I Release and Let Go

The Daily Meditation 1.16.2014

I Release and Let Go

Kathy Mathiason, RScP

Kathy Mathiason, RScPI rejoice in the knowing that God is the One Source. The One Source of everything in the Universe. Everything I see, touch, taste and hear. It is omnipresent and omniscient. God is forever before me, in me and around me. I am immersed in this purity of Divine Love. There is no separation. I know that this Absolute Unconditional Love responds to my every thought. I know Spirit response to me is perfect. 

So in this present moment I am one with God. I am one with the Unconditional Love of the Universe. I am made whole. I am complete. All that I once clung to in my mind, I release, I abandon, I let go of all that which no longer serves me in order to allow the wholeness, the newness of Spirit to be made manifest in my life. I let go of the past. I let go of my resistance to the future. I stand in the now, knowing that this and only this is where I find God in my life. And I freely and effortlessly and willingly move my being into the Light of God’s All-knowing presence. I have faith. And I completely accept that there is a Power that is Great and Good.

I receive and accept blessings in my life. I am grateful that I live in the Truth. I let go. I let God. 

I breathe in that essence of the Divine. I relax in peace. I know all is well.And I let it be.

And so it is.

Kathy Mathiason is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

***If you have a prayer request please email it to prayer@rgcsl.org ***

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  • Angela,

    Your Welcome! I will let my wife know that you enjoyed it. Thank You for sharing. Have a great weekend!

  • Very motivating article.  Thanks for sharing.  Liked and Shared.

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