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Google Trends For A Traffic Boost


Hi Everyone!  I am George Pierce with about 20 years of online marketing experience.  This post is about a tactic that you can use to give your website, YouTube channel, blog, etc. a quick boost or a prolonged boost.  The tactic is to tap into what is trending. It sincerely saved the day for me.

  I use what is called on-site SEO to generate traffic.  It is a way of creating content built around keywords and including those keywords in your meta section.  The negative is that it can take several weeks to get traffic flowing, but once the traffic flows, it will turn into a flood, and it is the very best traffic and, as mentioned, it is free.  Need free on-site SEO training?  Click here.


About 10 years ago, one of my new sites was not getting traction, it was as if the search engines hated it.  Within 4 weeks or so, traffic should have been flowing, not this time.  6 weeks go by, 8 weeks go by, nothing is happening!  In the meantime, I am putting all my SEO tricks and secrets to work, but the search engines are not responding. 

In desperation, I tried using trends. 

What I did was build pages around what was trending.  It was NOT relevant to my content. but traffic begets more traffic, so I made posts about movie stars and sports, and so on.  The traffic started flowing.  It was not targeted traffic, but it was traffic.  

My first use of this strategy was almost 100% wrong.  Mainly because it targeted whoever would show up.  My rationalization was that I desperately needed traffic and the site was a weight loss site, so about 70% of people need to lose weight, so 70% of my traffic was a prospect.

The bottom line is that it works.  I believe the correct name for this traffic generation method is called 'traffic siphoning'.

Above is a snapshot of Google Trends.  To find out what is trending today, go to Google Trends Today.  

I have a Classic Television Channel on YouTube, so I published a Tony Bennet video yesterday, the 21st,

🎶Tony Bennett At Carnegie Hall (1962) | Tony Sings "I Left My Heart In San Francisco" |Vintage Music

and another Tony Bennett video today.  

Although I initially used this traffic strategy the wrong way, I did discover that it is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal.  

Traffic does bring more traffic, so if you need a FREE traffic boost, perhaps this can help.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

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  • Top Commentor

    This method works best when you either earn from the content you are creating and sharing or you can relate something about it to your niche. Search engines understand that when people search they are looking for information about the terms they search.

    This is why your best shot is finding a way to earn from the content you create. An example of this is earning from a YouTube channel. If not you have to find a way to relate a users search term to the product you carry or the service you provide. By this is a potential customer going to find something of value about your product or service, such as does it have value to the trend you are using?

    • Top Video Contributor

      I think that most of us use this wrongly, as I did. But when it relates to our niche, it is huge boost and there is no confusion with visitors or search engines. thank you , Dennis. 

    • Top Commentor

      Side note here, if you satisfy the audience, you are also satisfying the search engine. The audience always comes first.


    • Top Video Contributor

      Absolutely.  And what most of us do is satisfy ourselves, not knowing any better.  Thank you, Dennis. 

    • Top Commentor

      I have gone around and around with a few business owners over this. In the end they learn or fail. If they don't use the information I give, I am not at fault.


  • Top Member

    This information is what people need to know. You have shared the video training showing how to do onsite SEO. You have made it simple for people to follow along. 

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