"Ten Out Of Ten" is the 34th in my 2022 series of articles based on my real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories.
My hope is that in them you find joy and inspiration.
I first encountered 'Ten Out Of Ten' in my primary school days. Pupils' homework from the previous evening was assessed by the teacher the next day and given a mark out of ten. It was rare for any child to score a perfect ten but, when they did, a gold star was stuck next to their effort in their exercise book to take home and show off proudly to their parents. I didn't often get ten out of ten, but I tried. I also did a brisk trade in selling the gold stars I had 'acquired' from the art department, to classmates keen to hoodwink their mums and dads! So, from both an industrial and an entrepreneurial perspective, I was well schooled in the 'Ten Out Of Ten' concept. It would be many years later however, before the full impact of what it taught me hit home.
In my early business experience, sales trainers typically instructed students to approach one hundred prospects in order to create ten presentations and, from that, one sale. I wasn't impressed. The approach seemed wasteful. I saw no reason to even approach the one hundred. Why not speak to just ten people and sell to all ten? I wanted to score the perfect 'Ten Out Of Ten'!
In time I succeeded rather well. My production of new business - and earnings - became prolific. So much so that I was sought out to coach the sales teams in companies large and small as to my strategy. This is what I taught -
"What I do is not easy, it's difficult ... but ... Once you know how to do it, it becomes impossible not to do it! It becomes ingrained in your being as surely as breathing. Regardless of trade, industry, sector or profession you will always succeed in selling to every single contact.
The 'how' is simple. You must -
Identify your niche market
Develop a specialist niche within your niche
Research everything about, and everyone within, that group
Strike up a meaningful dialogue and long term relationship with each one.
In other words – DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
Then, just as at school, you will gain a perfect 'Ten Out Of Ten' every time - and your very own gold star!"
A happy childhood of course, or subsequent business success, is not dependent on achieving perfection in any aspect of life. But a happy childhood is the key to a happy life. And achieving such happiness does entail being the best that you can be.
Here is a 'Ten Out Of Ten' things you can do to improve your life generally – starting today. I'll guarantee that most of you will balk at number one and then make excuses all the way down the list. But here goes -
Get rid of your smartfone
Get off all social media
Read physical books
Go out in the community and talk to your neighbours
Buy local from different independent businesses and producers.
Don't spend money with major online platforms and 'big tech'
Get out and stay out of debt
Ditch all credit cards and electronic means of payment
Don't take drugs. Drink alcohol moderately – preferably red wine!
Place thought between feelings and action – always.
And here's a Big Bonus for you ...
Pray! - Build a relationship with your inner spirit. Everyone possesses it. What you choose to call it and how you choose to express it is a personal matter. Rituals, religions and group worship work for many. Stick to them if you feel good. But keeping it personal and private is just fine. No-one and no entity has a monopoly on morality. Knowledge of what is right and what is wrong resides within every one of you regardless of what, or who, you call it. You are all fitted with the same moral compass. It guides your ship of life in the right direction and to safe havens. Ignore it at your peril.
Think of and try to enact the truth. Not what mainstream media, corrupt politicians, big tech, big pharma, silicon valley et al say or want you to hear. The truth is very different. It is to be found within yourself and the journey can start by enacting my ten steps.
When you score 'Ten Out Of Ten' – and the Big Bonus too - then you'll need no teacher to say how well you have done and award you a gold star. You will already know it!
I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.
I wish all my friends, readers and followers, old and new, wherever you are,
Pick up a special copy of any of my books, many at MASSIVE FESTIVE SEASON DISCOUNTS, when you Click on the image below.
'TEN OUT OF TEN' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

Well I've been off SE grid for some time Dennis as I centre my efforts on novel writing, so I've been a bit negligent of you ... also Terri, George and others of the gang. Thanks though for the 'high fives', no complaints on that score. It always has seemed to me that trying to be the best one can be and finding ways to make that happen are two rather obvious ambitions to pursue, clearly I was well schooled. I found myself enacting the traits even when I didn't know I was! I think that was the best bit. I'll get back to you soon with an update - meantime I trust all is good!
I was off the SE grid for a while as well. Most of the articles you posted this year I have yet to read. It is my hope with the new novel that it ends up on the best seller list. This is something I believe you have already accomplished with some of your other books on Amazon. All is good here, and looking forward to an update.
Hmmm a novel, and I know it's going to be excellent because your books are. I can't wait to buy and read it. No doubt it will be a great investment. You know I'm a fan for life, I love your books.
You're too kind Terri. You may have to wait a bit for my new novel though. The manuscript is at last (after two years) with several mainstream publishers. The earliest probable publication is year-end, but spring next year is more realistic. There's a short reference to it on my website tomriach.com under 'News'. Just a small taster to satisfy your craving!
On Syndication Express I can only give you five stars. This I have done with everything I have read. The wisdom you share should be seen and read by everyone in business. Although I didn't ditch my smartphones (those are used for incoming clients and existing clients) and still have credit cards (due to my physical limitations they make life simpler), even getting rid of those makes sense for most people. Other than my smartphones I am off grid most weekends. To this day I prefer printed books.
I did not sell stars (I wish I had thought of it) but I won and sold marbles (1st grade). I need to start drinking red wine, it is actually supposed to be great for our health in moderation. Saying what you want to hear...I checked out two big dogs' training this week, that actually know what they are doing, but then they omit niche marketing. Why? So they can sell their high-ticket item, that you would not buy if you know niche marketing. They just do not know that you will go further doing things right, but you do and it is pleasure to read what you write, I thank you for re-enforcing the right values. Tom.