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How the Cloud Can Transform Business
This is a Guest Author Post by Diana Smith
According to Business Insider, approximately 90% of global internet users are already on a cloud. The number is very big and it says a lot about cloud computing. The types
If Drops Of Water Can Do All That,Imagine What You Can Do!
As entrepreneurs we tend to under estimate
our abilities and over estimate the magnitude
of the obstacles that stand between us and
our goals.
You may not beli
You Can Change
You can change but will you? Will you step out? Will you leave your comfort zone? Will you become a small fish in a big pond, rather than a big fish in a small pond to get where you want to be?
Will you give up today what you are, in ord
Have you ever sat down and wondered if there is anything, at all, that God can not do?
Well, we know that He has given to each of the us the gift of "Choice." So He will not make us do anything that we don't want to do. But just the same, What can'