BMI HTML and Formulas are below.
I have purposely put this content on this site
(Syndication Express aka SE)
because it is a site that can help you.
SE is a content syndication platform for bloggers, authors, and article writers. Your blog posts will get
automatic syndication on all the major social media sites giving you FREE massive exposure and branding.
Want to know more about this UNIQUE feature on SE? CLICK HERE to find out how it will help you.
If you did not arrive on this page
by way of my training video,
I invite you to scroll down to the Explanation below.
The HTML for each calculator:
<p id="intro">Calculate your BMI (body mass index) by using one of the forms below.
Enter your weight and height then click the button for your BMI.</p>
<form action="none" method="post" name="bmiform">
<legend>Height and Weight</legend>
<label for="pounds">Weight (pounds):</label>
<input type="text" name="pounds" id="pounds">
<label for="inches">Height (inches):</label>
<input type="text" name="inches" id="inches">
<button type="button" name="calculate" value="Calculate your BMI" onclick="calcBMI()">Calculate your BMI</button>
<label for="bmi" id="bmi_label">Your calculated BMI is:</label>
<input type="text" name="bmi" id="bmi" readonly="readonly">
<form name="techBMI">
<h3>BMI Calculator</h3>
<input type="text" name="weight" placeholder="Enter Weight (kg)" size="20"><br /><br/>
<input type="text" name="height" placeholder="Enter Height (Meters)" size="20"><br /><br/>
<input class="decoration-one px-3 py-2" type="button" value="Calculate BMI" onClick="calculateBmi()"><br /><br/>
<input type="text" name="bmi" placeholder="Your BMI Will be here" size="20"><br /><br/>
<input type="text" name="meaning" size="35"><br /><br/>
<input class="decoration-one px-3 py-2" type="reset" value="Reset" />
The BMI Formulas
BMI = kg/m2 where kg is a person's weight in kilograms and m2 is their height in meters squared
BMI = (weight in pounds x 703) / (height in inches x height in inches).
For more widgets and embeds (from the CDC):
You will find a child and teen calculator, and embeds for 'How healthy is your state?', 'Food Alerts', and 'Public health image of the day'.
Content adds value, adds perceived value, and attracts search engines.
The Explanation
The above information ties in with my training series,
How To Make $150 A Day As An Affiliate Marketer.
The training series is built around weight loss and Exipure.
Specifically, the HTML and Formulas are to
help viewers of a video extra for that series.
- how to calculate BMI
- how to calculate BMI by formula
- how to calculate BMI for women
- BMI calculator for men
These four keyword phrases are literally like free traffic passes. How to calculate BMI
has over 2 million searches on Google each month with an SD in the 30s which is
superb for this niche and perfect for beginners.
The next two phrases have almost NO Competition. which can mean over 2K
free visitors each month by simply following the steps in the training series.
The last phrase is a YouTube grand slam!
If you would like to learn some affiliate marketing stuff that really works, I invite you to watch
this video, the first video in my training series.
If you are enjoying this video, I invite you to
Watch Video 2:
Thanks for reading and much success,
George Pierce
Thank you, Terri. In the training series, I share 168 keywords that have good search and little competition, to help beginners get started, I had promised at least 100. These four phrases score so well, that I am having to share them as well.
It's a great share George - simple and practical - there's not a lot of it about!
It's awesome that you're sharing the keywords with people until they get the hang of it, and get the free traffic from Google and other search engines.
Simply put George Pierce this is an amazing post you have published here and thank you for the plug about #Syndication #Express. This is a subject most people don't know about. Since I know about this subject, I can responsibly day this is on point with the illustation provided. I know people will benefit from gaining the knowledge you have shared on the subject of HTML and BMI.