sharonnaraine (4)

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What action have you taken?


You’re sick of working when you’re sick.

 You’re fed up with having more work piled on you when you’re busy enough as it is. I’ll bet you weren’t offered a raise when they said you have to take on more responsibility, were you?


You’ve thought about f

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Top Video Contributor

Challenge yourself today!


How can you expect to achieve what you have never achieved if you keep on doing the same things you have been doing over and over? That is the definition of pure insanity...

Challenge yourself today and get out of your comfort zone. The results are f

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Top Video Contributor


I have FINALLY found a legit way 

To earn a steady and secure stream of income 

with the Impact Mailing Club.

Let's be honest, there's nothing that requires no

work at all...

If there was, everyone would be rich,

and nothing would ever get done...

The worl

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Top Video Contributor

What is Life Without Good Health?




A fullness of life includes good health, joyful relationships, mental and spiritual development, and whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete life unless one has plenty of money.

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