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Hi ALL!  I am George Pierce, this post is about which social media platform has the longest post life.  My definition of Post Life is not how long your post stays on the social media site which may be indefinite, by Post Life, I am referring to how much time your post will drive traffic  According to research, 

  • Twitter: 15 minutes
  • TikTok & Snapchat: Start decaying immediately unless viral
  • Facebook: 6 hours
  • Instagram: 48 hours
  • LinkedIn: 24 hours
  • YouTube: 20 days or more
  • Pinterest: 4 months

Virtually EVERYTHING I post online is shared on social media, and, of course, Pinterest is included in those social media sites.  The reason for this post is that I made a Pinterest post a few minutes ago, and here is what  Pinterest was telling me about some of my most active posts. (PINS)


The posts are not months old, they are years old!  

My point is that Pinterest will give you a lot of bang for your buck and it will keep on giving.  

An additional point that I have shared before is that QUOTES WITH A LINK are superb, as well as easy when it comes to generating traffic.  This trick works on all social media sites, and, as you can see above, can give you long-term traffic on Pinterest. 

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

 George Pierce

PS. For more free help, information, and make-money-online training, visit my YT channel.


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  • Top Commentor

    Really good information. 

    Never recognized the post life, but that is why Pinterest is a favorite of many people. 

  • Top Member

    Great information to know George Pierce and kudos on the funny at the end. 

  • Top Commentor

    This is valuable information to have George.  It seems like a lot to keep up with many social media Sites.  So having the information to be able to narrow them down to what's the most effective is great. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Surprisingly, Pinterest is one of the best, thank you, Robin. 

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you George.  I have to go take another look at Pinterest, I like it.  I've read their main demographic is women between the ages of 35-60.  And women do most of the shopping, so I can see that. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Exactly, and Pinterest claims to have one of the highest click-through rates.  It is easy to use.  You can do automated posting as well.  Start with IFTT for free and maybe later, try Tailwind.  Thank you, Robin.  

  • Top Commentor

    Simple, quick and yes ... bang for bucks! A car that keeps going to more and more new destinations is naturally preferable to a one-journey wonder. PS Aahh ... the pathos in the cartoon.

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