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How To Make Email Marketing Work For You

12290200071?profile=RESIZE_710xIf you are marketing a product or affiliate opportunity, you likely understand to bring in cash you should drive as much traffic as you can to your site.



Additionally, it's imperative to catch your guests contact data, so you can construct a relationship with them. This is where Email marketing and list building comes in.



If you are marketing a product or affiliate opportunity, you likely understand to bring in cash you should drive as much traffic as you can to your site.



>A Proposition Must Be Seen Somewhere Upwards of Seven Times Before A Person Acts On It<


Unfortunately, 98% of the guests you drive to your site won't buy anything...and...probably won't at any point return. That implies a ton of additional work for you with regards to getting traffic.


How much better could it be on the off chance that you could in some way or another have different contacts with these site guests so you could construct entrust with them and they could ultimately purchase from you?


At the point when you introduce a straight forward offer on your site, you can urge your guests to accept your offer in return for their email address. When you utilize this instrument appropriately you will actually transform a greater amount of these guests into clients.



You've most likely heard that it can take somewhere in the range of 7 - 10 contacts with somebody before they're agreeable enough with you to purchase from you. Patience is a virtue and repetition is the key...just keep doing what you're doing daily.



You have to inspire them to open and read your message, so you can get to know them, what they want and build a relationship with them.



You need to continuously offer them something of significant worth. You can't simply use your messages as an opportunity to make a deal. Assuming you do, they will hit unsubscribe, or worse report you as a spammer. In any case you will have lost them for eternity.  The main goal is to build trust.


>You Bring To The table for Value<



Ensure that you step beyond yourself and proposition your email list with something that will really help them, not you.



By giving them extraordinary and supportive data you are demonstrating to them that you are a specialist in your field as well as that you can be a believed asset who can furnish them with what they need to achieve anything it is they need to achieve.



Get Free Access

PS: I was able to get free images from Pixabay.  I was able to edit them right from the dashboard using Canva tools also free.  That's pretty cool.

Thank you for reading,

Robin Robinson

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Robin Robinson, I am an Affiliate marketer &amp; resources.

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  • Top Commentor

    Thank you for sharing this Robin! Great information that is much appreciated. 

  • Top Commentor

    You've shown by your attitude here over a long time Robin that you are an entrepreneur with a mind open to learning new things as well as embracing well-established business success strategies. The two aspects combined provide a wonderful foundation on which to build your offering in a way that encourages those interacting with you to do likewise. Thus are long term relationships developed and a solid, sustainable business created. I think you've demonstrated those practices in action very simply and clearly in this mini tutorial. 

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you Tom.  Those words mean a great deal coming from you.  Reading your books has been great source of motivation and instruction about how to position yourself for short and long term success.  You have a fascinating biography.  Very few people know exactly what they're going to do at a young age, then go out and actually do it.  


  • Top Video Contributor

    The old saying is that the money is in the list, and it is still true. As you point out, list building is a way to help you gain more from your hard-earned traffic. I am a fan and a regular user of Pixabay.  Canva is one of the best free sites online.  Thank you, Robin.

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you George.  I have been studying your squeeze page training and it's an excellent training about how to set up a email strategy that does work, with proof, if you follow it correctly.


    • Top Video Contributor

      You do not know how much I enjoyed your post, your really helpful content and I was so glad to see such good use of images.  Thank you again, Robin.  

  • Top Commentor

    Thank you so much for that comment Terri!  It means a lot coming from you.  And thank you for providing Syndication Express as place where we can showcase our work among quality Contribuitors.  As well as having it seen across the Internet.

    • Top Member

      Thank you Robin Robinson for your testimony about Syndication Express. I am so happy that you can appreciate the benefits it offers. I wish you all the best and much success my sister. 

    • Top Commentor

      No doubt Terri.  That was a great suggestion you gave me to change my ad.  Now the first one didn't get much traffic, but I chalk that up to the ad.  I wasn't very happy with it.  But the second got four times the clicks.  Not only is the Syndication you provide a great incentive, there is a lot here to help any markerter, affiliate, author, blogger, or vlogger to improve their own SEO. 

  • Top Member

    Outstanding post Robin Robinson and what you say is true. Relationships is the key to success. You develop the relationship over time and build know, like and trust with them. Thank you for sharing your post in the SE and I'm sure it will help and benefit a lot of people that need to know this information about email marketing. 

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