What if suddenly, our homes were like these? All over the world this would be the only homes period! On every street in every country, all over the world this was your only choice?====>READ MORE
critical (4)
Mind Melt on Skepticism
Mind Melt on Skepticism, defense gone bad. What I would like to share with you is the Art of Skepticism.
Skepticism is a defense mechanism within us for self preservation. This is a good thing.
Although, there are times that this
Mind Melt Communication
Mind Melt according to Spock is a sharing of minds which is exactly what this site is about. This doesn't necessarily mean we must always agree.
What we must do however is share our minds on many things. There is no one topic se
We are going to let you in on
the 7 Critical Qualities of the
Perfect Home Based Internet
Business Model
I wish someone had shared
this stuff with me when I first
got online several years ago...
... I had to learn it the hard way.
And it cost me many thou