Why Social Media Marketing Doesn’t Work (For Most People)

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Great advice and tips in the video by Neil Patel. I recommend that you watch it to learn more. Neil knows a lot on this subject and SEO. 

Why social media marketing doesn't work for most people? It doesn't matter if it is Facebook, or Instagram, or LinkedIn, or even Twitter. Social media market just doesn't work, or at least for most people. And no, it's not because you don't have enough followers, instead, it doesn't work because you only focus on getting more followers. See, that's the issue. Let's say you want a million followers. If you want lots of followers, you have to create content that appeals to the masses.

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  • Top Commentor

    Two questions you should always ask yourself. Who is my ideal customer, and what do they want. Deliver to them what they want. 

  • Top Commentor

    Select your customers rather than having them select you! Yes, the priciple of choosing who you want to provide your services to, then creating your offering accordingly is what entrepreneurs who put quality of life (theirs and their clients) ahead of purely commercial interests. The pay-off is both enjoyable and profitable!

  • Top Commentor

    Nice share Terri.  I'm subscribed to Neil Patel on YouTube and I've learned a lot from his instructions.  

    I see what he's saying about sharing content interesting to your target market.  You may take longer to grow your followers, but quality always trumps quantity. 

  • Top Commentor

    Really good video and it makes sense. Create content for the idea customer. 

    Thanks ofr sharing this!

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