What if suddenly, our homes were like these? All over the world this would be the only homes period! On every street in every country, all over the world this was your only choice?====>READ MORE
inspirational (10)
In The Darkest Times, You Are Not Alone
I believe the most important leadership skill a person can develop is the ability to provide inspiration to your team. If you inspire them to reach for the stars, they just might bring you back the moon.Below are some quotes I thought were inspirat |
Together Everyone Achieves More ~ (TEAM)
Teamwork - (noun) Cooperative or combined effort of a group of persons working together as a team for a common cause.
It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.
~ N
[What Gives You] Inspiration?
A small word with big consequences
Can't is the worst word that's written or spoken;
Doing more harm here than slander and lies;
On it is many a strong spirit broken,
And with it many a good purpose dies.
It springs from the lips of the thoughtless e
Inspirational and Motivational Quotation
Our lives today are full of many trials and tribulations so it is good to spend a little time every morning to think on all our blessings and so I have included the category “My Daily Inspirational and Motivati
It's important to live today as though there were no Tomorrow for this reason:
"None of US Are Guaranteed Tomorrow!"
Lost hours and minutes add up. Time management experts tell us that 20 percent of our time brings 80 percent of the results. Theref
Are You Thinking of Throwing In The Towel?
Never Give Up
Below is a video which I think will inspire anyone who is thinking of giving up ! I hope this will inspire you to keep going onwards and upwards in your MLM business. If you want to, you can
The best man I ever knew.
He is always there to help, he is the shinning star in the darkness. When hardship's comes to him he just smiles and says its ok even though he is filled with pain. Waiting for the ambulance to come and pick him up, he says