul

Get Started With 5 Minute Mogul

5 Minute Mogul
5 Minute Mogul
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How to Plant and Reap Positive Changes

Positive Changes
Positive Changes


“I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest.” - Jesus Christ,
John 4:35
Together we can set ourselves up to reap positive changes and the most wondrous future possibilities NOW. Not tomorrow, not in the by and by, but in this present moment you can choose the future you desire, working to release the things of the past that may be hindering you and becoming empowered to live more fully, moving into the future you dream about.
A Science of Living Principle:

“God has ordained perfect good, an abundance of good, for you — for each and every one of us. When you know that God is a God of generosity and abundance, you will experience an abundance of good and positive changes in your life.

The Power Of Positive Thinking Can Give Life To Your Dreams And Change Your Destiny Through Positive Changes

A life of success and achievement is a direct result of utilizing the power of positive thinking through God and positive changes. The most important asset you have in your quest to live your dreams? It’s right under your nose. Actually your nose is part of it. It’s simply – YOU. More specifically YOUR MIND.
Nobody would argue that electricity exists. You can’t touch, smell, hear or see it, but its effects are evident everywhere you look. Its power is evident everywhere you look.
In the same way, your thoughts are energy. Your thoughts drive your life with positive changes just as electricity drives a motor. That is the power there is in having a positive mental attitude.
Yes, I am not the first one to say this and I bet I won’t be the last either. You know why? Because it is true. It’s simple, but true. There is power in thoughts; in negative and in positive thinking. Choose positive thinking and you will enjoy positive energy and positive results and positive changes in your life.
YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. This is one of my favorite positive thinking quotes:
If you think you are beaten you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t;
If you want to win but think you can’t;
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose you’re lost;
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will;
It’s all in a state of mind.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
Timothy Eller

Download Think And Grow Rich And Read How Positive Thinking Brought Positive Changes To Countless Millionaires.

Positive Changes Are At hand
Positive Changes Are At hand
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20 Minute Payday Review

20 Minute Payday

20 Minute Payday



What is the 20 Minute Payday?


20 Minute Payday is a  internet marketing training program by Russell Brunson of DotComSecrets.  20 Minute Payday teaches you how to find your passion and turn it into money via creating your own product and  affiliate marketing (selling other people’s products in exchange for a commission for bringing in new customers) until you have gained the knowledge and skills you need to create your own product.



The 20 Minute Payday system is unique in that there’s a strong emphasis on entrepreneurship and building a business rather than just making money online.



The 20 Minute Payday system is not a scam or one of those “get rich quick” schemes.You have to roll up your sleeves and do the work, which is why Russell stresses the point of finding your passion so it doesn’t feel like work.  On, the upside, once you build the foundation, it takes little to maintain and runs on autopilot, which is where “20 Minute Payday” comes from.



How does the 20 Minute Payday work


There is a lot of content.  The “meat and potatoes”‘ portion of 20 Minute Payday comes in the form of approx. 18 videos that Russell that teach you how to set up your business from the ground up.  No stone is left unturned.



In addition, there are also 4 advanced video modules as well as 2 interviews from some students that have gone through the entire process as well as 4 bonuses–2 tools and some stuff from 2 of the biggest names in internet marketing!  Here is a break down of just some of the things you will learn inside the 20 Minute Payday system.


*How to create killer products

*Develop your business module (business vs. product)

*Defining your USP, hook & product name

*How to compile your product

*How to package your product

*Selling your first product without a website

*Website & list-building basics

*How to create a squeeze page

*How to get JV partners…and a lot more



If you are interested in learning how to make real money online and willing to put in the work, your end goal should always be to create your own product and have a list of buyers.


Not only will having affiliates enable other people to make money for your hands free, but you will also be able to make money from your list at the push of a button so that you can truly have a “20 Minute Payday.  Russell Brunson’s 20 Minute Payday system is not a scam and even comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. I hope this 20 Minute Payday reviewenables you to make an informed decision and invite you to click the link below to try it for yourself.


Timothy Eller



Put 20 Minute Payday And Empower Network Together To Build The Ultimate Cash Generating Machine

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The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Train Your Subconscious Mind To Make Your Desires Come To Life

Your Subconscious Mind is the key to your desires.I know what most of you are thinking…
What a wack job!!!
If you open your mind,your Subconscious Mind you can open up a whole new world of reality in your life if you just believe.
Start with inputting good vibes in and bad vibes out of your Subconscious Mind.
Listen to leaders and people who you want what they have and in time you will train your Subconscious Mind to talk and be like that person.
Sounds crazy right!
I liked the following article from Stephane Page,read it below and let me know what you think.
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
Watch out for what you put in your mind because it may as well happen.
The law of attraction, the subconscious mind, the magic of thinking big, what the mind of a man can conceive and believe it can achieve… All of this stuff is real.
You and I are living proof of that.
When I was 16 years old my father gave me a book called “The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind.”
He was in Amway many years earlier and had all of these books and tapes on personal growth.
It took me a while before I finish the book but the more I read the more I got absorbed into it.
I discovered we control our destiny by our thoughts.
Everyday I would go to bed and imagine myself driving a white Honda Civic. I would close my eyes and feel the steering in my hands, taking the curve close to our house with my favorite song playing in the radio.
I didn’t have the money to buy that car. And I didn’t tell anyone I wanted that car. One day, my father takes me to the car dealership and showed me a white Honda Civic. What?!!!!
A few years later I created my own MLM company. I was going to send people to stores and collect money from the stores and split that money through the network.
I started to see that the card we would use was going to be a MasterCard. Everybody thought I was crazy. No bank would want to issue a credit card to do an MLM program.
9 months later, I had my own MLM credit card business.
Credit-Card Company Achieved Through The Power Of My Subconscious Mind
Credit-Card Company Achieved Through The Power Of My Subconscious Mind
I could go on ad on and on like this. But let’s fast-forward to today.
A few years ago, I bought training programs from Tim Sales. I began to imagine myself speaking on stage with him. I could feel what it would be like to be friends.
Not only have I shared the stage with Tim but I attended Tim & Laura Sales wedding this weekend. They invited their closest family and friends.
Tim Sales wedding by The Power Of My Subconscious Mind
Tim Sales wedding by The Power Of My Subconscious Mind
Here is my formula for manifesting anything you want in life:
1) describe clearly what you want and make sure it’s something you are passionate about
2) everyday, think about having this very thing accomplished and feel what it’s like to have it. You don’t have to be super excited about it because once you will have it, you won’t necessarily be super excited everyday. You will just have it.
3) take action like its a done deal. You are currently creating that reality. It doesn’t matter what happens everyday, it’s becoming your reality now. It’s just like watching a movie but you’ve already seen the ending.
I found that if I have to force myself everyday to think about it, it’s not something I truly believe is going to happen.
So I always make sure it’s something I really want and I get excited because I tell myself “that’s it, that’s what I’m making happen now. It’s already in the process of happening. No matter what, I’m going to be there anyway”. And I say this in a non-complacent way. Like it’s normal.
If I make it a big deal, then it’s going to be a big deal. But if it’s just the normal thing, then life is going to make it the normal thing.
If you feel stressed by it because you don’t know how it’s going to happen and you have so much to do to make it happen, then it won’t work.
So how can you make yourself believe in something that you know you don’t have right now and you are not sure it can really happen?
Well, there are two possibilities why you can’t believe in yourself:
1) you constantly break promises you make to yourself.
2) you don’t know how it’s going to happen
The first thing you should do is to stop making promises you won’t hold.
The second thing, make a small commitment towards something and follow-through.
The moment you begin to believe in yourself is when your life starts to change.
You then begin to believe that if you are going to make a promise to yourself, you will make it happen no matter what.
And when you believe in “no matter what”, providence finds its way.
That’s when you begin to believe in things you would have never believed in before but now you know things will be alright because YOU have the power and you attract things, people and circumstances to help you manifest what you believe is going to happen. There is no more doubts, it’s a done deal.
Like right now, here are my thoughts: I’m attracting big leaders into my organization. People who are making Ariix their final rodeo. These are good people. They are loyal, devoted, they are on a mission and they are brining in thousands of people with them.
What about YOU?
Have you ever dreamed of something and believed whole heartedly it would manifest… and it did?
Write it below in the comments. I want to hear about YOUR stories.
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