Angela Valadez's Posts (167)

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Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Stress all derive from a phobia, or type of fear.

Anxiety is a physiological state that’s caused by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS).Are you prone to Anxiety, Panic Attacks or Stress?

Anxiety doesn’t necessarily stem from fear or defensive actions, but is quite often based on irrational or illogical fears. It can come from a need to escape situations which make us anxious and may at some level bring relief.  This encourages us to escape the situation instead of working through the anxiety.

SNS is always active at the base level (called sympathetic tone) and becomes more active in stressful situations. The ”flight or fight” response occurs from here.

The physical symptoms of anxiety include those of stress (sweaty palms, racing heart, churning stomach), with the addition of: difficulty breathing, panicky feelings, chest pain or discomfort, flushed skin, sweating, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, trembling or shaking, and headaches.


Recovering from an anxiety disorder is attainable, but there is no “quick fix,” “miracle cure,” or “secret remedy” for it. Recovering from Anxiety disorder requires accessing the correct information, help, and support, and then applying the right tools to bring about lasting success.

Said the robin to the sparrow,
“I would really like to know,
whey these anxious hum ban beings
Rush around and worry so.”

Said the sparrow to the robin,
“I think that it must be
that they have no Heavenly Father
such as cares for you and me.”

What is a Panic Attack?

Panic has been related to the “fight or flight” mechanism. Panic attacks are sudden feelings of terror that strike without warning. A Panic Attack can be seen as a sudden fear that is able to dominate or replace our thing, and is a reaction that is brought about by some outside stimulus.  It is said to be a product of the sympathetic nervous system.

A panic disorder is characterized by recurrent, spontaneous panic attacks. A panic attack is an acute episode of terror and discomfort. A barrage of terrifying symptoms take over the body, usually lasting only a couple of minutes, but sometimes continuing for up to ten minutes.

A Panic Attack will often occur when a situation happens which is perceived to be life or health threatening.  In other words, panic is an anxiety state we happen to be thinking about.Are you prone to Anxiety, Panic Attacks or Stress?

Stress is a psychosocial reaction. It’s influenced by the way a person filters nonthreatening external events. The filtering is based on the person’s assumptions, ideas and expectations. These assumptions, ideas and expectations can be referred to as social constructionism.

Stress can be a reaction to something out of your control, such as being stuck in traffic. This is considered short lived stress. Or it can last a long time if you’re dealing with relationship problems, a spouse’s death or other serious situations. Stress becomes dangerous when it interferes with your ability to live a normal life over an extended period. You may feel tired, unable to concentrate or irritable. Stress can also damage your physical health.

Both Panic Attacks and Stress  play very important roles in the natural survival instinct. The preparations for fight or flight are the body’s defense mechanisms. Preparing for the necessary course of action to be applied to preserve one’s, health or life, whichever one is in danger at the time.

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To Your Success,

Angela Valadez

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Baby Boomers And Home Based Business

When it comes to Baby Boomers and a Home Based Business it’s important to be Open Minded and Creative

Creativity requires a willingness to look stupid, realizing that successful people think differently than unsuccessful people.  By understanding that the reason some people don’t achieve their dreams of a thriving home business is because they desire to change their results without changing their thinking.


Baby Boomers and Home Based Business can be a great venture when you fine tune them.

The baby boomer generation is like no other before it or after it. Technically, they are considered middle-aged, but they are anything but middle-aged in mind, body and spirit.

They know there is more meaning to life than just a commute to an unrewarding 9-5 job; but there are some really important steps they must take first.  In following these steps, planning and preparing for their home business now will lead to less headache’s later on.Baby Boomers and Home Based Business

Don’t quit your day job too soon!

In order to make progress in any area you must take action.  Successful people succeed through their thinking, their hands being helpers to their brains.

It is know that deciding to leave the security of a job with an established 401(k) plan, health insurance or other benefits can create a real tug of war issue with the baby boomers who truly intend to pursue their dreams of owning their own business.

Some things to consider before leaving your job to start your own business:

1.  Determine Your Exit Strategy

If you are a Baby Boomer now, you are somewhere between the age of 43 and 65 probably.  It doesn’t really matter where you fall into this group, it is important for you to determine, analyze and prepare a defined exit strategy from your present job.

It’s very important to have an adequate savings stored away. Think of this as, “The Just in Case syndrome!”  But really it’s just plain old common sense, or better yet, “Wisdom.”

Also, you need to figure out where your health insurance will come from.  A working spouse?

2. Financial Planning

Creating a solid plan so that you and your family will know exactly what the financial picture will be until your business gets off the ground and starts generating revenue.

3.  Knowledge of type of Business You Want To Start

There are many different business models in which to choose from; such as home parties, consulting, online marketing, and affiliate marketing, as well as, health and fitness, just to name a few. Your  decision based must be based on your personality and what you are best-suited for.  It should be something you truly enjoy doing or you will fail.

Choosing a legal entity for your business should be discussed with a tax accountant or your attorney. Options are sole proprietor, LLC or Sub-chapter S- Corp.

4.  Plan Your Map and Map Your Plan.  Set Benchmarks.

Because you wouldn't travel across the country without a road map, it’s just as important that you treat your business the same. Setting financial and business-building benchmarks will help you to create a focused plan of action which will help you to reach your success.

5.  You Must Get Physical – Workout


While pursuing your dreams of a home business is something you may be very passionate about, you still need to be healthy.  If you do not have good health to enjoy the rewards of your efforts, then not much else is important.  What’s the point?

“For the Flower to blossom, you need the right soil as well as the right seed.  The same is true to cultivate good thinking.”–William Bernbach

Baby Boomers and Home Based Business can be win win when put together with the right mindset.

“Half of this game is ninety percent mental.”–Danny Ozark

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To Your Success,

Angela Valadez

(Original Article Here)

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The Best Is Yet To Come

Always Remember That The Best Is Yet To Come!

I want to share with you a story about a fork.  In fact, this story is called: 

                                                           "The Fork."


There was a woman who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and been given three months to live.  So she was in the process of getting her things "in order."  She contacted her pastor and asked him to come to her house to discuss certain aspects of her "final wishes."  
She told the pastor what songs she wanted sung at her service, as well as what scriptures she would like to be read.  She showed him what outfit she wanted to be buried in, as well as, requested for her favorite Bible be buried with her.
As everything was in order, the pastor prepared to leave, when suddenly the woman remembered something very important to her.  Wait, she said excitedly; "There's one more thing."
What's that, replied the pastor.  This is very important, she said, I want to buried with a fork in my hand."  The Pastor was in shock...That surprises you, doesn't it, said the woman.  "Well to be honest, I'm pretty puzzled at this request, said the pastor.
The woman explained.  "In all my years of attending church socials and potluck dinners, I always remember that when the dishes of the main course were being cleared, someone would inevitably lean over and say, "keep your fork."  It was my favorite part because I knew that something better was velvety chocolate cake or deep-dish apple pie.


Something wonderful, and with substance would be served next.  So, I just want people to see me there in that casket with a "fork" in my hand and I want them to wonder, "What is with the fork?"  Then I want you to tell them:  "Keep your Fork?"  "The Best Is Yet To Come."
The pastor's eyes welled up with tears of joy as he hugged the woman goodbye.  He knew this would be one of the last times he would see her before her death.  But he also knew that the woman had a better grasp of heaven than he did.  She KNEW that something better was coming.
At the funnel people were walking by the woman's casket and they saw the pretty dress she was wearing and her favorite Bible along with the "Fork" placed in her right hand.  Over and over again the pastor smiled.
During the message, the pastor told the people of the conversation he had with the woman shortly before she died.  He also told them about "the fork" and about what it symbolized to her.
The pastor also told the people how he could not stop thinking about "the fork" and told them they probably would not be able to stop thinking about it either.  He was right!
So the next time you reach down for your "fork," let it remind you, oh so gently that: "THE BEST IS YET TO COME.."
(Unknown Author)
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Angela Valadez
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Are You Sure You’re Coachable?

Being Coachable means that you follow Directions….

Before you can achieve any type of success in your life, you have to first know deep within yourself that it is possible.

In order to succeed at anything, you must first be Coachable.   You must follow directions, you cannot hold back. You must give it your “all.”Are you sure You're Coachable?

It has been said that success is not a matter of luck, accident of birth or a rewarded virtue. It is in fact, a matter of decision, commitment, planning, preparation, execution and recommitment.

It will not come to you, you must go to it.

Video by one of my mentors:  Mike Hobbs

Video located here:

Being Coachable means that you are humble, approachable, attentive to directions, receptive, trusting, shapeable, curious, objective, trusting, committed and confident.

“Decision is the spark that ignites action.  Until a decision is made, nothing happens.”–Wilfred A Peterson

Important choices move you toward your goals. Urgent choices demand immediate attention.  Being “Coachable” involves reducing urgent choices to a minimum and concentration on important choices.

So:  Answer the question?  Are You Sure You’re Coachable?

Click Here To Join Our Team & Get FREE Coaching From “The Prosperity Team”


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To Your Success,

Angela Valadez



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Has Discouragement Distracted You Lately?

Allowing Discouragement To Distract You Stops Your Flow of Action

Are You Allowing Discouragement To Distract You?

It’s easy to mistake the difficult for the impossible.  Sometimes, things, or distractions that appear to be impossible are easy enough, if you take the proactive approach.

There will be times when you will have business partners or downlines which may not be on the same level as you.  It can become overwhelming and frustrating at times.  It will take all the strength within you, but you will have to focus your efforts on the future.

Maybe you’ve had a product or service that bombed, it didn’t work out as you had hoped. Put it behind you, use it as a stepping stone to create a better product.  Learn from the lesson, not withdraw and give up all hope.

Circumstances from time to time in life as well as in bushiness may be beyond your control, but you have full control of your “responses” to the circumstances.

“The desirableness of a life is to be measured by the amount of interest and not the amount of ease in it, for the more ease, the more unrest.”—George MacDonald

One of the most important videos to watch if you are Discouraged in your business right now!

Video found here:

In any endeavor there is a “Law of Seed Time and Harvest Time”.  A crop does not grow overnight.  It must be nurtured and sustained.

Example:  If one kernel of corn produces one stalk with two ears, each ear having 200 kernels; from those 400 kernels come, 400 stalks with 160,000 kernels.  All from one kernel planted only one season earlier.

Never allow Discouragement to Distract you again.  Remember the story of the one kernel of corn and all it produced.  You just have to have a “Burning Desire, Willingness To Work and be Coachable to succeed in any endeavor.

If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

To your Success,

Angela Valadez

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Humanity – The fact or Quality of being Human.

Being human means that we have flaws.  Some can be corrected, and then there’s those that the individual may not want to correct.  It has become a habit.  Some habits are hard to break, but need to be broken.

There are 2 lessons inside today’s video that can dramatically help your home business!


Never Allow Yourself To Lose Faith In Humanity


There are some very good leaders out there with a word in season for your business.  There are several who do have a tendency to use curse words.  We will not name names, and they do it sometimes in jest, sometimes because of habit, but the fact is, they do it.

Don’t shut yourself off to learning from a person who is successful because they say a curse word.  I do not condone curse words, but if the person has information that you need in order to succeed, Listen to them.  Clean out your ears later.  You are shooting yourself in the foot, if you totally block them out.

Thinking wrong, believing wrong and confessing wrong always leads to an unhappy, mediocre and uncomfortable life.  Sometimes you have to agree to disagree.

The successful person is the one who will do what the average person will not do.  Average is no more than being at the top of the bottom.

Humanity is evolving, and not always for the better.  Let us do the right thing and go out there and make it better, without the curse words.

Your growth potential, return on your investment, will reward you in the proportion of your efforts.  Your personal independence is limited only by your vision, desire and actions.  This alone has already made you above average.

Always remember this: The Humanity of Being a servant won’t make you famous–JUST RICH.

If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

To Your Success,


Angela Valadez




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Fear- A Positive Motivator

Using fear as a positive motivator occurs when you decide to take a risk.

With every risk you take,  you will encounter with it, an element of fear.  In order to be successful you must engage in risk-taking activities.  You see, it is how you respond to the fear which makes the difference between success and failure.3818710441?profile=original

Choose to cower at this fear and you are sure to fail.  Choose instead to engage the fear and let it motivate you to action, then and only then will you succeed.


“You cannot surrender to fear, but you can use it as a kind of fuel.”–Jose Torres

Learn to control fear in order to make it work for you.  Soon, you will find that it has become your best friend.  You will then look forward to the engagement of fear because you are confident that you will overtake and overcome it.  Practice makes perfect.

“We must stop assuming that a thing which has never been done before probably cannot be done at all.”–Donald M. Nelson


Don’t quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and its turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When they might have won, had they stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit,
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit!


Things to think about:

1.  When wisdom reigns, it pours
2.  Fear and worry are interest paid in advance or something which may never come
3.  The faith to move mountains, always carries a pick
4.  People are born originals, but most die copies
5.  Ideas go away, but direction stays
6.  Your problem is your promotion
7.  Being a servant won’t make you famous–JUST RICH!

So remember, something as negative as fear, can be used as a positive motivator.  Take a Risk.  Don’t be a quitter.  Defeat fear and make it your positive motivator.

Many entrepreneurs have learned that in the moments where everything was at stake and the fate of their business was on the line is when they had their most creative ideas come to surface.  This is because instead of running from the fear, they used the fear as a positive motivator by opening up their receiving channels. Let fear open your mind to find solutions.

The Prosperity Team is here to help you overcome all your fears and lead and guide you into success.  All you have to do is “plug in.”

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To Your Success,

Angela Valadez


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Timeless Truths that we may tend to forget or overlook.

The timeless truths I will be speaking about have been recognized throughout the centuries, and have indeed stood the test of time.3818710353?profile=original

1.  Self Centeredness.

To be blatantly honest, for the most part, we are most definitely a self centered nation.  Even though we tend to sacrifice for others, it is still motivated by our own self interests first.

“Men  occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.”–Winston Churchill

It has been said that the truth will set you free, but first it will make you angry.

Have you ever considered how you see the world.  Do you imagine it the way you would like it to be.  Then when reality hits home, you see that it will never be the way you imagined it to be.Timeless Truths To Be Considered

Sometimes when we can’t get our own way, we just want to throw up our hands and say, “Forget this.”  What’s the point and have a tendency to want to become bitter.  Then we can use this as an “out” instead of trying to “do the right thing.”

This is a childish reaction, but even as adults, sometimes we may have the same tendency.  Sometimes it’s easier to become bitter and careless than it is to accept responsibility.  It’s easier to avoid a situation, than to make the necessary changes it takes to get the correct perspective.

In order to avoid this bitterness that comes with so called “duty” or sense of duty, we need to see how being a good person and doing the right thing is not about self centeredness.

It’s easy for us to point out self-centeredness or self righteousness in other’s and want to correct their behavior.  But what sits on the inside of us?

Tell a man he’s wrong, and it isn’t usually enough to change his behavior. It’s better to show him his true interest – that behaving in a certain better way is better for HIM. Deal with yourself in the same manner that you want to deal with others.

You may see a “toothpick” in the eye of your brother, but have you realized the “tree trunk” in yours (my version)?  Don’t point fingers, unless, you first point that same finger  at yourself.

Timeless Truth:  In all of this, there’s a question you should ask yourself:

“Am I building a solid mental foundation on “facts” so that I can think with certainty?”

2.  You’re Not Perfect.

 You Will Make Mistakes.

“Have no fear of perfection. You’ll never reach it.”—Salvador Dali

Maybe you see this as negativity, but recognizing the truth is never a negative act. We all make mistakes. The greatest man or woman alive – whoever he or she maybe – has done some really stupid things.
Don’t see this as an attack on human greatness, only a recognition.  No one is perfect!  Perfectionists, unfortunately, tend to  certainly suffer for their own demands upon themselves.  Then there are others, who hesitate to act for “fear of mistakes”.

Realize that making mistakes is normal.  Don’t dwell on the the possibility or the reality of those mistakes. Learn from them.

“Do your work, then step back – The only path to serenity.”–Lao Tzu

3.  Ever Learning

Our mistakes give us a chance to learn, as well as a chance to avoid even bigger mistakes.

Of course, we also can learn from our successes, and from the successes of others. Why not view mistakes and successes – both our own and others – as the great opportunities they are. Just seize that chance to learn more and so live better.

4.  Change Happens

Maybe you’ve seen people that appear to learn “nothing” from their mistakes and continue to keep on repeating them. At the same time, you’ve also known and read about those who turned their lives around? A less important truth is that there are some people who will never change.

The far more important truth to remember, and the most important of these timeless  truths, is that we CAN change.  Just be ready for it when it happens.

“Deliberate with caution, but act with decision; and yield with graciousness or oppose with firmness..”–Charles Hole

The timeless truths to be considered and remembered are these, we are self centered and need to change it to other’s centered.  We are not perfect and will never be perfect.  We are to be ever learning on a daily basis and change will happen no matter whether you want to change or not.

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To Your Unlimited Success,

Angela Valadez

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How To Increase Your Reading Skills

Increase Your Reading Skills through Speed Reading

Increasing your Reading Skills will be an ongoing process.  This is something that anyone can do if they are up to the challenge.  Most people can in fact do this without the sacrifice of  their comprehension skills.3818710304?profile=original

The good thing is this:  Being able to read faster also allows you have more information at your disposal. It is possible for some people to read an entire book at one sitting. Once you realize the secret of increasing your peripheral vision and exercise your eye muscles in the correct manner.  You will begin to see a drastic change in your reading abilities.

3818710270?profile=originalUnfortunately, there are still many people who have to read out loud or finger through their reading to keep track.  This can be very frustrating as well as time consuming.

The good news is this:  Saccade.  What is this, you say?

It is any of the rapid, involuntary jumps made by the eyes from one fixed point to another.

There are some people who can only read one word per saccade.  This then forces them to have to perform many saccades per line of text.  The faster reader can absorb more text per line which enables them to have less saccades per line of text. The really good readers can even envelope one saccade per paragraph.

This can be done and is quite possible.  It is a learned ability.  Yes, it is possible to decrease the number of saccades per page as well as the speed of leaps between saccades.

In order for you to be able to improve your ability to absorb words per saccade, it is important that you perform some exercises in which to train your mind to absorb more information. Many people are taught to read one word at a time. This is great for beginners. However, as you grow older and get better at your reading skills, it’s important for you to increase these skills through practice.

Don’t concern yourself with comprehension at the beginning. Just try to expand the focus of your mind as you go through groups of words. You can exercise this habit by scanning through a text document with the emphasis on speed and word recognition. Contrary to what some may tend to believe, your mind is neither slow nor limited to a certain number of words per minute. Once you begin to train your eyes to scan and recognize quicker, your mind will follow suit.

At the completion of this type of exercise, you will want to test your comprehension next. Do you remember what you read? You can use any book to perform this action; or you can use a reading application which is specifically designed for just this purpose.

Learn the numerous eye-movement exercises to help your eye muscles react more quickly and to help you read faster. These exercises will usually involve lateral eye movements which are good warm ups before reading activities.

Never over stress your eyes.  Give them a few minutes break between readings. When practicing your speed reading, remember that rest is very important.  Your eyes will need a chance to refocus and rest in between reading sessions.

Using Speed Reading as a means of learning how to increase your reading skills will bring about an exponential increase in the inflow of knowledge and information you receive.

Given proper reading training and techniques, one may be able to increase his or her reading speed by as much as four times upon the first few days of training.

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To Your Success,

Angela Valadez


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It's important to live today as though there were no Tomorrow for this reason:

"None of US Are Guaranteed Tomorrow!"3818710129?profile=original

Lost hours and minutes add up.  Time management experts tell us that 20 percent of our time brings 80 percent of the results.  Therefore, 80 percent of our time is virtually wasted on just 20 percent of our results.

Sometime we tend to get so caught up in life and making a living for our families that we may actually be neglecting them.

There's a story about a person that knew that in a few weeks the light of his life would come to an end.  There would be nothing left for him.  As he pondered his life he felt an great emptiness.  This is what he admitted to a friend:

"If only I had lived my life differently, I might not have felt such an emptiness now. Promise me," as he caught his friends hand, "Promise me that you won't make the same mistake."

When the friend asked him what mistakes, he asked them to get a pen and paper and to jot down his last words. Here they are in a condensed form:

1) Talk less; listen more.

2) Listen to your grandfather's stories about his youth. When he's gone, you will relive the bond through these memories.

3) Invite friend over for a snack or dinner even if the house is a mess.

4) Eat popcorn in the living room even though its messy.

5) Invite the friends who have children home. Don't worry about their children creating a mess.

6) Sit on the grass even though it dirties your pants.

7) Never buy something just because it lasts for a long time or because it is practical.

8) Stay in bed and at home when sick and stop pretending that the world cannot go one without me for a day.

9) Light up the wonderfully crafted candles and let them burn out. Better this than they accumulate dust in the closet.

10) Share life's responsibilities with a partner, not only expenses.

11) (Meant for Women) Instead of waiting for the pregnancy to get over, cherish each moment in your heart. Understand that the life in you is the only chance you will get to help god create magic.

12) Let your children hug and kiss you whenever they wish to. Don't stop them by saying things like: later, go wash your hands first, we have to eat dinner.

13) Say the following two phrases as often as possible: "I love you" and "I am sorry."

14) Stop worrying about who loves or and who doesn't or about what others have or don't have.

15) Cherish all personal human relations.

16) Play with a pet every day. Laugh and run with it and take part in all its antics.

17) Spend more time with the people who love you.

18) Stop sweating because of all the small details and problems of life.

19) Grab every moment, look at it and live it. That moment will never return again.

20) Love is a verb.  Act on it everyday.

Although this person's name is unknown, he left a great message for us all.  Cherish today, for you can not regain it.  Do the best you can to support your family and others.  Teach as much as you can and become beneficial to others.3818710184?profile=original

Most of all remember this:  "Love covers a multitude of sin."  Forgive and Forget.  Let Go and Let Live.  Be steadfast, unmovable and ready to be a blessing to someone in some way, even if it's just a simple smile.

Each of us are blessed with this day.  We need to accept this "blessing and strive" to become stronger both physically, mentally and emotionally.

When it comes to living your life today as though there were no tomorrow, try to remember to Cherish life, family, friendships and acquaintances.

If you enjoyed this article, please "like and share."

To your Undeniable Success,

Angela Valadez

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Keeping The "Happy" In Marriage

Keeping the "happy" in marriage is first understood by understanding that men and women are different from each other in order to bring pleasure to each other, and to give to each other, in a variety of countless ways, what the other lacks.3818709990?profile=original

Your role in marriage is like riding a bicycle.  You must keep pedaling and moving forward daily.  Sometimes you may fall off the bike, but, you can always pick yourself up and get back on and begin pedaling again.

At times you will come across steep roads, narrow roads, wide roads and challenging roads with a lot of twists and turns.

It takes skill and practice to stay on the bike and it will take skill and practice to stay in the marriage.  The more you give, the more you will gain in return.

KEEPING THE "HAPPINESS" IN MARRIAGE:3818709932?profile=original

Happy is the husband and wife who remain affectionate, considerate and loving long after the marriage vows are over and the sound of the wedding bells chime no more.

Happy is the husband and wife who remain polite and courteous to each other in the same manner they are to their friends.

Happy are those who have a sense of humor, because it will become a handy shock absorber.

Happy are the couples who abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages.

Happy are those who love their mates more than any other person in the world, and who joyfully fulfill thier marriage vow of a lifetime of fidelity and mutual understanding and helpfulness to each other.

Happy are couples who attain parenthood.  Children are a heritage from the Lord.

Happy are those who remember to give "thanks" daily for their food before they partake of it and who set apart some time daily for the reading of the Word and Prayer.

Happy are those who never speak loudly and unkindly to one another and who tend to make their home a place where:  "Seldom is heard a discouraging word."

Happy are the couple who faithfully attend worship services and work together there for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Happy are the couple who can work out their problems of adjustments without interferering relatives.

Happy is the husband and wife who have a complete understanding of financial matters and who have worked out a partnership with all money under the control of "both."

Happy are those who humbly dedicate their lives and homes to Chris, and who practice the teachings of Christ in the home by being unselfish, loyal and loving.

Happy is the husband and wife who pray together regularly, because this produces intimacy as a couple.

Remember this:

"Romantic love is a good medicine for fears and anxieties and a low self-image.  Psychologist point out that real romantic love has an organizing and constructive effect on our personalities   It brings out the best in us, giving us the will to improve ourselves an to reach for a greater maturity and responsibility.  This love enables us to begin to function at our highest level"  --Dr Ed Wheat

Tip:  Take the initiative to Be loving and surprise your mate.  Call them up and ask them out on a date!

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Commands We Are Required To Keep

We have been given some Commands that are To Be Followed.  Not just Ten, But How About Forty.

Keep in mind that acting on God's Will is like riding a bicycle:3818709885?profile=original

 "If you don't go on, you will go off!"

No matter what your career, do it with a sense of high calling.  You influence the atmosphere and character of everyone around you, whether at an office, a plant, or at home.

Forty Commands to Follow After:

1.   To be in the right relationship with our brother.  (Matthew 5:24)

2.   To follow after peace. (Colossians 3:15)

3.   Never to "Get Even".  (1 Thessalonians 5:15)

4.   To Always Be An Example To Others.  (1 Timothy 4:12)

5.   To be Abounding, Steadfast and Unmovable.  (1 Corinthians 15:58)

6.   To renew our minds daily. (Romans 12:2)

7.  To separate ourselves from unclean things (2 Corinthians 6:17)

8.   To be content with what we have. (Hebrews 13:5)

9.  To be filled with the Spirit.  (Ephesians 5:18)

10.To have no fear of what men can do to us. (Luke 12:4)

11.Not to be like the world.  (Romans 12:2)

12.To avoid greed and envy. (Hebrews 13:5)

13.To be patient with "All" people. (1 Thessalonians 5:14)

14.NOT TO QUIT.  (2 Thessalonians 3:13)

15.To be people of QUALITY. (Hebrews 6:12)

16.To beware of False Prophets. (Matthew 7:15)

17.To avoid all wrong conversation. (1 Timothy 6:20)

18.Not to quench the Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:19)

19.To abstain from all lust of the flesh. (1 Peter 2:11)

20.To teach our children about the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)

21.To cast "all our cares" upon the Lord. (1 Peter 5:7)

22.To AVOID all murmuring or disputing. (Philippians 2:14)

23.To give "Thanks" in everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

24.To train our children. (Proverbs 22:6)

25.Not to grieve the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 4:30)

26.To honor our parents. (Ephesians 6:2; Matthew 19:19)

27.To submit ourselves to God. (James 4:7)

28.To let men see our good works. (James 4:7)

29.To resist the evil one. (James 4:7)

30.To put on the whole armor of God. (Ephesians 6:11)

31.To humble ourselves. (James 4:10)

32.To walk in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25)

33.To cast down vain imaginations. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

34.To come boldly to God. (Hebrews 4:16)

35.To seek God's Kingdom and Righteousness. (Matthew 6:33)

36.To forsake "Not" the assembling of ourselves. (Hebrews 10:25)

37.To look to Jesus. (Hebrews 18:19)

38.To be in Agreement. (Matthew 18:19)

39.Not to cause others to stumble. (Romans 14:13)

40.To give generously, so you can receive generously. (2 Corinthians 9:6) 

In our daily lives, as well as, in our businesses these are some commands that should be kept in order to succeed  at a quicker pace.  Wisdom is knowing what to do, Skill is knowing how to Do It, and Success is doing it.

Some may agree, some may not; but it definitely couldn't hurt to develop a better mindset and attitude towards ourselves and others.  It's all about respect.  Respect yourself and Respect Others.

"A good reputation is more valuable than money."--Publilius Syrus

Remember when "Much is given to us, much will rightfully be expected from us.  We have duties to others and duties to ourselves; and we can shirk neither." --Theodore Roosevelt

Whether you're washing dishes, changing a diaper, or writing a sales contract, the above commands we are required to keep.  

"Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." (Colossians 3:17)

To your Success,

Angela Valadez


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Direct Opinion vs Expert Counsel!

Do you tend to listen to people’s opinions when making important decisions that could impact the rest of your life?

Or do you seek out expert counsel


Usually the people that are having a hard time succeeding tend to listen to “opinions” vs counsel…

If you feel that this is you, then realize that you have a choice right now to change that. Begin to start hanging around with people who have the success you deserve!

Someone who at one time attended a Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen workshop said that one of the topics they covered was looking for a personal coach.

When you think about it, what are some of the interests where people would actually be looking for a personal coach.

Here are some:

Basketball, Golf, Football, Tennis, Weightlifting, Business Building and Real Estate, just to name a few.

Most people felt that Michael Jordan would be the best basketball coach. For golf, undoubtedly would be Tiger Woods. Why?  Because he’s been through the school of “Hard Knocks.” If you’re thinking about Money, you’d go for Bill Gates or Donald Trump. Real Estate, who else but Robert Kiyosaki, the writer of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.  Motivation and Self Confidence, why not Anthony Robbins.

What is the logic here.  If you intend to be good at a particular skill than you’d better find someone who is well known for being great at that talent or skill.

A lot of people do not realize that playing skills and coaching skills are two different mediums. Vince Lombardi was never a great football player but is an incredible coach.

If I wanted a Real Estate Investing coach, I would look for Robert Kiyosaki. Why?  Because he shows you the comparison between his two mentors.  His Rich Dad and His Poor Dad.  But when it comes to Real Estate, he self taught, but he also learned a great deal from John Burley regarding Real Estate investing.

Be sure you know who you are teaming up with as a Mentor.  Take Michael Jordan the famous basketball player for example. Michael Jordan was one of the most incredible basketball players around, but his coaching skills are not even close to his playing skills.

Tiger Woods was totally awesome at golf. He’d turn heads when he started winning so much at golf. Then one day he decided to fire Butch Harmon.

Tiger fought for a long time to get his swing back on track adding a couple other coaches such as Hank and Sean.  He’s getting it all back together now, but maybe if he’d kept Butch it wouldn't have gotten lost in the first place (Only Tiger knows for sure; “My Opinion”).

So always remember when you are looking for a coach. Always look at  the results of the students. Who has the top students? That is who your coach should be.  Follow a known leader and do as he/she has done.

Another one of those places for some really good coaching or expert counsel could be the “Prosperity Team”, we are here to help you succeed and plug you into a team of individuals all working to better your life in all areas of: Wealth, Health and Happiness!

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Forgiveness - A Requirement!

Forgiveness is essential for good human relationships.

You must forgive some one who has wronged you in order for you to be forgiven.  It's impossible to hug someone with your arms folded.  There are times when doing nothing will demand much greater strength than taking action.3818709694?profile=original

Maintaining your composure is quite often the best evidence of "power".  There was once a great leader that even under their vilest and deadliest of charges responded with deep, unbroken silence.  In fact, His silence was so profound that it caused His accusers and spectators to wonder in awe.

Even when it came down to the greatest insults, some of the most violent treatment and even mockery which would bring righteous indignation to the weakest of hearts, He still responded with voiceless, confident calmness.

If you are ever unjustly accused or mistreated without a cause, remember that the tremendous strength which is necessary to keep silent is within you.

It is to our own benefit to forgive those who have come against us in some manner because the weight of unforgiveness weighs you down.  It can be a tremendous load to carry for anyone who is suppose to be in any type of leadership position, whether, mom, dad, teacher, preacher, business owner, etc, et al.

You see,unforgiveness leads to bitterness, which is a deadly misuse of the creative flow from above.  You may not have realized this, but;  "A Chip on the Shoulder Weighs a Ton."

3818709792?profile=originalWe are called to Build Bridges, not burn them.  Always remember that Revenge and Vengeance are poor traveling companions.  When you try to "get even" with someone, be assured that it will cause imbalance and unhappiness in your life.

Men may misjudge your aim
Think they have cause to blame,
Say, you are wrong;
Keep on your quiet way,
There's only one Judge, not they,
Fear not, Be Strong...

Forgiveness gives you a spring in your step and a second wind in the race of life.

"Forgiveness is a gift, you give yourself."  Tony Robbins

"Forgiveness is not something we do for other people.  We do it for ourselves to get on and move on."

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Mastermind: Shared Thinking

"How Can Two Walk Together Unless They Be In Agreement."

Masterminding is when you surround yourself and affiliate with the right of kind of people, you enter into the gold of Shared Thinking.3818709534?profile=original

"Two are Strong  
One is weak, feeble"

Because we become like those with whom we associate, it's important for us to have foundational level people in our lives.  This is because they bring out the best in us.  They cause us to have greater faith and confidence, to see things from a greater perspective.

It is truly better to be alone than to be in the wrong company. One conversation with the right person can be more valuable than many years of study. 

"I desire what is good.  Therefore, everyone who doesn't agree with me is a traitor." --King George III 

Good thinkers, especially those who are also good leaders, understand the power of shared thinking or the benefits of a Mastermind group.  They tend to know that when you value the thoughts and values of others, they receive the compounding results of shared thinking and will be able to accomplish much more than they ever could have on their own.

3818709631?profile=originalSix important reasons why Mastermind Thinking is so Beneficial:

1.  Mastermind Thinking is Faster than Solo Thinking

2.  Mastermind Thinking is More Innovative than Solo Thinking

3.  Mastermind Thinking Brings More Maturity than Solo Thinking

4.  Mastermind Thinking Is Stronger Than Solo Thinking

5.  Mastermind Thinking Returns Greater Value Than Solo Thinking

6.  Mastermind Thinking Is The Only Way To Have Great Thinking

You see, if you combine the thoughts which you have along with the thoughts others have, then you will come up with the thoughts you've never had!

"He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master."--Ben Johnson

"To accept good advice is but to increase on'e own ability."  --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"None of us is as smart as all of us."---Ken Blanchard

Because a Mastermind consists of two or more individuals it is important to encourage the participation of Mastermind Thinking when you have a team and are building a business.

There is power in group focused Mastermind Thinking:

"An optimist looks at a glass and says the glass is half full.
A pessimist looks at a glass and says it is half empty.
An engineer looks at a glass and says that the glass is
twice as big as it needs to be."  --SOURCE UNKNOWN

"To be able to concentrate for a considerable time is essential to difficult achievement."--Bertrand Russell

A Mastermind group consisting of the necessary shared thinking with "focus" can bring energy and power to almost any situation, whether physical or mental.

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How To Develop A Winning Attitude

Attitude is a manner of acting, feeling, mood or thinking which shows one's disposition or opinion.

Anything new can be a little intimidating at first, but you can do whatever it is you're going after. Just realize that it is your attitude which determines your altitude – in business as well as in life. It's also important for you to know that it's impossible for you to change someone else’s attitude for them. The only attitude you can change is your own.3818709507?profile=original

There are, however,several ways each of us can develop a winning attitude each and every day. Check out what a couple leaders thought about this.

Dale Carnegie, speaking to that quote said: “Yes, if we think happy thoughts, we will be happy. If we think miserable thoughts, we will be miserable. If we think fear thoughts, we will be fearful. If we think sickly thoughts we probably will be ill. If we think failure, we will certainly fail. If we wallow in self-pity, everyone will want to shun us and avoid us”.

Marcus Aurelius, the great philosopher who ruled the Roman Empire, said it simply: “Our life is what our thoughts make it”.

While confidence is an essential attitude, cockiness imply isn't. If you're in business just to profit from other people's misfortunes, chances are you won't go very far. If you're in business to help people out of jams and hopefully make a nice living while doing it, that's a winning attitude.

Mental attitude is the power we hold in our minds. It is possible for your reality to be changed dramatically by something as simple as a single thought. In terms of leadership, it’s more likely that you are what you think.

Contrary to what people want to believe, outside influences don’t usually determine your happiness or success, rather it is how we react to those influences – good or bad. So how it is possible for you to change your reactions to those outside forces? Easy...

To change your reactions to outside forces, you will have to make it a conscious priority to do so. This means that this well have to become a daily practice.

1. Humor

When things don't seem to be going in the direction you desired, you will have to learn to keep everything in perspective and relax. Laugh out loud. Throw up their hands. You can't laugh and me angry at the same time.

2. Practice positive self-confident feelings.

They not only help you achieve more; they also make others want to be associated with you. People are drawn to others who have an upbeat outlook, who have a can-do attitude. Those who are constant complainers will be unable to collect an easy following.

One of a leader’s most important jobs is to set a positive and self-confident tone, exuding the attitude that failure is not an option. A positive attitude is the cornerstone of leadership. It’s the same confidence that a quarterback, a golfer, or a tennis star or athlete projects every time they come out of the locker room.

In order to gain strength from the positive and refuse to be sapped by the negative, here are a few ideas:

Always focus on the 90% of your team who will run with your vision and your plan - don't let the "negative deadbeats-" drain you or poison your team.

Learn how to tap into your spiritual essence at work too - begin to use your spirit and your heart to move you and your work forward.

3818709448?profile=originalBreak the negative energy cycle – if you see or feel yourself spiraling down or in a rut, mix it up, breakup the routine and do something fast that lifts you up. When you see one of your team members in a rut of unproductive or unprofessional behavior address it, never let it fester.

Active listening – takes time. Work at it, so that you will be able to hear what your team wants. Often just by being heard, problems can go away and people really make a big turnaround.

You must be the emotional manager of your office - not your assistant, not the new hotshot you just hired. In a family, parents must be the emotional managers or chaos rules the home. In your business, you must wear that mantel, albeit reluctantly at times. It’s part of your leadership role and power. Hone it, as well as your reactions to external events, and you’ll see the culture around you shift to the positive.

When in doubt, don’t hire – keep looking. It's impossible to grow revenues consistently faster than your ability to get enough of the right people to implement that growth and still become a great company.

Therefore, unless candidates for the open position have that can-do attitude and are a strong fit for your company in who they are – don’t hire them. The skills can be taught. On the other hand, a positive attitude cannot.

Your prerequisite is always a Winning Attitude because this is the one thing we can’t change in employees. Either you’ve got a good attitude or you don’t. Given adequate ability and desire to learn, everything else can be taught to employees with good attitudes.

A negative attitude will pull you down, as well as your professional results. But a positive attitude will pull you over the rough spots and energize you to lift your results to new heights – to match your vision.

Whether you need an attitude adjustment a couple of times a day, once a week or only occasionally, never forget that your attitude determines your altitude. Don’t let outside people or events bring yours down.

Keeping a positive attitude is extremely important. Yes, there will be bumps along the way, but you will see that the rewards will far outweigh the risks. Believe in yourself, believe in the market, and continually envisioning your success will get you to your goals sooner.

"We haven't the time to take our time."--Eugene Ionesco

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Creation And The Law of Attraction

Creation and The Law of Attraction is actually the combination of thought and love which forms an irresistible force.

What you are thinking about right now is creating your future life.  This is because you create your life with your thoughts.  The Law is simply reflecting and giving back to you exactly what you are focusing on with your thoughts. 3818709299?profile=original

You see, whether you realize it or not, the Law of Attraction is always working. Positive thoughts attracting positive and negative thoughts attracting negative. Your life is in your hands.  You must know what you desire and then “ask” for it.

To know what you truly want isn't as easy as it sounds.  Besides your physical needs, your mind is also filled with your wants and desires, as well as your “fears.”  Those conscious and unconscious.

Because creation is always happening, it’s important to know “why” you want the things you want.  It’s also possible that what you really want, isn’t what you’re asking for at all. Your conscious thoughts will produce the same amount of energy as your unconscious ones. Also know this; if your thoughts tend to be contrary to one another, you’re defeating yourself.

1. Believe that which you desire is already yours Now.

To visualize that you’ve already achieved your desire is a major step in itself. It’s the “positive thinking” step.  When you focus on having that which you desire, you are creating  positive energy. Then, the completion of your desire is a result of this positive

2. Receive That Which You Desire.

This is where so many people lose it.  It’s the completion of your desire.  You must allow yourself to acknowledge your “right” to have your desires fulfilled.

For most people accepting this will actually be the hardest part. If you consciously or unconsciously feel you don’t deserve what you’re asking for, then be assured that you won’t receive it. If it’s impossible for you to believe you’re “worthy” of having your desires come true, be assured that they never will.

Always be aware of your thoughts.  Realize that you are the master of your thoughts.  Make sure that you “know” what it is exactly, that you want to be, do and have. Then begin to think thoughts of it, this will emit the frequency, and the end result is that your vision will become your life.

Creation and The Law of Attraction says that your thoughts become things.  Because like attracts like, realize that when you think a thought, you are indeed attracting like thoughts to yourself.  This can be used for your good, or for bad.

"You are not what you think you are.  You are not what other people think you are.  You are what you think other people think you are."--Unknown

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Living In The Here And Now

Living In The Here And Now is When You Want Something Strongly Enough You’re Willing To Do Whatever It Takes To Accomplish It!

LLiving In The Here And Now

It’s much easier to make plans when you know who you are, where you are and where you are going.

Most people will let their moments slip away through their fingers half lived.  They avoid the present by worrying about the future or longing for a better time or place. They tend to forget that they are creatures who are subject to the limitations of time and space.

Living in the Here and Now is knowing where you are going. Most of us would like to leave this world having made a positive mark on those around us.

Some things that will keep you from accomplishing your dreams and living in the here and now are as follows:

a.  Taking God for granted and placing limits on Him. -This situation is Too Big for God.

b.  Always believing the worst of any situation. – Doom and Gloom Mentality.

c.  Dwelling on your circumstances.  -  Feelings of Hopelessness.

d.  Giving in to Depression. – Loss of Balance in Your Life From Magnifying the Problem.

Living in the Here and Now requires you to believe in yourself and realize that you are worthy.  That you are an original and not a copy.  You are special, one of a kind.  There is no other like you.  You were created to do great things on this earth now, in the present.

Get up everyday ready, willing and able to plant the soil of your mind full of good thoughts, and the crops you yield will be wholesome.

Stop all the distractions and focus on what you are doing… It will not only make your family more happy but it will also make your Bank account more happy!

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Live In The Here And Now

 Angela Valadez


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Realistic Persistence

Persistence means "Refusing to give up or let go!"

Realistic Persistence tagged with Perseverance are the means to your success in meeting your goals and building your business.3818709354?profile=original

Perseverance relates to how long or how short a period of time one refuses to give up or let go, which means adhering to their course of action. It is possible to be persistent, yet lack perseverance.  Why?  Because perseverance requires patience, which is the ability or willingness to tolerate delay.  

As the old saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day", and the same holds true for building any type of business or wealth.

The truth here is this:  If you want to be successful, are committed to being successful, and know how to be successful, success is simply a byproduct.  But it takes a plan of action and follow through on that plan.

Just wanted to throw in this rendition of the 23rd Psalm...

The Lord is my Banker
I shall not fail,
He makes me to lie down in gold mines;
He gives me the combination of His Hills,
He restores my credit;
He shows me how to avoid lawsuits for His Names sake.

Yes, though I walk in the very shadow of debt
I will fear no evil, for He is with me.

His silver and His Gold, they rescue me.
He prepares a way for me in the presence
Of the collectors,
He fills my barrels with oil;
My measure runs over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life,
And I will do business in the Name of the Lord.

(23rd Psalm - 21st Century)

There is no substitute for persistence!  Be persistent no mater how slowly you may have to move in the beginning.  Persistence brings with it success.  Be realistic with your goals and action plans.  Follow through with what you have started and you're bound to get to your destination.

Remember this:  "HIMPOSSIBLE."  Impossible for me, but with "HIMPOSSIBLE."

If you enjoyed this article, please"Like and Share."

Angela Valadez

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The Benefits of Forum Marketing

Internet Forum Marketing

While many people join forums specifically for the social benefits, there are several good reasons for Internet entrepreneurs to join an online forum. We as people tend to be social by nature, and online communities or forums are the latest in a long progression of social organizations created by humankind.3818709368?profile=original



One of the main reasons why business men and women on the internet join forums is for the search engine benefits.





Many forums are tremendously popular with search engines and so they not only rank well but also are regularly crawled.

Most forums offer an introduction area, as well as, a signature area where you can promote your web site or sites. In addition, as you are allowed to participate in a forum that is relevant to your website’s topic.

There will usually be opportunities to work your site into conversation. All these links can be of tremendous benefit in terms of search engine rankings and relevant back links.

However, if you think that search engine benefits are the beginning or end of the ways you and your Internet business can profit from joining a forum then you are missing out on a lot of learning.

Joining a forum will help you learn more about your niche. Even if you are an expert in your field, there is always more to be learned.  A forum is a place where you can gain knowledge from others.

There really is an Internet community for everyone and every interest. Your task is to find the forum where your peers are already hanging out. Learning more about your niche is a tremendous benefit of joining a forum.

There’s no need to restrict your forum memberships to those within your field. It is also wise to join forums that can help you learn more about how to run your business. Find forums of other small business owners and entrepreneurs.

You will soon be able to find folks who are at your level of expertise as well as those with more experience willing to share their hard-earned lessons. Soon you’ll have the opportunity to repay that debt by mentoring other newbies. This sharing and hand-holding is one of the elements that make Internet communities so successful.

It’s important to also seek a forum to help you with your Internet marketing. There are many different approaches to Internet marketing and while so People prefer the scatter-gun approach most choose one or two primary methods.

You can explore text methods to determine which you feel most comfortable with and then join a forum focused on that method to help you refine your approach and achieve maximum success.

A primary problem with the Internet is that you can be easily to feel isolated. However forums can help bridge the gap of time and distance by serving as a community as well as an information source. Friendships will be found in time along with laughter, camaraderie and commiseration which will help sustain the person, as well as the business.

Forums can also help you find customers for your business. As you participate and share information about your business some folks will naturally express an interest. As you share your expertise and demonstrate your knowledge then you will attract still more. Don’t be a pushy salesperson, simply allow your expertise to showcase your business and you will attract a quality customer relationship.

A forum can also be a great place to find partners to help you expand or promote your business in a number of ways. You might discover some like-minded people whose business perfectly complements yours or you might discover the perfect joint-venture partner. Even if you encounter people you might view as competition try to view the relationship from many angles to see if there is a way to benefit from a partnership rather than a competition.

Forums can provide many benefits to you and to your business, but remember that Internet communities are social contracts with have rules and guidelines. Be sure you know and understand all the rules before leaping into discussions. It is difficult to undo a bad first impression on the Internet as it cannot usually be erased.

Begin slow and easy until you are sure of your footing.  Be very wary about pushing your business too aggressively. This type of activity will more than likely get you banned from a forum pretty quickly.

Most forums will have a clearly marked area for advertising and sales posts.  They may even allow some blatant promotion in your signature, but be sure to keep your posts on topic and helpful and you’ll be better off in the long run.

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The Benefits of Forum Marketing

Angela Valadez

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