Hi Everyone! I am George Pierce, this post is about being willing to do it, to try it, and to do it now. It is a smple concept. We cannot try everything, we do not have enough time, and we would be spread out too far. However, when our research shows us that something is working for others in our niche, it is probably a good idea to try it.
Better yet, see if you can do it better, or put a new or different spin on it.
Ya But! It won't work!
Thanks to my Dad, I was taught to not be a "Ya But", and, as mentioned, neither you nor I will know if sonething will work, if we do not try it.
Don't make changes!
It is a normal reaction to be adverse to change. So trying something new may take extra effort, at first. I can assure you that change will get easier and easier, to the point where you will readily embrace change. Why? Because, as you gain experience, more and more of your (research-based) changes will WORK!
Above is a "Two-Fer', my 'improved' version of a daily quiz questiion. Will it work? There is only one way to find out! Try it, which means do it (now).
As you begin your online journey, consider the phrase or mantra, "Do it" or "Do it now". I am a big fan of 'do it now', and I hope you will be too.
There is Quaker quote that "Do It Now" comes from:
“I expect to pass through this world but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing that I can do, to any fellow human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it; for I will not pass this way again.”
Ya But, I might fail.
Failure is no big deal. Failure is our best teacher, in fact, failure drives success. Failure or FEAR of failure is a negative emotion. Any negative emotion is a waste of our time and energy. Negative emotions are also bad for our health and literally hold us back.
The good news is that FEAR is a coward, and will back down. And failures are springboards to learning, improving, and succeeding.
"A Round To It"
If you never never heard of a Round To It, it the award we recieive for procrastination. It is easy to come up with reasons for putting things off, so many good reasons.
The truth is that all the obstacles that block our getting started on the road to success, are obstacles that we can overcome, and the initial obstacles are often selp-imposed. What may seem like good reasons or legitimate fears are 'excuses'.
What To Do
Adopt a “Do It Now” attitude! You attitude change will soon dissolve 'excuses', fears, and self-imposed obstacles. Most of us are unintentionally standing in our own way when it comes to getting started, a "Do It Now' mindset can help us change all that. Your journey to success is one that you take step by step. "Do It Now" will empower you to take that important first step, as well as all the ones that follow.
Thank you for reading.
Much success,
George Pierce
PS. For free make money online training, visit my YouTube training channel.
It's all about that mindset change to take a risk. If nothing changes, nothing changes.
Absolutely, the first thing we need to change is our mind, thank you, John.
If not now most likely it won't get done. There is no better time than the present.
I completely agree, thank you, Dennis.