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Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield posted a blog post
Just as people eat for a variety of reasons, people crave certain foods for the same reasons. We eat because we are hungry, for social reasons (we are at an event with food,) for comfort. We can crave food, or certain foods for all the same reasons.…
Jan 20, 2020
Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield commented on Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield's blog post What's Up with those Pesky Cravings ?
"Thanks Terri. "
Jan 15, 2020
Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield posted blog posts
Jan 14, 2020
Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield commented on Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield's blog post Why The Trump Administration Must Reverse Dangerous Coast Guard Cuts
"Thanks Terri ! When the President's Budget Blueprint came out Thursday the 14% Coast Guard cut was not mentioned. The Vice-President of Legislative and External Affairs for the Navy League of the United States described this omission as "weird." Of…"
Mar 20, 2017
Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield commented on Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield's blog post Facebook's New Algorithm: Why the Media's Sky is not Falling.
"I agree Vansanti. Part of the point of my article is that web marketing is becoming a lot more "relationship" oriented. Much like normal real world sales and customer relationships management is practiced. Of course thats only until the next…"
Jul 5, 2016
Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield commented on Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield's blog post FaithInspires.Org Founder Reacts to the Death of Nancy Reagan
"Christian Headlines.Com a part of the Salem Web Network quoted 4 people in their article on Christian Leaders Remember Nancy Reagan. Billy Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and me picking up this same statement in their coverage. Of course it first…"
Mar 14, 2016
Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield commented on Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield's blog post Why We are Called to Be Humble
"Thank you Sandra. Your support is much appreciated."
Jun 29, 2015
Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield commented on Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield's blog post What Compass Guides Your Thinking ?
"Thanks Terri. Any little bit of promotion helps as you already know. This article is being very well received around the country, with your help I'm sure more psoitive reaction is headed our way."
Mar 24, 2015