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How To Be A Novelist - Or Anything!


Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

Only when you dare to DREAM and then dare to ACT on your dreams can you expect to achieve great things.

As a child I was berated for day-dreaming. It was considered to be a sign of an idle mind. Oh yea?

As a lad I dreamed of becoming a footballer –

     At age seventeen I played my first game as a professional.

As a young man I dreamed of working for myself –

     At age twenty-three I set up in my first business.

As a businessman I dreamed of great achievement –

     I came to own several businesses which gave employment to more than seventy people.

As an entrepreneur I dreamed of international success –

     I set up and operated projects in several different countries.

As a traveller and free spirit I dreamed of life in a warm climate and continental culture –

     Eventually I left Britain to live in France. 

As an ex-pat living abroad I dreamed of schooling visiting guests in life and business skills –

     My 'Wake Up Leisure and Learning Breaks' became the forerunner for my fully-fledged tour company.

As a life and business coach I dreamed of authoring my own work –

     I wrote my first book as a 'Wake Up' course guide then sold it to the general public by mail order.

As a writer I dreamed of writing a series of inspirational encouragement books based on my knowledge and experience -

   The first - 'Mastering the Art of Making Money' - was published in February 2016. To date there are eight books in the collection.

As an author I dreamed of moving on to writing a best-selling novel -

My 'Too Early For A Glass Of Wine?' and 'The Boy From Broughty Ferry' smash hit novels are available to buy HERE.

Yet … As a child I was berated for day-dreaming!

Well, you know what? You become what you dream. So dream big!

And that's how to be a novelist - or anything!

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal. 

Read both of my best-selling novels and get $25 BACK on the price of your purchases when you Click on the image below.

Daily Discount Bargains

'HOW TO BE A NOVELIST - OR ANYTHING!' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.

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  • Top Commentor

    I love your books Tom.  Your teachings, life, stories and writings have inspired many people to Wake Up to their potential and their full potential.  I know your books have been life changing for me, I mean it.  When you're a child it seems the "No's" and "You can'ts", shape you're thinking and kill your dreams.  From the daydreams of a child, to that of a good citizen, who will just fall into the mudane and then die.  I read a quote, I can't recall who it was, but they said:  "Most people die at 25, they just walk around for 65 more years".  

    Know a person who knew what they wanted to do, and did it is not only refreshing but valuable.  Especially when they want to teach you and others to do the same. 

    The only thing I don't like about your books, is that I didn't start reading them sooner.  I know for a fact if anyone gets one, and really applies the Power Points in them, then the lessons will change your life for the better.  

    I'm done reading "The Boy From Broughtery Ferry", that's the first book of fiction, I've reade in many years.  And I loved it!  It held my attention from the beginning.  The characters, the action, the betrayals, love affairs, passionate love scenes, the violence.  It really is fiction imitating fact. That brought more clarity to the conflict in that region, than any movie I've ever watced. 

    And I could picture the places and characters, like no movie could ever do justice.  It's a great book.  I would highly recommend to anyone. Congratulations Tom, on creating another Best Seller.

    On a side note, I see you mentioned Mail Order, I love it!  Are you familiar with Melvin Powers? 

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you so much for your thoughts Robin and expressing them with such insight. Reflections like yours certainly make the writing experience worthwhile. As regards Melvin Powers and his mail order business instructional guidance, no I had not heard of him ... but I have now! Thanks for the introduction. A very interesting character. I'll be reading up more about him and his work in due course. I'll also be sending you a full response to your comments elsewhere.

  • Top Commentor

    Thanks for the blessing Terri. My writing continues but on 'low burn' just for now as I complete a holiday-cum-promotional tour of independent book stores and restaurants in Spain and Portugal ... demanding but fun ... and I eat well, and free! It's how I gain the bulk of my sales, not Amazon. The Boy From Broughty Ferry is in the top fifty best-selling thrillers in the Iberia region. The success is the proof of the pudding in what I write about in this article and elsewhere.

    • Top Commentor

      In my mind "Too early for a glass of wine" and "The boy from Broughty ferry" should be on the best selling list in all English speaking countries.

    • Top Commentor

      Thanks Dennis, you're a toff! I'm flattered ... and some authoritative voices agree with you. Thing is, to be an international best-seller requires a top industry agent and a big bucks publisher, that or a celebrity name. Both sectors mentioned are long since commandeered by the woke mob and their identity nonsense. As for Amazon, number one is possible but costs more than can ever be made. Brings me back to my proven methods as an entrepreneur. No secrets divulged here (there will be a tell-all book at some point), but I do much, much better than the average writer. You are well placed of course to pre-guess my strategies. All are there in my books, explicit and often implicit - even then some tricks would surprise ... and delight ... you! :-)  PS I do have a film producer interested in both novels - but very much wait and see.    

    • Top Commentor

      When I was learning English, I read quite often. Between reading books published in Spanish and English I would guess that I have read over 10,000 books. Your books have held my interest better than most. 

      I guess I am old school believing quality has more value than a name, wokeness, or money. This makes me happy to understand you believe in your proven methods. 

      Getting on screen, big or small, will increase the value of the written word. This of course if they don't mess with the message too much. 

  • Top Member

    Thank you Tom Riach for sharing your post here. It will be inspiring to all who read it. I know I'm inspired when I read any of your books. You're a very talented writer and may God continue to inspire you to continue your writing. 

  • Top Commentor

    As a child I day dreamed about being a great warrior. What I found is I didn't realize what it meant to be a great warrior. It took years to learn Fire water doesn't make a great warrior. A warriors function is to keep first his family then the tribe safe, fed, and healthy. At first I failed at all of the warriors traits. 

    To be successful I learned that first you dream. Then do, learning as you are doing. Once you have mastered something share what you have learned. Once a person starts doing this they are becoming a true warrior. 


    • Top Commentor

      Well said Dennis. Your comments remind me too of how the rule of states is founded first on the warrior era, passes into the trader era of peace and prosperity, then descends into the corruption and decadence of the bureaucrats - the rise and fall of empires! But when a warrior is guarding his family and tribe's welfare, protecting, feeding and sheltering them and passing that knowledge on to the next generation, then society is healthy and secure. So too with the individual as you have personally discovered. Thanks as always for your insight. 

    • Top Commentor

      All of the success I have seen in life happened when I learned the most important things I could be doing were keeping my family and tribes welfare first and foremost. The opportunities came because I was thinking of these others as well as myself. Riches have no value unless you can share them with the people you care about and for. 

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