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The Best Way To Create Income



Lots Of Options!


When it comes to making money online, there is a lot of noise floating around.


There will be some that tell you that you are not hustling enough.


Others will tell you to post 10 to 20 times a day on social media.


A lot of information (and misinformation) is out there, and it causes overload for most of us that just want to create extra income to have a better quality of life.



Before I get to the point of this blog post, let me share a piece of advice.


This advice is from someone (me) who has consumed hundreds of hours in content and spent lots of money trying to find that "perfect" opportunity.


Stay true to your values, your personality, your morals, who you are, and don't compromise just to make money.


That's my advice.


But I have some insight I hope will help you in your journey.


Here it is...


The Best Way to Make Money is...


To provide a service for someone.


Use a skill (preferably a skill you already have) to provide a service to someone in need.


Why a service-based option is good for you?


  • You get paid directly and immediately for providing the service.
  • You're getting paid for something you already have experience or knowledge of, so that is a low barrier to success.
  • Using your skills, knowledge and experience to create extra income feels more natural, honest, and less cringy.
  • This allows you to build better business and other kinds of relationships.
  • The only requirements are your experience, education, and expertise. (When I say education, that means formal or informal.)


NOTE: When I say, provide a service, I will include digital products in that because it is something that someone will pay for upfront to get access to.


So, what are some service based options for you to create income?


Here are a few that I have recently looked into or have experience with.




I have tutored math for well over 20 years in some capacity. Tutoring or helping others with your skills is still needed, especially given the rise in distant learning.


Is there a topic or subject that you have piles of experience or success in?


You can tutor that to others that need it.


This is not just relegated to the classroom per se.


You can perhaps do something like create a YouTube channel or blog around your expertise.




Copywriting is the process of creating a piece of writing that prompts others to take an action like signing up for a product or clicking a link.


With more companies going digital, there is a strong need for copywriting services.


Companies will pay you to create copy (or interesting content) to influence consumers to take action.


I have taken a bit of interest in it myself.


If you are interested in copywriting, I have a basic document to share what I have learned.


Click HERE to see what I have learned for myself about copywriting.




Since I am a bit of a math nerd, I took a course on bookkeeping and accounting basics. (From Open University, which offers free courses.)


I have learned that many businesses need people to help them organize their finances.


You don't need much to get started, to my knowledge.


But I would recommend taking a course or doing your due diligence to learn more about it.




Like I mentioned before, the options above are just a few services you can get paid from.


There are so many more.


Anything from landscaping, computer repair, pet sitting, window washing, resume writing, and anything in between are available options.


I feel like the easiest way to make money is from providing a service, in the form of an actual service where you show up physically or a digital product where you share your expertise/skills/experience for a fee.


Here are a few final suggestions from me (from my opinion)


  • Being online is great but don't limit your options to just working online.
  • Start with a skill, service, or hobby you have TRUE interest in. Don't pick something just because it is trendy or because a marketer told you to.
  • Get some kind of training (formal or informal) to become better at the service you provide.
  • Your service (or product) needs to solve a problem. The people who solve problems make the most money.


I hope this blog post helps you. If you want me to cover or look into a particular service-based business, let me know in the comments.


Thanks for reading and God bless.



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John Jackson

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  • Top Commentor

    Find out what you would do even if you didn't earn from it, then figure out how to earn from it. This advice was given to me as a teenager. Every business I have owned was doing something I truly enjoyed doing, and it has way more than kept the wolf from the door. 

    • Top Commentor

      Wow, love this. Very well said and it is definitely food for thought. Thank you for sharing. 

    • Top Commentor

      Online, years ago I was told find areas which were underserved or become the best in your field. Both work. In business the most important people to reach are those who have an interest in your product or service.

      People become willing buyers if you let them convince themselves you are not only the solution to their situation, in reality you are the only viable solution. Believe me in most situations this takes time. Those who appear to have overnight success generally spend 5 years or more preparing. 

      The guidelines you bring forth in your article are the smartest solutions for earning enough early on to survive. The fastest I came to earning the most was 2 years. It took me until I was 28 to sign the first million dollar contract. You can believe me when I say most of that money was spent providing the service. Loan interest took up quite a bit as well. Had I not provided what the buyer wanted I would have been bankrupt.  

      The most important thing you have to have is a mindset where you know you will succeed. Then do everything possible to make it happen. You will have to be willing to take chances without a fear of failure. Learning something new every day is part of the process.

  • Top Member

    This is a very informative post John. You covered a lot of things as well. 

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you so much, I appreciate you! 

    • Top Member

      Your welcome and can't wait to see your next post here in the SE community. I'm sure it'll be a great one.

  • Top Video Contributor

    John, it is always a pleasure to read your posts and watch your videos, I watched a PHD YouTube Guru yesterday...PHD stands for piled high and deep...and it is getting worse, so I appreciate the value you deliver, thank you. 

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