When most network marketers look at this title they automatically think of some sort of Tool, a new Traffic Source, a Blogging system, a new Attraction Marketing strategy, PPC marketing, Craigslist marketing etc. But at the end of the day wouldn't yo
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There is some controversy over the definition of what it means to have a purpose, and to what it means to have definite plans.
Most people that have a purpose in life may have found it through their job, relationship, or a hobby that they are passiona
Out Going Crazy Marketing Woman Seeks...
Being a Crazy Marketing Woman is not always a bad thing when used in a good way! I mean face it you have those that are trying to get out of murder through insanity pleas of voices in their h
The Daily Meditation 11.14.2013
A Prayer for the Philippines from Dr. Kenn Gordon
Dr. Kenn Gordon, Spiritual Leader
Centers for Spiritual Living
Let us come together in the conscious awareness of the Presence that connects us to It and to one another. W
Dream a Little Dream With Pure Leverage
Dream a Little Dream by Mama Cass
I just love this song and makes me think about all the things I used to dream about as a child. But now being of the older generation I have much bigger dreams and I am not abo
- Tried something new before and not succeeded?
- Really really wanted something but didn't know how to get it?
Wished there was an easier way to...
- Find your soulmate?
- Enjoy a fulfilling career that you shine in?
- Maintain an ideal weight
Online blogging can be a very simple way to communicate with visitors to your website. It can also become quite intricate if you employ all the tools available, such as video, photos and interactive features. Do not be intimidated by the process, any
Anti Virus Is Very Important
Becoming a Possibility Thinker begins when you realize that your life moves in the direction of your most dominant thoughts.
The difficulty that many people have is becoming entrapped in the routines of everyday life. When you are younger, it is easi
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
I will be the first to admit that I’m not a very “religious” person though I consider myself a ver
The Daily Meditation 11.13.2013
God is Unconditional Love
Kamatara Johnson, Practioner II Student
I recognize the Presence of the One Loving Source, That Which is Divine, God. God is Unconditional Love for all. God is the Comfort and Support, the Creati
Does Blog Syndication Help With Lead Generation?
If you are anything like me, when you first started your blog you thought that everyone would come flocking to read what you had written!! You thought you would get a steady flow of readers, waiting in
There is great value in the Nerium AD skincare product. Here I will give you information on how Nerium AD is of value to you. First the product before being marketed has been extensively tested in clinical trials for how well it works and what areas
The question I always get is why is Nerium SkinCare is so great? Its kind of funny but I expect that kind of response because of all the products people have tried and they got no results. I have results. This product has gone through rigorous clinic
The Daily Meditation 11.12.2013
I Am a Conscious Thinker
Lovater Jones, RScP
“…I am, and have always been perfect. I will now begin to think differently about myself and see what happens. As he began to think from the new basis he found that the bod
Your Children Need You Why Do You Keep Leaving?
Children need their parents and very few parents like leaving their children to go to work. They hate not being able to go the concerts,ballgames,plays and all those things, they participate in through s
Why Are Goals are Necessary?
Throughout history there have been incredible women who have lead us,
movie all have one thing in common: Rather than taking the road well
traveled... they decided to blaze
How Do You Spot the Best MLM Companies
The "Best MLMs" is a term that many newcomers to the industry, as well as existing MLMers who are considering joining a new opportunity, seek when doing their research. In reality, this term is very subjective --
“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.” - Dan Lipinski
The pa