UV Protection

UV Protection

UV Protection


Sunlight reflecting off sand or water can increase your exposure to UV radiation, increasing your risk of developing eye problems such as cataracts.
Long hours on the beach or on the water without adequate uv protection may also cause a short-term condition known as photokeratitis, or reversible sunburn of the cornea. This painful condition also known as “snow blindness” can cause temporary loss of vision. A good pair of uv protection sunglasses can help.
  •  When buying uv sunglasses, look for a label that specifically offers 99-100% UV protection. This assures that the uv glasses block both forms of UV radiation.
  •  Eyewear should be labeled “sunglasses uv protection.” Be wary of dark or tinted eyewear sold as fashion accessories that may provide little or no uv protection from or visible light.
  •  Don’t assume that you get more UV protection with pricier sunglasses or glasses with a darker tint.
  •  Be sure that your uv sunglasses don’t distort colors and affect the recognition of traffic signals.
  • Ask an eye care professional to test your uv sunglasses if you’re not sure of their level of UV protection.
  •  People who wear contact lenses that offer UV protection should still wear uv sunglasses.
  •  Consider that light can still enter from the sides of uv sunglasses. Those that wrap all the way around the temples can help.
  •  Children should wear real uv sunglasses,not toy sunglasses that indicate the UV protection level. Polycarbonate lenses are the most shatter-resistant.
Your eyes are precious,once your sight is weakend it’s gone forever.

Protecting Your Eyes from Solar Radiation By Getting The Proper UV Protection

UV Protection
The sun supports all life on our planet, but its life-giving rays also pose dangers you can prevent these dangers by using uv protection.
The sun’s primary danger is in the form of Ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV radiation is a component of solar radiation, but it can also be given off by artificial sources like welding machines, tanning beds and lasers,which is why I recommend using uv radiation.
Most are aware of the harm UV radiation can do to the skin, but many may not realize that exposure to UV radiation can harm the eyes or that other components of solar radiation can also affect vision,you can see why uv radiation is a must.
There are three types of UV radiation: UV-C is absorbed by the ozone layer and does not present any threat; UV-A and UV-B radiation can have adverse long- and short-term effects on the eyes and vision,which is why uv protection is a must have.
If your eyes are exposed to excessive amounts of UV radiation over a short period of time, you are likely to experience an effect called photokeratitis.


If you can answer “yes” to one or more of the following questions, you could be at higher risk for harm to the eyes from UV radiation and you should be using uv protection:
  • Do you spend a great deal of time outdoors?
  • Do you spend time skiing, mountain climbing or at the beach without uv protection?
  • Do you use a sunlamp or tanning parlor?
  • Do you live in the mountains or the United States Sunbelt?
  • Are you a welder, medical technologist or do you work in the graphic arts or in the manufacture of electronic circuit boards?
  • Do you take prescription or over-the-counter drugs that can increase your sensitivity to UV radiation (check with your optometrist, pharmacist, or physician)?
  • Have you had cataract surgery in one or both eyes?
Like a “sunburn of the eye”, photokeratitis may be painful and include symptoms such as red eyes, a foreign body sensation or gritty feeling in the eyes, extreme sensitivity to light and excessive tearing. Fortunately, this is usually temporary and rarely causes permanent damage to the eyes which can be protected with uv protection.
Long-term exposure to UV radiation, however, can be more serious if your not using uv protection. Scientific studies and research have shown that exposure to small amounts of UV radiation over a period of many years increases the chance of developing a cataract and may cause damage to the retina, a nerve-rich lining of the eye that is used for seeing. Additionally, chronic exposure to shorter wavelength visible light (i.e. blue and violet light) may also be harmful to the retina.
The longer the eyes are exposed to solar radiation,and not using uv protection, the greater the risk of developing later in life such conditions as cataracts or macular degeneration. Since it is not clear how much exposure to solar radiation will cause damage, the AOA recommends wearing quality uv protection sunglasses that offer a lot of UV protection and wearing a hat or cap with a wide brim whenever you spend time outdoors.
To provide adequate uv protection for your eyes, sunglasses should:
  • block out 99 to 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B radiation;
  • screen out 75 to 90 percent of visible light;
  • be perfectly matched in color and free of distortion and imperfection; and
  • have lenses that are gray for proper color recognition.
The lenses in sunglasses should be made from polycarbonate or Trivex® material if you participate in potentially eye-hazardous work or sports. These lenses provide the most uv protection.
If you spend a lot of time outdoors in bright sunlight, wrap around frames can provide additional uv protection from the harmful solar radiation.
Don’t forget uv protection for children and teenagers. They typically spend more time in the sun than adults.
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  • This is great information to know about sunglasses.  I'll be sharing it for more to see.

  • Thanks Merle

  • The one thing you must make sure is to protect your eyesight and buying cheap sunglasses is going to do more harm than good.  Great PR Timothy.

  • Thanks everyone

  • Important things to remember. Vision is very important; take it from someone who's lost most of it.

  • Top Blogger

    Awesome UV protection post and I love the doggie in the shades lol I have shared.

  • Great information delivered here on UV Protection.  An article that everyone should read. Thanks for sharing.  Liked and Shared.

  • Thanks Ann,I recently started wearing eyeglasses myself,lol!

  • Thanks Terri,we should protect our eyes at all cost.

  • Top Member

    Timothy this is very good information that I feel must be shared. Our eyes is valuable to us, and we should protect it. Thank you for posting this today. I have shared it everywhere.

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