Susan Boston's Posts (295)

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Be True to Your Beliefs Your The One That Counts!

Be True to Your Beliefs Your The One That Counts!



Your beliefs are all that makes you...YOU! If you can't be true to who you are then how will others be true to you?

You could do every single thing right in a business meeting, meeting new people, or in the way you present yourself and still there will be those that do not like you.

If you are not true to yourself then you will run around trying to get those that don't like you to do so and miss out on some very interesting people that will adore you.

Is that what you want? I didn't think so...

It possibly might hurt your feelings if you meet those that don't think kindly of you but chances are those are narrow minded people that only like their own kind.

Tell me would you "want" to be in that group of people anyway? I think most would answer no to that one.

What you need to do instead of wasting your time, energy and your positive energy on those that don't care about you, seek out the the ones drawn to you.

These are the people that you can help. These are the ones which will help you in return, so rather than trying to shove a peach down the throat of someone that hates peaches...

Just reach out your hand and offer the peach to someone that loves peaches :)

"The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it's the most powerful weapon you posses."



Skype: susanjboston

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Marketing Tip What You Will and Will Not Do...

Marketing Tip What You Will and Will Not Do...

8-29-2013 8-33-23 PM

One marketing tip stands true throughout time. That tip is the things you find important, you will fine the time for and you will totally engage in it.

Those things that are not important to you; you will not take the time or engage in any aspect other than a brief visual participation.

Those that join a program and run with it by learning all there is to know about that business, going to all the webinars and finding ways to go to the big off line events becomes the big earners.


The answer lies within the amount of importance one places on what they are doing. Those that do not find their business important or there dreams will make excuses. It really is that simple.

When a theory is proven through action it becomes a truth rather than a theory. Truth can not be denied just because some people can't achieve the end result.

On-line businesses do exist and they they have been proven through action of those that have went before you.

If you are not succeeding in your business then you have not placed enough importance on it or on your dreams enough to attain them.

Stop, regroup and try again!

"I love you all with all my heart, but I am sick and tired of those that want it given to them. If you are ready to work then I am ready to help you.

If you not then do us both a favor and just keep on looking for that miracle that will drop your dream in your lap and good luck with that!"




Skype: susanjboston

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Leads in Marketing Missing? Do You Want a Simple Fix?

Failure The 98%

RED leads

Success The 2%

Leads are what you need and if you're failing in marketing you are not alone. You have a posse of 98% of all those that attempt marketing.

The other 2% are the success stories. My goal is to help you and (your posse) to move from that 98% down to the 2%

The change is hanging by a thread as you can see in the picture. What then do the successful have that you don't?


Cut the Thread!

Did your eyes roll back in your head when you saw this as you in disgust said, "Well DUH, that's my problem I can't get those!"

Yes, you can and yes, there is hope!"

I'm sure you know there are many types of traffic mostly bad when you don't have millions to spend on ads right? But check this out...

If you offer people something they really need, that will help them tremendously and price it dirt cheap then they will come to you and you don't even have to go to them.

Your best leads are going to be social leads because only those that know like and trust you are going to do business with you.

Some obscure ad that you have paid hundreds for is going to fly by their eyes without so much as even a blink let alone a click!

That can stop here if you have the insight to use this now.

Learn to do the social leads thang on Facebook!

Click here and this is what you'll get...

8-24-2013 9-20-27 PM

This works wonderfully for collecting leads. You can continue in the 98% or you can cut the thread and join us in the 2% and...

Bring your posse with you :) we don't believe that anyone should be left behind we are working to exchange the numbers to 98% success and 2% failure!

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it, Practice it and success will be yours."

From my heart to yours,


Skype: susanjboston

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Your Goal and Your Flexibility Don't Get Them Confused!

be clear

You must know what your goal is but, to get there you must be flexible on how you will achieve it.

Sitting and watching a couple with a 6 year old daughter plan a vacation trip taught me a valuable lesson.

The couple were headed to Disney World and were planning on driving there so out came the map and pencil. They traced their route one way then another.

The six year old kept watching as they kept erasing each planned out line, then redoing it. The couple was about to wear out the eraser when the little girl ask, "Mom do you and daddy know where your going?"

Mom says, "Sure honey we just haven't decided what route we are taking yet."


You know my thought was what if this trip was someones business. What if they just started and they were miss-guided enough to think; because the route wasn't clear (yet) the goal wasn't attainable.

Never get the goal and the fact you must be flexible confused. You must never lose sight of that goal however; you have to be flexible on which direction you will travel to get there.

If your not what you will find is Murphy's Law will throw all he has at you. If this happens and you are not flexible you are going to get discouraged and give up.

When you are taking a trip and there's a detour you just go around the problem and keep your goal in mind and business is NO different.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it, Practice it and success will be yours."

From my heart to your's

Skype: susanjboston

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Dynamic Powerful Tools Suite Pays 100% Commissions


Commissions are the foundation of working on line. There are several ways you can do this however; there are some ways better than others and more profitable as well.

Today what I want to know is: Are "You" getting all the money you can out of what you do on line?

Do you realize that you spend your whole life as a sales person/marketer for other people to make money on your marketing efforts?

You market music, movies, restaurants, vacation spots, coffee and the list goes on forever. Virtually everything you see, feel, touch, hear, smell, taste and do is what you market.

If we narrow that down to your marketing, every single thing you use on line to promote your business is marketing do you realize that fact?

Your web hosting, videos, auto-responders,webinars, they are all marketing for the companies you use now let me ask you this:

  • - Does Aweber pay you for your mailing?
    • - Does Amazon pay you for your videos, and video storage?
    • - Does GoTo Meeting or Web Ex pay you for your webinars?

I can tell you right now, "No they don't!"

Do they pay you for any clients that you send there way?
(YEP like 10%...would you rather not get 100%)?

Sad part is, just by you simply using their services you
are sending them clients and not getting paid for it!

You might say, "Well all those places are all alike it's six of one and half a dozen of another." but, you would be wrong.

There is something totally different. It's a powerful profit pulling tools suite.

It will ignite any online business model and will save you hundreds of dollars per month. Giving you the leading edge over any competition.

This is just some of the powerful Tools you will find:

  • - complete auto responder system (with perfect inbox deliverability)
  • - complete video email service
  • - complete blogging and lead generation system
  • - complete webinar service
  • - complete video producing and video storage platform

and so much more all under one powerful marketing account!

Does it pay? YES! 100% commissions!

Check it out now:


You will want to take immediate action on this serious money making GIANT!

Click below for a quick compensation plan overview and see
just how easy you can be in instant profit!


Why use tools from places that either don't pay you or pays you a piddly amount?

My passion is to help you expand your chances of earning on line however, my passion means nothing without "YOUR" passion.

"I love you all with all my heart, but I am sick and tired of those that want it given to them. If you are ready to work then I am ready to help you.

If you not then do us both a favor and just keep on looking for that miracle that will drop your dream in your lap and good luck with that!"

--Susan Boston


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Easy Tip to Raise Self Esteem

Easy Tip to Raise Self Esteem

self esteem

Self esteem is not something you want to over look. Your self esteem is what controls the quality of your life from the way you view the world to how you do within that world.

If your esteem is low you will not be able to live your life at it's fullest, do your best at all you do or be productive as you can be in your job or career.

This is why it is of the up most importance that you learn to build your self esteem to it's highest point.

Start out by doing only one thing to boost your esteem. It doesn't have to take long and it doesn't have to be something major.

Pick out one small thing do it, then pick another one and do that always moving forward adding to your portfolio of self esteem building.

Soon you will find that you will be doing more than one at a time and feeling better and better about yourself. You will see a noticeable difference in how you feel about yourself and your life.

The only two components you need are discipline and commitment. The good part about all of this is doing the baby steps makes it very easy to stick to the discipline and commitment.

You are not tied down to something long and drug out therefore, you are more likely to stick with it and have the energy to keep the integrity of your commitment and discipline intact.

Raise what is of most importance to you, build your self esteem, learn to love yourself!

"You can't really love others until you learn to love you"



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In Marketing If You Ain't Not Givin You Ain't a Gettin!

In marketing if you are not giving you can count on one thing "Not Getting" it is a 100% fact not a guess.

Are you trying to get people to read your blog but "You" never read and comment on others blogs?

On social sites do you post and post and get nothing in return? Let me ask you this, do you just read others post or do you also interact with them? If you don't give...


First you must show others that you are worth being friends with then, you have to convince them you have things to say. But here's the thing...

You can't do that by just posting smart sheik stuff on the net you have to do it by first of all showing them you have things to say about "Them" and their interest first.

Then and only then will you be showing them you are worth paying attention to and interacting with and you will see more action in whatever you are promoting or saying.

Think about it when at a party and you get cornered by one of those people that just  talk about them-self or their life and go on and on don't you look for an escape?

You know you do!

Problem is at a party you have to escape gracefully and on line, you just ignore them completely and no one is wiser. See my point here?

If you don't believe me try it out and you will see it's true for yourself. Go to the social sights and actually write and comment. Liking is okay but actual words are much better.

Go to where you have been posting your blog and read and comment on the blogs and then also share them. In your comment let the blog owner know you have shared it.

See what happens. :)

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."

From my heart to yours,


Skype: susanjboston

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Your Success is Tracking The Millionaire's Foot Print

The Millionaire's foot print is extremely important to your success so listen to what I am about to tell you very carefully!

Stick with me here...

When you lose something what do you do? Do you retrace your footsteps back to where you last saw it and work your way toward where that object might have traveled?

When a prisoner breaks out they bring out the hounds setting them on the track sniffing them out? (Foot prints to the dogs.)

When a hunter tracks a rabbit, deer or what ever pray they look for the footprints or signs as to where the pray has been and where it has went.

It stands to reason then if you want to find the concept of how to become rich you would then track those that have went before you and achieved riches.

You are who you hang with because you absorb their thoughts, ways, feelings and ethics. These things are what brought the riches to those you seek.

In actual fact you are not tracking the millionaire; you are tracking their actions,thoughts and ethics so that you may absorb that which made them rich.

To do this you must first track them down and associate yourself with those possessing those qualities.

Need Help?

Click the blood hound.


"If you don't take action to better yourself no one else is going to do it for you. What are you wanting for life is to short don't wait."




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Feeling Shunned and Alone in Your Marketing?

Feeling Shunned and Alone in Your Marketing?


Marketing is such an oxymoron where relationships are concerned. Think about it for just a second.

What does it take to be successful in marketing? People right? Why, because people are who buy or join what you have and yet...

Marketing can also run the people closes to you the farthest away from you! AGREED?

You know what? It's totally okay if your family and close friends hide from you because your a marketer you know why==>


Do you still get that look from people when they ask you what you do and you say I work in marketing? Do they say something like, "Oh, still selling Amway?" or my favorite...

Phiff......and "How's that working out for ya?" (With of course tongues in cheek an a smug look on their faces.)

You know I use to tell my family when I would get a little money here and there from some of the businesses I worked. You know what I got? Laughs at the amount,scoffs and generally a hard time.

I got tired of it so I just shut up-----> I did not quit however :)


"There's this little card in my wallet, that my payments go to now but you see, I don't tell the Nay-Sayers and trust me when I tell you if they could see the balance

they WOULDN'T be making fun! marketing

Do you want your own little secret card? If you haven't let the Nay-Sayers beat you down to where you don't believe anymore then...

Click here.

"Money is not at the root of all evil but, many times not having enough to live on is…"



Skype: susanjboston

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Do You Know What Commitment Means?

Do You Know What Commitment Means?

What is Commitment? Do you know? There are those that believe commitment means trying to do something. Actually, commitment means: a can to attitude with no if's and's or but's about it.

When you commit to something you are placing your full being into working with all your might, doing what ever it takes to get the job done.

If you are looking at anything requiring a commitment be it buying a new car, working a home based business or anything else you had better think it all the way through.

You have to search deep within you, decide with no qualms at all that you will see it through until the end, nothing else will do.

Long ago committing to something showed guts, backbone, pride in your word with a hell bent determination to see it through.

Sadly in today's throw away world many times it just means you know how to sign your name.

When you look at a business you want to get into watch how you react. If you approach it from the point of view, "I'll give it a try" then don't bother.

If you are looking for something free then again don't bother there is no such thing as free. Only when you are willing to put all that you have on the line are you truly committed.

People use to wonder how I have done some of the things I have done. My answer? I don't know I just committed to doing it and somehow with my hard work the Universe made it so and it will for you as well.

Take note however if you are not being honest and most aren't when they commit they mean to be but they are not and if your not then the Universe also knows that as well so, be forewarned!

If you don't want to commit then there is no reason for you to even try and work from home because only those that truly mean business will make it.

Those that don't are the ones that get no where. Then they run around telling everyone that working at home doesn't work!

It does work because, I do it every single day as well as many others. When you are ready to commit and join us click here.

"I love you all with all my heart, but I am sick and tired of those that want it given to them. If you are ready to work then... I am ready to help you. If you not then do us both a favor and just keep on looking for that miracle that will drop your dream in your lap and good luck with that!"



Skype: susanjboston

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Do You Want to Know How to Achieve Your Dreams?


You want to know how to achieve your dreams? You get what you want by pursuing it relentlessly. You never give up you fight for it with all your might with your eyes never off the prize. Get off your butt if you want what you want and get with it.

Stop whining you have nothing and build your something exactly the way you want it. Yes, you can stop saying "I can't I have tried!"

If you had really tried you would have it!

Don't lull yourself into the belief that you have done all that you can do and that the world just does you wrong. That's a cop out!

If there is something out there that you want; you need to reach out to the Universe and grab it then pull it to you. The Universe is waiting it's not going to give it to you.

It will only offer it, if you don't do the reaching out to take it, then you will do without. There is nothing out there that has not required work on someone's part.

You might say, "What about those that are born into riches." There are no FREE lunches people. Regardless of how many riches there are somewhere back in time someone worked for them.

Riches are not just born they are worked for so get off your butt stop whining and make your dreams what ever they are come true.

"I love you all with all my heart, but I am sick and tired of those that want it given to them. If you are ready to work then I am ready to help you.

If you not then do us both a favor and just keep on looking for that miracle that will drop your dream in your lap and good luck with that!"

If you're ready to work click here.



Skype: susanjboston

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Mentor Quest 4 Tips on Finding One

Mentor Quest 4 Tips on Finding One

littleboy with binoculars

A mentor is someone that leads and guides you. You have had mentors throughout your life. Your mentoring started with your parents, teachers, possibly an older sibling or clergy person. These are are wonderful mentors embedded in your life through no control of your own.

However, when you are considering your business you want a bit more controlled hands on approach of who will shape, mold and groom you for your success.

Here are 4 tips on how to find the right mentor for you in your niche ...

  1. You have to determine what you have set for your goals. Finding a mentor for your business however is different. When you go out to look for a mentor you what to make sure you are getting all that you possibly can from their mentoring.

You need someone closely related to your set of goals. They should be in the type business you are interested in and the business your goals have been set in for yourself.

   2. You need to locate your mentor you can do this by starting with those that are closer to you the widen your circle. There might be someone in your own family working at something that will help you. If not look for someone in the area of your business. You can talk to city and county officials or even people that have retired from that business.

   3. After you find the one for your mentor talk about what your goals are, find out when it's possible to talk or meet with them to work. You need to keep in mind you need to respect their time and their life when they agree to help you and If by some chance this mentor-ship doesn't for any reason work out for you or them decide what you both should do about the problem.

   4. Make it clear to your mentor that you want their insights and opinions. Ask them to be honest with you re-enforce that it will not be a problem for them to be honest. The most important part of number 4 here is that you take that insight and use it don't just listen then do nothing!

My mentors have taken me from punching a time clock to the freedom of working from home and living my life on "My" terms. If you would like to take a look at who helped me with this just click here.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."

From my heart to yours



Skype: susanjboston

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As a Marketer are You Sick of Getting Kicked Around?



Marketers, is this picture of you trying to work in marketing? Are you sick and tired of getting kicked around, being lied to or feeling like a Loser?


Now let me ask you this, do you believe in your heart you are the only one ever to have these feelings?

Trust me when I tell you that you are not the only one, as a matter of fact everyone that's ever stepped into the world of marketing started out with these exact same feelings.

Feel better now?

Good, now let me explain to you how they did it, how would that be?

First of all they learned all about the business they were in from the inside out. When they did this they became experts in their field.

When they became experts in their fields others were then willing to follow them. Others were then ready to listen to them when they coached, taught and lead them to their own success.

Think about it in this way:

If you were in a country you had never been in before and you wanted a guide, would you hire someone with the same knowledge of the country as you? No, don't think so!

You would want an expert. It is the same in marketing. Only when you know where you are, what your doing and have became a pro at it will others follow you.

Stop for just a moment and ask yourself this:

"Am I getting ahead of my self? Do I know all that I need to know to become a leader in the business that I've chosen to build? Would someone from another land want me to guide them in their marketing business?"


If not then lean how to market. Then hit the ground running. Many times people don't know where to turn or who to trust to teach them all they need to know.

If that's the case with you then you need to click here now.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the
other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."

From my heart to yours


Skype: susanjboston

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Success Factor: The Will to Succeed

Success Factor: The Will to Succeed

One major success factor is the will to succeed. You might think having the will to succeed is more than enough but it's not.The Will to succeed might get you to the top however...

If you want to stay there you better have the will to prepare. You better gain knowledge of your craft. If you think that's BS take a look at some of the child actors over the years that hit it big.

They became a huge success by the sheer will to become an actor or actress. Then as suddenly as it came it went leaving them with no clue about their future.

They had no real training in the industry or knowledge of how the industry really works. They were unprepared to deal with sustaining the fame, or how to recapture it once it had ended, then they crashed and burned.

Rather than placing all your energies in succeeding, place 98% of that energy into learning your craft or business.

Those that will follow you will only do so if they perceive you as and expert or leader in your field. To be perceived as one you must be one.

To be one you must know your business or craft inside out. Now for your test...

  1. Do you watch the videos you're supposed to?
  2. Do you go to webinars?
  3. Do you show up at events?
  4. Do you study what your business is about?

If your answer is no then you are not only NOT prepared; your not even preparing to prepare.

Your willingness to prepare is in direct coloration to your success. If you are not willing to prepare then you are not ready to succeed and the Universe knows this.

Those honors you see Ray Higdon, Dave Woods and all those top marketers earning didn't come to them by being willing to succeed it came to them because they were...

Willing to prepared as well as prepared to succeed.

Enjoy your life,laugh much,love completely,dream big and hug often.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it, Practice it and success will be yours."

From my heart to yours


Skype: susanjboston



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Overcoming Fear By Facing The Two Faces of Fear

overcoming fear

Overcoming fear you only have two choices and those above are the only two choices, most everyone will find the challenge of fear several times in their life.

How those people react will be the determinant as to what type and quality of life they will lead.

What will determine how those people will react is dependent upon how bad they want the prize they get when they "Face Everything and Rise"!


Growing up I wanted to be a Disk Jockey extremely bad. When I grew up I had my chance, I worked hard at getting my license to become a disk-jockey. Then came the first real radio station job.

I was told to come in for the morning show to watch and learn how to run the board and learn a few things for a couple of hours.

Then later that night (what would be my shift), I would come back and learn the rest. What you must realize here is that Radio is a very competitive business. This holds even more true for the DJ's working there.

When someone new is hired they are looked at with suspicion as the old jocks think they are there to replace them. Jealousy, I believe started at a radio station. Anyway back to my night of horror...

The jock training me would start his or her shift at 7:00 pm. Five minutes til seven the world news came on and ran for 5 minutes. The jock working left saying the next jock would be there shortly so; I wasn't worried since I was assured someone one was supposed to be there to train me...

To shorten this; the evening jock didn't show. I was left with a 50,000 watt radio station located just outside of Ft. Worth Texas with over 30,000 plus listeners expecting music.


I had a total of about 3 minutes to decide if I was going to run or...

Face Everything And Rise.

Twenty years later I was still working as a Disk Jockey and loved my career all because my dream was bigger than my fear of failing or messing up...(and mess up I did many times  that night and at times for the next 20 years).

Are you looking at your computer screen and know in your heart you want to earn your living on line but your afraid to fail, afraid to mess up?

The only way you fail or mess up is when you don't try!

Do you want freedom, big homes, cars or maybe just to be home when your children need you but, you're afraid to try because you might fail?

If you don't try you have already failed; if you try you NEVER fail.

What if YOU only had 3 Minutes to decide?

Run or Rise? Those that want to rise...

Click here!

You are the greatest and you deserve to be happy!

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."



Skype: susanjboston

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Are You at The End of Your Marketing Rope?

Are You at The End of Your Marketing Rope?


Don't feel bad about feeling bad, about Marketing. It either has or will happen to us all. There are times as a Marketer that you just want to cash it in and call it quits.

Marketing is not hard but you have to know what your doing. I mean, brain surgery isn't hard if you been through medical school and know what your doing.

If you think you are to far down to come back and make it; I want you to watch this it's the most heart warming, sincere, touching thing I have seen in a very long time.

Hope is never lost

You are not lost

You are NOT a loser

You just don't know yet how to win. That's what our family is about teaching and helping others to win so they too will become the winner they are meant to be.

If you would like to join our family then go here and fill out the information. There is a world of people out there making it on the internet and many of them are in our family.

I hope you will become a member so that you too may learn the ropes to success from those at the top.

Our Family's House...


Please share this with others.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it, Practice it and success will be yours."


Skype: susanjboston


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Do You Need Honesty From an Online Coach?

Do You Need Honesty From an Online Coach?


As an Online Coach I would like to have an honest heart to heart talk with you. You see I know that if you are not making any money or are making some but nothing like you want you are frustrated.

How do I know this? Well, it's not because I am Physic! I have been there and to be perfectly honest I am still not where I want to be and neither is any one of the other successful people that are still working this business.

If they were they would not still be working!

The difference in them and you is that they know, the secretes, short-cuts, tricks and tips which is what it takes to make major money. "You, don't."

They (know) they can keep on making more and more money. "You don't."

Now the first secret is this:

you can do this

It doesn't take a genius. I promise you! If it did I would not be where I am today. So, now we are down to the second secret.

Believe me when I tell you this IS a closely guarded secret. I did not find out about it for years even though I KNEW there was one and you know it too don't you?

You know how they say mobsters are a closed mouth bunch? Well they are tattle-tails up beside gurus and successful marketers. It's this inter circle thing they have going.

Have you ever tried to get a job at one of those places that only hire family members or hire those that, "KNOW" someone?

Welcome to...


This is the way marketing works. You hear them say you are who you hang with right? Well take a look around you how many 6 figure earners are your friends.

  How many major earners do you have on

  • Skype
  • Friends List
  • Liking your pages
  • Direct communications with

I am going to be painfully honest with you here and now, so you won't waste anymore of your time.

You have to be willing to do what successful people do and join the type things they join, so you can (be) where they are and hang out with them. This is when you will fine out the true secret. This is when your success starts because this is when, and only when, they will tell you the 100% total truth about the secrets.

I know because that is how I did it. It is also how you will have do it to succeed; that is if you're willing and (if) you want to succeed.

People here care they are honest, helpful and they share the true secret.

They are The Internet Lifestyle Network Family

Make no mistake we are a family.

This is my invitation to you to enter into the world of knowing the secret, knowing people that KNOW the right people and you will be family.

It's all up to you.

You are invited Click Here

Please share this so that you can help others.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."

Susan Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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Start Over Again

Start Over Again


You can start over again even though you can't go back to the beginning. The question is not why can't you go back and begin again; the question is why would you want to go back.

All that you are all that you have accomplished, your total person is built from those years since the beginning. You have failed, learned, grew and blossomed into the you that you are now.

You need to take the person that you are now and you start again. You make the ending the way you want because 'You" are the writer of your life script. Be good to yourself by writing yourself in as the success story, the hero, the winner in the game of life and business.

Start over again build the life that you want build the business that you want and be that person you have wanted to be all your life, that person you are just beginning to find.

This time build your business right get the right information, the right tips and tricks that really work you can pick those up==>


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"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."


Skype: susanjboston


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Top Blogger

Trick to Boost Traffic to Your Site on Facebook!


Traffic is something that every website needs. It doesn't matter if you are into affiliate marketing or just have a personal blog page you want it seen and by as many as possible.

I have a trick for you on how you can use posting in Facebook to get that traffic without having to shell out loads of money to get it.

It's very simple!...

That's right there is one heck of a sneaky trick to boost your traffic to any site you have right from Facebook.


You sure?

I mean I don't want to twist your arm or anything :)


Trick to Boost Traffic to Your Site on Facebook!

This is how it would look:


Most people just put up an image or a quote and that's all. You are losing a great opportunity to boost your traffic on your sight! All you have to do is find a great quote or picture that will draw people to it.

They will like it and share it. This is why you add your URL! They share the picture and/or post, it goes to all their friends and so does your page URL.

Think of the possibilities you have there, do you have any idea what that could mean to your business or blog?

It is mind boggling. The really great thing is that you don't have to pay for this and it's so simple.

So get with it, you can do it I have faith in you. Go have some fun find some great quotes or pictures and share them on your Facebook and don't forget...


Sent to you by: ( your page address) then hit the enter key go down a space or two and add a period where it will make your address stand out more.

If you found this post useful please share it with the world.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it, Practice it and success will be yours."

Susan Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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Top Blogger

Are You a Marketing Manager?

Are You a Marketing Manager?

marketing manager

Marketing manager is a fancier name for sales person. Yikes! I know you hate that word don't you!

You really need to get a handle on that feeling you have toward being a sales person for three reasons.

  1. You already are one
  2. You have to be one to make it in life
  3. You cannot succeed in marketing if you don't

Now that you know you already are one do you still hate that word as much? See, the  people of the world will tell you "I am NOT a sales-person."

marketing managerWe'll just see about that...

Are You a Marketing Manager?

Being a marketing manager hinges on this; take a look at a little formula here:

Your objective + Persuasion + Results= Sales

marketing manager

Since birth you, me and the living world has had objectives. Our first one was to let the world know we were not happy about the doctor swatting us on the backside!

We wanted our mom/dad to fee us so we used crying to persuade them to get the grub. Wen we got mad to persuade them to see it our way we cried. (Could go on but you see it right?)

Now, to save some time and lots of typing on my part, trying to list all the times we have tried to persuade someone think back to all the things that you have...

  • Wanted
  • Needed
  • Desired
  • Demanded
  • Examples: food,water,go to parties,jobs,raises,marriage

In general your life has been about your objectives of some kind and to get those objectives filled you have had to sell someone on something each time.


You Can't Wish It So!

You had to persuade someone of something and that my friend is selling/sales and you are a sales person along with everyone on Earth.

That is what makes you "A Marketing Manager" Like it or not :)

marketing manager

If believing you are not a sales person has held your back all these years from making the kind of money you have always wanted you need to start.

You can start by joining up with a stable company you can trust with a great reputation click the button click here

If you enjoyed the post please share

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."

Susan Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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