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Say NO To Image Heavy Emails ~ Here's Why


Hello All!  I am George Pierce and I am an advocate of using images, lots of images, so it pains me a little to share this post.  Why? Because it is about avoiding image-heavy emails.  Images can enhance our content, help us to grab and keep attention, and boost our CTR, so using fewer images in our emails may seem like a mistake, so allow me to share some of the reasons why fewer images are better for your emails.

Loss Of Readability:

Lots of email systems obstruct images by default.  What this means is that your message might not be shared as you intended. Instead of your email list seeing images, they are likely to see image icons with alt (alternate) text, without proper alt text, your readers might miss out on crucial information and not understand your email. 


Emails with a significant quantity of images compared to messages are often identified as spam by filters, which decreases the probability of them being delivered to the recipient's inbox.

Slow Loading:

Image-heavy emails can take longer to open, particularly on mobile devices or slower internet connections, resulting in disappointed recipients who might desert your email before it fully loads.  

As you can see, all your worst email scenarios are possible, thanks to too many images.

How To Fix:

Image Size:

Compress your images to decrease loading times without giving up quality.

Using this tip will enhance your reader's experience and keep him or her engaged.

A great guideline is to keep your images under 200KB.   

When you optimize your pictures, you guarantee they will show effectively in most mail clients!

Alt Text:

Always include a detailed alt text for your pictures.

This makes certain that your message is clear,

even if the images do not load.

Balance Content:

Ensure a good mix of images and text. This not only makes

your e-mail more understandable, but it also improves deliverability.





Bonus Tip:

Create one or more email accounts, such as Gmail (for sure) and  Yahoo Mail or Mail dot com, and subscribe to your lists.  This will give you a chance to inspect what you expect. For example, my AIOP and AWeber emails almost always go to my inbox and not to Spam.   

Building your list is a way to literally quadruple your income!  It will be the backbone of your online ventures, so protect your investment.

Thank you for reading.

Much Success,

George Pierce

PS.  If are not yet building your list, consider AWeber's free option.  The free version does NOT include segmentation or customized analytics, but IMO, AWeber is and has always been the most user-friendly list builder (autoresponder), perfect for beginners. You will find tons of done-for-you, professional landing pages that fit almost every niche, they are superb and easy to customize.  BTW, AWeber will automatically maximize your email images for you.  Also, check out the new pricing, you get so much more!


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  • Top Commentor

    I just remarked to Dennis on another post about catching salmon by hand (guddling) George - your lead image captures that rather well! :-) And yes,I discovered through experience, that being over image heavy is detrimental, so your advice is spot on and your guidance tips as to how best to use imagery and benefit from it are, as always, excellent.

    • Top Video Contributor

      I can only imagine the thrill of guddling. If an email did not make it to my subscriber's Inbox, too many images were not even considered, which was a double mistake for me. In other words, the mistake, and then not being aware that it was a mistake—a common online error (I believe) for most of us. Thank you, Tom.

  • Top Commentor

    I did not find aweber to be the simplest. Compared to what you find in mainstream auto response systems offers it is. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. It is the words however in auto response that bring in the desired results if you do it right. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      You are right about using the right words and doing things right.  Thanks to testing and tweaking, even beginners can zero in on what works, thank you, Dennis.  

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