We are publishing these blog posts to provide quality alternative health care, natural medicine, and natural healing information to help baby boomers and seniors live a longer, healthier, happier, more energetic and independent life without using pr
alternative (5)
When we went to our next appointment with our alternative health care physician, little did we know that this would be our last session with her.
She was a new member of a medical association that our health care plan had approv
NOTE: You can read all of our recent posts at http://www.primeliferesources.com. If you haven't already done so, please click on “Our Road To Recovery” at the top of our blog page and read our post titled “How Bill And Teddy Were Able To Restore Thei
Review and Testimonial FGXpress
This is just a very quick video that I wanted
to share with everyone. I would never ever
recommend a product that I have not tried
myself and I am absolutely amazed
at the results.
If you would like any further information