The Daily Meditation 1.11.2014
All is Well, All is Good, All is Love
Chea Guilmette, Practitioner II Student
There is One Power, One Presence, One Love that I call God. This Love is pervasive, in everything and everywhere all at once. God is in, around and through all things. Every atom, every molecule, every particle, every thing. There is no where God is not. God is Love, Light, Health, and so much more.
I know that I am one of God, perfect, whole and complete. This is my birthright, this is who I am and I know that I am one with this sublime Loving Power. As God is Love, Light, and Health so too am I, and so is anyone reading these words.
I see Love shining on all things in the brilliant radiance of Good. Each day brings a new way to see love. A flower, a cloud, a child, the sunset on the mountain. The recognition of Love brings more Love and I send it back out in a perfect wheel. Everything I see mirrors back to me in perfect luminous love. I am surrounded, encompassed, and embraced in love, light and health. All is well, all is Good, all is Love, all is God.
My heart joyfully drums out gratitude for this realization of love and all the good it brings. And so I say thank you, thank you as I release my word into the Law knowing it is already done.
And so it is.
Chea Guilmette is a Practitioner II Student at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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