"Vive La Difference - Long Live The Difference!" is the 35th and last in my 2022 series of articles based on my real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories.
My hope is that in them you find joy and inspiration.
When it comes to running a business, real world or online, it pays to follow the French motto of Vive La Difference – Long Live The Difference! In other words, you should not only recognise that your enterprise is unique, you should cultivate the idea. You, after all, are your business, so that is what you should promote – yourself! By first recognising your individuality as being your business’s prime asset and top selling point, you are separating yourself from every other business in the market place. It’s a smart move.
If you have a unique product or provide a unique service, one that no other entity offers, it is more easy to see yourself as a ‘one of a kind’ but, if selling goods or services which are available from other sources, it is equally – if not more so – desirable to differentiate yourself from the crowd. You do this by impressing your own identity on your offering. By selling yourself, not the product.
To achieve this you needn’t be flambouyant (but it helps) but you do need to stand out from all other business operators in the same sector or industry. Do this by establishing trust and value. Someone seen as reliable, who delivers on what they say they will is bound to impress. Establishing such a reputation is not a ‘quick fix’ possibility. It takes time and dedication to establish an excellent reputation. Work on it. It’s time and effort well spent.
In the shorter term you can, however, put in place elements which will mark you out as being different now. First know and understand your niche, that specialist sector of the market you intend to sell into, and promote yourself in original ways within it.
Your approach is not to do what everyone else is doing, but rather to present yourself and your businesses as a unique entity, available only from you. Take a contrarian approach, often doing the opposite of what is normally expected. Your objectives being -
You want to stand out from the crowd
You don’t need to appeal to everybody … only your niche
You don’t need to appeal to everyone in your niche … only those who are real buyers!
I, for instance, sell my goods/services to every single prospect I engage with rather than spending time on fruitless engagements. Now this is unique! Recognition of this fact among clients further enhances my reputation and increases the demand among them to be associated with my ‘only one of my kind’ identity and with my success.
So what are my contrarian activities in these respects? I employ many. Here are just two examples -
Website – No video, no automated voices (hideous turn-off)! Don’t use capture page, capture is on my home page. No automarketer, all responses personal - I can do this because I deal with a smaller number of queries who are ALL buyers rather than with a huge number most of whom don’t convert – this creates 100% income from 100% of interactions and 100% use of quality time.
Unique product – ME! Yes my books are unique, that’s a plus But remember, were I selling a non-unique product, I myself am still the unique selling point – and that is what I am always selling. Always. What more can I say? ... but ...Vive la difference!
I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.
I wish all my friends, readers and followers, old and new, wherever you are,
Pick up a special copy of any of my books, many at MASSIVE FESTIVE SEASON DISCOUNTS, when you Click on the image below.
'VIVE LA DIFFERENCE - LONG LIVE THE DIFFERENCE!' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

The value of standing out cannot be overstated. This is true for small business owners and the heads of corporations. Standing out requires a person or company to set themselves apart in their niche. The most successful companies rely on inbound marketing. This is giving enough value to where people come looking for you. Know, Like, and Trust are an important part of standing out, especially to the target market which is your niche. With the word branding there is still too much confusion. In reality it means standing apart or standing out in a crowd.
Thanks Dennis, it's great to hear from you. It's been a wee while; I suppose that you, like me, are busy with your many important activities. As you well know, what you and I write about and practice is simple - but simple doesn't come easy to so many. The idea that anyone could possibly interact successfully with every enquirer is not widely promoted, nor indeed encouraged. Yet such a goal is totally achievable. And the answer lies in branding as you correctly point out. Branding, that is, in its true sense as advocated and coached by yourself. I'd urge any budding or practicing business person or marketer to seek you out and learn from you. You are a true source of wisdom in marketing and branding. That is why I value your comments here so highly.
I have earned my living for years by taking people's complex ideas and making them simple. Due to this I am aware simple does not come easy for many. To continue to earn I have learned to use the word branding less, and explaining that company owners have to stand out more. Standing out is a much simpler concept to grasp. What surprises me most is people don't realize how simple it is to earn from a business, either entirely online or a combination of offline and on. From what I have learned from you I know you use the offline and on combination. It is my belief that you and I have it simpler than most. Maybe this is because we understand simple is best and simple works.
Yup Dennis - Simple!! :-)
Branding YOU comes first in your business and you can do it in a way that is easy for you. You my friend have did that and it works for you. Outstanding blog post once again from you Tom Riach I wish you continued success.
Thanks Terri, your encouragement always gives me a lift. Yes branding - just as folks think, "I fancy a Coke (Coca Cola)," as opposed to just a soda or a drink, so must they think, "I fancy some Terri Pattio," when it comes to social media and syndication. The principle is universal.
Tom. you have opened my eyes and I thank you. My approach is to focus on the A customers, but after throwing a lot of stuff on the wall. seeing what sticks and eventually figuring out which ones are the As. You cut through all that, thank you, again.
Thank you George, I really appreciate your appreciation. What I try to show is that 100% (or ten out of ten) is not an impossible dream, it's real ... when you establish yourself and your reputation to the extent that the 'buyers' in your niche come to you (not the other way around) and ask for your assistance. It's all in my books! :-)