Tom Riach's Posts (108)

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Angel Is As Angel Does


Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

"My novels are written with the help of angels!" - JTR

     Do you believe in angels? I do. Not the cherub with large wings floating in the heavens kind nor the one atop the Christmas tree but those fellow humans who protect and support us and who arrive out of the blue just when we are most in need. And there are always times of need. 

     As entrepreneurs it is inevitable that we experience ups and downs in our careers, good days and bad days. After all, the term entrepreneur implies that we take risks. Of course we use our experience, knowledge and wit to minimise risk and to give us an advantage - but we still fail at times. That's why it is essential to be not only firm and resolute in our behaviour, but to be kind and considerate too. Because when you do show compassion for others and act on it you are being their angel at the time when they need one. Then someone else, often a complete stranger, will in turn repay your kindness when you are most in need. A kindness given is always returned, 'though often from an unlikely source or entirely different direction than to where originally gifted.

     It is important therefore to be on the look out for your angels. You may not recognise them at first as they come in many guises. But if you miss them, through misplaced pride, ignorance or cynicism then your chance for redemption may be gone.

     My novels (featured in the headline image) and all my other books would not exist had it not been for the support of angels at various points in my life. On several occasions I created 'disasters' from which I barely recovered and perhaps didn't deserve to. But unexpected assistance arrived at critical moments, pulled me from the brink and drove me on to greater achievement. Those experiences, and the angels involved, feature regularly as the content of my books and always inspire the writing of them. 

     So stay alert. Your angel may appear as the friend or relative you've neglected these many years or as the guy from across the road you've always (probably for no real reason) disliked and who you assumed disliked you. Your angel will often materialise as a total stranger or one whose appearance or character at first does not appeal to you or they may come to you as a neighbour, acquaintance, business colleague, employer or work mate. But rest assured - your angel(s) will come.

     When they do, welcome them, encourage and nurture them. Surround yourself with them. There are few things in life more important than to know your angels. Help them as you wish to be helped. Act kind, words alone are not enough. Angel is as angel does!

 Merry Christmas! 

I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal. 

Read both of my best-selling novels and get $25 BACK on the price of your purchases when you Click on the image below.

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'ANGEL IS AS ANGEL DOES' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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The ABC of Smart


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"Working smart is doing simple things which few others think to do." - JTR

     Arnie Smart has capital but nowhere to live. No worry. He borrows a little more money and buys a house. Now he has no money but does have a roof over his head. He also has some debt, the responsibility of ownership and the costs involved.

     His brother Bert has no capital and also needs a place to live. He can’t buy a property and has no wish to incur debt by way of a mortgage - but he is able to rent. He explains to Arnie that he may not own the property in which he lives but neither does he incur the responsibility of ownership. He has no debt and can vacate the place any time he chooses. He has flexibility.

     “I enjoy all the benefits you do Arnie but none of the liabilities,” brags Bert.

     “Aahh,” says Arnie, “But I own a real asset and you could lose your place at short notice.”

     “Fair do,” says Bert. “But why not rent like I do, keep your cash and/or invest the money in a liquid asset, company stock for instance, and enjoy the benefits of all worlds? You have a home, an investment, no debt, minimum responsibility and flexibility too!”

     “Too true,” chips in Charlie, the third brother. “At very least buy a smaller house Arnie so you’ve no need to borrow. Any debt is a bad idea.”

     Arnie nodded in reluctant agreement.

     “And you Bert," added Charlie, "Why are you paying rent when you could enjoy the benefits you’ve listed but at no cost?”

     “What?!” spluttered Bert, “Are you mad, completely off your trolley?”

     “Not at all,” replied Charlie with quiet assurance, “On the contrary, I just think smart.”

     Charlie in fact, didn’t just think smart, he lived smart. He enjoyed the comfort of a nicer house than either of his brothers, he didn't own it, he had no debt nor rent to pay, he had cash in the bank, stock investments too and no responsibilities. All the benefits of a good home and happy life with none of the downsides. So how did he do it?

     His magic solution started with mindset, attitude. He first determined that he absolutely should have all the things listed and none of the responsibilities - that would be the case, no exception. He then devised a plan as to how to make it come about. His first conclusion was simple. He wrote down -

     “Locate suitable vacant properties.

     Then he added,

     “Meet with property owners, spend time with them, get to know them and they to know me; find those whose situations might incline them towards the deal I want.”

     He then went on,

     “The process will take time and patience. The objective is to first have them know, like and trust me and from there to wanting to work with me as opposed to renting their property to a stranger they don’t know. Find which of my skills and abilities I could supply to the proprietor as part of the arrangement.”

     “There you have it guys, that’s how I did it,” concluded Charlie. “You see, easy-peasie, lemon squeezie. The owner I found was not so much interested in rental income as they were concerned that their property would be in good hands. Once I recognised and plugged into that sentiment, then the rest was plain sailing. I effectively became a guardian rather than a tenant and a friend and confidante too. Everyone won!”

     Arnie and Bert were drop-jawed, speechless. They listened in silence; initial amazement slowly turning to impressed appreciation. How could they be anything less? Their brother had just treated them to the ultimate revelation of what it takes to be smart, not just as in Arnie, Bert and Charlie Smart, but in the deepest sense of smart.

     “So that,” quipped Charlie with a final flourish, “Is my ABC of Smart. Think it, live it. Capitalise on the fact that few others will.”

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal. 

Read any of my best-selling 'Inspirations' series of top-selling books, many at BIG seasonal savings, when you Click on the image below.

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'THE A-B-C OF SMART' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Ten Thousand - And Counting!


Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

"Start small to grow big. If you can make one of something, you can make ten thousand of them." - JTR

    I lay on my cobbled together with twine and drift-wood, wicker bed, gazing lazily at strips of star-spangled sky through the gaps in the corrugated roof of my tin shack writer's retreat. I reached ten thousand stars and counting before lapsing into what would be the final sweet sleep of my stay. As I fell into slumber, the sounds around me were of the relaxing swish of the Atlantic surf from one side and the electric chatter of frantic-to-mate crickets from the marram grass of the towering dunes on the other. My thoughts were of longing for the more refined comforts of home and sadness at leaving behind my ram-shackle heavenly hang out. Neither emotion prevailed. The fact was that four achingly sublime months of isolation had passed and the due time to return to 'normality' was nigh.

     What of normality? For me it's not that far removed from the desert isle abandonment of my writing hideaway - notwithstanding mains power, internet and the electric and electronic gadgetry of modernity - none of which I had missed. My daily cooking of freshly caught sardines had been by open fire, lighting when needed by candles ... and the sun and the moon ... the beer was chilled in the sea. What more could one wish for? I had even returned to scribbling with pencil in shorthand the first draft of my next novel ... and I hadn't forgotten how to do it!

     Rather, the languid days sharpened my imagination and with it my perceptions of reality and those things which matter most in the world. It became clearer to me than ever that the incessant chatter and clamour of society, far from being a manifestation of vitality and vigour, is in fact the wailing of lost souls, whole civilisations of confused beings lacking purpose and direction. Put simply, with a roof (of sorts) over my head, fresh fish of the best in my belly, adequate (if tatty) apparel and the sun and wind on my face, what more could I wish for? What more does one need? If the answer to the last mentioned is the company of others, then the scattering of local fishermen and other worthies, smarter by far and practically adept in their understanding of living, more than compensated for any lack of 'sophisticates' and their urban ilk. No contest!

     So my writing went well. The follow up novel to 'Too Early For A Glass Of Wine?' and 'The Boy From Broughty Ferry' is well underway. I returned home with four, ten thousand word sections of complete texts for inclusion in the finished piece. That plus ten thousand words of sketched plot and characters and ten thousand words of rough notes and observations. As the second, and full, draft is planned to run to around one hundred thousand words, I am happy with my progress. However, let's not get over excited. The final manuscript will take at least three more months to complete after the draft, then many more months to fully revise and edit. Then my publishers will get their hands on it. They have provisionally fixed March 2026 for publication. Yes, still a year and four months distant!

     The lesson for all in this is to see how projects require planning, time and patience ... as well as work. But also that you should plan your work in such a way that it is enjoyable and relaxing rather than a stressful grind. Whatever your occupation or leisure pursuit, plan it meticulously and plan for it to be fun!

     A particularly fun part of my return home from my writing sojourn was to receive the news that my sales of 'The Boy From Broughty Ferry' have surpassed the ten thousand units - and counting - mark! Not nearly Grisham or Follett territory but impressive nonetheless for an 'indie' author such as I and a significant milestone in my journey as a novelist. Becoming an author was never going to be a quick fix nor a get rich quick pursuit, I planned it to be long term. So my patience is paying off. I work, rest, play, learn and improve each day - and income drips in quite nicely too! More importantly I'm happy and able to work as I choose. How many can say that?

     Whether counting stars, counting words written or counting book sales, 'ten thousand and counting' has become my current motivational mantra. I say it aloud at all times. Each repetition of the words sustains my personal flame, refreshed by vivid images of balmy days and sultry nights in my rustic writer's paradise. My desire is that my novel when finished will do justice to the idyllic lifestyle and inspiring camaraderie of that blissful place.

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal. 

Read both of my best-selling novels and get $25 BACK on the price of your purchases when you Click on the image below.

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'TEN THOUSAND - AND COUNTING!' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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In The Here And Now


Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

“Make a smile your calling card and a helping hand your stock in trade." - JTR

     To talk of living in the here and now is easy, to do so is quite a different matter. The reality is that being in the moment, every moment of every day, takes work to begin with and effort which many are not prepared to apply. But for those who believe that living in the now is the more desirable state then, like all good things in life, it is achievable and gets easier the more it is practiced.

     So, where to begin?

     First off understand that living the moment does not mean discarding your past, that is your experience, nor canceling your dreams of the future. It does however require conscious appreciation that the breath you inhale now, the step you make and your current thought are your only realities. In that context, past and future exist only in the periphery of your mind. Your physical centre is in the here and now.

     You can employ a simple exercise to help focus your attention on absorbing and enjoying the present moment. It goes like this -

          Take a blank sheet of paper.

          Write across the top in small print the last thing that you did yesterday.

          Write across the bottom in small print the first thing you intend to do tomorrow.

          Now, in bold print across the centre, write the word - “NOW”.

          Stare at and concentrate on the word.

          Close your eyes and focus solely on appreciating the calm of the moment.

          Repeat inwardly to yourself the words - “I am now.”

     That’s it. One minute or sixty repetitions of the phrase, once per day is good, more frequently is better. Soon you will find that thinking and being in the here and now becomes more and more natural. It will grow to be your default mode, your road to joyful living. It will serve you well.


     The tranquility you will experience in all aspects of your life is the core of its power. Silence belongs to it. When disturbed by the chatter and clatter of modern life, much of its meaning is lost. This is not to say that the presence of others in your here and now is undesirable. The right sort of companion, one whose identity is similarly merged in the moment, does not detract from but enhances the experience. Interactions and conversations which arise are thus part of a common life given that such activity is not just for the sake of noise. Nor need the talk be all about being in the moment. All sorts of themes may be indulged. Yet all are approached from the perspective of the destination being in the here and now, that to listen is better than to speak and that there is no intention beyond simply sharing the moment with a kindred spirit.

     So, journey back to where you were sparingly and do not over-indulge your dreams. Rather, appreciate your time at ‘Here And Now’. It is not only the best place to be, it is the only place you ever can be!

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

To claim your special copy of 'The Road To Joyful Living' CLICK HERE NOW! 


Go to my Amazon store for all the latest BLACK FRIDAY and CHRISTMAS DEALS on ALL my Paperback and Kindle books and novels - when you Click on the image below.

Joseph Tom Riach, Author – Paperbacks and Ebooks for sale on Amazon

'IN THE HERE AND NOW' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Zero Cost


Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

“To make more for less effort is the constant aim of entrepreneurs and imaginative minds." - JTR

     A popular way for business proprietors to avoid both the responsibility and the direct expense of employing someone, is to contract out the work involved to a third party. While relieving themselves of the burden of employer, it does not however relieve their business of cost. The enterprise is still liable for fees to the contractor. In a perfect world proprietors might wish for the contracted out service to come at zero cost too. A net zero solution! 

     Is that proposition as silly as it seems? Is a zero cost solution an impossible, utopian dream? Not necessarily. Such an outcome can be achieved. It depends on the imagination and business acumen of the proprietor. Here’s how :

     The business owner has an employee - an accountant, for example - working in their business. They pay off the hired help and sub-contract the work to an agency. Instead of agreeing a fee with the agency they undertake to supply the agency with say, three other clients, or however many would cover the proposed cost. 

     Now, in their daily selling activity within their own business, they offer accountancy services as an add-on to their main line. When they acquire a client in this way, they are effectively selling the service on behalf of the accountancy firm. They are acting as a commission agent but with their remuneration coming by way of free book-keeping for themselves.

     This arrangement benefits all parties. 

          The business proprietor enhances their sale offering to prospective clients with a value-added product or service to sell but with with no added work. Reduces their wage bill and management time, increases profit. Receives free book-keeping. 

          The business's clients receive added value to that of the primary goods or services they are buying

          The agency receives additional clients, thereby increasing their own income and profit.

     For you to apply this principle to any goods or services, to any area of your business (or indeed life), there is just one essential requirement on your part … You must possess the ability to present your solutions to clients with ease and clarity ... When you can, then the world is your oyster. This is why I regard selling to be the single most important element in an entrepreneur's arsenal. I believe it to be the one activity you must master above all others. But caution ... it's the one activity you must always keep in-house ... Do it yourself, you’re the best and only person for it.

     To this day, although now a full-time author, I practice my skill in this department regularly. I can, for instance, eat free if I wish in a different restaurant each day of the month on the back of a casual consultancy service I provide to restauranteurs in the region. They gain many diners through me. Because of that I am always welcome. I simply ‘chat’ to proprietors while dining! - easy and enjoyable ‘non-work’. The restaurants promote my books - both selling them and using them as incentives just as I have outlined. All parties win.

     So, you see, it’s a life skill … but one which can turn your business into fun and your enterprise into a treasure chest of lucrative income in many different and imaginative forms. You can enjoy a wonderful existence free of the pressures and responsibilities which so many entrepreneurs unwittingly weave into their enterprise. Some do it knowingly, believing in some warped way that stress and activity, maximum responsibility and buzzing around needlessly is a badge of achievement. Don’t let that be you - Make life easy ... Employ the net zero, zero cost solution!

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

To learn more about my 'Secret World Of Self-Employment' just CLICK HERE 


Go to my Amazon store for the latest BLACK FRIDAY and CHRISTMAS DEALS on ALL my Paperback and Kindle books and novels - when you Click on the image below.

Joseph Tom Riach, Author – Paperbacks and Ebooks for sale on Amazon

'ZERO COST' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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How To Be A Hero


Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

“An independent mindset does more than just enrich your life - it defines it." - JTR

     Do you, does anyone, need instructions on how to be a hero? At face value - no. A hero is, after all, commonly perceived as someone carrying out a selfless act of bravery in extreme circumstances. That, or one displaying remarkable courage in the face of personal adversity. Heroes react instinctively to situations forced on them by destiny. As such, the title of hero is an accolade bestowed by others on the unwitting doer of admirable deeds. To be a hero is not a life choice. Or is it?

     The preoccupation with victimhood prevalent in sections of society is a negative and destructive trait. Wokeness and identity culture denies the simple reality that humans are both competitive and compassionate. It is these qualities combined which define our species. The calibre of real people is displayed in how they overcome the difficulties of life and help others to overcome them too. I believe this sincerely. 

     The foundations of sincerity are your authenticity and truthfulness. Without them you are bound to a permanent state of pretending. As such, there is little substance in what you say or do as you don't really believe it. By comparison, people of integrity say what they mean and act as they say. They do not feel pressured by people or situations to put on an act or wear a mask They are direct and purposeful. They are themselves. As such they demand respect. In a society often given to weak will and mediocrity, to be so takes a kind of courage. The kind of courage which can be calculated.

    Having the courage to be yourself, to be sincere, allows you to properly integrate socially and be a genuine participant. It brings real intimacy into personal and business relationships, accommodates difficult conversations and sensitive topics. Courageous people tend to be calm and in control in situations, are pragmatic and act dispassionately. They are often self-effacing. 

     Those possessing such humility find it easier to exercise tolerance with others, their behaviours and beliefs. They can engage more freely and with greater candour. They understand that being patient opens doorways to better understanding and different ways of being. Others are drawn to them; they are esteemed and looked up to. Theirs is an attitude a million miles removed from the willful blindness of victim mentality. Courageous and patient people are heroes because they choose to be!      

     So, how to be a hero? It doesn't demand that you charge into battle and perform deeds of great valour - although some fine people do just that. Think first of being true to your own spirit. That takes sincerity, patience - and courage! Diligently exercising these qualities in your life, integrating them into the fabric of your being and practicing them with integrity, regardless of obstacles or opposition, is the sure way to have people look up to you as the hero you will have become - especially to yourself!

I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

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Or go to my Amazon store for Paperback and Kindle copies of 'Yes You Can!' - and all of my books and novels - when you Click on the image below.

Joseph Tom Riach, Author – Paperbacks and Ebooks for sale on Amazon

'HOW TO BE A HERO' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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How To Be A Novelist - Or Anything!


Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

Only when you dare to DREAM and then dare to ACT on your dreams can you expect to achieve great things.

As a child I was berated for day-dreaming. It was considered to be a sign of an idle mind. Oh yea?

As a lad I dreamed of becoming a footballer –

     At age seventeen I played my first game as a professional.

As a young man I dreamed of working for myself –

     At age twenty-three I set up in my first business.

As a businessman I dreamed of great achievement –

     I came to own several businesses which gave employment to more than seventy people.

As an entrepreneur I dreamed of international success –

     I set up and operated projects in several different countries.

As a traveller and free spirit I dreamed of life in a warm climate and continental culture –

     Eventually I left Britain to live in France. 

As an ex-pat living abroad I dreamed of schooling visiting guests in life and business skills –

     My 'Wake Up Leisure and Learning Breaks' became the forerunner for my fully-fledged tour company.

As a life and business coach I dreamed of authoring my own work –

     I wrote my first book as a 'Wake Up' course guide then sold it to the general public by mail order.

As a writer I dreamed of writing a series of inspirational encouragement books based on my knowledge and experience -

   The first - 'Mastering the Art of Making Money' - was published in February 2016. To date there are eight books in the collection.

As an author I dreamed of moving on to writing a best-selling novel -

My 'Too Early For A Glass Of Wine?' and 'The Boy From Broughty Ferry' smash hit novels are available to buy HERE.

Yet … As a child I was berated for day-dreaming!

Well, you know what? You become what you dream. So dream big!

And that's how to be a novelist - or anything!

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal. 

Read both of my best-selling novels and get $25 BACK on the price of your purchases when you Click on the image below.

Daily Discount Bargains

'HOW TO BE A NOVELIST - OR ANYTHING!' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Winners Do The Simple Things


Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

Only when you dare to be different from others and stand out as one who does not conform to expected norms in the conduct of your life or business can you expect to achieve great things.

     Winners do the simple things ... which losers choose not to. Yes, I've repeated the headline. So read it again, this time slowly. Winners ... do ... the .... simple ... things ... which ... losers ... choose ... not ... to. Now, this is not a throw-away line, a cheap shot, a meaningless mantra. On the contrary, it is a statement of fact and full of meaning. It is profound. Consider the individual words - Winners, Losers, Simple, Choice, Do. Each one is powerful. Each one defines critical elements for you to consider as you make your way on the path pf life.

     Of the infinite number of such paths you can follow, it is you, no other person, who determinies your choice. You choose. Having made the choice you must act on it. You must do. The choice is simple, follow the soaring path of a winner or the downward spiral of the loser

     Everyone chooses to be a winner of course, don't they? Er well ... actually no. Everyone may say they want to be a winner but then again, words are empty, only actions count. Actions speak louder than words. And the actions of many are not those of winners. Many choose to follow the losing pathways of 'the herd'. Why? Because it's the easy thing to do; it's convenient and fashionable. Often that choice equates to no action at all - laziness, indifference, apathy - yes, it's easy to do nothing. It is much harder to do something; to take the risk of making good things happen. And here I've introduced another word ... risk. It is the element of risk inherent in what winners choose to do which distinguishes them from losers. They take the risk of being successful.

     I guess I've always been a risk-taker. As a youngster I was foolhardy in the extreme. I was the kid who climbed into the quarry, ran on the rail track and defied the school bully. I was fortunate to escape with only a bloody nose from the latter and no more serious outcomes from the others. I rode my luck. Later, I took more calculated gambles. Mountain trekking alone in winter storms, swimming solitary in heavy seas. I was more aware of the dangers, prepared for them and welcomed them ... but I was still exposed and had some close calls. The plus is that I developed self-belief, resilience and awareness of risk and reward. An awareness which I carried with me into my business life and entrepreneurial career. I progressed from reckless risk to managed risk and then to no-risk risk (more of that shortly).

     What's the point of risk without reward? Easy question. Easy answer. None. And whether the reward is the accolade of school chums as to your daring, the self-satisfaction of overcoming the extremes of nature or the material gains of profitable financial transactions and business dealings, the fact is that it is the potential reward which motivates the risk. Or is it? Because there's another greater reward inherent in all risk. What is that reward? It's the sheer joy and exuberance of doing it! Yes, the end result of the endeavour takes second place to the ecstasy experienced in doing it!

     So, of all the simple things winners do which losers choose not to, by far the most significant is that they choose to take the risk of enjoying the ride. Once you know to do that and have fun, then the outcomes look after themselves.

     There are three grades of risk in my book. 1. Reckless Risk - Self-explanatory, I hope! 2. Managed Risk - Where the degree of risk is calculated and a pre-determined limit applied to the extent of the action undertaken and weighed against the projected potential benefit. 3. No-Risk Risk - The smart and ultimate way of managing all your affairs, personal and business!!

     How does no-risk risk work? Surely it's a contradiction? Not so; the answer is ... simple. You let another party undertake the risk while you yourself retain all potential benefit! Intrigued? You should be. It's not only what winners do that losers choose not to, it's what the vast majority would not know how to do, nor believe it possible.

     Yet risk-free, endless fun and profit are easily achieveable. I've done it and continue to do so. My experience suggests that I am one of the few people who can show you how to employ no-risk risk. Learn now in my Winning Big In Life And Business eye-opener. It's more than a game changer, it's a life changer!

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal. 

Pick up your 40% off special copy of 'Winning Big In Life And Business' when you Click on the image below.

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'WINNERS DO THE SIMPLE THINGS' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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My New Novel is HERE!!


Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

 Adventure, Thrills, Suspense - Here Now!

"Tom Riach weaves a thrilling yarn around real events with smart writing and a riveting plot." - The Review


     The Boy from Broughty Ferry is young Scottish fisherman, Torry Taggart, abandoned on the doorstep of his adoptive parents when only days old. He grows to become a steady crewman on his father's seine-netter but an unruly hooligan when ashore. When he kills a crew-mate's father in a reckless escapade while all in the local community believe him to be aboard the lifeboat Mona on its final, ill-fated mission, he flees to Ireland. In the village of Brakenhar, he enjoys the endless pleasures of fishing in the sea, gun-running and committing deadly terrorist atrocities. Life is good. Better than that, it's perfect. The best part of all is that Torry isn't even here. He's dead. Were he alive none of this would be possible.

     But what will happen when he is discovered by a 'ghost' from his past, blackmailed into betraying his hosts, and compelled to return to his home town on the 25th anniversary of his 'death', to an indifferent mother, a lost love, a daughter he never knew he had - and a mission to assassinate the British prime minister? Will his deadly task succeed or will Torry find redemption in his new-found fatherhood and the fishing community of his birth? Can a dead man with a cold heart live again? Will he be allowed to?

     The Boy From Broughty Ferry is raw and brutal; a story of love without feelings and killing without conscience; fragmented relationships and communities at war. There is wickedness and courage and an explosive finale in which Torry's unwitting search for the identity denied to him when abandoned as a baby is finally revealed. But will it come in time to save him from himself?

I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

 Pick up your special HALF PRICE paperback copy of my latest thrilling read by clicking on the image below.

But Hurry - Offer Lasts Only to 31st March.

The Boy From Broughty Ferry

'A MY NEW NOVEL IS HERE!' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Self Help Is The Best Help

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business


 Self Help Is The Best Help

“It is innovators and independent thinkers who have always been at the forefront of all developments in society in every era. Those who take control of their own destiny ultimately shape, not only their own lives, but the lives of all." - JTR


     Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time. It's normal. But accepting a hand-up when you've stumbled is one thing, expecting a hand-out before you even fall is quite something else. Yet it is that 'somehing else' attitude which adversely affects a depressingly large number of people. Big government and the nanny state make it all too easy for those out for a 'free ride' to sit back and let someone else be the driver of their lives. Such dependents are happy to abdicate their responsibility to themselves and their own welfare and let the state, and other authoritarian entities, chauffeur their lives. Of course there's a (not so hidden) cost for the ride. It's called loss of agency, autonomy, independence and free will.

     The reality is that people in general, expect too much of government. By demanding that government resolve all their issues – from being over-weight, unemployed or unwell through to managing the collective temperature of the entire planet (what)! – they relinquish personal responsibility and cede total power to 'the state'. It seems to matter not that the solutions which poorly qualified, corrupt and breath-takingly incompetent career politicians concoct are likely to engender the worst of all worlds - clumsy and ineffective on the one hand, onerous and expensive for individuals on the other. How much better things would be if folks resigned themselves to the idea that the state should limit itself to maintaining basic public order and providing for the common defence. Who knows? They might then accept responsibility for managing their own situations.

     To be a vassal of the state is to be subject to its tyranny, its demands on liberty and its constraints on thoughts, speech and actions. Financial incentives to induce compliance constitute worthless bribes, a deceptive illusion of Emperor's Clothes proportions. Those unquestionally accepting the state's 'generosity', are complicit in accepting it's control - and it's lies. Primarilly the big lie that those in power heve your interests at heart, are helping you and - the most gross mistruth of all - that their subjugation of you is 'for your own good'.

     On that last point, consider this fact. It's as old as the hills and as true today as it ever was.

When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.”

     Yes, a true friend will be open and frank with you and, if you want to be a friend to yourself, you must be honest with yourself. Part of such open-ness demands that you recognise that it is yourself who is best placed to organise your life and all the people, activities, finances and situations in it. Your life plan should be one based in a self-reliant attitude and a practical approach to every aspect of all that you think and do.

     Seek out and engage other like-minded souls. When you do, you will find that part of their persona is that they will assist you along the way if and when you inevitably stumble. But they won't be your 'meal ticket'. They'll expect you to pay your own way and take life's risks in the same manner as they do. Their help will be conditional on (and in recognition of) you as a kindred spirit driving your own existence too. They will practice generosity and helping others ... but only helping those others who are prepared to help themselves.

     Being self-reliant in life is to enjoy freedom. The freedom to live, breathe and fully embrace the world on your own terms. The freedom to know and understand that self help is the best help.

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

I wish all my friends, readers and followers, old and new, wherever you are,


Pick up your special copy of 'Winning Big In Life And Business' when you Click on the image below.

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'SELF HELP IS THE BEST HELP' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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A New Year - A New Novel!


Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

 Adventure, Mystery, Suspense - Arriving Soon!

"Tom Riach weaves a thrilling yarn bringing two real-life events together in a fictional tale of the turbulent life of a survivor of the first who becomes the antagonist in the second. It's a masterful story of catastrophe, intrigue, wild love and betrayal, sure to keep you on the edge of your seat right through to the explosive finale!" - The Review

      As a young lad I vividly recall huddling with mum, dad and siblings by the fireside of our Scottish home as the terrifying storm of December 1959 roared outside and lashed the entire country. The radio crackled with news of the Aberdeen trawler, George Robb, lost with all hands and then, just two days later, the Broughty Ferry lifeboat, suffering a similar fate. The tragic episodes left a deep impression on my young mind and became the inspiration for this novel; particularly so when I learned that, to this day, the body of one Mona crew-man has never been recovered.
     By the time of the infamous IRA attempt on the life of prime minister Thatcher some twenty-five years later, I was less impressionable than my youthful self but, in my maturity, more aware of the dreadfulness of the outrage. The thought stuck with me that it was an act of terrible wickedness, but also of daring, such as would be talked of and written about forever. I just never saw myself as being the writer! But here I am, a further respectful (I hope) forty years on and bringing 'Mona' and 'Thatcher' to life in my imaginary tale. I believe that my memory of the historical realities, however peripheral my actual experience of them, lends authenticity to my text.
     My fictional interpretation has nineteen-year-old Scottish fisherman, Torry Taggart, who was abandoned as a baby, kill a man in a tragic accident while all in the local community believe him to be aboard the lifeboat Mona on its final, ill-fated mission. Torry flees to Ireland. In the village of Brakenhar, he enjoys the endless pleasures of fishing in the sea, gun-running and committing deadly terrorist atrocities. Life is good. Better than that, it's perfect. The best part of all is that Torry isn't even here. He's dead. Were he alive none of this would be possible.
      But what will happen when he is discovered by a 'ghost' from his past, blackmailed into betraying his hosts and compelled to return to his home town, an indifferent mother, a lost love, a daughter he never knew he had - and a mission to assassinate the British prime minister? Will Torry find resurrection? Can a dead man with a cold heart live again? Will he be allowed to?


I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

 Watch out here for further news of the TITLE and the PUBLICATION DATE and to pick up a special copy of my latest thrilling read, when it becomes available in coming weeks, by clicking on the image below.

Daily Discount Bargains

'A NEW YEAR - A NEW NOVEL!' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Dead Horse Wisdom

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

Joseph T. Riach's


Only when you dare to be different from others and stand out as one who does not conform to expected norms in the conduct of your life can you expect to achieve great things. There is no other way." - JTR



      The golden silence of the author's study is a solitary, but blessedly conflict-free zone. It provides the space in which to contemplate experiences and put down in words that which has been learned. In my case, I emphasise in my writing that I have actually done all those things of which I write. I'm not talking theory. This is important. Formal education teaches from the book but only hands-on experience lets the practitioner truly understand harsh reality. So, as one who has benefited in both respects - good schooling as a child (however hard I tried to avoid it) and labouring at the sharp end in some of industry's toughest environments - I'm confident in the conclusions I have arrived at. I realised quite early on in fact that I much prefer the wisdom of unlettered men who get their hands dirty.  My own Uncle Charlie was one such character.

    "You know, you know you never know 'til a dead horse kicks you" … is just one from the extensive repertoire of oft-repeated mottos with which he would regale me while on epic walks together around the city of our birth. To him had fallen the task of providing respite to my beleaguered parents by relieving them of the young and exhausting me for a few hours on Sunday afternoons. So each week I happily trekked along with him through every close and alley, along every street and avenue and through every area - rich, poor, residential, industrial - of the town, totally absorbed in his constant stories and revelations of the places and those who inhabited them.

     My uncle was neither an educated man nor a sophisticated one. He had left school at age twelve and thereafter worked all his days – or rather nights and early mornings – in my grandfather's bakery; but he had insight, native wit and local knowledge fit to confound even the most learned of local scholars and historians.

    So much so in fact that I, in later life, would regularly amaze friends and colleagues, and myself too, with impromptu nuggets of information about the city, little known sites and local facts and tales of long forgotten characters who had walked the streets and played out the mosaic of their lives there. I had unwittingly received a complete alternative education from my 'uneducated' uncle! Yes, learning comes in many forms ... none more powerful than that gained through the grit and determination of ordinary workers and their practical experience. Never underestimate the wisdom and wit of the common man.

      Another of my uncle's favourite sayings which I most enjoyed and which left its indelible mark on me is …

     Paddy on the railway breaking up stones, When along came an engine and broke Paddy's bones, “Oh,” said Paddy, “That's not fair!” “Oh,” said the engine driver, “You shouldn't have been there!”

     What marvelous wisdom to be taught at that young age, and a fine lesson to live life by; the more so when viewed against the irresponsible, self-entitled and blame averse culture prevalent in much of present day society and promoted by the so-called 'educated elites' who have never been near real-life work and its demands.

     As a result of my uncle's promptings, I grew up always aware that I, and I alone, am responsible for my life and for all that happens in it. I've survived the scrapes and self-inflicted woes of the years and have received my fair share of kicks from dead horses too. Enough to know that the greatest life lesson of all is to know that you never know until you've been kicked by one!

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

I wish all my friends, readers and followers, old and new, wherever you are,


Pick up a special copy of any of my books, many at MASSIVE FESTIVE SEASON DISCOUNTS, when you Click on the image below.

Daily Discount Bargains

'Dead Horse Wisdom' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Letter From A Fan

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

Joseph T. Riach's


Security is mostly a superstitious illusion. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Seek out and welcome change. There’s nothing to fear from the unknown, only opportunities to grasp. All successful people made changes to become the person who succeeded. " - JTR



     I've been asked from time to time if, as an author, I receive 'fan mail'. In my early days of writing my response was one of - "I'd just love to have a fan!" Yes, I was an unknown in the literary world. Times change though and recognition has come my way from readers of my work appreciative of what I write. Some even on this very site!

     While compliments are nice - who doesn't like being liked? - by far the greater reward lies in the knowledge that what I do benefits people, and in many different ways. An example of one kind came my way recently in the form of a request. It read -

     "Adored your novel, 'Too Early For A Glass Of Wine?', original and compelling. What advice would you give a young person (my son) who wants to be a writer but college did not work out for him. He is a terrible combo of lazy (taking path of least resistance) and perfectionism. How do you overcome? How do you stay motivated?"

     I responded with the following.

     "I could write at great length about this, but neither time nor space allows. Fact is, I have addressed your queries, one way or another, in my many books and articles. But, as regards your son specifically, I recognise him. How? Well he could be me! (as I was in youth) ... so I can give you some, hopefully valuable, pointers.

     In my experience the perfectionism angle is, in part at least, a manifestation of being overly critical of others. It is necessary for your son to focus on himself and his own imperfections and, from that, learn to be forgiving. This is where it ties in with laziness - everyone is lazy regarding matters in which they have little interest. So the key in these respects is that your son must recognise his passion (more about that in a mo) then devote all his energy to it. Believe me, he'll never be lazy! Neither will he lack motivation. The combination of his desire for perfection and pursuing what he loves will see to that.

     If he doesn't already have an over-riding passion, then he must find it. The best way in my view is to seek real world work experience of any and every kind. Learn to get his hands dirty. Mixing the rough and tumble of day to day existence and down to earth working people should increase his wisdom of life (essential in writing), grow his appreciation of 'imperfectionism' and, eventually, point him to his true place in life.

      If that place is as a writer then he should, in his spare time from working as above, work at it, both studying the subject (a great way is simply reading other authors, seeing how they construct their work, their styles etc.) and writing articles on his impassioned topics. Blogging is a good way, and many small articles can add up to major manuscripts.

     Also advertise on places such as Fiverr to ghost write, script sales and promotional copy, edit other writer's efforts etc. Apart from earning a few bucks it is a super way to develop skills. That 'great novel' will take time but writers are builders, we have patience. The skeleton comes first, the perfection later. And the real joy is in the creation not the completion.

     Get your lad on these tracks and he can do well. Take a look at my work. You'll see the simplicity of my approach and my chosen style, light and slightly whimsical but with a meaningful punch. I have also written in different styles to order and done translation work too. So any work of a linguistic nature is valuable training and/or a career direction in itself.

    Oh! ... don't expect to get rich writing. It can happen ... but I made my loot from other enterprises. I started writing at school, kept it up through my career and business days in pretty much the ways I've outlined, then went full time on writing in this present phase of my life. I do earn well from it though, much better than the vast majority. I have in the pipe-line a future book revealing how I do that without following the 'Amazon route' or other costly avenues. It will be an original and an eye-opener! As indeed I hope this note has been for you."

     Now, a question. In my response to my 'fan', how many of the pointers, suggestions, related experiences and nuggets of advice which I have mentioned regarding life as an author do you feel could equally well be applied to anyone pursuing any profession, activity or endeavour in any situation or at any point in their lives? If you've answered, "All of them," go to the top of the class. Writing you see is no exception to the golden rule that attitude and application is everything in life. Get that aspect right and you too may soon receive A Letter From A Fan - or better still, an avalanche of them!

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

* SPECIAL OFFER! - Receive a FREE E-version of my 'Yes You Can!' book! Just CLICK HERE

Or go to my Amazon store for Paperback and Kindle copies of 'Too Early For A Glass Of Wine?' - and all of my books and novels - when you Click on the image below.

Joseph Tom Riach, Author – Paperbacks and Ebooks for sale on Amazon

'LETTER FROM A FAN' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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All Of Me

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

Joseph T. Riach's


“An independent mindset does more than just enrich your life - it defines it. When you think for yourself you create your own thoughts, opinions and reactions. You create self-determination." - JTR



     Whenever an author puts pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, what they write will reveal something about themselves. Deliberately or subconsciously they will disclose to readers some of their personal character, ideas and feelings. It's inevitable.

         It matters not if the writer is scripting a precise biography of their life and times or a purely fictional novel in which no reference of any kind is made to the writer's own life, or something in between. In all instances the imprint of the author's inner spirit and worldly existence will be on view in the work. Arguably it is in the latter, fiction and semi-fiction genres, that more of the author's 'who and what' is displayed. This, I suggest, is certainly the case with me and my work.

     I have never set out to write a personal biography, I have no wish to produce a chronological listing of events in my life, albeit coloured with my observations and emotions of the moments. It seems a rather banal prospect to do so while I have an active imagination bristling with ideas competing for the writing time. So I choose to write of my real life experiences, professional insights and personal views in a light-hearted and 'fun story' sort of way which gives readers joy and inspiration. For the keen eye, the 'real me' is on full display.

       It has been said of me that I am secretive. I disagree. I take it as a compliment that I am recognised as a private person and discreet. In keeping with my profession as a business consultant and personal confidante, I value integrity. In reflecting these values in my writing, readers are given a far more graphic perspective of this author than any mere biography. I see myself and my writing as akin to the clue in the mystery which is hidden in full sight of searchers. All of me is right here on view for those prepared to see. How much more delicious to expose myself in this way! How much easier for readers to enjoy and absorb the content.

       That is why I have entitled this article – 'All Of Me'. All of me is here, even in these few paragraphs. My heart and soul, my being, is invested in all of my work. These brief reflections on my life as an author and how I approach writing about my experiences is no exception. My aim in 'talking' of them here is four-fold -

        To entertain - To enlighten - To give cause for thought - And to send you away feeling lighter of spirit.

        Whether or not you find the 'real me' in what I have to say, my hope is that my words help you to connect with the 'real you'.

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

* SPECIAL OFFER! - Receive a FREE E-version of my 'Yes You Can!' book! Just CLICK HERE

Or go to my Amazon store for Paperback and Kindle copies of 'Yes You Can!' - and all of my books and novels - when you Click on the image below.

Joseph Tom Riach, Author – Paperbacks and Ebooks for sale on Amazon

'ALL OF ME' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Play It As It Lies

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

Joseph T. Riach's


“Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal. Free thinkers and independent business communities are invaluable gathering places for sharing experiences. From that springs commercial endeavours of mutual benefit." - JTR



     I thoroughly enjoy playing golf. Not least because the game is played in beautiful settings. Be it a seaside links, forest glade or cliff top spectacle, a day on the golf course inevitably comes with breathtaking scenery. Indeed, there are those who say that 'a round of golf is a good walk spoiled'! But I don't subscribe to that view.

     For the game itself is great fun. It can be as demanding or easy a challenge as you wish. Taken seriously, it demands a high level of skill and concentration. Played for fun, it is relaxing and convivial. Either way there is something for everyone.

     One feature of the game is that it is an individual sport. You may play against or with other players, but you essentially play it alone. As such you can play when and where you like. It's entirely up to you. It's a game well-suited to an independent spirit.

     I very much find that not being committed to a time nor place to meet up with team members or others in order to play, suits me very well. I can of course plan to play a round at a particular venue with specific players on a particular day when I wish but I more often just stop off at a country course on a whim when I'm passing. It's a pursuit I can indulge in as the fancy takes me.

     The golf course is a wonderful environment in which to clear the mind. The demands of the game are such that you are unlikely to have other thoughts intrude while concentrating on your play. And, if just enjoying the scenery, fresh air and companionship of playing partners, it is equally refreshing. As an independent spirit I'd call it the ideal pastime.

     Professional tournament golf is quite different. In that realm players are dedicated to seeking perfection in their play. The game is their livelihood. The top tier of millionaire champions apart, success or failure on any given day determines what they'll eat for dinner - or if they'll eat at all! Yet, in spite of the pressure under which they play, I've long been impressed by the stoical personality of many professionals. They conduct themselves around the course in what I'd call an admirable manner. They are mostly good-humoured, polite and even-tempered. They police their own game, calling fouls on themselves at times and very rarely are known to cheat. I believe that they provide a wonderful example to society in general. To you and to me.

     When I first became aware of their impeccable behaviour it occurred to me that the nature of the game attracted individuals of such integrity. Then I thought that perhaps it was playing the game which moulded their personalities in that way. My conclusion now is that it's a bit of both. I don't believe that golfers with wayward temperaments are suited to the game. And those brought up to the game, soon learn that lack of personal discipline will not help them to progress.

     Either way, their professional demeanour provides a superb example on which to base your own approach to life and business. When tackling your own fairways and bunkers of daily existence, what better formula than to emulate the fine champions of golf.

     Set out to win but be gracious in defeat. Select your shots carefully but play them with gusto. Retain a cool head when all around you are losing theirs. Play hard but enjoy the walk too. Be utterly determined, golf favours tryers. How well you 'play', how much you earn and to what extent you enjoy yourself is entirely down to you!

     Lastly, remember the rules of golf. Paricularly the 'play it as it lies' rule. Regardless of how good or bad a shot a golfer plays, how accurate or wayward it might be, the player is required to play his next shot from where the ball comes to rest. It may be a good lie or a bad one, but the ball must be played as it lies. Golfers accept this and play their game accordingly.

     Do likewise in life. Wherever your 'ball of life' lands, good, bad or indifferent, accept it in good spirit and get on with making the next effort. No whining, blaming or self pity. Concentrate on your recovery. It's the next shot that counts. Play it as it lies.  

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

* SPECIAL OFFER! - Receive a FREE E-version of my 'Yes You Can!' book! Just CLICK HERE

Or go to my Amazon store for Paperback or Kindle copies of - 'Yes You Can!' - when you Click on the image below.

Joseph Tom Riach, Author – Paperbacks and Ebooks for sale on Amazon

'PLAY IT AS IT LIES' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Vive La Difference - Long Live The Difference!

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business


"Vive La Difference - Long Live The Difference!" is the 35th and last in my 2022 series of articles based on my real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories.

My hope is that in them you find joy and inspiration.




     When it comes to running a business, real world or online, it pays to follow the French motto of Vive La Difference – Long Live The Difference! In other words, you should not only recognise that your enterprise is unique, you should cultivate the idea. You, after all, are your business, so that is what you should promote – yourself! By first recognising your individuality as being your business’s prime asset and top selling point, you are separating yourself from every other business in the market place. It’s a smart move.

     If you have a unique product or provide a unique service, one that no other entity offers, it is more easy to see yourself as a ‘one of a kind’ but, if selling goods or services which are available from other sources, it is equally – if not more so – desirable to differentiate yourself from the crowd. You do this by impressing your own identity on your offering. By selling yourself, not the product.

     To achieve this you needn’t be flambouyant (but it helps) but you do need to stand out from all other business operators in the same sector or industry. Do this by establishing trust and value. Someone seen as reliable, who delivers on what they say they will is bound to impress. Establishing such a reputation is not a ‘quick fix’ possibility. It takes time and dedication to establish an excellent reputation. Work on it. It’s time and effort well spent.

     In the shorter term you can, however, put in place elements which will mark you out as being different now. First know and understand your niche, that specialist sector of the market you intend to sell into, and promote yourself in original ways within it.

     Your approach is not to do what everyone else is doing, but rather to present yourself and your businesses as a unique entity, available only from you. Take a contrarian approach, often doing the opposite of what is normally expected. Your objectives being -

            You want to stand out from the crowd

            You don’t need to appeal to everybody … only your niche

            You don’t need to appeal to everyone in your niche … only those who are real buyers!

     I, for instance, sell my goods/services to every single prospect I engage with rather than spending time on fruitless engagements. Now this is unique! Recognition of this fact among clients further enhances my reputation and increases the demand among them to be associated with my ‘only one of my kind’ identity and with my success.

     So what are my contrarian activities in these respects? I employ many. Here are just two examples -

            Website – No video, no automated voices (hideous turn-off)! Don’t use capture page, capture is on my home page. No automarketer, all responses personal - I can do this because I deal with a smaller number of queries who are ALL buyers rather than with a huge number most of whom don’t convert – this creates 100% income from 100% of interactions and 100% use of quality time.

            Unique product – ME! Yes my books are unique, that’s a plus But remember, were I selling a non-unique product, I myself am still the unique selling point – and that is what I am always selling. Always. What more can I say? ... but ...Vive la difference!

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

I wish all my friends, readers and followers, old and new, wherever you are,


Pick up a special copy of any of my books, many at MASSIVE FESTIVE SEASON DISCOUNTS, when you Click on the image below.

Daily Discount Bargains

'VIVE LA DIFFERENCE - LONG LIVE THE DIFFERENCE!' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Ten Out Of Ten

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business


"Ten Out Of Ten" is the 34th in my 2022 series of articles based on my real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories.

My hope is that in them you find joy and inspiration.




     I first encountered 'Ten Out Of Ten' in my primary school days. Pupils' homework from the previous evening was assessed by the teacher the next day and given a mark out of ten. It was rare for any child to score a perfect ten but, when they did, a gold star was stuck next to their effort in their exercise book to take home and show off proudly to their parents. I didn't often get ten out of ten, but I tried. I also did a brisk trade in selling the gold stars I had 'acquired' from the art department, to classmates keen to hoodwink their mums and dads! So, from both an industrial and an entrepreneurial perspective, I was well schooled in the 'Ten Out Of Ten' concept. It would be many years later however, before the full impact of what it taught me hit home.

     In my early business experience, sales trainers typically instructed students to approach one hundred prospects in order to create ten presentations and, from that, one sale. I wasn't impressed. The approach seemed wasteful. I saw no reason to even approach the one hundred. Why not speak to just ten people and sell to all ten? I wanted to score the perfect 'Ten Out Of Ten'!

     In time I succeeded rather well. My production of new business - and earnings - became prolific. So much so that I was sought out to coach the sales teams in companies large and small as to my strategy. This is what I taught -

          "What I do is not easy, it's difficult ... but ... Once you know how to do it, it becomes impossible not to do it! It becomes ingrained in your being as surely as breathing. Regardless of trade, industry, sector or profession you will always succeed in selling to every single contact.

          The 'how' is simple. You must -

          Identify your niche market

          Develop a specialist niche within your niche

          Research everything about, and everyone within, that group

          Strike up a meaningful dialogue and long term relationship with each one.

          In other words – DO YOUR HOMEWORK!

          Then, just as at school, you will gain a perfect 'Ten Out Of Ten' every time - and your very own gold star!"

     A happy childhood of course, or subsequent business success, is not dependent on achieving perfection in any aspect of life. But a happy childhood is the key to a happy life. And achieving such happiness does entail being the best that you can be.

     Here is a 'Ten Out Of Ten' things you can do to improve your life generally – starting today. I'll guarantee that most of you will balk at number one and then make excuses all the way down the list. But here goes -

          Get rid of your smartfone

          Get off all social media

          Read physical books

          Go out in the community and talk to your neighbours

          Buy local from different independent businesses and producers.

          Don't spend money with major online platforms and 'big tech'

          Get out and stay out of debt

          Ditch all credit cards and electronic means of payment

          Don't take drugs. Drink alcohol moderately – preferably red wine!

          Place thought between feelings and action – always.

     And here's a Big Bonus for you ...

          Pray! - Build a relationship with your inner spirit. Everyone possesses it. What you choose to call it and how you choose to express it is a personal matter. Rituals, religions and group worship work for many. Stick to them if you feel good. But keeping it personal and private is just fine. No-one and no entity has a monopoly on morality. Knowledge of what is right and what is wrong resides within every one of you regardless of what, or who, you call it. You are all fitted with the same moral compass. It guides your ship of life in the right direction and to safe havens. Ignore it at your peril.

     Think of and try to enact the truth. Not what mainstream media, corrupt politicians, big tech, big pharma, silicon valley et al say or want you to hear. The truth is very different. It is to be found within yourself and the journey can start by enacting my ten steps.

     When you score 'Ten Out Of Ten' – and the Big Bonus too - then you'll need no teacher to say how well you have done and award you a gold star. You will already know it!

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

I wish all my friends, readers and followers, old and new, wherever you are,


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'TEN OUT OF TEN' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Sealed With A Kiss

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business


"Sealed With A Kiss" is the 33rd in my 2022 series of articles based on my real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories.

My hope is that in them you find joy and inspiration.




     With the bulk of present day written communication taking place in electronic format by way of e-mails, social media messages and online forums, letters of the hand-written variety have become a rarity – and that’s a shame. Receiving a personally scripted note delivered by mail through the post was, and remains, a far more personal and tactile experience. It is so much more intimate. Especially when the note is from a lover!

     The excitement of opening a billet-doux (love letter) is heightened by the fact that you can actually touch the letter and the words of endearment on it; just as you know that the writer has done. The sender may have even have kissed the seal of the envelope with rouged lips, thereby leaving their beautiful impression on it. The ultimate sign of affection - Sealed with a kiss!

     I have not, sad to say, received many such amourously adorned epistles in the recent past – none in fact – but I have sent them. Or rather, let me hasten to add, I have sent their metaphorical equivalent. By that I mean that I have posted out real hand-written letters to readers and ‘fans’ of my work in order to display my respect and gratitude for their support. No, I do not kiss the seal on the envelope, rouged lips or otherwise! But recipients appreciate my approach. It’s personal and memorable. It gives me an advantage.

     In marketing to prospects and clients in this way I am -

          Showing I care

          Engaging my niche

          Using a unique approach

          Standing out from the crowd

     I concede that my present line of work, that of a professional author, lends itself well to this highly personal approach. Then again, I choose this tactic for that very reason. But I have employed variations of this same strategy in many diverse businesses over the years. It has worked superbly for me in every instance. It could work well for you too!

    You needn’t employ the strategy exclusively but can integrate it as an element in your overall approach. This is what I do. I use e-mail messaging for the bulk of my general contacting and maintain a social media presence with articles such as this one.

     My e-mails however, are all personally written. I don’t use automated systems.

     This is where I differ from the vast majority of internet and affiliate marketers who use automated systems and ‘bots’ to approach hundreds of people - and hopefully convert a handful into paying customers.

     My approach is contrarian for sure, but not contrarian just for the sake of it. Rather, it succeeds because of one simple and devastatingly powerful fact. It is this -

          I aim to turn just ten contacts into ten customers

          Not just into ten customers but into ten repeat customers

          And not just into ten repeat customers but into ten loyal and enthusiastic promoters of my enterprise

     - I succeed at every level.

     I succeed because I establish a close rapport with my audience. Through personal contact we get to know each other. Trust is established. This is where letter writing comes into its own. It is an intimate act where an auto-generated message is not. Writing to friends (that is what my clients are) is -

          Enjoyable, not work

          It takes minimal time

          It is intellectually stimulating

          It is spiritually rewarding

          It brings joy to everyone – and -

          It’s seriously profitable!

     - What is there not to like?

     Okay, there may not be an actual ‘smacker’ from luscious pouted lips adorning the seal of the envelopes sent and received but, in every other way imaginable, each letter truly is – Sealed with a kiss! 

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

Read more about how to communicate happily with all people, in all circumstances, in my highly acclaimed - 'The Simplest Sales Strategy'. Claim your special copy when you Click on the image below.

Joseph Tom Riach, Author – Paperbacks and Ebooks for sale on Amazon

'SEALED WITH A KISS' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Is There Life On Mars?

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business


"Is There Life On Mars?" is the 32nd in my 2022 series of articles based on my real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories.

My hope is that in them you find joy and inspiration.




     Whenever I’m asked, “Is there life on Mars?” I answer by recounting the tale of my last shopping trip to Earth …

     I landed, parked my craft. I fought my way through the brawl of ‘my rights’ activists and into the shopping precinct. First stop, the bank. The sign outside read, 'Entry restricted to mask wearers.' This sounded like a robbers’ charter. With neither a mask nor a sawed-off shotgun on me, I gave the bank a miss.

    At the nearby supermarket, more astonishment. A surly door-minder insisted that I display a health pass in order to gain entry. I told him, “My health is fine but I’ll pass on shopping here,” and crossed to another store.

     At this retailer I successfully collected some groceries but then found that only central bank digital electronic currency payments  were accepted. My admirably restrained response of, “Keep your carrots,” didn’t appear to faze the cashier. I assumed they'd heard it often. I moved on to shop number three. They served only state-approved individuals with biometric I.D.s and took payment by government printed ‘funny money’. I didn’t get the joke.

     Increasingly perplexed, I turned to supermarket number four. There they proclaimed their support for some odd-ball notion called 'Net Zero’. I took this to refer to there being no internet in the store or it could have been the zero interest in customer service on display. Either way, the shelves were bare and the air cold. I felt zero inclination to hang about. So I bailed out and headed for a brightly coloured store at the end of the mall.

     This one turned out to be the most bizarre of all. They insisted I don a dress and make-up before allowing entry. I said, “No thanks,” citing the excuse that, “It was not the weekend!”

     Totally bewildered, I decided to head for home. But then I espied a small store on the corner. It displayed none of the glitz of the major retailers but it bore a sign proclaiming ‘Everyone Welcome’ and looked quaintly inviting. I ventured inside.

     Unlike the other stores which were sparsely populated, and then only by depressingly gray dystopian zombies, this shop was buzzing. It was a veritable hive of shoppers of all creeds and backgrounds. The atmosphere was positive, upbeat and social. People were chatting and joking with one another as they bustled about their business. Oh joy, a proper shop! Remarking on the conviviality and warmth to the owners, a friendly couple of hard-working, honest folks, they confirmed to me that their store was what real, down-to-earth people wanted and it gave them pleasure in providing it.

     I said, “Amen to that,” and headed back to my transport with an altogether more positive view of Earth than originally perceived. My good humour was short lived.

     Stuck to the screen of my rocket-ship were a couple of penalty notices. One charging me with 'parking in a bay reserved for illegal aliens' (what)!? ; the other for ‘upsetting staff' of the earlier establishments visited - presumably by wanting to shop and protect my right to privacy. I contained the hysterical laughter welling inside me lest any bystander suspect me to be a lunatic from Mars (heaven forbid) and stuffed the notices up the back burner of my rocket, before jumping into the ship.

     'Anywhere but Earth’ seemed like a good destination but I just wanted to get home. So I set course for Mars and blasted off. Hurtling homeward at warp speed maximum, I happily had no concerns with speed cops nor with polluting the atmosphere.

     Once home, my wife greeted me with customary kiss, “Did you have good day?” and “How was Earth?”

     I looked her in the eye, shook my head wearily and said, “Don’t even go there.”

     So we never did. But that evening we did visit our local Mars’ bar for a drink. It’s a sweet spot with a heavenly ambiance. Our red planet cocktails were divine and we smooched carefree to the strains (and sight) of ‘Starry, Starry Night’.

     Is there life on Mars?” You bet there is!

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

Read about happy living - on Mars or anywhere! - in 'The Road To Joyful Living'. Claim your special copy when you Click on the image below.

Joseph Tom Riach, Author – Paperbacks and Ebooks for sale on Amazon

'IS THERE LIFE ON MARS?' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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Where There's A Will

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business


"Where There's A Will" is the thirty-first in my 2022 series of articles based on my real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories.

My hope is that in them you find joy and inspiration.




     Most people are familiar with the - “Where there's a will, there's a way” - motto. Most people believe it to be true too. They acknowledge that solutions to situations in life or business are most likely to be found when driven by an absolute need. They know that desire, drive and determination, and sometimes desperation, are the necessary catalysts to human change, improvement or invention.

     But where pressing motivation is absent then things are viewed less urgently. In that case, ideas and tasks that could be attended to are less likely to receive attention. They get shelved or put off for 'another day'. Where there's no will, there's no drive to find a way!

     Top entrepreneurs and achievers in all areas of life become successful by having both the will and finding the way to reach their objectives. Their desire to succeed trumps all other considerations. Many start with no idea of how to get to where they want to go - the 'way'. But they have passion and drive – that's the 'will'. With that in place the 'way' soon reveals itself.

     Will Rogers, the iconic American vaudeville performer, fim star, writer, broadcaster and humourist-philosopher, was 'Will' by name and 'will' by nature. He extolled the virtue of hard work and became recognised as the epitomy of the self-made man.

     Born a citizen of the Cherokee nation in Oklahoma, he grew into adult life with scant idea as to a future trade or profession. He dropped out of school after tenth grade, did trick-roping and riding in rodeos and went to work as a rancher in Argentina and then South Africa, then as a circus performer in Australia.

     On a trip to New York in 1905, Rogers was at a vaudeville-come-rodeo show in Madison Square Garden when a wild steer broke out of the arena and began to climb into the viewing stands. Rogers roped the steer to the delight of the crowd. The feat got front page attention from the newspapers, giving him valuable publicity and an audience eager to see more. Will's “way” had found him!

     And your 'way' will find you – provided you have the 'will'.

     As a young man, there were many who said of me that - 'Tom has lost his way'. But, just like Will Rogers, I hadn't lost my way – I just had yet to find it! I did however possess limitless determination. And sure enough I soon found my way. Or rather, true to form, it found me.

     The bar was heaving with drinkers. I pushed my way to the front of the hubbub to call for a beer. Will, the landlord, struggling short-staffed, shouted over to me, “Free drinks if you help me out Tommy!” I crossed to the other side of the bar and was soon pulling pints for the mob.

     A hectic couple of hours later and relaxing after closing time with my well-earned beer, Will revealed that he had another small business he was in the process of disposing of. Would I like to take it on? Two short weeks later I became the proud owner of my first business. It didn't cost me a penny.*

     So I'm the living proof. Where there's a will - or a Will, there's a way! Never forget it.

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.

* Read about my First Business, and many others, in 'Winning Big In Life And Business'. Claim your special copy when you Click on the image below.

Joseph Tom Riach, Author – Paperbacks and Ebooks for sale on Amazon

'WHERE THERE'S A WILL' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.
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