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Will You Survive Artificial Intelligence And Robots

The world is changing quite a bit because of AI. High paying jobs are being taken over by Artificial Intelligence. Many jobs are being taken over by robots as well. Small businesses are suffering because there is less currency to be spent. They are also having more difficulty reaching interested buyers. Especially hard hit recently are companies who work basically online. 

You have to be able to reach those who have enough currency to become customers. People still prefer dealing with people than they do with robots. How are those who have a business that is all online, or market online, going to make it through the coming year and beyond? 

Look at your customer base. Who only looks, and who buys. Would they be just as well off if they bought from something created by AI? To compete you have to show yourself as human. You also have to find how what you offer differs from what is offered by AI. Also you have to let others know your point of difference. Simplifying every process is something AI is very good at. Look for ways to simplify every process you can. 

How you reach your customers has to be closely looked at this year. You have to decide how to best present yourself as being human. Don't be afraid to use AI as a tool to help you. Just don't let it be the only source of information you present. Don't be afraid to show you are human and as a human make mistakes. 

Knowing and using this information to your advantage is going to be what makes or breaks small businesses. For more on what is going to work in 2025 I recommend typing lisech . com into your browser of choice. The blog with the title in the graphic can be found under the blog heading. 


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Lisech Marketing Strategy Consulting

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    My very limited experience (helping non-profits) seemed to show that a number of companies provided a 'pretty site' rather than the more important SEO and marketing.  Is that an issue also?  Thank you, Dennis.  

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      Every website has two functions. If one of those functions isn't met the website is about useless. 

      Marketing and advertising can be used for one of those functions, the website however has fulfill the other. (Reaching those who are interested yet not ready to make a buying decision). 

      A website must have a place for buyers to buy, or lead to somewhere interested parties can buy. It must be a simple process for a buyer to fulfill their desires, once they have made a buying decision. 

      Buy now? What is in it for me comes to mind.

      Are you limiting time on an offer? 

      Are you offering bulk deals? 

      I see very few businesses which tick all the boxes. 

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    Thank you Dennis. I did read your blog and and found your professional guidance to be both informative and a relief too to know that you consider that AI should be viewed as a tool rather than the main act and that your experience confirms that people will continue to value the human experience. This endorses my own view. Your article is also an object lesson in how a true specialist communicates with their audience in simple language and with a straightforward presentation which is easy to understand and which itself demonstrates the beauty of the personal, rather than the artificial, approach. 

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      Part of every marketing strategy should be research. Using the team approach we do, there is more time for research. Our approach to consulting is knowing things are going to fail and planning on it. One thing is always going to work better than another. 

      The one thing we all agree on is AI is a tool. Every person buys after making a logical decision. What we know is the logical decision is most often affected by an emotion. At this point AI is not able to factor in emotion. 

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    The majority of people are still wanting to buy from people. The way things have always worked is people buy you before they buy from you. This is why being human is so important. 

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