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  • Hi Dennis, Nice to see you. I only have two places for active marketing - IBO Toolbox and LinkedIn. I will  repost IBO blogs here...this will save precious time and still share the message. I hope that is alright.

  • Thank you Dennis!  Great to connect with you here.

  • Top Commentor

    It seems I put my time in even when it means no sleep. I have a child up already and I haven't been to bed yet. This is one of the prices of my social cause. I have yet to see any of the children sleep a full eight hours much less the ten they should be getting. 

  • Top Member

    Time management is just one key to a successful business. If your desire is to work your business 8 hours per day then you must write out what times of the day you will work and do it. Don't let nothing disturb you when you are working I know this might be hard but NOT doing it this way will stop the progress of your business and it will stop your growth process.

  • Top Commentor

    Good day Terri. I have been having too much time off the business and too much with my social cause. We are working on cutting the time necessary for that so I can at least get eight hours a day online. 

  • Top Member

    Good day Dennis. I took the morning off and now I'm back at it. It's refreshing to do that.

  • Top Commentor

    Thanks Andre,.It is great to see you here also. 

  • Top Member

    Dennis you can post as often as you like here. Also add a few friends so they will see your blog post and will syndicate it out for you.

  • Top Commentor

    Am I supposed to post everyday or am I allowed just to share the work of others? I write at least every other day for IBOtoolbox and attempt to put a blog up on my website when I can. At the moment I am still working with one simple brand our team created and a website I helped an IBO member build. This means editing their work also. 

    I also have my social cause which is taking up more of my time than it should be. It was pointed out to me "What good is having a social cause of the type I have if I am expecting someone else to do the lions share of the work involved." The women have their work to do and as I am the only male now the children need "A man" to show them the way. Believe me I am the best example most of them have seen. This in spite of the fact that much of my time is spent working online.

    Some people are not happy when they hear happy, or complaining children in the background when I am working on the phone. I stay in the middle of things for a reason. If it is real important I do take a cordless phone and move to a quieter location. I often work with the smaller children on my lap. The oldest children have me back away from the computer and sometimes do the typing for me. They understand that their food, clothing, and shelter, come as a result of what we all do. 

  • Top Member

    Hello Dennis have you posted today? No time like the present. Make it a great day.

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