The Daily Meditation 2.02.2014
“ My Life is Love, Beauty and in Divine Order”
Tammi M. Lambert, Practitioner 1 Student

I am one with that Creator. I am a child of that One God, that Originator of Beauty, Love, and Wonder. I know I have inherited that Divine Creative Power. It lives within me and is fundamentally who I am. I am inextricably tapped into that Source. It lives and breathes and expresses Itself on this planet as me.
Because I know that Truth about myself, my life is a thing of Beauty, Joy and Divine Symmetry. Everything about my life works in Divine Order as surely as the planets rotate flawlessly in the heavens. I know that my job, my projects, my relationships, my finances are expressions of Beauty, Love and Perfection. My body is in perfect working order, filled with life and vitality. My creativity is unprecedented. Spirit shows up in everything I put my hand to do. I am becoming more and more of a genius every day. I am generating outrageous Love everywhere. My life inspires me, and I am fulfilling my Divine Purpose on this earth.
My heart is lifted up in gratitude for the blessing of this Life. My entire being sings in joy for this Beauty unfolding and expressing as me. My spirit lifts up to God in the euphoria of this connection, and I am so thankful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I have placed my Creative Word into the law of God, and I know it cannot return to me void. I know it is so.
And so, It is.
Tammi M. Lambert is a Practitioner 1 Student at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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