Mercutio Peters's Posts (32)

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Learning from Ants

by GUEST on NOVEMBER 13, 2013  


post by Linda Ricke.

fire antsMy husband and I woke up yesterday to an ant infestation in our kitchen. We’ve been well-trained by the exterminator who services our house not to pull out the can of Raid, but to call the experts. It’s hard to watch a trail of fire ants milling about your stovetop, along your backsplash, and up the wall, and not kill the offending beasts. But we let them be and called our technician who applied a pheromone which attracts the blighters who dutifully carry it back to their nest and destroy the whole colony. It’s been a lesson in patient watching and waiting, letting nature take its course.

Much as I want them out of my kitchen I admire the single-mindedness of those cursed ants. They have a mission. They follow their path with steadfast determination. They know their job and they don’t try to do someone else’s. And they work as a team.

I behave more like the knights in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, constantly seduced off mission by needless quests for shrubbery or to battle rabbits with sharp pointy teeth. I’m searching for grand adventure when maybe my way is just a well-trod path in line with the saints.

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I have a recurring memory that pops into my head from time to time. I would be hanging out with my friends when I suddenly realized the time—5:09. I'd drop what I was doing (even if I was batting in the bottom of the ninth) and set off at top speed, desperately trying to make it home by 5:15, the appointed dinner hour in our home.

My parents weren't big on having too many rules, but one of the few non-negotiables in our home was that we were all at the dinner table at 5:15 pm. I'm so glad they insisted.


8 Faith Reasons to Enjoy Regular Family Meals:

1. They foster gratitude.

2. They help you share your family's values.

3. They become a spiritual anchor echoing the faithfulness of God.

4. They nurture your spiritual self.

5. They are an opportunity to practice virtues such as kindness, respect, forgiveness, tolerance, understanding, and joy.

6. They give you the chance to create lasting memories with your children.

7. They show you who you are and where you belong.

8. They prepare you for fuller participation in the Mass.

Years later as I was writing a family newsletter, At Home with Our Faith, I started paying attention to all the research that was pouring out about the many positive effects of regular family meals at home. Year after year, the encouraging research results have continued to grow exponentially.

According to the mountains of research, children who enjoy regular meals with their family do better in school, exhibit fewer anti-social tendencies, and are more successful with their peers. They are far more likely to graduate high school and far less likely to take up smoking, use alcohol or drugs, or experiment with ***. The list of benefits goes on and on.

And it's no surprise. We bring all our hungers to the table—physical, emotional, social, and spiritual—and all of them can be fed. The meal doesn't have to be like a Norman Rockwell painting—everyone smiling around an orderly table. There may even be teasing and taunting and spilled milk. It doesn't matter. The fact that you are there together, sharing your lives, and being present to one another is how the magic happens.

Family mealtime prepares us to be really present to one another so we can better appreciate the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. It can be a school where we learn to pray about what really matters to us, day by day, and the place where we practice forgiveness, both giving and receiving. It's the place to bring our needs and know they will be met. In effect, it becomes a great place to prepare our minds and hearts to move from the family table to the table of the Lord in our parish.

So after all these years I'm glad my parents were so strict about the family meal. My wife and I held fast to this practice with our own daughters. And that memory of me running frantically always ends well—catching my breath and taking my place as my family says together, "Bless us O Lord, and these, thy gifts…"

Tom McGrath is author and editor of the family resource Together: Preparing at Home for First Eucharist (Loyola Press), the popular handout, Mealtime Matters: Vital Nourishment for Your Whole Family (Loyola Press), and the book, Raising Faith-Filled Kids.

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Have you ever.....If not, I'm sure you will!

Have you ever.....

  • Tried something new before and not succeeded?

  • Really really wanted something but didn't know how to get it?

    Wished there was an easier way to...

    • Find your soulmate?

    • Enjoy a fulfilling career that you shine in?

    • Maintain an ideal weight and state of health?

    • Or simply feel happier and more peaceful?

Click Here If Your Answer Is 'YES'
At some point in my life, I've experienced all of those things. In some aspects of my life, I still do.

The difference between before and now is that I no longer mistake the icing for the cake. That may not make sense off the bat, so let me explain...

As pleasure-seeking pain-avoiding creatures, we all want to move towards financial abundance, awesome relationships, and peace of mind and heart. We'll also try just about anything to make it happen.

(which is why we all can relate to having not succeeded at a "Have you ever?" goal)

We may try working longer hours, try to "lose" weight (talk about a backwards thing to affirm!), meditating more, whatever it takes to step towards the lives we want to create... and quite honestly... deserve. Yet we can feel frustrated when we don't see the progress we expect in the important aspects of our lives.

This is what I refer to as the "icing." It's all the outer world stuff we seek to manifest. Like icing, it's sweet and yummy!

(at least in my chocoholic sweet-toothed opinion...)

The thing is, success in ANY area of life all comes down to REAL abundance. I define abundance as "freedom," so specifically I'm referring to the experience of truly feeling free. THAT is what success is all about.

Therefore, it's really important to grasp that abundance is not something outside of ourselves that we have to work hard to earn. It's within ourselves. It's the actual cake that we're made of. And to take it even one step deeper...


As humans, we are naturally meant to experience abundance in every aspect of our lives. Thinking that we have to commit blood, sweat and tears to earn our natural inheritance of abundance is just like thinking that we have to prove we're worthy of the kindness, dignity and respect of those around us.

We don't have to prove it. It's our birthright. We just have to recognize the Truth of who we are.

We're now playing as adults. Not just any adults. We're playing as adults who still have those childhood dreams living deep within our hearts.


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Throughout history there have been incredible women who have lead us,

inspired us and encouraged us to do the right thing. The women in this short
movie all have one thing in common: Rather than taking the road well
traveled... they decided to blaze their own trail! .

In this motivational video, you'll hear from women of all walks of life.
Inspiring women like Helen Keller, Mother Teresa, Eleanor Roosevelt, Audrey
Hepburn, Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, and many many more.

Their passion and persistence have had profound impacts on the world, and their
lives and words worth remembering in our own daily lives.

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An investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The investment banker complimented the fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

The fisherman replied, “Only a little while.”

The investment banker then asked, “Why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?”

The fisherman said, “With this I have more than enough to support my family’s needs.”

The investment banker then asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?”

The fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening and spend time with my family, I have a full and busy life.”

The investment banker scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing; and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat: With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor; eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to a big town and eventually to the the city where you will run your ever-expanding enterprise.”

The fisherman asked, “But, how long will this all take?”

To which the investment banker replied, “15 to 20 years.”

“But what then?” asked the fisherman.

The investment banker laughed and said that’s the best part. “When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions.”

“Millions?…Then what?”

The investment banker said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings and spend time with your family.”

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Do you expect to fly when you are securely settled in the nest?

One night, a neighbor finds Nasruddin on the street, on his hands and knees. 

"What are you doing there, Mullah?" asks the neighbor.

"I am searching for my key," says Nasruddin.

The neighbor then drops to his hands and knees and helps in the search. After a few minutes of fruitless labor, the neighbor asks, "Are you sure this is where you lost it?"

"No,I lost it at home," replies Nasruddin.

"What? Then why are you searching for it here?" asks the neighbor.

"Because it's brighter here," replies Nasruddin.

This is why I found it ridiculous to search for Truth in the comfort of my belief. However, as I've written elsewhere before, it was not an easy thing to let go. I was like the disciple in another story, who complained to the Master, who seemed hell-bent to destroy every statement of belief in God, "I'm left with nothing to hold on to!"

At which the Master replied, "That's what the fledgling says when pushed out of its nest. Do you expect to fly when you are securely settled in the nest of your beliefs? That isn't flying. That's flapping your wings!"

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In pursuit of awareness

In pursuit of awareness

Someone found it very difficult to be aware in her place of work, where there were many people lined up and many phones were ringing and a lot of distractions, and she was alone. She also found it extremely difficult to maintain serenity and calm when driving in traffic with blarring horns and people shouting four-letter words. She asked whether eventually the nervouness would dissipate and she would remain at peace. Did you pick up the attachment here?Peace.

She was , in other words, saying ‘unless I’m at peace I wont be happy’. Did it 
ever occur to  you that you could be happy in tension or a depressing situation? You don’t make a goal of relaxation and sensitivity.

Heard of people getting tense trying to relax? If you’re tense simply observe your tension. You will never understand yourself if you seek to change yourself. The harder you try to change yourself the worse it gets. You are called upon to be aware.

Get the feel of it. In other words come to reality. Allow tension and calmness to take care of themselves. Matter of fact you’ll be so preoccupied with reality that you would have to let tension and/or calmness take care of themselves.

When an egg is broken form the outside a life is lost, but when an egg isbroken form the inside a life is born. So allow reality to happen in your moment. That is ‘evolution’ that is ‘growth’ that is ‘revelation’. Its coming from within, not being imposed, its not being fragmented by concepts, ideas, words. Its just ‘flowing’, ‘growing’, ‘moving’. This is change, this is growth, this is reality.

Awareness, I being able to step out of myself and observe me. Try it, keep trying, and it will become second nature to you. You will truly begin to enjoy it. Before awarenes I was worried, after awareness I am still worried, difference is I don’t connect with it. This is what scripture talks about when saying ‘stay awake,’ ‘be alert,’ ‘be aware’. Now nobody can manipulate, hurt you, control you. You are beyond that. Detached. In the world yet not of the world. Living life in all its fulness, no fear. Now I am able to identify me. I am able to see that ‘I AM’. Iam not me, I have come to understand that my body is changing, millions of cells are renewed every minute that by the end of seven years there is not a single cell left that was there seven years ago! Cells come and go. Cells arise and die. But 'I' seem to persist. So, am 'I' my body? Evidently not. I is somethnig more than the body, ‘Isnt life worth much more than the body’?

How about my name? Is ‘I’ my name? Evidently not, because I can change my name without changing the ‘I’. How about career? Religious belief? Is my religion an essential part of 'I'? Remember the little girl who says to the boy: ‘Are you presbyterian’? and the boy answers ‘No , we belong to another 

Paddy was walking down the street in Belfast, and suddenly realises a gun pressing against the back of his head and a voice says: ‘Are you Catholic or Protestant’?. Paddy has to do some pretty fast thinking, he says ‘I’m a jew’ and he hears the voice say: I’ve got to be the luckiest Arab in the whole of Belfast’.Labels. They are so important to us.

Labels. I am a republican, but are you really? Does that mean that you are a new ‘I’ when you switch parties? Are you planning to vote Republican?. The friend says ‘No, my great-grandfather, grand father and father were Democrats!’ ‘That’s crazy logic’ the friend says, ‘I mean if your Great grand 
father, grand father and father were horse thieves, what would that make you?’
Ah the other replies ‘then I’d be a Republican’!

Labels.Here’s another. A man went to a priest and said:’Father I want you to say a mass for my dog’. The priest gets indignant, ‘What do you mean, say a mass for your dog? ’Its my pet dog,’ said the man ‘I loved that dog and I’d like you to offer a mass for him’. The priest says ‘We don’t offer masses for dogs here, you may try the denomination down the street, ask them if they might 
have a service for your dog’. As the man was leaving he said, ‘Too bad. I really loved that dog. I was planning to offer a million dollar stipend for the mass’. The priest says, ‘now wait a minute, you did’nt tell me your dog was catholic’

So you see labels belong to ‘me’. What constantly changes is ‘me’. Does the observer change? The fact is, no matter what labels you think up (except perhaps human being) you should apply them to ‘me’, ‘I’ is none of these things. So when you step out of yourself and observe ‘me’, you no longer
identify with ‘me’. Suffering exists in ‘me’. When you identify ‘I’ with ‘me’
suffering begins.

When ‘I’ doesn’t identify with any name, nationality,person, friend, money or any other quality, the 'I' is never threatened. It can be very active, but never threatened. Think of anything that caused you worry, pain, anxiety. First, can you pick up the desire under the suffering? What is that desire?. Second, it is’nt just the desire, there is an identification there. You have somehow concluded that the ‘well-being of ‘I’, the very existance of ‘I’ is tied up with this desire. All suffering is caused by my identifying myself with something, whether that something is within or outside of me. 

Have a wonder-filled week 


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In pursuit of Awareness -

In pursuit of Awareness - 

Concepts are ‘frozen’ whereas reality is always in flux,constantly changing, in motion. A wave is essentially a movement, action, but the moment I put it into a concept it stops moving, ‘frozen’, static, dead. A frozen wave is not a wave anymore. The Niagara Falls, a body of water that is constantly changing. We’ve got the word river, but the water there is constantly flowing. We’ve got the word ‘body’ but the cells in the body are constantly being renewed. Concepts are always frozen, reality flows. Reality is hole but words and concepts fragment reality. The English word ‘Home’ is impossible to translate into Spanish or French. ‘Casa’ is not quite ‘home’ Sit on the beach this week end, watch the flow. Examine the properties of water, H2O, two parts of Hydrogen one part of Oxygen, consider bringing these together, will this make water? No. It needs a catalyst – Electricity. Water is. This IS water. The form changes, Water-Ice, You, Me-Dust, but the IS-ness remains – the essence. Words cannot give you reality, they only point, indicate. You use them as pointers to get to reality.

The philosopher told the priest that the final barrier to God was the word ‘God’, the concept ‘God’. The priest was shocked, but the philosopher said: ‘The horse that you ride on to travel to your house/temple is not the means by which you enter the house/temple. You use the concept to get there, then you dismount and go beyond it.’ To know reality you have to know beyond knowing.

Karl Rahner, in one of his last letters, wrote to a young German drug addict who had asked hin for help. The drug addict in his letter had said: “You theologians talk about God, but how could this God be relevant in my life? How could this God get me off drugs?” Here’s Rahner’s reply: “Son, I must confess to you in all honesty that for me God is and has always been absolute mystery. I do not understand what God is, no one can. We have intimations, inklings; we make faltering inadequate attempts to put mystery into words. But there is no word for it, no sentence for it.”

Once in London he also told a group of young theologians,: “The task of the theologian is to explain everything through God, and to explain God as unexplainable” Mystery!

Words, they’re only pointers, not descriptions. 

What I’m leading you to is : awareness of reality around you. Awareness means to watch, to observe what is going on within you and around you.  “Going on” is pretty accurate:  Trees, grass, flowers, animals, rock, all of reality is moving.  One observes it, one watches it.  How essential it is for the human being not just to observe himself or herself, but to watch all of reality.  Are you imprisoned by your concepts?  Do you want to break out of your prison?  Then look;  observe; spend hours observing.  Watching what?  Anything. The faces of people, the shapes of trees, a bird in flight, a pile of stones, watch the grass grow. Get in touch with things, look at them. Hopefully you will then break out of these rigid patterns we have all developed, out of what our thoughts and our words have imposed on us.  Hopefully we will see.  What will we see?  Things, things that we choose to call reality, whatever is beyond words and concepts. 

This is a spiritual  exercise—connected with spirituality –connected with breaking out of your cage, out of the imprisonment of the concepts and words. How sad if we pass  though life and never see it with the eye of a child. This doesn’t mean you should drop your concepts totally; they’re very precious. Though we begin without them, concepts have a very positive function.  Thanks to them we develop our intelligence.  We’re invited, not to become children, but to become like children. We have to fall from a stage of innocence (O necessary sin of Adam) and be thrown out of paradise;  we do have to develop an “I” and a “me” through these concepts.  But then we need to put off the old man, the old nature, the conditioned self, and return to the state of the child but without being a child. 

This is a good read:

The danger of what religion can do is very nicely brought out in a story told by Cardinal Martini, the Archbishop of Milan.  The story has to do with an Italian couple that's getting married.  They have an arrangement with the parish priest to have a little reception in the parish courtyard outside the church.  But it rained, and they couldn't have the reciption, so they said to the priest,  "Would it be all right if we had the celebration in the church"?

Now Father wasn't one bit happy about having a reception in the church, but they said, "We will eat a little cake, sing a little song, drink a litttle wine, and then go home."  So Father was persuaded.  But being good life-loving Italians they drank a little wine, sang a little song, then drank a little more wine, and sang some more songs, and within a half hour there was a great celebration going on in the church.  And everybody was having a great time, lots of fun and frolic.  But Father was all tense, pacing up and down in the sacristy, all upset about the noise they were making.  The assistant pastor comes in and says, "I see you are quite tense".

"Of course, I'm tense.  Listen to all the noise they are making, and in the House of God!, for heaven's sake!"

"Well, we mustn't forget, must we, Father, that Jesus himself was once present at a wedding!" 

Father says, "I know Jesus Christ was present at a wedding banquet, YOU don't have to tell me Jesus Christ was present at a wedding banquet!  But they didn't have the Blessed Sacrament there!!!"

Life is a banquet, and the tragedy is that most people are starving to death.

Enjoy a wonder-filled week. 

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Explanation (Reflections - shared)

I am gratedul for the comments (the reason being the blog's were'nt moused over as is most of the time) and I'll try to explain what the "doing something for the first time is". We fall into routines, habits very easily and then begins the 'drudgery' with the mundane. But the most ordinary and everyday tasks become 'alive' when we are 'aware' of what we do and the best way to this (I found) is to ask myself this question "when was the last time.." Woke up this morning, not the first time, was acutely 'aware' of being alive and a psalm of praise escapes my lips, involuntarily.Came out to look at the morning, was given a warm kiss by the sun (Son)!! Looked at the trees in the yard, the leaves were 'alive' and glossy green, with a slight upward lift, in silent praise! So 'happy' to give me (us) everything it has, Oxygen, wood, bark, leaves..silently (notice by the evening they seem to be slightly 'stooped' as though ready to lay down) I begin the day, Now I 'walk' not run through the 'chores'/'tasks'.Everyday, Everytime, Everything takes on a new meaning with this one question. The 'fire' is there, its in the obvious, but 'am I just too busy to tell you how busy I am?' Then how will I find it?  Soon society comes along and decides to paint a picture for me, (us) 'This is how, when, where...etc. this, that and the other should be done, we meekly followed/swallowed hook, line and sinker. That reduced the 'flames' to 'embers'....Now it is up to me to rekindle it, and only I can. 
You can ascribe this as a kind of parable to your spiritual life with profound affect!! and when you lay down ask...when was the last time I did something for the first time...Life in all its fullnes and it is yours 'with joy to draw water from the wells of salvation' because 'you will seek me and you will find me, because you will seek me with all your heart' and when you pray, there will be no pre-meditated 'shopping list' but you will pray as Jesus taught us 'in Spirit and in Truth'

OMG! Im sorry if I shot my mouth off, thank you all for the opportunity to explain more than that I sincerely thank you for asking. 

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When was the last time you did something for the first time?

There was a man who invented the art of making fire.  He took his toolsand went to a tribe in the north, where it was very cold, bitterly cold.  He taught the people there to make fire.  The people were very interested.  He showed them the uses to which they could put fire—they could cook, could keep themselves warm, etc.  They were so grateful that they had learned the art of making fire.  But before they could express their gratitude to the man, he disappeared.  He wasn’t concerned with getting their recognition or gratitude; he was concerned about their well-being.  He went to another tribe, where he again began to show them the value of his invention.  People were interested there, too, a bit too interested for the peace of mind of their leaders, who began to notice that this man was drawing crowds and they were losing their popularity.  So they decided to do away with him.  They poisoned him, crucified him, put it any way you like.  But they were afraid now that the people might turn against them, so they were very wise, even wily.  Do you know what they did?  They had a portrait of the man made and mounted it on the main altar of the temple. 

The instruments for making fire were placed in front of the portrait, and the people were taught to revere the protrait and to pay reverence to the instruments of fire, which they dutifully did for centuries.  The veneration and the worship went on, but there was no fire.

"In many lands the Christians have literally stolen Christ from the people, thay have made the Son of Man the priest of an order; they have taken Christianity away from the city and imprisoned it behind altar rails, they have withdrawn it from national life and doled it out to the few who pay to keep the unconcious deception up.

Teachers have done, did and will do it again when the need arises - purer teachings of Christ get over grown with ceremonials and dead-letterism".   (Henry Drummond)

Rekindle the fire inside of you!

But how?

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

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Most of the mail I received this morning were to do with Fathers Day. Discounts and Deals on different products that make excellent gifts for the Dads and the Grads'. Here on my desk is a little porcelain jar, painted a golden yellow, that holds a candle given to me by my son a few years ago. Printed on the jar are the words: 'Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy'. That takes me back to the incident i'm about to relate:

It was mid 1995 I had launched Peters Enterprises in Jan of that year and was busy with promotional activity which was why,Stella, my wife was away visiting her sisters on vacation alone. We were married in 1991, both in our mid 30's, Stella was anxious to concieve but couldnt for medical reasons. We tried most of the many ways but nothing worked and I asked Stella to take a break/rest while I got things moving with the business. We were quite familiar with the pastor and parishoners, many of whom shared our concern and were praying for us.  It was at this time that I received a call around midday from the parish office asking me to meet the pastor imeediately,the matter being urgent. I went. There with the pastor was a man, not too well dressed, unshaven, unkempt, with a little boy all of 2 years old. Pastor told me that the man was a single parent, lost his wife acouple of months ago who needed a home for the boy and a job to support himself. Pastor agreed to retain the man as his driver and suggested that I adopt the boy. I agreed. Pastor also spoke to the man and asked him if he agreed, and he did. I was told to prepare a relinquisment document (as required by law) which I did. The man signed the papers and handed over the child to me. I was ecstatic, I knew Stella would accept without reservations and I called her immediately and without breaking the news just created a little hype and curiosity I said I had a surprise for her as soon as she got back.

That done I brought the boy home, then shopping for a few clothes and toys, not much as I wanted Stella to be there to get the kids entire wardrabe done. The man took his place in the 'garage' in the parish.

I was happy thanking God for the 'gift' of His love, enjoying the company of 'our son.' But that joy was shortlived! two days later the man was at our door asking for the child back. Tears streaming down his face the man asked me to give him back his son. The pain of the two days of seperation was evident and without a word I gave him what was truly his (along with all that I had bought for the boy) and tore up the legal documents. The pastor was furious that I had returned the boy. He was of the opinion that I should have kept the child because the man had no means to care for him,and he had signed the legal documents ,anyway, but I was confident that the child will allow his father to do his best out of a fathers love with the little they had.  

Stella was disappointed, but not overwhelmed as she did'nt meet the child. And I went back to work building Peters Enterprises.George, our son, was given to  us Oct of 1996 and with him a few years later came the beautiful words 'Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy'.

A true life Incident. A tribute to Dads and Grads

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There's nothing to lose and everything to gain here, including more time with your family and more money in your wallet. It's well worth looking at SFI and investing in your future with us. For more information, see:

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'Pressing' Problem's? Here's how I 'Iron' them out!!

Looking at the world today I cannot but see problems. People problems, Personal Problems, financial problems,Emotional,Medical,Educational..Problems everywhere in everything! Yet for some reason I dont feel threatened, there is a calmness, a quietude. I dont' feel bogged down. I was thinking about this seriously this morning and wondered if I was somehow 'different'. Here's what I 'saw' and 'understood'

Over the past few years, I stopped calling problems a problem, I renamed a problem as a 'situation'. I considered 'circumstance' but that did'nt suit my way of thinking, I reasoned that 'circumstance' would mean 'circumference' in which I 'stand'. Situation was just right.

Now the logical mind, which normally lives and reasons in labels, does'nt avoid 'looking' into the 'situation'. I had observed as soon as I used the word 'problem' my mind registered it as something negative and did'nt want to look at it. But when I addressed the situation my whole attitude changed. The fear, anxiety and worry that are attached to the word problem, were no longer there and so the brain did'nt enter into a deadlock!.

Simple things, a leaky fawcet, light bulb fused,geyser not working, an unironed dress all of these day-to-day incidents can be stressful when looked at as problems. Now can life stop being a 'hurdles' race, YES it can, if only we could rename a problem as a situation or better still a challenging situation. This activates that unconcious part of the brain which we normally dont' use. Unless we are pushed to the wall, or encounter difficulties. We do not tap into our inherent resources, and the brain gets trapped into thinking on the same old lines and it would appear to be incapable of breaking free.

What we need is a 'pause' button on the 'logical' mind and to allow the deeper unconcious mind to come up with answers. It is very exciting to deliberately engage this creative energy in the problem-solving process. Maybe the situation may not change, but your attitude towards it will change. and the changed attitude will open up to a newer look into  the situation.   

Here's what a great thinker has to say:"Look at the question deeply, and if the look is clear and total, the question disappears. No question is ever answered, it simply disappears without a trace. All that you have to do is to put the analytical mind away. When the unconcious finds a solution there is a leap of understanding which seems to come out-of-the-blue."

The mystery of life is such that the answer lies within the question.

When life is like a whirlpool and your dumped in, the more you fight the current the more you drown. But when you let go,with the swirl and spin, the current itself will throw you to the surface.

Curiously the word 'problem' does'nt seem to find mention in the Bible. In my search I found the phrase "Do not be afraid" to appear (not surprisingly) 365 times, once for each day of the year!! 

Whats you 'situation' today?

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