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Instagram Marketing - How To Get 132% More Engagement


It is one of the only social networks left that is truly “personable” and the engagement is still decent because of it. 

But just like any social network, it requires a lot of time and work.

Here’s the thing though, by automating your Instagram, you can deliver great content, and also spend less time doing it. 

I have been using a few of the features in MobileMonkey (you can do it with a free account) to automate your Instagram marketing and the results will be great when you implement the strategies found in this post.

Continue reading at link below:


How to Automate Your Instagram Marketing and Get 132% More Engagement



Thank you for reading and I wish you much success in your life and business.

Terri Pattio

Owner of Syndication Express

Social Media Strategist

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Terri Pattio - Founder/Owner of Syndication Express.

Creator of TP Twitter strategy and Social Media Strategist

Owner of Winning Domains and Small Business Websites

Click on my picture to message me if you have questions or need more information.
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  • Top Commentor

    Thank you for sharing this info. I am on Instagram but I have not used it like I should. 

  • Top Commentor

    Delivering quality and spending less time doing it should be a goal of all entrepreneurs. Automated intelligence helps in achieving this and Neil Patel's guidance on how to use Instagram is really useful. Obviously it gels most effectively with the Syndication Express experience. So, well presented Terri - helping your members to expand their reach as always!

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Terri Pattio



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