Susan Boston's Posts (295)

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Password to The Happy Marriage...

Password to The Happy Marriage

happy marriage

The happy marriage has a password it's, "Oh well". Learning this one tiny phrase and embedding it in your heart will see you throughout a great marriage.

To many couples wander into marriage surrounded with dreams of happily ever after. Face it we all love a happy ending.

This is the very reason we love those Christmas love story movies because most of them have an unquestionable ending...

I am not saying that romance, happiness and dreams of the perfect marriage is a bad thing. It's not but at some point the fog clears and you are left with what once was the perfect human and you get...

That person that snores, leaves the cap off the tooth paste and gripes if you don't fit their ideal mental mold they have build of the perfect relationship.

happy marriage

You of course have several options here when this person appears.

  • Try and change them (don't work)
  • Get mad and yell (also don't work)
  • Ignore it and just stew in anger (like a pressure cooker)
  • Or...(what I suggest)...

Just say:

happy marriage

You can't live with them, you can't live without them and YOU CAN'T kill em! What you are left with is "Oh well" and you know what? It works! :)

There is a quote that if you mentally file this away it will help you to understand that somethings can be changed and some can not...

What difference could this possibly make? Well, let me show you...

Long Term Happy Marriage

 happy marriage

Not So Happy Marriage (Divorce/Break-up Pending)

not so happy marriage

Know the password, share the password don't be selfish. This is one password you want to pass around to your spouse, friends and those you care about that are married or in a relationship.

What's that password again?




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Out Going Crazy Marketing Woman Seeks...

Out Going Crazy Marketing Woman Seeks...


Crazy Marketing

Being a Crazy Marketing Woman is not always a bad thing when used in a good way! I mean face it you have those that are trying to get out of murder through insanity pleas of voices in their heads right?

This kind of crazy is just...


My crazy marketing friends hear voices telling them to be a better person, go out and find financial freedom, to mingle with good people and learn from them.

My crazy friends don't know the word failure, I can't, it don't work, it can't be done and they never look down their nose at anyone ready and willing to better their life!

Psycho's yes?

These people never give up, don't take no for an answer and are willing to put themselves out there regardless of how stupid others might think it is to do these things.

The goal of these crazy people is to always live beyond their comfort zone.

Are you one of these?

If you answer yes then don't ask questions just click...

Your picture

crazy marketing


crazy marketing

If your not that crazy, then exit before you infect us with sanity!


Susan The Crazy (and I have references) :)

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Your Children Need You Why Do You Keep Leaving?

Your Children Need You Why Do You Keep Leaving?


Children need their parents and very few parents like leaving their children to go to work. They hate not being able to go the concerts,ballgames,plays and all those things, they participate in through school or outside activities.

That same love a parent has that makes them hate leaving their child to go to work is the same love, that makes them do that very thing.

The love, want and need to protect and provide for those children is what pulls parents from the very children that they love so much...

Parents will put up with crap from bosses, jobs they hate, horrible long traffic jams and paychecks that are not even one tenth what that parent is worth to those children.

All for the sake of the love of their children.

Why then do parents do all these things yet, they won't even consider doing things a different way so that they can be there for their children?

The answer is very simple.

They are either afraid to try or they are living through their parents theories and concepts of the way things (should) be done.

There is no shame in building a better way.

Start today to find your way out of the trap, the maze of leaving those that you love the most when they need you more than any boss ever will.

Start here!

It can be done and you can do it!



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Go Beyond Your Peers to Succeed

Go Beyond Your Peers to Succeed


There is a lot of talk in marketing about mingling on social sites, forums and so on with your piers. It's fine to do that but your goal is to advance.

How do we do that? The first thing you must know is advancement comes from being around those that are not only where you are but also where you want to be.

Do you only mingle with those that you think you would be comfortable with, do you ever reach out beyond your comfort zone to those you think are unapproachable?


See, most people will only reach out to those they feel are on their same social, economical level. The thought of reaching out to those they perceive to be above their own status is the taboo zone.

This is far from what you should be doing. Yes, definitely you should be reaching out to your peers however, you should reach out even more to those located at the station in life you wish to reside.

It is not some myth that when you are around the people you look up to and respect you start taking on their actions, values and posture.


Remember they too are only human, you have nothing to fear by reaching out. Will they all welcome you with open arms, probably not. You however would not want to follow someone like that anyway.



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Sweet "I told You So" Moments In Marriage

Sweet "I told You So" Moments In Marriage

Moments In Marriage

The moments in marriage that last forever through time. The "I told you so" moment is sweet but many times must be spelled out!

After 33 years of marriage I can surely tell you that "I told you so" moments are far and few in between, mainly because rarely do you see them unfold in front of your eyes.

Most of the time, you tell the spouse something; they don't listen then when your prediction comes true you are not there to reap the reward and...(you KNOW they don't tell you about it).

Once in a great while however you are there to bask in the glory of the covenanted words, "I told you so!"

Once such incident presented it's self to me one Sunday. I watched it unfold with glee and yet sadness...

Here's my story:

Time and time again I had told my husband to put on his seat belt of course it fell on deaf ears. The police had stopped him more than once about the same thing, believe it or not he got out of the ticket like the time...

He was driving with out the seat belt of course. He saw the police officer and started trying to put it on! (Of course the police can't see you doing this right?) LOL

At any rate the officer pulls him over ask him why he's not wearing it to which my husband says, "Because they are dangerous, did you see me about wreck while I was trying to put it on?"

Moments In Marriage

Okay so maybe honesty does pay because he (didn't get a ticket...shakes my head) anyway later he was driving me and my mom to Wal-Mart. I was happy because it was a fun shopping trip.

We are going down a major freeway when a Highway Patrol pulls him over. Now, don't know about where you live but here those officers are just NOT known for a sense of humor.

He walks up get hubby's license, calls it in, comes back telling him he's going to write him a ticket. The officer looks at me with the biggest grin ever on my face, trying so hard not to bust out laughing then he grins.

I was torn between glee and sadness. On one hand I was gloating over the obvious, "I told you so" yet knew it was a big fine and my Wal-Mart trip just got a little less fun! LOL

Didn't really matter because Wal-Mart didn't have anything I could have bought that would have been that much fun!


He NOW wears a seat belt!



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Financial Freedom vs. Jumping Play Houses

Financial Freedom vs. Jumping Play Houses

Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is gained by hard work while keeping your feet planted firmly on the ground. It is not gained by jumping from one place to another, or one business to another.

The jumping play house effect has managed to cause more business owners to fail than not knowing much about running a business.

With every business ever started came advice from those that are in the know and marketing is no different.

If there were but one thing you should know, believe and hold dear to your heart in your business; it is that you have to love what you do and you also have to do what you love.

If you don't, your just back to working a job.

I found some really great tips from Entrepreneur

Read more:

If you have enjoyed this I hope you will comment and share it. If you are looking to start in business then I can help you with that as well.

I look forward to meeting you.

Meet me here lets get you started.



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There Are Those That Have Success and Those That Don't...



Success comes to some and not to others. You ever wonder why? Basically, the why is fear, faith, belief and others perception of you.

Have you ever had something you wanted to try so bad but never did because you were afraid something bad would happen?

Maybe it was you didn't have faith that it could even be done, maybe you just didn't believe in yourself or your capabilities.

Then again it might have been the perception of others concerning the thing you wanted to do.

Where you afraid they would think you were a loon, not smart enough, strong enough or that the whole idea was a crock of crap?

Pretty much everyone can say yes to those questions. I'm not sure you would be human if you didn't fall into at least one of those categories.

You know, there are those that go pro and those that remain an arm chair quarter back all their lives. The only difference between the ones on the actual field and...

The one on the couch falls into one of those categories. (This doesn't include those at home due to injury.)

The passion and dream to do something, whatever that something is becomes so strong that failure never enters into the equation.

Yes, I know there are those that are sitting there now reading this saying Bull Sh*t. Ya know what happens to Bull Sh*t?

It gets shoveled up and tossed out!

Grab your shovel toss out all the negative and get started building your success. Did you know that you are already building success? Unfortunately it's for your boss.




(A Doer)

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Financial Freedom 3 Tips From One of The Best

Financial Freedom 3Tips From One of The Best

financial freedom

Tony's tips for financial freedom calls to attention that freedom is an elusive destination. The complete definition of being financially free starts and ends in each individual's mind.

Most of us have a set destination in mind of what our personal financial freedom would be and what it will look like when we get there.

In addition, each case has it's own requirements. Those that want less have less requirements.

The journey you take to get there is something that no one can do for you however, you will find those along the way that can help you, guide you and show you the way.

Your job, is just to listen,learn and take action.

One of the best I know concerning the subject of financial freedom is Tony Robbins and I am honored to share his PDF with you...

Read Tony's Tips

Remember your freedom is only a picture in your mind you can at anytime change that picture and most do as they travel through the development stage in their financial freedom.

Here's why...

Many times people are where they are in their finances because they think they are doing their best. When this happens they tend to settle for the bird in the hand.

Then when you show them that they can do better and provide them a way to do it they start to think...

Never limit yourself! Once you find out that you can do it; you are going to be energized, however let me warn you of something.

That energy can be as detrimental to you as doing nothing. This type of energy if not controlled is much like a lighting strike.

It's a blast of white hot energy lasting only micro-seconds then it's gone. Don't let this happen to you. How?

When the energy hits, mentally slow yourself down, find a mentor to show you how to use that energy in a productive way.

When you realize that you can do better. When you realize that you are allowed to have dreams and you are allowed to make them come true. This is when you need a business with mentors and friends and that's when...

You are ready to click this link!



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Marriage Tips: 3 Word Menu

Marriage Tips: 3 Word Menu You Are What You Eat!

Many marriage tips relay to you that you must predefine what you expect in your marriage or relationship.

Well now, that might just sound all official, grown up and right out the thing to do but common sense just plain tells you that's crap!

How can you predefine what you expect in your relationship when, you have NO IDEA what is going to go on in that relationship over a long period of time?

3 Word Menu

Marriage tip

These are the three words in your menu of life that you might have to eat if you ever place a predefined order by telling your partner "If you ever...(place your conditions here) i.e Cheat, Drink, ignore me..

There will be at this point many that will decided I don't know what I am talking about and that's fine but before you dismiss anything I say from here on out let me explain a few things here...

What I Am Saying and What I Am Not Saying

What I am saying:

  • All people are human and will screw up
  • You should love unconditionally

In a lifetime of living with another human being there are going to be screw ups on their part and on yours.

They are not perfect and you are not perfect. We by just being human cannot (be) perfect. If this is what you are expecting then plan on short term relationships.

What I am NOT saying:

  • Let no one beat you!!!
  • Let no one miss-treat you!!!

What I am not saying is for you to take any type of abuse be it physical or mental. If this is happening to you GET OUT and do it NOW! Tell someone, call someone do NOT let this go on it doesn't get better it gets worse.

You might think they will kill you if you leave and I can't lie to you there is that chance however...

If you don't get out it's no longer just a chance it IS a given!

Should this be happening to you or someone you know get help call this number:

National Hotline (800)799-7233

When I say love unconditionally I also mean yourself!



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This is Going to Save Your Marriage

This is Going to Save Your Marriage

save your marriage

Saving your marriage requires you to keep this life-saver on hand at all times.

Your sense of humor will save your sanity, your spouses life and the government money on housing you after you kill him/her. LOL

You might never have thought about this but that one life-saver has most likely saved you more times than you realize. Not just in marriage.

Think back to things that were horrible at the time, then years down the road you laugh your butt off at them. Do you have any of those?

If you don't you need a sense of humor transplant.

The next time you are exasperated by your spouse rather than head to the divorce lawyer just laugh it off.

Once you have fought the good fight and are about to celebrate your marriage of 33 years; you are both going to look back and laugh at it.

Face it you can not change your spouse or partner. All you can do is love them unconditionally, forgive them and move onward.

This is why you only marry the one you can't live without because if you ended up marring the one you could live with you will eventually arrive at your breaking point.


We all know where that leads!

You want a good marriage and long term relationship? Then this is what you have to do...

save your marriage

Next post I am going to revel to you something that you may believe with all your heart.

You may or may not have told to your spouse this belief. However, it will with 100% certainty determine if you will go the distance in your relationship or not.

Love your mate unconditionally,



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Marriage Moments That Make You Laugh...Or Not!

Marriage Moments That Make You Go HMMMMMM?

My Hero!

There are those marriage moments that last forever! We live in Texas and for anyone that doesn't know about Texas we have droughts A LOT.

We were right in the middle of the last one and this one was particularly bad. We went for years without decent enough rain.

Every critter was desperate for water. Wildlife was going to places they never went to try and find a drink.

As was the 4ft. long snake one morning that was crawling all over our brick on our house trying to find a way in to either water or to try and cool off.

I opened up the shade in the living room and there it hung on the outside (Thank God) of the window; then it proceeded to crawl all over the front of the house before heading the back of the house.

Did I panic? Panic is not quite the word for it.

Quickly I pick up the phone call my husband that was at work and told him the situation. He said, "Okay, be right there."

My hero arrives asking nonchalantly,

"Where's the snake?" Shaking Head photo 36_20_21.gif


I replied, "Probably in Oklahoma by now!"

Keeping your sense of humor in married might not save you from divorce but it sure as heck WILL save you from murdering them!

Have a great day!



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Hunting The Right Mate

Hunting The Right Mate

Hunting The Right Mate

When hunting the right mate many times we look for someone that we can live with that we are compatible with but that's wrong!

It doesn't matter if you have 99.9% of things in common if your feelings are not so strong toward that person that you literally can't see yourself living without them.

Hunting The Right Mate

Unconditional love is what I am talking about to the depth that a parent feels for a child, a child toward a parent or sibling.

There is nothing that a parent would not do for a child. When the child does something wrong regardless how that parent feels about it personally they will always love them.

They are there for that child. The love never dies. This is not to say the parent is agreeing with whatever the child has done. (I want you to understand this)

However, the amount and strength of that love never wavers!

It is this same depth of love that will carry your marriage through even the hardest of times. When you know that no matter what you will love your mate.

So, when looking or hunting for that perfect mate don't look for the one that loves all your hobbies, TV shows and your favorite color.

Look for that gut feeling that just simply tells you, "This IS the one."

More next time,



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Romance to Marriage

Romance to Marriage


The romance warming and beautiful the feeling that nothing will ever change envelopes you and lulls you into a false sense of security.

I want you to notice the water, isn't it beautiful and calming and the sun sitting over the water is so romantic isn't it?

When Does The Honeymoon End?


Hmmm, right about now I'd say! You see it's my theory that nothing wilts the lilies of love any quicker than steam off of hot dish water! LOL

Although I jest a bit truth is that most marriages start out with unpractical expectations. Those romantic walks, sitting on the beach at sunset and so on are wonderful.


Trust me when I say they don't last! At this point you might be saying, "What makes this woman and expert?" That would be a very good question.

My answer would be 33 years of marriage that's what! Yes, to the same man...


For those of you about to be married with the full knowledge that things will change regardless of how in love you are I congratulate you.

For those of you that don't know this, my sympathy and I hope you didn't spend a lot on the wedding!

Go into the marriage with the knowledge that love is forever and romance is not unless you keep it there on purpose.

If you were allowed to know only one thing about a marriage before you took the plunge this this would be the thing to know.

More next time...


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Stop Feeling Like a Failure You're doing A...

Stop Feeling Like a Failure You're doing A...

feeling like a failure

Feeling like a failure? Don't let that stop you, here's a secret about the highest paid marketer...

There are days they too feel like a failure. What makes them the big bucks is that they don't stop or give into that self pity like so many others do.

When you have a good company you are working with and your not making it that doesn't mean "You" are the failure.

What it does mean is that you just haven't found your zone yet but you will don't worry.

feeling like a failure

Here are some things that you can do to turn things around:

  • Track your ads
  • Try other places to advertise
  • Think about what you look for when you shop
  • Think about what sells you on something.

Check out the 20 things that Bryan Eisenberg has listed as reasons people buy. ( ) 

I hope this will help you shew away that feeling that you are a failure. Remember, you are not a failure you just haven't found your zone!

No one is a failure by birth therefore, failures are made not born and if failure is made and not born it can be changed. The question then becomes...

feeling like a failure

If you are looking for a great company to hook up with that has a great reputation then I would like to offer you a peek at one I've associate with for over 5 years and never been let down...

Find all you need to know here.



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Save Yourself Don't Drink The Poison!

Save Your Self Don't Drink The Poison!

save youself

Save your self and don't drink the poison that is anger. Anger is not something that is normal within your soul however, you can lock anger into your mind and heart.

When you lock that anger in it seeps into your soul. The anger taints your soul to the point it can change you totally. Don't let this happen to you!

Save Yourself and...


If you are fast to anger be even faster to forgive. There will be people that don't understand how you can do this on occasion and that's fine let them wonder.

You must do what is right for your own mind, body and soul you can't control what others do, say or think.

They are responsible for their own soul as you are for yours.

Anger is truly a poison don't drink it, never even let it touch your lips because it's true that holding onto anger surely kills just as drinking poison does. The problem is that the anger you keep in doesn't effect the person you are angry at but you and only you so...

The only person you are hurting is yourself.



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Pain Brings Success

Pain Brings Success

Pain brings success: success heals the pain. Is there something that you have dreamed of or believed in only to have your family and friends shoot you down?

Maybe it was an idea about an invention, buying a car out of your price range, or starting your own business and being financially worry free.

Hurts don't it?

I know it does, been there done that and I am sure many people out there feel the same, are you one of them? If you are keep reading.

Let Your Success Heal Your Pain

You love your family and friends but don't they chap your hide when they poo on your dreams? I don't know anyone actually that doesn't feel that way when they don't have friends and family that stand behind them and believe in them.

Now you can sit there be all hurt and whine about how they just don't understand or believe in you or you can...

I don't mean punch them in the nose like (I know you want to) but let the aggravation you feel work for you not against you. Here is how...

Roll up your sleeves and get to work on it. Face it if you are doing something which makes your friends and family feel there's no way you can do what you want or get what you want...

Change something and do it TODAY!

Face this fact if your family and friends don't think you can most likely they know you are too lazy, afraid or maybe they don't believe it can be done.

All of these elements can be changed and "You" are the one that has to change it. If your lazy make your dream big enough to fire your energy.

If your to afraid, live on the faith of your dream and step off the ledge. If your concerned it can't be done believe in yourself enough to know you can do anything you put your mind to but...

 Do you want financial freedom? Are you lazy, afraid or just not sure it can be done? Make your dreams big enough, step off that ledge and believe in "You"!

Here is where you start to heal...


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In Faith are You a Parent or Aunt or Uncle?

In Your Faith which are You: Parent or Aunts and Uncles?

Your Faith Tree

Where are you located in your faith tree?

your faith

Your faith in comparison to a child, is the perfect way to figure out if your faith is strong or not. Faith is a child born within many people. This faith is nurtured in it's growth by the attention given to it.

The parents they are there day and night even when not in direct contact with that child. The child is forever in the mind, body and soul of that parent.

Aunts and uncles also love their nieces and nephews however in a less intense way. They come on Birthdays, Christmas, cook-outs or the occasional drop by visit.

Parents are being parents day in and day out for the rest of their lives with total surrender of their life to the devotion, loving, nurturing and growth of that child.

Aunts and uncles are also devoted, loving, nurturing and protective of that child but more so with direct contact with the child.

People steeped deep within their faith are the parents these are the ones that constantly submerse themselves in their faith living it every single day.

The Aunts and uncles are the ones that dip down now and then into the pool of faith when in direct contact with that Faith or when in a crises.

When a person lives, breathes, eats and sleeps in their faith they are a parent. When a person calls upon that faith when in a crises they are an aunt or uncle.

Which are you in your faith? Where to you fall in the "Faith Tree?"

If you enjoyed this post please share.


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Where Mankind Searches


Creation - A Sioux Indian Story

The Creator gathered all of Creation and said, "I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality." The eagle said, "Give it to me, I will take it to the moon." The Creator said, "No. One day they will go there and find it." The salmon said, "I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean." "No. They will go there too." The buffalo said, "I will bury it on the Great Plains." The Creator said, "They will cut into the skin of the Earth and find it even there." Grandmother Mole, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said, "Put it inside of them." And the Creator said, "It is done."

It is normal for mankind to not look inside them-self. Yet mankind seems to feel they can look at another person one time and see all there is to see of them. We even have a brilliant quote covering this...

"Be your best because, "First impressions are important."

The person that repeats this phrase, very often is one that has never gazed inside their own soul nor do they know their own mind. They don't have a clue about them-self.

The other totally opposite famous quote says...

"Don't judge a book by it's cover."

The person that repeats this often is a soul seer. They have not only looked into their own soul but are willing to actually look deep within another soul to (really) get to know them.


If you looking for freedom in "Your" life stop being fooled by that image you see in the mirror for that is all it is just an image, a reflection of the wrapper.

Go deep inside yourself where you will find that which has been hidden until you are ready for it.

If you have enjoyed this I would like to invite you to my Live Free Blog (Please be-sure to sign up to become a new member on the sidebar.)

In addition check out the matching Facebook Page (Be sure to like). 

Blessing to your life,


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The Freedom to Fly

The Freedom to Fly

The Freedom to Fly

The freedom to fly is yours but you must stretch your wings. There are those of us that soar and there are those of us that stand on the ground watching the graceful show in the sky.

Which are you? Will you exercise "Your" right to fly or will you stand on the ground and watch others?

Flying does not only pertain to the act of being high in the sky. Flying also encompasses your excitement, your soul and general happiness.

Remember when you were young, those things that made your spirits rise to the point of feeling if you jumped up in the air you would just take off straight up zooming around in space?

The Freedom to Fly

That is the freedom of flying. Heck you don't even need a plane!

What you do need is the knowledge that you were meant to have this freedom. You were not born to normalcy you were born unique, without wings yet still able to fly!

Why do you keep yourself Earth bound by being normal? Drop the normal you. Find the unique abnormal person within you that knows without a doubt that you can and will fly, wings or no wings!

Promote freedom like the fan page! Here


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Types of Freedoms

Types of Freedoms

Types of freedoms are often over looked. The freedom from diseases. It is really scary that we over look this one so much. This is one freedom that although we might not have total control over we can at least be proactive.

Take care of yourself, how do you expect to work and grow in all phases of your life if you don't take care of you first?

Freedom of time is one that is known pretty much world wide. This is so widely thought about because of the workman mentality that was installed in all of us.

Get up go to work, come home, eat and sleep, then wake up and do it all over in the morning for five days or more a week. The majority of the world longs for freedom from this rut.

Yet so many will continue to dredge through life punching a time clock stuck in the "Groundhog Day" movie until they die of boredom or exhaustion.

When you were born you had no clothes on

and NO

in your hand!

The question is where did it come from then? It came from normal thinking. Normal people had babies then thought them to be normal too, it's simple.

Many times Dreams are crushed early in life. A child tells their parents, "I want to be a movie star, rock star or rich."

The reply many times from parents is, "Yeah right grow up you know how many others have wanted to do that and failed?"

Now tell me this:

Why didn't that parent say, "Hey that's great! John Wayne did it, Steven Seagal, Selena Gomez and many more have done it and "You" can as well."

You can't blame the parents they are just parroting what their parents and their parent's, parents before them said because they were all normal!


Here at Living Free, you are free to be whatever you want to be, and "You can do it!" Never let anyone tell you different! (Not even your parents)

Do you want to be abnormal? If you don't you will never be free because normal can't be free due to the thought process. Example: You went to the grocery store and you are ready to checkout. Who do you want checking you out the fast one that does the job well that sees their job as an honor and wants to be the best or the sluggish one that doesn't give a crap and doesn't mind showing it?

What's the difference? The fast one thinks differently about the job (abnormal); the sluggish one sees the job as a dead end job that sucks and wishes they were anywhere but there. (Normal).

You decide it's your life live normal



All ways think different!

If you like what I preach "Like my page"


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