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On June 28, 1870, an act of Congress declared December 25thto be a national holiday called Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Without Jesus, there would be no reason to celebrate December 25thas a national holiday. Jesus was and sti

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We are publishing these blog posts to provide quality alternative health care, natural medicine, and natural healing information to help baby boomers and seniors live a longer, healthier, happier, more energetic and independent life without using pr

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I Remember That All Is God

The Daily Meditation 11.22.2013

I Remember That All Is God

Marilyn C. O’Leary, RScP


I sit in the warmth of my home while the weather changes around me and gets colder. I appreciate all I have.

I breathe in and remember that all is God. God is the ineffab

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God is All of It

The Daily Meditation 10.01.2013

God is All of It

Glenn Buckland, RScP

glennbuckland-150x150.jpg?width=150Moving from Summer to Autumn I am rem
inded that while we live on a tiny planet in a vast, infinite cosmos we are part of something so much bigger than our minds can comprehend.  With

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A Prayer for the Solstice


The Daily Meditation 06.21.2013

A Prayer for the Solstice

Marilyn O’Leary, RScP


At this time of the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, I am reminded of two things: 1) to affirm and be grateful for the blessings of the Universe, knowing the s

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