Angela Valadez's Posts (167)

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What The Heck Am I Here For?

Have you ever thought about Why you're here?  

Asked yourself:  'What The Heck Am I Here For?'  Do you even have Clue?


If you asked yourself this question, then it's time for you to get still and quiet and seek your inner voice in order to get some necessary answers.

Like is a School ground and we are all here to learn lessons.  Some good, some not so good; but each lesson makes you stronger, bolder and wiser.  Which in turns equips you to help others, as well as yourself.

You will never hear your inner voice when you are constantly immersed in noise from within and without.

"Be still and Know!"  Seek Silence.  Find Inner-peace.


“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.” --Bessie Anderson Stanley

“Dare to Be"

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.

When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

When love hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.

Dare to be the best you can –

At all times, Dare to be!”   --― Steve MaraboliLife, the Truth, and Being Free

In all truth and direction, we are here to love and be loved.  To help and be helped in return.  To encourage and carry.  To motivate and direct.  To challenge and test, as well as be tempted and tested.  To seek and to find.  To mentor and be mentored.  To rise as well as fall.  To be lifted and sometimes carried. To be problem solvers and deliver the Good News.  

Success and the Pursuit of Happiness can be achieved, if, you are willing to pay the price.

Remember life is like a box of chocolates.  You never know which one you will choose or be given, but take pleasure in the chocolate because right now your taste buds may not like the taste, but with time you find out that you actually like that chocolate.

So, the next time you think "What The Heck am I Here For?"   It is to Love, to Serve and Be Served!

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To your massive Success,

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267

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Achieving The Win Win

 Win Win is just about making a decision to Win.

Win Win


It is necessary that you do more than just ask and wish for what you want.

A reliable compass is necessary to guide your path.

As children we learn to ask questions.  Knowing what you actually want will be the difference in receiving and continued want.

(Video Here)

So the first step is learning yourself. Knowing what you really want and why you want it.

The second step is having a Winning, Gracious Attitude towards becoming a Winner, along with a desire to help others get their Win Win on as well.

Understanding “what” you want along with the reasons “why” you want it can give you some valuable insight to the thought process which is necessary to achieve the wanted desires.

Asking for riches without knowing what it is that you actually want riches for, will get you no where.  You must be specific in those wants.

Asking for riches may not bring you the happiness and satisfaction you anticipated.

Whereas, asking for riches with the thought of money and the “why” of why you want this money can help you understand what your real desire is and will be instrumental in bringing it into fruition.

If you want money to provide security for your family say so.  Money for family security is different from wanting money because you really only desire the “power” money buys.

These two goals are different so you must be specific as to your Why.  Asking for one doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t get the other, nor does it mean you will receive either, especially if you are not specific in your wants and desires.

Realize that Need is different from Greed.  The Universe may be more willing to give to the need and not even acknowledge the greed.

Win Win


Perseverance is required to get to the win win.

Along this journey you will inevitably face failure, betrayal, as well as the temptation to quit and give up and just settle for a lifeless dreary existence full of compromise.  At times like these it is imperative to remember your “Why.”

Everything that you are right now is a result of the decisions you have made or the results of decisions that were made for you.  Take charge of your life, decide to become a winner with a desire to be the benefactor of other winners as well.

It is your “Why” which will take you to your Win Win.  Make sure your Why is strong enough to keep you going.

Interested in a growing prosperous and winning team?  Then be sure to check out theProsperity Team. This team works together to give encouragement, motivation, mindset calls and training; along with some excellent training. Their goal is to create winners and build successful businesses, along with daily training and training systems, as well as, all the support you will ever need.  Team Effort!

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To Your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez


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How To Relieve Stress

In order to Relieve Stress you must first realize that no one encounters sustained success without some type of stress, massive strain and challenge.

How To Relieve Stress

Never allow stress to leave you feeling insatiable and needy.  Put the brakes on and restore your balance.

(Video Here)

Realize that Stress and Worry are the “assassins” of Rest.

To Relieve Stress You Should:

1. Articulate your “feelings and passions” with others.

By putting stress into words through interaction with others you can begin to thwart the seclusion which is often felt during the later period of burnout. Trading of ideas seems to act as a shock absorber by relieving the anxiety and putting things into the correct perspective.

2. Recognize the need for rest.

Everyone needs breaks from work.  Regardless of where you are in life, you need to realize that you must rest in order to successfully proceed to the next phase.   Time off is utterly essential in invigorating mental attitude and creativity.

3. Distinguish your energy patterns and then plan to work accordingly.

We all have high and low levels of liveliness. Find out when your high energy levels take place and then begin scheduling the stressful functions only during those times.  This will alleviate the wear out and energy loss.

4. Only schedule one energy taxing pursuit at a time.

By scheduling only one demanding situation at a time it will avert work pileup.

When you do schedule more it tends to make you believe that you need to accomplish more, thereby mitigating the stress of’ feeling overworked.

5. Engage daily in physical  exercise and other activities.

It’s imperative to partake in physical exercise because it inspires the body and refreshes the mind.  Our brain requires physical activity in order to regenerate the senses and enhance performance.

Exercise also tends to build physical resistance, as well as, making us feel better about ourselves. When you allow stagnation to set in, your strength and energy are both lowered, which allows you to become more vulnerable to physical and emotional distress.

6. Fracture your projects into smaller increments.

By cutting a large project down into smaller components, it never looks as arduous or overwhelming. This then allows us to embark upon it piece by piece, never realizing how immense it actually is or was until it’s actually completed.

7. Learn to Delegate.

Rather than seize every problem that comes up, we should allow others to share in problem solving and decision making.

8. Just say “No.” 

Never allow yourself to feel duty-bound to take on assignments or do special projects which aren’t mandatory because this can sometimes lead to feelings of anger and hostility.

How To Relieve Stress

Saying “yes” all the time can lead to feelings of powerlessness; while being able to say “no” gives us a feeling of confidence, influence and satisfaction.  We need to give ourselves the choice of what we want to be concerned in or committed to.  This is the kind of control we need to have in order to become stress free and anxiety free.

Relieve Stress by taking confident charge your time and never allow others to infringe on your own commitment to rest and recovery. Take a “Time Out” when you need it.

If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

To Your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267


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Invest In Yourself!

Invest in yourself and become and better “You.”

Many people seem to settle for mediocrity within their thoughts, actions and attitudes.  It’s time to let go of negative attitudes, mindsets and thought patterns.

Here’s a Video from one of my mentors, Mike Hobbs:

(Video Here)



Most people invest in the wrong things…

  • They invest their time in TV…
  • They invest their money in Liabilities…
Where they should invest their time and money is THEMSELVES…
When you decide to invest in your self (personal development & mentors) that is when your business & life will start to shine!

Becoming a better you is all about taking the time to invest in yourself:

1. Growing, Learning, an Improving.

2. It’s truly about your pressing forward increasing your self esteem and character.

3. Becoming more positive towards yourself.

4. Building better relationships.

5. Forming better work habits.

6. Learning to embrace where you are, while you are on your way to where you’re going.

7. Building your spiritual life.

8. Learning to stay passionate towards life, living and the pursuit of happiness.

Invest in yourself & Join Us Here!

“Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make.  It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.”  -  Robin S Sharma

"If you want to be truly successful invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere your success will blossom."  --Sydney Madwed

To Your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez

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Autoresponder Tips!

Finding the right Autoresponder can be somewhat difficult, as well as, time consuming.

Autoresponder Tips


Getting the right autoresponder tips can be very important since there are so many choices on the internet, with each one ranging in price and features.

Before you decide to purchase your own autoresponder, be sure to consider your budget as well as any other tools which you may require. This way, you’ll know what you want and how much you are willing to spend.

Decide on the features you need and want. Next, you’ll need to take into consideration which type is right for you, which brand name you think would work the best. You can answer these questions by comparing the different brands, prices, features, and licensing restrictions.

For a business, autoresponders are a necessity, a Must!  As many of us already know, autoresponders are programs that send out an automated response via email to a specified address.

For  Internet marketing, there are sequential autoresponders. These types of autoresponders are designed to collect different email addresses then send out a variety of pre determined messages through email to subscribers that you have on your list.

If you have a sequential autoresponder and use it correctly, it can help you bring back more visitors. It can be a very handy tool to have around, especially if you work with a lot of clients. It can help you keep track of subscribers, as well as keep them informed about what is going on with your business.

Basically, there are three main types of autoresponders that you can choose from – remote hosted, locally hosted, and desktop hosted. Remote hosted are hosted on someone else’s server or website. Locally hosted will allow you to work programs from your own web server. Desktop programs on the other hand, will allow you to work from your own computer. Most people choose to go with locally hosted, as it makes things a lot easier.

With Pure Leverage you not only get a powerful autoresponder, but a complete toolkit as well:

This powerful set of profit pulling tools will ignite any
online business model and will save you hundreds of dollars
per month.  As well as give you the leading edge over any competition.

- complete auto responder system (with perfect inbox deliverability)
- complete video email service
- complete blogging and lead generation system
- complete webinar service
- complete video producing and video storage platform

Not only that, but PureLeverage pay’s you commissions.

Check it out here:

You will want to take immediate action on this serious money making GIANT!

Click below for a quick compensation plan overview and see
just how easy you can be in instant profit!



Get informed and decide the best Autoresponder for you.  Since you need a autoresponder anyway, why not make money from it at the same time?  Pure Leverage is a good way to start your own home based business as well.

If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

To Your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez

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Take Control of Your Life

Take Control of Your Life and Become Empowered.


Quite often in life we begin our days relying on someone else to tell us what we should and shouldn't do.  But the truth of the matter is that it is only "God"  who can steer us clearing and effectively. It is through Him that we learn to take control of our lives, sometimes through silent meditation of education. These other influences we allow in can only act as "advisers."

(Video Here)


When you choose an Adviser make sure that they have proof of their results.  They live the lifestyle and not just talk the talk, but walk the walk.

It is important that we learn to speak up for ourselves and not let everyone else dump their opinions on us.  We were given minds to think with and intellect with which to seek out solutions for problems.

Take the appropriate steps to take control of your life and define your life.  What do you want to accomplish?  Where do you want to be in the next 30 days? The next 5 years?   Map out your plan and begin your journey.

Realize that your life is too precious to leave in the hands of others.  Every decision you make is actually a matter of you choosing what is right for you.  Get focused..

Focus Activities for taking control of your Life:

1. Write down your goals and review them frequently. Immerse yourself in them.

2. Surround yourself with  pictures, smells, feels, and/or tastes.

3. Think as if it's on layaway, or it's in the bank, as you confidently pay the price.

4. Create future references by visualizing you have received them already.

5. Talk about them all the time, and record your own enthusiastic voice to listen to.

6. Control your focus by crowding out all negative, and replacing with all positive.

7. Break down your actions to the ridiculously simple, and be specific.

8. Commit to yourself, your spouse, and everyone you care about.

9. Set your mind to 'win', there is no other option to consider.

10. Have faith that this will happen, and then use the peak to peek principle.


Focus your concentration on what's important.  Take Control of Your Life and build your future, one day at a time. Empowerment begins when you take control of your life!

If  you enjoyed this article, please "Like and Share."

To your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez


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How To Improve Self Esteem

“Nothing improves self esteem and self confidence like accomplishment.”–Thomas Carlyle

When you become determined to improve your self esteem, you will be on your way to great achievement.

(Video Here)

Never allow a low self esteem to ruin your life.  Understand that the way you think about yourself will determine how you will interact with others.Improve Self Esteem

Examples of low self esteem:

1. Nothing you do ever seems to go right

2. You believe in your mind that most people do not like you.

3. You believe and feel that you are not attractive.

4. Whatever you decide to choose always turns out to be the wrong thing.

5. You are afraid to converse with others for fear that whatever you say will be incorrect.

6. You always feel swallowed up in a whirlpool of frustration and confusion, never going anywhere.

A low self esteem could have begun back in your childhood where some children are made to believe that they are worthless. Their self confidence is eroded and they succumb to the idea that they can never achieve success in anything that they do. They were picked on, laughed at, pushed around, called ugly names, and treated with disdain. Henceforth, they grew up to be full of resentment and a very low self esteem.

If that happened to be your experience, it is time you cut yourself loose from that mindset and endeavor to do some self esteem improvement.

Begin by reading about the lives of successful people and you will soon discover that many of them had such low self esteem that they could not even complete an elementary education.

Low self esteem always makes you a Victim, not an Overcomer!  You constantly give way self defeating thoughts.

Force yourself to stop thinking that the world is closing in on you. Become determined to achieve what you desire. No longer blaming other people for your own misfortunes. Realize that the world is not your problem, “you are your own problem.”

Allow yourself to begin the process of self esteem improvement.  Start thinking the right way and be determined to win, and win you will. Realize that success never comes easily and that is why determination is indeed its counterpart.How To Improve Self Esteem

Quite often you will actually get to the brink of success and with just a bit of a disappointment or setback, you may want to lose heart and give up.  This is a surefire candidate for low self esteem improvement. Who knows what great things might have been achieved “if only” you would have persevered.

You must seriously decide to either remain in a miserable state of low self esteem, or acquire self esteem improvement and develop a high self esteem with good character and self image.

Read daily, listen to tapes of leaders and on purpose, step out and step up your game plan for success.

Allow yourself to change your thinking and begin to see yourself on top of the world. Make a very special effort to be what you really want to be. Become the very best you that you can be.  Begin to believe in yourself.  You are unique.  You have special abilities.  Seek them out and put them to good use.

Many have decided to override their low self esteem and improve their attitude, whatever it took!   They have since become some of the greatest men and women that ever lived.

Low self esteem has never helped anyone else and it surly will not help you! It can only drive you into depression, anger, grudge, fear and all the other evils that it generates.

Re-program your thinking and begin to control your state of mind.  It is imperative that you believe that you are worth much more than you think, or, you will remain at the foot of the ladder, never making an attempt to climb it.

“Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.”–Maxwell Maltz

Do not waste your life away with feelings of inadequacies. Instead, think of ways to go about self esteem improvement. Success is yours, just reach out and grasp it.

“To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives.”—Denis Waitley

Improving Self Esteem


If you enjoyed this article, please “like and share.”

To your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267


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Power Thoughts

Power Thoughts bring with them Result!

Have you ever considered how powerful your thoughts really are?

Power Thoughts

Are you truly aware of the fact that thoughts, all 50,000 you may encounter per day, are singularly the most powerful influences on everything that happens to you in your life, and are the very reason  that you have attracted the people you know, the house you live in and the car you drive?

It is the sum total of everyone’s thoughts which is the very thing that shapes everything that exists, as well as,  everything that has existed, and everything that will ever exist.

(Video Here)

So ask yourself:  ”If this is true then shouldn't it be possible to bring into existence anything we desire?”

The simple answer to this question  is YES!  It is Power Thoughts!  The Power of Thoughts!

It is known that through the power of deliberate thought that we are able to create. Thoughts are substance and substance becomes things. While thought alone does have the power to bring tangible things such as, (cars, houses, boats) and intangible things, such as (peace, harmony and joy) into existence; often times this is just not enough!

Through intention thinking, or directed thinking and believing, it is enough to create powerful thoughts which will manifest anything we want, yet, there is still two other ingredients needed.

1.  Your thoughts must be backed by emotion.

Power Thoughts

The more powerful your emotion – the stronger the thought.  It is essential to create within you the same feelings or passion that you will have when you actually achieve your desire. You must be able to see it, feel it and touch it by using all your senses.  Even the sense of smell.

You actually do this all the time; however, it’s usually in the opposite direction.

For example:  When you think of something that you don’t desire and are afraid that it may happen, then all of a sudden you feel frightened, tense and may even start to exhibit some physiological symptoms such as sweating or shaking or just get the shivers.  Anxiety attack.

Therefore, instead of letting the fear take over, begin to reverse this method of thinking what you actually desire. Think only of what you do want and conjure up the feelings of passion and desire associated with that. How will it feel to meet and marry that perfect person?  How will it feel when you meet your next 90 day goal?  How will it feel behind the wheel of that new Mercedes or in the kitchen of that new home?

2.  Take Action.

Be assured that it will be necessary to be prepared to take some massive action. This is a key point that many personal development gurus leave out! The action that you need to take will not be strenuous or a toil, it will be enjoyable and feel right to you, as long as it is something you delight in with desire, passion and expectation.

Each of us has own special role in the complete operation of the Universe. We are all One, interconnected and interdependent. Your desires will usually come through some form of Power Thoughts along with “Massive Action” and  connection to other people.

But keep in mind that you MUST know “WHY” you want this.  Why is it important to you? Are you willing to do whatever is necessary to accomplish this goal or task?  Clear Vision is a necessity.  No Vision, No Direction, No accomplishment.  Your desire was not high enough.  Go back to the beginning.

Realize that your thoughts have the power to completely change your life and circumstances.  It is because when thoughts are backed by emotion, passion and desire they become an unstoppable force which will carry you to wherever you want to go in life. However,  you must be willing to take the steps towards your desires when these steps are presented to you.

Example:  If you’re believing and thinking about the perfect soul mate while you are sitting at home watching the TV.  Forget it!  Ten to One you will never meet him or her if you sit at home all day and do not venture outside! There is an Action that you must take.  You must go places where people are.

By doing this you may actually find that you begin to get asked to go to places more often or get invited to a place you have never been before. You may even accidentally meet old friends or develop new friendships. This will be the Universe setting you on a path to your desires. Take that invitation. Even if it is something you have no desire to do or somewhere you do not want to go, you should accept the invitation. Who knows who you may meet or where you may end up!

Keep in mind “Power Thoughts.”  Thoughts have power and these thoughts backed up by strong emotion, extreme desire, enriched passion and Belief, along with Massive Action will change the Universe and create ANYTHING you want if you truly have the Faith (Belief).

Live your dreams…..Think “Power Thoughts.”

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be.”–James Allen

“A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses.” –James Allen

“The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed.”–James Allen

If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

To Your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267

Make $150-$200 day


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Persistency is refusing to relent, or give up when faced with opposition or difficulty.  To endure, to continue to exist or prevail, to remain firm or steady.Persistency

The Scroll Marked III by Og Mandino is the Third Scroll from the Classic, The Greatest Salesman in the World.

This Scroll teaches us a great lesson …persist, persist, persist and do not quit. Never, ever, give up!

The lesson learned is though at times it won’t be easy to keep going when you try so hard, yet you continuously meet with defeat after defeat.  Yet, you understand that you must persist and keep moving on until you’ve reached your targeted goal.

As Network Marketers or Home Business Owners, we are constantly facing challenges and temporary setbacks …but the important word is “temporary” … we have to persist until we overcome these setbacks.

You also must understand that you must be able to conceive it in your heart and mind before you can receive it.

(Video Here)

Persistency as indicated in The Scroll Marked III:

I will persist until I succeed.

In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance. The bravery of each bull is then rated with care according to the number of times he demonstrates his willingness to charge in spite of the sting of the blade. Henceforth will I recognize that each day I am tested by life in like manner. If I persist, if I continue to try, if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.

I will persist until I succeed.

I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.

I will persist until I succeed.

The prizes of life are at the end of each journey, not near the beginning; and it is not given to me to know how many steps are necessary in order to reach my goal. Failure I may still encounter at the thousandth step, yet success hides behind the next bend in the road. Never will I know how close it lies unless I turn the corner.

Always will I take another step, if that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult.

I will persist until I succeed.

Henceforth, I will consider each day’s effort as but one blow of my blade against a mighty oak.

The first blow may cause not a tremor in the wood, nor the second, nor the third. Each blow, of itself, may be trifling, and seem of no consequence. Yet from childish swipes the oak will eventually tumble. So it will be with my efforts of today.

I will be liken to the rain drop which washes away the mountain; the ant who devours a tiger; the star which brightens the earth; the slave who builds a pyramid. I will build my castle one brick at a time for I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking.

I will persist until I succeed.

I will never consider defeat and I will remove from my vocabulary such words and phrases as quit, cannot, unable, impossible, out of the question, improbable, failure, unworkable, hopeless, and retreat; for they are the words of fools. I will avoid despair but if this disease of the mind should infect me then I will work on in despair. I will toil and I will endure. I will ignore the obstacles at my feet and keep mine eyes on the goals above my head, for I know that where dry desert ends, green grass grows.

I will persist until I succeed.

I will remember the ancient law of averages and I will bend it to my good. I will persist with knowledge that each failure to sell will increase my chance for success at the next attempt. Each nay I hear will bring me closer to the sound of yea. Each frown I meet only prepares me for the smile to come. Each misfortune I encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow’s good luck. I must have the night to appreciate the day. I must fail often to succeed only once.

I will persist until I succeed.

I will try, and try, and try again. Each obstacle I will consider as a mere detour to my goal and a challenge to my profession. I will persist and develop my skills as the mariner develops his, by learning to ride out the wrath of each storm.

I will persist until I succeed.

Henceforth, I will learn and apply another secret of those who excel in my work. When each day is ended, not regarding whether it has been a success or a failure, I will attempt to achieve one more sale. When my thoughts beckon my tired body homeward I will resist the temptation to depart. I will try again. I will make one more attempt to close with victory, and if that fails I will make another. Never will I allow any day to end with a failure. Thus will I plant the seed of tomorrow’s success and gain an insurmountable advantage over those who cease their labor at a prescribed time. When others cease their struggle, then mine will begin, and my harvest will be full.

I will persist until I succeed.

Nor will I allow yesterday’s success to lull me into today’s complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure. I will forget the happenings of the day that is gone, whether they were good or bad, and greet the new sun with confidence that this will be the best day of my life.

So long as there is breath in me, that long will I persist. or now I know one of the greatest principles of success; if I persist long enough I will win.

I will persist.

I will win.

Program your mind for Success.  Be open and receptive to receive it.  Believe with all your heart and mind. Expect Success and Envision it.  It will come.  Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will come.

Persistency in Action, brings with it results!  “What I am, is not out there. It is in me”. –Helen Keller

“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”–Harriet Beecher Stowe



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To Your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267


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In Abundance

The Universe desires that you have Everything you Desire “In Abundance.”

In Abundance



Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life, in the mere act of living, must increase itself.

(Video Here)

Do you want to live the Abundant Life?  It is possible if you learn to use creative words and not words of destruction, along with visualization.

Words are similar to seeds.  By speaking them aloud, they are planted in our subconscious minds, and they take on a life of their own in creative thoughts; they take root, grow, and produce fruit of the same kind.  When we speak words that are life giving filled with desire and passion, suggesting that you live in abundance, our lives will move in that direction.

In Abundance

You cannot expect to live in abundance, yet speak negativity at the same time:

“Nothing good ever happens to me.”
“I’ll never be successful.”
“I don’t have what it takes. I can’t do it.”
“I’ll never get out of this mess.”


It is literally impossible to speak words of defeat and failure and expect to live in abundance.  ”You reap what you sow.”  If you reap to the wind, you will receive the whirlwind.

Speak life to your situation.  Be thankful for being able to live in abundance.  It’s a proven fact that if you say something often enough, with enthusiasm, desire and passion, along with visualization,  before very long your subsconscious mind will begin to act on what you are saying, and will do whatever is necessary to bring those thoughts and words to pass.

There’s Power in you Words.  Use them for good and not for evil.  Let them be creative and attract more good things in your life in abundance.  The more you have, the more you will be able to give.

It’s also important during this process to focus on what you already have and be grateful for it.  Gratitude is another important instrument to be used in this process.

“Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude.”–Wallace Wattles

“The daily practice of gratitude is one of the conduits by which your wealth will come to you.” —  Wallace Wattles

It’s so important to remember to continuously have an “attitude of gratitude” during the process of desiring to live In Abundance and Visualizing you already have it in the “here and now.”

“We all possess more power and greater possibilities than we realize, and visualizing is one of the greatest of these powers.”—Genevieve Behrend

To live in Abundance requires, speaking the right words, thinking the right thoughts filled with enthusiasm desire and passion, visualizing these thoughts, an possessing an attitude of gratitude.

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To Your Success,

Angela Valadez

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Optimistic People

Optimistic People are those who value change and choose to take the most hopeful or cheerful view of matters or to expect the best outcome.

Optimistic People

“Every beginning is a consequence.  Every beginning ends something.”–Paul Valery

Life is difficult and setbacks are common in the great game of business and in life. Each one of us has a choice about the attitude we bring to our day along with the actions we take.

Those who tend to prosper must first develop flexible optimism, resourcefulness, and persistence at the face of adversity and constant change.

(Video found here)

Once you learn to control your attitudes and habits you will gain the ability to alter your life and influence others you live and work with.

When a person recognizes that their attitude ins’t right, it opens the door for positive change and tremendous opportunity.  In other words optimistic realization that change is necessary.

Optimistic People tend to:

1. Acquire Perspective.

Acquiring perspective will enable you to respond realistically to the events in your life. They take their time and think things through and do not tend to make erratic decisions.

Don’t think short term.  Perspective sees long range goals.  Perspective doesn’t see each setback as a failure and will have the stick-to-it ability to stay with their endeavor until success is achieved.

2. Understand that Optimism can be learned.

Recognize that people often have catastrophic thoughts—feelings that everything is wrong and that nothing is going to change. Think of these thoughts as if they are being said by some external enemy whose mission in life is to make you miserable.

Then begin to dispute those thoughts. Begin by using cold, impersonal facts to maintain a reality-based perspective. If you struggle with the fear of flying, you note that the National Safety Council reports that you’re 37 times more likely to die in a vehicle crash than on a commercial airline.

3.  Will Avoid A Victim Mentality and seize the day as a Survivor.

As long as you are alive, you always have options. Survivors make the best of the options they have while victims whine about how few they have. There is always something that you can do, the only question is whether a given action will work and if committed action is worth the investment of the time required to achieve the desired results. Survivors keep making choices one day at a time.

4. Are Patient.

Control what you can—position, perform and persist. Security is not a fact; it is a feeling—a feeling that you can control what you do. You don’t control all events that happen, but you do control your response to events.

Reinhold Niebuhr: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

5. Move from Analysis Paralysis into Action.

They will learn to cultivate a continual sense of adventure that searches for and takes advantage of every opportunity. Failure to act doesn’t prevent failure, it just turns life into slow death.  Action takers take Action immediately.

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”-Yogi Berra

6. Acquire a Sense of Humor.

A Sense of Humor has the ability to soften the blows of life.  What may now seem humiliating, will later in retrospect be funny.  Why?  Because you learned something from the issue.

Humor provides perspective that breaks the stress cycle and invites a more positive attitude. If you know that some day you will laugh at a problem, don’t wait—laugh as quickly as you can!

Take your job and life seriously, but yourself lightly. Never forget that some days you’ll be the bug on the windshield, and some days you’re the windshield. That’s a perspective worth remembering in these challenging times.

See your mistakes as valuable lessons learned.  Identify what was done wrong, but put your focus on the future: What are you going to do to rectify the problem? How will you handle it next time?

7.  Maintain a Positive AttitudeOptimistic People

Always take your health habits seriously in difficult times. Eat right, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and include daily stress breaks in your day. Maintaining your health habits can do wonders to help you sustain your optimism and manage your increased stress levels.

8. Find the power of Purpose and Serving Others.

There is passion in being fully engaged in a meaningful mission and in doing your share of random acts of kindness. You make a difference for yourself when you make a difference for others. Faith, values and integrity are in.

People of faith tend not live in fear, but find peace in faith. Core values help direct your choices. They are both your anchor in the rough sea and the lighthouse that helps illuminate a positive and principled course in uncertain times. Honor is a gift you give yourself.

9.  Expect To Succeed.

Success will rarely come to those who are expecting failure.  People tend to live up to high expectations. If you hold high expectations of yourself, you will perform up to those expectations.  Then visualize yourself being successful.

10. Maintain an Attitude of Gratitude.

Unrealistic expectations are a sure road to disappointment. Optimists hope for more, but are not thrown by less. Start counting your blessings instead of your problems. Give thanks throughout the day.  Choose to be happy, instead of being unhappy until something makes you happy. End the day by identifying five things for which you are grateful.

Optimistic People enjoy mental and emotional balance and are self-reliant and self-determining.  They never blame others for their shortcomings.  They take responsibility for their own mistakes.  They are Overcomers!

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To Your Success,

Angela Valadez

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Have Patience

To Have Patience is the will or ability to wait or endure without complaint.

Have Patience


Success of any kind can come to those who are willing to make an enthusiastic effort to serve and please others.

Don’t be fooled though, in order to do this, it will require that you have patience.  No business is built overnight and neither will yours.

(Video Here)

People who have practiced having strong spiritual values in their lives are usually the people who have more meaning in their lives, as well as more value in other area’s of life.  Even so, when it comes to patience.  There’s still a bit of a challenge.

Patience is often the most confusing of virtues. This is because most people don’t realize that patience is a learned experience! It just doesn’t seem to come naturally for most of us.

Three Areas Where Patience Brings Results:

1. Goal setting.Have Patience

Good personal planning involves no more than determining how you will get from your present circumstances to the future you have created through your dreams and vision.

Maybe you’ve heard the saying that anything good is worth waiting for.  Well not so, there is something you must do.  It’s up to you to make them happen.  Focus on what you want, then sit down and write out your goals and give yourself a realistic time frame.  Be specific.

Start by setting mini-goals within larger goals so you can get a better visual of your progress. You’ll feel motivated by your accomplishments when you see your plan developing.

“Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose — a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.”—Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

2. Learn new skills.

As we tend to grow older, it’s not as easy to learn new skills. It’s easy to become discouraged, and feel like giving up. It’s important to adapt to change and make the necessary changes in order to keep up with the times, whether it be skills or some other necessary personal appearance adaptation.

People who have been out of the work force for many years are completely out of the technology loop, and it can be challenging to get up to speed.

An example could be one such as this:  Having a broken bone is the best lesson in patience. In this case patience is born out of necessity. You learn how to do everyday tasks in a different way in order to stay mobile.

Taking up a sport, such as karate or yoga or even dancing, may feel a bit awkward at first, but with continued practice, one day you will begin to feel like a pro.  When babies take up walking, it’s a challenge at first, but because they refuse to give up and keep continuing to get up and take a step, shortly they are no longer walking but running.


Many times the act of patience can mean enduring or persevering in a difficult situation. We’ve all had issues with bad drivers or demanding bosses. Someone cutting in front of you in the grocery line.  If you were told you would have to go back to dial-up Internet, I’m sure your blood pressure go up. Still, it’s possible to use these challenges as opportunities to grow our patience.

Impatience can make people lose their temper and say things they really don’t mean. By contrast, patience promotes peace.

“Better is the end of a thing than its beginning; and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.”  Ecclesiastes 6:8

In this age of instant gratification, it is increasingly difficult to accept what is out of our power. Learning patience is therefore, truly an art. But it is an art worth learning for your own health, happiness, and healing.

To have patience sometimes requires you to pay a big price, but be assured you will receive a good return!

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To Your Success,

Angela Valadez

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Man Advice for Women

Have you ever considered a topic such as  "Man Advice for Women?"



Ladies:  Take Heed!




Men and women are two completely separate beings.  Men will be infatuated, while the woman is already  "In Love."


Man Advice to Women - Truth or Fiction?  You Choose...

(Video Here)

Most husbands and wives have at least one really touchy topic that can cause them to go over the fence, even consider divorce.  It has been said that "sex" and "in-laws" could possibly be ranked pretty high in that topic.  And let us not forget "Money."


Let's look at 15 things you should consider "before" marriage:

1.  Don't imagine you can change a man unless he's in diapers.

2.  What do you do if your boyfriend walks-out?  You shut the door.

3.  If they put a man on the moon -- they should be able to put them all up there.

4.  Never let your man's mind wander -- it's too little to be out alone.

5.  Go for younger men.  You might as well, they never mature anyway.

6.  Men are all the same -- they just have different faces, so that you can tell them apart.

7.  Definition of a bachelor; a man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable.

8.  Women don't make fools of men -- most of them are the do-it-yourself types.

9.  Best way to get a man to do something, is to suggest they are too old for it.

10.Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.

11.If you want a committed man, look in a mental hospital.

12.The children of Israel wandered around the desert for 40 years.  Even in biblical times, men wouldn't ask for directions.

13.If he asks what sort of books you're interested in, tell him checkbooks.

14.Remember a sense of humor does not mean that you tell him jokes, it means that you laught at his.

15.Sadly, all men are created equal.

Don't worry men.  Truly Fictional!  Are Is IT?

The last tip when it comes to Man Advice for Women is this:  You're Smarter than you look:  Keep up the Image.

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To Your Continued Success,

Angela Valadez

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The Scars Left Behind

 The Scars Left Behind from an accident or some type of occurrence can remain for the rest of you life.

Scars are symbolic to events.  The Scars Left Behind,  remain as a reminder to us of what has happened in the past.  These memories can either make us or break us.

(Video Here)

Let me share a story with you from the past.

Many years ago on a hot summers day, somewhere in South Florida there was a little boy who had decided that he wanted to go for a swim in an old swimming hole behind his home.

Because he was young in age, of course he was in a hurry to dive into the cool water, so he ran from his back door, leaving behind his shoes, socks, and shirt as he went.

He jumped into the water, not realizing that as he swam towards the middle of the lake, an alligator was at the same time swimming towards the shore.

By this time his mother, who was in the house looked out the window and witnessed the two as they grew closer and closer to each other.  In fear, terror and unbelief, she ran immediate towards the water, yelling and screaming to her son as loudly as she possibly could.

The boy hearing her voice, became alarmed and quickly made a u-turn to swim towards his mother.  However, it was too late.  As he reached her, the alligator had also reached him.

At the dock, the mother reached out and grabbed her son by the arms just as the alligator snatched his  legs.  At that moment began an incredible fight, a tug-of-war between the mother and the alligator.

But, the alligator was much too strong for the mother, but, nevertheless, she refused to let go of her son.

Just then, a farmer happens on the scene.  He was driving by and heard the mother’s desperate screams for help.  The farmer raced from his truck, took aim at the alligator and shot him between the eyes.

Thankfully, after many weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived.  Though his legs were extremely scarred by the vicious attack of the alligator.  On his harms, were extremely deep scratches where his mother’s fingernails had dug into his skin in an effort to hang on to her son.The Scars Left Behind

There was a newspaper reporter who interviewed the boy following the trauma.  He asked the boy if he would show him his scars.  The boy with a smile on his face lifted up his trousers at the leg, proudly showed his scars.

He also said, “Look at my arms too.”  I have great scars on my arms, too.  I have them because my mommy wouldn’t let me go.”The Scars Left Behind

In some ways, we can also identify with this little boy because we also have scars.  Maybe not from an alligator, but the scars of painful, past spiritual battles.  Unfortunately, some of those scars are unsightly and have cause us great pain.

Just like this loving mother would not let go of her son.  We have a Father who will never, ever, let go of us either.  Always remember this:  He did not, can not, and will not ever let you go either.

We all have some sort of Scars left behind, but they did not kill us.  The Scars Left Behind, they only made us stronger.

If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

To Your Success,

Angela Valadez


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The Servant Leader

In order to become The Servant Leader you must die to your own desires daily.

“You’ll always have everything in life that you want, if you’ll help enough other people get what they want.”  – Zig Ziglar

The Servant Leader

No one is actually a success in life until he/she has actually learned how to be a servant.  If you cannot serve others, there’s no place for you in a Leadership position.

It is important that you are willing to serve without trying to reap the benefits in advance.The Servant Leader is a True Servant.

Before looking for a way to get more, look for a way to serve more.

(Video Here)

“Selfishness always ends in Self-Destruction.”

You see, no one is actually successful in life until he/she has learned how to serve.  It’s not me, me , me.  It’s who, who, who.  Who can I serve.  How can I serve.

“The way to the Throne Room is through the servant’s quarters.”

“He that is greatest among you shall be your servant.”  Matthew 23:11

“But it shall not be so among you; but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.”
Matthew 20:26-27

We all have been called to “serve” those whom we lead.  We must be willing to serve, without trying to reap the benefits.


Before you go looking for a way to benefit yourself, you’d better consider, “looking for ways to give.”

“True Leadership must be for the benefit of the followers, not to enrich the leader.”  –John C Maxwell

“Good leaders must first become good servants.”–Robert Greenleaf

Always be willing to give of yourself in the helping of others.  The reason is this:  When you give of yourself to helping others, you cannot help but be personally and abundantly rewarded.

The rewards and blessings of being a servant always extends far beyond what can be seen or heard.  Don’t believe me.  Try it!!

Becoming The Servant Leader is one of the most rewarding occupations you will ever endeavor to achieve.

Again, there is no one who is truly successful in life until they have first learned how to serve others.

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To Your Success,

Angela Valadez

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Personal Goal Setting

Creating Personal Goal Setting with Clarity and Purpose

We have been trained and mentored into the reality that one of the things most critical to our home business success is defining one’s intentions through personal goal setting which will lead to your desired vision or dream.

Personal Goal Setting


We have been continually reminded to write these personal goals on paper, as well as speak them out loud while giving ourselves a deadline to meet them, so that we can remain focused on our ultimate dreams.

Your vision should involve much more than your business opportunity.  It must encompass every area of your life.  Many of us create visions for ourselves, our businesses, our families, but, we must also include our physical, spiritual, emotional and social lives.  This then is a holistic vision.

(Video found here;)

It is important to keep them your vision in front of you at all times in order to maintain the motivation  and determination which is often needed to get us over the rough spots in our businesses.

Wallace Wattles, in his 1910 classic, “The Science of Getting Rich,” states:

“You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want. You cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself….That clear mental picture you must have continually in mind….The more clear and definite you make your picture then, and the more you dwell upon it, bringing out all its delightful details, the stronger your desire will be.”

Because your vision is created in your mind, it is important that when you think about it, you feel deeply about it, then act in harmony with it.  This way your vision will guide you.

This does  not mean that you must spend hours contemplating your ultimate goal? It simply means that you will need to know  exactly what it is that you desire and then desire it so badly that it stays in your thoughts.


My ultimate personal goal is for my husband and I to be able to retire to San Diego, CA.  I have a very definite image of what life will be like for us there, and each day I set aside a few minutes to simply close my eyes and dwell on the mental picture of some of the things we’ll be able to enjoy -

walking along the beach at sunset, feeling the warmth of the sand on my bare feet (I can practically smell the salt air when I do this)Personal Goal Setting



reconnecting with friends and family and being able to enjoy reunions that I often missed due to living a long distance away, enjoying the palm trees I love so much

dining at local restaurants that serve the delicious seafood the area is famous for

Carrying this one step further, I've gathered together some pictures, postcards, and other memorabilia that reflect the overall atmosphere of the area. These items hang on my wall in my office, right in front of me, so that I can have a constant reminder of exactly what it is that I am working toward.

You’ll be amazed at the effectiveness of these simple techniques!

It is indeed possible for you to apply these same techniques regardless of what your goals are. Even if what you’re working for can’t be quite so clearly defined in words and pictures, you can still benefit from these exercises.

During those few minutes each day that you set aside to form your mental “picture,” imagine the feelings that you will have when you have reached your own personal goals.

You will have to get your brain functioning correctly to do this.  Know that your left brain is your logical, decision-making side of your mind, while your right brain is the intuitive, creative side.  You will need both sides functioning in union to create your desired intentions.

Along with your personal goal setting, be sure to take the time to create an affirmation statement, using your computer and some attractive stationery to print it out. Frame this and place it in your own personal work area so that you will have a constant reminder of what exactly it is that you want to accomplish.

Focus, focus, focus….and your dreams WILL come true!

If you enjoyed this article, please “like and share.”

To Your Success,

Angela Valadez



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Happiness From The Inside Out!

Happiness from the Inside Out just Requires A Change of your Most Dominate Thoughts

Happiness will never come from settling for an average life, it comes from the right thinking.  You see, thinking wrong, believing wrong and confessing wrong will always lead to an unhappy, mediocre and uncomfortable way of life.


There are millions of people who are unhappy even though it is possible to be infinitely happy by just enjoying  your family, nature and life as a whole. Happiness is a choice because it is a mindset.  There are people engaged in difficult tasks and in warfare, as well as incarcerated in prisons even, who are still happy.

(Video Here)

"Happiness is not something ready made, it comes from your own actions." --Dalai Lama

"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself.  For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance, but by our disposition." --Martha Washington

We have a universal abundance of more than enough, yet we still see lack and poverty.  You can be happy in every situation just by changing your attitudes of mind.  You can control you future by controlling your thoughts.  Happiness is a decision followed by effort. The effort of Belief.

'The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.'
    ---Milton in Paradise Lost

Here's some examples of how the mind can influence our body::

Pavlov's dog starts salivating at the sound of the bell without any food in sight.
If we are tense we often get headache, backache, and spondylitis, etc.
Heart attacks are directly linked to worry and tension.
Right mental attitude helps in curing many bodily maladies.
By self-talk, motivation, and positive attitude we can become happy and successful.
Through hypnosis one can have command over another person’s mind and body.
Through meditation one can have a healthy body and extra sensory abilities.

Happiness comes from realizing that the mind has extra-ordinary powers.  The mind has the ultimate power when it comes to happiness.  We should, therefore, have a positive attitude towards life.  Instead of concentrating on bad things in life and people, we should concentrate on the redeeming features in them.

We have to let go of thinking about past failures and bad experiences, but be encouraged instead by our past success and good experiences.  Similarly we should never  be unduly anxious about the future as our anxiety will never have a positive effect, but we must plan and work hard for towards the future.

Your life will move in the direction of your most prominent thoughts, therefore, think Happy thoughts.  Be appreciative and thankful for all that you have and all that is coming your way.  Know that when you limit what you think you can do, you really limit what you can accomplish.

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."---Abraham Lincoln

Happiness is a sense of pleasure or contentment
Wisdom is knowing what to do
Skill is knowing how to do it
Success is doing it.

So realize that your happiness comes from the inside out.  It starts with a mindset to be happy, no matter what.  You are free to be happy in your mind.  The mind is difficult to be mastered by yourself, yet is is impossible to be vanquished by anybody, any authority, or whatever condition or situations you may face.

Don't worry, Stay Happy!

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To Your Success,

Angela Valadez

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Words Do Matter: Conscious vs Unconscious

Words Matter because they come from either your Conscious or Unconscious Mind.

By changing your thoughts and the words you speak, you can change your life from good to bad or from bad to good and cause it to become anything you want.  It’s up to you alone, and no one else.  Don’t get hung by your tongue.

Click Here To See Dave Woods Video on Changing the words you speak Changes Everything

Words Matter: Conscious vs Unconscious

It’s impossible to believe for success and think failure at the same time.  Your conscious mind is similar to a radio.  Once you unplug the cord, the contact between your Conscious mind and your Unconscious mind is disconnected.  Therefore, no ideas, information or answers to your problems are allowed through.

Your conscious mind will give you words of encouragement, engagement and inspiration to speak.  Words such as:  Money comes to me daily.  Everything is going great.  I have a prosperous business and a huge downline.  Everyone likes me.

While your unconscious mind still lives in fear, doubt and unbelief, speaking words like:  I feel sick and tired.  I can’t do this.  I’m tired of being broke.

You can’t serve two masters.  You have to choose which one you will follow.

It’s been said that both winning and losing are two sides of a coin. We want to win in all of  our endeavors, but unfortunately very few of us succeed.  Probably, because we listen to the unconscious mind and let him reign over our conscious mind.

There are many people who are successful and the reason they are is because they talk differently, than we do.  They have learned to listen to their conscious mind and whatever they do, anything they attempt, they tend to meet with success. Be it business, playing a game of cards, finding a date or even if they were to enter the Olympics…hey presto! They are the winners.
Words Matter: Conscious vs Unconscious
Winners EXPECT only winning. They study and model after others before them who were winners.  They speak words of life and not death into their situations.  They are confident and focused.

Most of you have run a race sometime or the other in your lives. What was your mindset before the race? Did you think you’d win before you ran the race or did you contemplate winning only when you were in the race? Perhaps you hadn't even thought positively and had already seen yourself as a loser. Then doubt and unbelief set in and you started thinking that it was impossible for you to win.  You know you couldn't win.

Thoughts are words because you are saying them to yourself without speaking in your mind.

Life and death are in the “words” you speak over yourself and to yourself.

Whether dealing in real estate or buying a car or just about anything, a winner EXPECTS and SPEAKS WINNING WORDS to get exactly what he wants.  And they do. And sometimes they do it against all odds. It is this EXPECTATION that makes one a winner, scoring over the rest.

Do you also want to be a winner?  Do you want to be successful?  What you have to do is…
Keep your eyes closed and imagine opening up your unconscious mind.   See your particular aspiration in life. Relax and concentrate. Let your mind focus only on the fact you are going to achieve your aim.

Now, shut your eyes once more and EXPECT that YOU WILL achieve your target. Observe a subtle change. Do you not feel more confident? That’s the difference between letting our mind ponder and waver too much about anything.

Perhaps you can win or lose. But the EXPECTATION has only one likelihood…. winning. You are almost there.

The answer now lies before you. So what do you do next? Apply your mind with full intensity, concentrate on your goal and EXPECT TO WIN.

Before any venture, just take a deep breath, relax and pause…. to think and ….TO WIN. Think of the aura of success around you. Bask in that glory of success. Now that you have set your mind on winning, you are surely going to be a winner.  Be thankful that you have already won. Give “Thanks” out loud…

If you speak “words of  life” into your goals and visions then everything you do or say will spell triumph. Not overnight, but through a process.  You will still fail forward because your thoughts and words have to have true Confidence, Belief and Expectation behind them.  It is a practiced learning, not an overnight quest.

Let your Words be meaningful, filled with expectation and triumph.  Let your conscious mind bring your unconscious mind into alignment. Speak words of life into every situation.

Now that you know the path to winning begins with your words, the rest is easy. And the chances are you WILL win. One hundred percent. At the right time, in the right place and with the right attitude.  All you require is the correct mindset, along with the proper Confidence, Belief and Expectation along with the winning “Words” to win.

If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

To Your Success,

Angela Valadez

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Humanity – The fact or Quality of being Human.

Being human means that we have flaws.  Some can be corrected, and then there’s those that the individual may not want to correct.  It has become a habit.  Some habits are hard to break, but need to be broken.

There are 2 lessons inside today’s video that can dramatically help your home business!

(Video and original Article here)

Never Allow Yourself To Lose Faith In Humanity


There are some very good leaders out there with a word in season for your business.  There are several who do have a tendency to use curse words.  We will not name names, and they do it sometimes in jest, sometimes because of habit, but the fact is, they do it.

Don’t shut yourself off to learning from a person who is successful because they say a curse word.  I do not condone curse words, but if the person has information that you need in order to succeed, Listen to them.  Clean out your ears later.  You are shooting yourself in the foot, if you totally block them out.

Thinking wrong, believing wrong and confessing wrong always leads to an unhappy, mediocre and uncomfortable life.  Sometimes you have to agree to disagree.

The successful person is the one who will do what the average person will not do.  Average is no more than being at the top of the bottom.

Humanity is evolving, and not always for the better.  Let us do the right thing and go out there and make it better, without the curse words.

Your growth potential, return on your investment, will reward you in the proportion of your efforts.  Your personal independence is limited only by your vision, desire and actions.  This alone has already made you above average.

Always remember this:  Being a servant won’t make you famous–JUST RICH.

If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

To Your Success,


Angela Valadez




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Social Monkee is the Backlinks Builder



If you want your pages to rank well in the search engines, you need to build backlinks, but in a smart and efficient way.

This implies building backlinks to your money pages (Tier 1), but also to your existing backlinks (Tier 2), to boost them and pass on some link juice.

Well, there is a link building service that allows you to do both with great ease.

This service is a proven link building solution that has already helped thousands, to not only build backlinks to their pages, but also boost their existing backlinks. Building backlinks can be a time-consuming, boring process. You can outsource the process to an agency and pay a lot of money, or you can do it yourself…3818710917?profile=original

The service I’m talking about is Social Monkee, which offers a quick and easy way to build backlinks to any page, whether it’s your own page or a page that links to your page. Submitting a URL to Social Monkee takes less than a few minutes, and it only takes a few seconds if you use the Firefox or Chrome Plugin (provided to you at no cost).

Whether or not you already build backlinks to your pages, Social Monkee is a must-have. If you’re new to link building, Social Monkee is a great place to start as it’s very easy to use and does a great job. If you already build backlinks but don’t see the benefits, here is your chance to boost them and make them pass on some powerful link juice to your pages.

The system even integrates popular content spinning and link indexing tools so you can submit URLs even faster and get the most out of your backlinks. The network keeps growing, with new sites added every week, so sign up now and submit your URLs within the next few minutes to boost your rankings and get the traffic your pages deserve.

Check out the Advantages of Social Monkee Here:

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To our Success,

Angela Valadez


(Original Article Found Here)

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