I am George Pierce. This post is about what I call 'Turtle Marketing because slow and steady wins the race, especially in digital marketing. online marketing, Internet Marketing, video marketing, email marketing, etc. This post is an 'EXTRA" post in my Faceless Videos training series on SE.
Although I have about 20 years of experience as an Internet Marketer, whenever I begin a new online venture, I sometimes have to be patient. I totally enjoy new online ventures, they are really 'adventures' and sincerely some of the best learning experiences.
This training series is about helping you to tap into the awesome traffic that YouTube and TikTok have to offer and to be able to do it without having to be on camera, without having to do a voice-over, and without having to spend money.
My video marketing strategy has been primarily about driving traffic, however, that is not necessarily doing it right. HUH?? YT and TT are what are called social sites. So another aspect of marketing on any social site is to be SOCIAL.
If you or I only make posts to TT, YT, or any Social Site. we are actually SPAMMING the site. YT is about the only site that you can, sort of, get away with SPAMMING. In other words, posting YT videos with good SEO can get your videos on page one of Google and YT.
If we socialize, however, if we interact, we will see the growth that we would otherwise miss out on.
Most, if not all social sites, look at 'interactions' such as comments shares, and likes. These interactions are indicators that people like your content. The more growth that you have, the more interactions, which ultimately means more exposure.
For maximum exposure, we need to socialize (interact) on social sites.
Eventually, your growth will snowball!
In the meantime, be patient, be steady, and enjoy the adventure!
Free Quality SEO Training
The following is a link to a free SEO training course by Keysearch. https://www.keysearch.co/tutorials/seo-crash-course
Keysearch is a JVZoo Affiliate with over 30K sales and a 22% conversion rate and a refund rate of 1/2%. I will be sharing more in a soon-to-be-published video.
Pamela was anxiously awaiting her daughter's arrival.
She had not seen her daughter Jane for almost a year, and Pamela was excited for Jane's plane to land. Jane had come back from abroad looking for
an adventure during the last year.
As Jane appeared, Pamela notices a man with her daughter. Not your average man, he wore what seemed like hay
with exotic markings all over his body and he was carrying a shrunken head.
Jane presented this strange man as her new 'other half'.
Pamela gasped aloud in shock and in disappointment,
'I always told you to marry a rich Doctor ... a RICH Doctor!'.
Thank you for reading, much success on your Internet adventure.
George Pierce
PS. Visit my YT channel for free affiliate marketing help and training.
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$hort, $weet, $imple! Faceless Videos Part 10
I recently came across an old Rolodex, and it was not just a list of people, it had grown to be a list of friends I could count on to get a job done or get some help or advice. The Internet can still confound me, luckily, I know people such as Terri, who have helped me multiple times. The social aspect is fun and the benefits are huge. Thanks, Tom.
Yes George, it's funny how yet again we find that doing business in the modern technology world is not any different from the real world. It's often said that it's not what you know but who you know that counts, and isn't that just what being social or sociable is all about? Getting to know people, interacting with them is what leads to beneficial relationships of all kinds. And as for having a witch doctor in the family, why not? Casting your spell on those you socialise with is what making good personal and then business impressions is all about!