Be Dream Fear Love
You can (be) anything you want if you are willing to do what it takes to achieve your goal. You must dream for all in life was started by a dream someone had and followed it up with action. You must fear====>Read More
Be Dream Fear Love
You can (be) anything you want if you are willing to do what it takes to achieve your goal. You must dream for all in life was started by a dream someone had and followed it up with action. You must fear====>Read More
I woke up this morning feeling very happy, because I had just taken a trip to Yosemite National Park. Unfortunately, it was a dream, but I felt good having dreamt about it.
My family went to Yosemite at least once a year throughout my childhood, and
First you must search your heart to figure out
I have watch lots of motivational videos and read numerous books on motivation, dreams and success.This must be the best motivational video I have ever seen. If you don't agree, check your pulse!
I just wanted to take a moment and share this with yo
Just аѕ a сhіld'ѕ runaway іmаgіnаtіоn сrеаtеѕ mеnасіng ѕhареѕ out of shadows оn thе wаll, it is thе mіnd аѕlеер tо іtѕеlf that mаkеѕ mоnѕtеrѕ арреаr whеrе thеrе аrе none. Wе fееl fеаr whеn оur mіnd ѕееѕ something thаt thrеаtеnѕ uѕ in some wау. But wh
It seems that everywhere you turn there is always someone trying to steal your dreams. They will ask, “What project are you working on now? Why are you doing that? You can’t make any money doing that. You need to squash that and come with me. Yo |
The Daily Meditation 1.19.2014
I Pray In and For This Dream
Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”–Steve Jobs
“A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates innovati