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Maketing Online Success

Marketing Online Success


Here is what you need to do to achieve Marketing Online Success

In order to achieve the highest level of marketing online success, you need a few basics. These “tools” will make it possible for you to make money and build a re

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We are Allowed to Choose

The Daily Meditation 10.06.2013

We are Allowed to Choose

Ernest Holmes, Our Founder

ernest_holmes-144x150.jpg?width=144Man has the ability to choose what he will do with his life, and is unified with a Law which automatically produces his choice. While he does not  have the ability todes
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I am so Blessed

The Daily Meditation 10.04.2013

I am so Blessed

Barbara Kraft, RScP

BarbaraK2-150x150.jpg?width=150I am reminded of the song we sing each Sunday at the beginning of our service titled “I Am So Blessed”. It goes on to the next line “I am so grateful”.I look around at all that exists i
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conversion rate imageHave you ever wondered how to get more conversions with your product sales or training? There is a strategy that is used but no one ever pays attention to it because most don't realize it's being done. That strategy is how to use stories to increase

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Where Mankind Searches


Creation - A Sioux Indian Story

The Creator gathered all of Creation and said, "I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality." The eagle said, "Giv

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The Daily Meditation 10.03.2013


Chris Duvall, RScP

Wherever the Universe makes a demand upon Itself, out of that very demand is created its fulfillment — Ernest Holmes

I throw my imagination to the farthest heights and the inmost depths, and
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Put Your Loyalty In Check

I have heard or read some place that the sunflower is the symbol of loyalty.  If you grew up around them like I did, you will see truth in this statement.  
A story is told of an old ship that had been fired upon and exploded at sea and the crew that
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