Susan Boston's Posts (295)

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Is Your Business Plan Failing?

Is Your Business Plan Failing?

they failing bad

Is your business plan on line failing? Let's take a look at a list of three things you might be doing wrong, to try and succeed on line.

  • Blogging
  • Networking on Social Sites
  • Branding Yourself

These three are the top theories out in cyber space at this time about how to make loads of cash and succeed on line.

If you are using these three or any combination of them let's take a deeper look into what they are and how you might be using them wrong...

Blogging is great for so many reasons, it for one can be a stress relief for you. Your audience and possible buyers get to know you.

You can share all about your favorite subjects, passions, or pass on information to others and give them great value.

You are also socializing so you are killing 3 birds with one stone. This is what makes the blogging theory so great.

Then you have Networking where you connect with people on social sites. You find out all about how other people are doing while, building their trust in you as well as showing you are interested in them.


Last but not least is Branding yourself showing who "You" are and what you are about as well as what all you have done and know.


Now, looking at those three unofficial explanations up there do you see anywhere, anything about selling your product/business to anyone? No, you don't. Why?

Well because you are so busy trying to show everyone you are great person giving value in the hope they will be so grateful they will join/buy your business/product.

It doesn't work that way so you need to start asking for that sale. I don't want you to take me wrong all these theories are wonderful ones I use them too.

But there are times you have to just push that nice guy in you out of the way and stop being afraid that you're going to run someone off or offend them buy pitching your product/business to them.

your business plan

your business planI do not mean for you to go out and spam people. What I am talking about is:

[ In your close of each theory: be it, blogging,networking or branding, ask for that sale. ]

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If you need a great stable on line business that pays out every-time then...

click here

"The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it's the most powerful weapon you posses."

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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Is Your Business a Success Maker?

success maker

Is your business a success maker? It takes more than hard work and persistence to have a  successful business.

You've heard I am sure, (to become a success all you need is hard work and never quit.) Well, that's true,

success maker

If you have a business that is not stable, with great products, that delivers excellent goods then all the hard work and persistence in the world won't help.

Six ways you can tell if your business is a success maker...

  • Is it stable?
  • Does it actually pay out money?
  • Are there people working it successfully?
  • What percent commissions do you get?
  • How is the support?
  • Do they have (Real) products and (are they in demand)

There is a rhythm to successful businesses just as there's a rhythm to successful writing. Your business has to flow with ease through all six points.

If it doesn't, success is just a crap shoot. Granted there are those whacky things that are anomalies boosted to success by public trends.

However, for a business bringing you residual income rather than income lasting the week they are popular, then you need to check your business against the six ways to see if your business is a success maker.

If you find you need a business that is a success maker meeting all six of the points and beyond then Click Here.

I've been with this company working full time from home for 5 years. They pay out regularly. I am working it successfully making 100% commissions on real products that everyone on the net needs...

As for the support you get an instant connection to them at your fingertips.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."


Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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Factors For Success In Your Business

Factors For Success In Your Business

universe loves you

Factors for success in your business begins with you knowing that the Universe loves you and what ever you put out there will be returned to you.

The first thing you need to do is to believe within yourself that you are successful. When you believe in yourself so will the Universe.

Then the universal powers will make it happen. This is just how it works. We are what the think, we are what we believe.

Open up your spiritual self sending out the vibrations that you are a success and the Universe in return will deliver you to your successful state.

Hard work is another of the factors for success. Nothing is accomplished without hard work. Expecting to get something for nothing is when failure sets in tearing down your dreams.

This unrealistic thought process throws up a red flag to the Universe letting it know you are not ready for success therefore, success never comes.

For some unknown reason many people seem to think that success is when you lay back and do nothing. This is not true. Success is obtained by hard work and it is maintained BY hard work.

Rest assured when your factors for success are alined you will become successful! There is no way around it!

The main factor for your success is this...


Action! Without action there is nothing. If you are void of action then so is your success. There is nothing anywhere that is achieved by no action.

Take action now to get started building your factors for success if you are ready then...

Click Here Now!

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"The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it's the most powerful weapon you posses."


Skype: susanjboston


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What Makes a Great Leader?

What Makes a Great Leader?

become your own leader

To be a leader first you must become the leader of your own life. If you are not the leader of your own life how do you expect to lead others?

Take time to get in touch with yourself. Take a look at your ambitions, dreams and your goals are they still as strong and bright as they were in the past?

If your answer is no.

Then you need to regroup. You need to look inside of you, see what is wrong and fix it before you even think about leading others.

You have heard the old saying, “Charity begins at home” so does leadership. As a leader you must be whole if you are not in touch with your inner self then you can not be whole.

(Warning this is an attempt to recruit you)

Yes I am THAT honest!

Maybe you need leadership to get you started if that’s the case then Click Here and join me. I will be honored to mentor you until you are ready to be a leader.

“The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it’s the most powerful weapon you posses.”

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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successful entrepreneurs

Successful Entrepreneurs Live Life With The Spirit of a Child

The most successful Entrepreneurs live like a child with the attitude of a child in a child like state even before they become successful.

Children don't know the negative words like can't and impossible. Children really know no fear they are never afraid to try new things.

They believe in just jumping in and doing something. Just like at the lake a child don't dip a toe in to see if it's cold they dive in and although this can be dangerous they give no thought because as far as they are concern they are invincible and that is how you too must be to win at business or life.

i believe

This is the creed of the Entrepreneur we are believers when there is no proof, we will succeed when others say we won't.

We believe the Universe gives us that which we believe we are worthy of and the Universe delivers it to us. You must live this way too if you wish to become one of us.

Let your Spirit guide you because your Spirit will never let you down, learn to believe in the good of the Universe.

Join me in my child like state click here now.

"The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it's the most powerful weapon you posses."

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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Feeling Lost

Feeling Lost

Are you feeling lost and alone? Feeling nameless and not important in the Universe? Do you feel as though you are the only one in the Universe alone, unattached with no family?

Then Watch...

(If you enjoyed this video please click here)

Click the like button then enter for more inspiration

You maybe feeling lost but you are not; you are in the arms of your family always. The family that adores you, knows where you are at all times and takes each breath with you.

A grain of sand, one drop of rain, one star in the universe- all stand alone but each a universal group making up a multitud,e which are all connected and never alone.

You are never alone or lost. You are part of the universe connected to all things even though you may not know or realize this.

You are connected in more ways than you can possibly realize. You are connected to each living organism in the universe in one way or another.

Open your heart and your mind letting go of the thought you are unimportant or alone.

If you enjoyed this post please share.

"The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it's the most powerful weapon you posses."

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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Acts of Kindness

Acts of Kindness

 no act of kindness

Acts of Kindness are from your soul and are an extension of your spirituality. You can expand the conciseness of your spirit by simply doing acts of kindness.

When you reach out your hands to another in an act of kindness the warm feeling starting in the pit of your stomach flowing throughout your body is the the exponential growth of your spirit.

The reverberation of the results of your acts of kindness are rarely seen, felt, heard or known by the initial actor (you).

It doesn't matter!

The vibrations of goodness put out into the Universe from your act of kindness will always return to you in a positive form.

There are times when you might misunderstand when the kindness is returned. For instance what if your repayment is a broken leg?

Yes, a broken leg.

Take a look at it this way. (Your act of kindness has already been done) You are on your way to work you're late and you run down the stairs, trip, fall, and break your leg.

Not such good a good return on your kindness is it?

What if however, at the exact moment you would have been going through a green light at the intersection someone ran their red-light?

In the wreck that followed, someone was badly injured or even killed. If you had made it down the stairs got in your car and took off it would have been you at the intersection.

As you can see, you may never know what wonderful things your act of kindness did for someone else.

You may also never know, what the repayment for your kindness is when it does comes back to repay you.

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"The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it's the most powerful weapon you posses."

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston

Ph: 800-931-5242

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Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening


Spiritual Awakening comes from our soul not our minds. Our minds are but machines made of gray matter to process, learn facts,in short the computer that runs our body.

Feelings, emotions,mental and spiritual awareness  are all ran on a totally different level.

The Spirit can see what the mind cannot conceive; the spirit can feel what the mind deems unreal.

This is why you must, "learn to dis-identify from your mind" Your consciences grows when you free your mind of all facts, reasoning and logic.

General conciseness of the mind is: Only that which is possible is true.

General conciseness of the Spirit and the Universe is... [ That which is true has yet to be determined ]


If you traveled back 100 years or more and told all those people about what is a truth in 2013 their minds could not conceive it. Their spirit might dream of it long for it and believe it but the mind would deem it unreal.

It might also get you burned at the stake.

What is not a truth today cannot be labeled and untruth or impossible. Do you remember when Frankenstein came out?

Building a human not a truth (back then). Back then, they called that Science Fiction today we call it what?


7-7-2013 9-33-59 PM

Clear your mind of all limitations in other words shut your mind down and open your spirit so you can conceive all things that are not yet truths or truths that are but your mind can't conceive.

Then your enlightenment will grow stronger.

I hope you enjoyed this post if so please share.

"The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it's the most powerful weapon you posses."

Susan Boston (Spirit Guide)

Skype: susanjboston


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Human Spirit Do We Have One or Not?

 Human Spirit Do We Have One or Not?

buddha-quotes-sayings-spiritual-lifeThe Human spirit and what it is has long been a debate among many. Human Spirit is defined in Wikipedia as:

"The Human spirit is a component of human philosophy, psychology and religion - the spiritual or mental part of humanity. While the term can be used with the same meaning as "human soul", human spirit is sometimes used to refer to the impersonal, universal or higher component of human nature in contrast to soul or psyche which can refer to the ego or lower element. The human spirit includes our intellect, emotions, fears, passions, and creativity."

There are those believing we don't have what amounts to a spirit within us. They feel  we are just who we are being only a physical self and mental self, which are interconnected, dying when the body expires.

To thoroughly examine this theory from a spiritual view, free your mind of pre-defined notions, ideas and scientific knowledge.

Our physical self and our mental self only explain a small part of us. Physical self- the shell we reside in and our mental self- the engine that makes that shell work.

What however, would we be if someone had a spiritual vacuum and could suck out our spirit leaving only the physical and mental part of us? (Unofficially you would have a world of murders)

Our spirit is the part of us containing feelings. When people see a baby or a puppy or a kitten and get what we refer to as the "warm fuzzes," this is our spirit working within us.

kitten puppy2

    Do These Move You?


When we are happy, sad, scared, feeling up or down, this is our spirit talking to and working within us. Can you even in your wildest imagination think what it would be like to NOT have a spirit?

Our spirit resides within the shell, but is not directly connected to our physical or mental self. The spirit is made of of energy as is all of the Universe, and is what connects us to it.

Is this just a theory? Yes, no one has yet to prove or disprove the Spirituality of humanity. I do believe though if you will look at the fact we know we have feelings, yet no one can positively explain where these come from.

The answer to do we have a spirit or not is not only possible but highly probable.

I hope you have enjoyed this post if so please share.

"The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it's the most powerful weapon you posses."

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

something to live by

Spiritual life is lived when you start walking in the spiritual light. It begins when you feel your body, mind and soul open up to the universe.

Then you start lifting yourself up in an offering of understanding, love, peace and accepting into your life only that phase of the spiritual life that is pure and good.

This is not to say there will not be bad in your life or in the lives of those you care for what this does mean is a new type of acceptance.

This acceptance is we put all our faith and belief into the universal powers of our creator.

You as a spiritual person really have no need to say much for your actions will speak louder than any words you could utter.

Let nothing detour you from your path of pure and good always move forward in your learning, teaching, feeling and giving.

If you enjoyed this I do hope you will share.

“The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it’s the most powerful weapon you posses.”

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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Free PDF Books Download From Spirit Guide

Free PDF Books Download From Spirit Guide

Click For Free Book!

This free PDF is from me to all my friends. I think the marketers will thoroughly love this and I hope others find it helpful and interesting as well. Now down to business :)

What Religion Are You is My Most Asked Question

My Answer is...

my religion

My Creed

have only love in your heartMy thanks to: Share Divine Love

You arrive at spiritual freedom by extricating all negative feelings from your being; the only way this can be accomplished is to have total peace within your soul.

Your soul can never be at total peace with ill-feelings toward another. Most would feel they must forgive that person which caused them to have these feeling.

Not so.

The first thing you must do is to search within yourself and cut out that dark cancerous cell of ill-will. Hate is a cancer more dangerous to your soul and life than any physical cancer could ever be.

Physical cancer can only kill your body, cancer in your spirit kills your soul. If you lived to be 200 years old what good is this, if your spirit, the very embodiment of your soul, is dead?

Killing the cancer in your spirit doesn't require a surgeon; all you need is you. Follow the following steps to start you on the road to good Spiritual Health.

  • Take time for your quiet
  • Breathe deeply; breathe in through your nose, then exhale through your mouth; do this 3 times. (This relaxes you)
  • Clear your mind of all outside thoughts
  • Repeat this to yourself, "I forgive myself for the hate within me."
  • I am human, I am not perfect; my (place your word for your creator here) always forgives me, therefore it is alright that I forgive myself.
  • I ask that my ill-feelings when they happen will be replaced with a divine love through total spiritual calmness because all spirits belong to (replace with your creator); to hate another living spirit would be to hate (my creator).

Let the peace in your soul pour over all those that you come in contact with today. Do NOT preach love. Show it.

I hope you have enjoyed this post if so please share.

"The world is full of self serving truths but your spirit serves you. Handle the knowledge of your spirit carefully it's the most powerful weapon you posses."


Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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What is Entrepreneurial Spirit

What is Entrepreneurial Spirit




What is entrepreneurial spirit? It is the ability to forage ahead under any circumstances or conditions focusing only on the desired destiny at the end of the journey.

From 1981 when my husband and I were married to 1985 we wondered around aimlessly knowing what we wanted but not sure how to get it. We were both in dead end jobs.

We both had big dreams of owning nice cars and our own land away from the big city. We both loved animals but had no place for them.

We had my daughter from my first marriage,and 10 months after we were married we had a son. Together our paychecks didn't add up to 600 dollars a month.

I can't tell you how many weeks we would live on bologna and bread. We might have 12 dollars to buy food if we were lucky. We knew we had to do something.

We were determined to not let our situation define us. We had a 1970 Oldsmobile SS with a 440 engine in it. We pack that car down with what we could get in it and off to Texas we headed.

Move forward to 2013 in Wise County Texas, we own land, cattle, animals, a brick home and we have more cars and trucks than any two people will ever need.


Believe me when I tell you that, "No one did this for us." We lived through somethings that I'm quite sure most would find extremely difficult.

We set our sights on what we wanted and we were hell bent and determined that we would arrive at our destination. We let (nothing) defer us our eyes were always on the prize.

We had been in Texas a very short time before Christmas came around. We had no Christmas decorations, tree or money.

My husband so intent on getting our kids at least a Christmas Tree had decided that he would sneak across the road where we had seen some ceder trees and swipe one, yes he was that determined the kids would at least have a tree.


He crossed the fence as I watched out the window. I was torn between my pride in him for loving the kids enough to do something like this, and the guilt of him doing something like this.

It seemed that time stood still, honestly not sure how long he was gone but I knew it was a lot longer than it took to cut a tree. I started getting really worried and scared.

Suddenly the door swung open and in he came toting the butt end of a ceder tree pulling in the branches as they caught on the door frame. There was such a big smile on his face.

He could see the guilt on my face and motioned for me to follow him to the kitchen while the kids mauled the tree.

There he told me that he did love the kids but once he got over there he just couldn't do it. He said that he couldn't live with steeling from someone even if it was just a tree.

He walk a long way and found where the owner of the land lived. He knocked on his door told him our situation and the man gladly let him cut any tree that he wanted.

My husband once over the fence, even though, (he believed he could do it, he believed the kids deserved it and he believed he would get it), his self esteem would not let him succumb to steeling.

You must always keep your eye on what you want but more important is to always keep your self esteem wrapped up in your dignity and hold your head high!

If you have enjoyed the post please share.

If you would like to work with someone that holds to these ethics click here.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston


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Self Empowerment For Your Life For Your Business


Self Empowerment

Self empowerment is not just for living everyday life; it effects the self employed tremendously.

In the internet world of business so many run around seeking others to join them. It doesn't even matter who, just so someone joins them to fill an affiliate slot.

Are you guilty?

Self Empowerment

Alright, lets be honest here and not point too many fingers, truth is we have ALL been guilty of this at one time or another.

I remember back in the 80's in my Amway Days how they would tell us go to the mall and talk to everyone that is within the sound of your voice LOL!

Ah, those where the bad "ole" days!

To be honest it really is better to be alone in your business than to be with those that don't care about you nor do you really care about them.

That makes for a very hard companionship. Companionship is the key to working on line. Do you want to work with someone you might not be able to stand? Doubtful!

Do you want to work with people you really don't care about or those that don't care about you or the business you are working?

Of course not, but why not?

1. Makes self-employment as pathetic as working a job

2. Makes it harder to advance in your business

3. Makes your results in your business non-existent

If you are working your business but you hate doing because of the people you have on your team and must deal with daily why not just work that job thing?

The less you enjoy your business the less you are going to work it, this will tumble your business faster than not knowing how to run a business.Why?

Because Happy shows and so does being miserable in what you do.

You know results are what it is all about in your business. If you are hooked up with people in your teams that don't care about you or your business...

Most likely they don't care if either of you succeed and you don't need that at all. Now, you might ask, " Well why the hell did they join then?"

Think back...

Did they come to you asking to BE a part of your business or did you chase them down and bug them until they signed up?

self empowerment

Approach people with dignity and respect. Then those people will return the favor, they might not all join your business but those that do will be there for you and that's what you want.

If you enjoyed this post please share.

If you want to work with me click here.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."

Susan J. Boston


Skype: susanjboston

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Coffee That is Good For You

Coffee That is Good For You

Coffee that is good for you? Are you kidding me? Is there such a thing?

Yes, there really is as a matter of fact word in the science corner suggest that coffee even over the counter has many health benefits we never knew about until now.

Is This You?

coffee that is good for you

Setting aside the health benefits for a moment take a look at...

"Lines at the local StarbucksTM or Coffee BeanTM on any given weekday morning are often longer than the voting lines in First Tuesdays in November. And if you don't think you and your friends are hooked on it, try getting through a morning without it, and just see just how that would set with everybody."  (

Face it whether off the shelf, from a distributor or at your local big bucks coffee shops people WANT their coffee!

coffee that is good for you

There is a coffee that is even better for you than the normal coffees and teas and it's delicious.

I would like to introduce you to this wonderful coffee and let you look for yourself. Look at all it can do, what is in it and see if you could trust an herb that's been used for 4,000 years.

If you are into good coffee, good health and good taste you are going to love it.

Click Here to go to the site.

If your interested in a business that a major portion of the world loves then...

Click here to find out more!

If you enjoyed the post please share.

"In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours."


Susan J. Boston

3B Enterprise


Skype: susanjboston

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Internet Business Models 3 Most Popular

Internet Business Models 3 Most Popular


Three Types of Affiliate Marketing

internet business

Of course, Internet businesses are not just about one model. This means there are numerous types for you to choose from. Surely, there would be one that would suit your interests and complement your skills.

In reality, the Internet can give you countless possibilities in terms of starting a business and earning money. This post will focus on the three most popular. These are known to have launched thousands of Internet businesses all over the world.


1. Pay per Sale Affiliate Marketing: This will allow the affiliate or the website owner (you) to earn big money from sales completed through the advertisements on your website.

The merchants will monitor the activity on your website through their sales.

Every time they close deals done through the ad on your site, you'll receive a percentage of the income or a fixed commission, depending on the number of sales that they close.

(One example is Clickbank)


2. Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing: This model is all about linking the merchant's website to your own website.

Say the merchant pays to have their ad posted on your page.

Every time a visitor clicks the link that leads to your

affiliate merchant's page, you'll earn a fixed amount.


3. Pay per Lead Affiliate Marketing: Known as the highest revenue-generating form of affiliate marketing in the world of Internet business.

Since you'll be accepting advertisements posted on your website for extra income, you also open yourself to better chances of earning more money.

Leads coming from the ads or links on your websites will be paid good money.

extra info

How are payments made:

Payments may come in instantly or on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

The payments will be based on the amount that you and your affiliate merchant have agreed upon for each deal. There are several ways to get your payments.

1. One is via electronic banking by way of payment or financial websites.

2. Money can also be wired through to your personal bank account this can also be done online or through direct bank deposits.

3. A regular check can be mailed to you.

4. Another popular way to receive payments is via PayPal.

Tomorrow we will look at, well we will let that be a...


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Come SEE the Monkey :)

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston

(800)-931-5254 [ No sales or prospecting calls ]

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Three Important Points To Keep Your Internet

Business Growing

3 points

Running an Internet business is not just about maintaining your website,

It's also about growing your business so that you can profit in the long run.

Here are three essential points to making sure your business stays strong.


  • 1. Attract More Traffic. No, this doesn't involve driving around town avoiding city traffic. The term means increasing the number of times people come to your website through searches and links on other sites because they're looking for the goods and/or services you have to offer. This requires you to find as many ways of attracting traffic as you can because there are never any guarantees that one method for getting more traffic will even work, let alone work well enough to bring in plenty of extra business. You can use article marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click marketing, solo ads and other methods to help get more people to check out your website and hopefully spend some money while there.


  • 2. Make sales . Once you have people visiting your site, you should start seeing sales happening because it means people are finding you through your advertising methods. The amount of money you earn will depend on how many people visit your site and how much they're prepared to spend each time they visit. Repeat customers are the best so always look after every client you attract. Eventually you should start to make regular sales and, if you're lucky, you can earn a decent income but it won't happen overnight.


  • 3. Keep your clients coming back for more Making the right first impression on your clients will get you that first sale. But you always need to be thinking about how to get more business from every customer that you have as well as attracting more customers. It's critical to care for customers you have because it's far easier to keep a customer than to find a new one. Do everything you can to outdo your competitors in every possible way so that your customers have no reason to go elsewhere.

Tomorrow we will look at Internet Business Models

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.


If you enjoyed the post please share.

Susan J. Boston

800-931-5242 (No Sales or Prospecting calls)

Skype: susanjboston

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Benefits of Working From Home

Benefits of Working From Home

work life

There are several benefits of working from home. Shortly we will be looking at 7 of them.

First lets take a look at what some types of businesses are offered...

There are a few types of Internet-based business that can give you an opportunity to earn reasonable money if you build them properly.

They include:

  • Affiliate marketing,
  • Article marketing,
  • membership websites,
  • email marketing,
  • Video marketing
  • Offering services and products

Just to name a few.

What kind of Internet business model should you go for? Well, it depends on your interests and your skills.

You choose one that is right for you and run with it, learn it, work it and live it. Now lets look at the benefits offered to you from working on the internet...

Top 7 Benefits of Starting an Internet Business

  1.  You can spend more time with your family.
  2. Your working hours are extremely flexible.
  3. The possibility of earning a lot of money is not too difficult to grasp.
  4. The start-up cost can be minimal.
  5. Your business doesn't need a 24 hour go-to guy to make it work.
  6. You don't need to leave home to go to work.
  7. You can easily measure your personal growth and that of your business
Starting your own home-based Internet business is not just about having a
steady Internet connection or the most high-tech and sophisticated laptop or
There are actually a lot of steps to take to make sure you set up your
business properly. Having a plan to earn more money is one thing, but doing something about it is another.
In order to start your Internet based home business you must...
meticulously assess the situation and decide whether you are in this for the long haul or if it's just a phase you're going through.
Tomorrow we will look at the seven things you need to consider when starting your own internet business.
[ If you are in a hurry you can get the rest NOW by clicking here. } "Yes, it's free!"
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Susan J. Boston
800-931-5242 (No Sales or Prospecting Calls)
Skype: susanjboston
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How to Make Millions It's Not That Hard to Do


How to make millions seems like such a mystical questions doesn't it? I mean how many people wonder this? Do you know it's really not that hard?

No I'm not out of my mind

The making of money is not the problem the problem is the intestinal fortitude to stick with something and being willing to give up things and do what it takes to make that money.

Many think that dreamers are the ones that make the money. No, for they are just dreamers. Without action dreams are just dreams there is no money to be made there.

To make millions there is really only one thing that will get you the money you want and that is...

how to make millions

Through out my travels of life the past 57 years I have many times heard those that whine and cry they are not rich. Those same people when ask to come in on their day off or work over time...

Said no.

So many times I heard people say they wish they could be rich, they would go home lay on the couch and watch TV. Many times they would start a business it would not take off in a week...

They quit.

Then you have those (wondering how to make millions) talking to others that are living life on their own terms and this is what they will say, "Oh, that stuff don't work"


You see I live my life on my own terms. No I don't have a million dollar house because I don't want one. If I did I would get one. I'm a country girl; I love simple and that's what I do...

I do simple :)

I live my life my way, not the way others think I should.

What you own doesn't make you rich however; owning the ability to live your life in the manner you want does.

Things do not mean someone is rich. People can have many things with (many bills) that's not rich.

Over my life there have been millions of dollars still I am me. I got where I am by total determination and that is how you will get there too.

Just reach out and grab that one thing, "that's all you have to do". Grab it hang on to it and do not let go until you have made your millions.

The Thing?


In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.

Susan J. Boston


[ No sales or prospecting calls ]

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How to Make Money Doing What You Love

How to Make Money Doing What You Love

How to Make Money

Want to know how to make money doing what you love? One word for ya then... 

There is no shortage of programs and businesses that you can work on line that will involve something you love to do but for you to work at that business you must have the resolve to get up and do something.

Without resolve your hobby is just a hobby, something you love is just that, something that you love. What it isn't is something you love that you make money at and why?

Because you left out the resolve to make what you love into a business.

If you asked all the people just in the United States alone if they ever wanted to have a business they love and could make good money at that business; the majority will say yes.

So, why aren't all these people successful self employed business men and women? They did not have the resolve to MAKE it happen.

You have to make your DREAM bigger than your REALITY!

Reality will crush your dreams if you let it. Think about what all those Nay Sayers  say to you something like, "You need to come back to "Reality"!


Not if you want to make money doing what you love.

Decide what you would love to do, then make the resolve you will do it; then proceed to work toward the goal you set for that business by setting in action the forward motion to get there.

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If you would like help in running your business click here.

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.

Susan J. Boston

800-931-5242 (No sales calls)

Skype: susanjboston

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Applying For Job? Know What Your Really Doing...

Applying for job status is exactly what it says above. You are not building your dream however you are selling your talent to build the dream for your boss or his boss.

You are also working at something that is indisputably the ultimate pyramid scheme. The job is the perfect example of a pyramid scheme you will never make more than those above you and you are never paid what you are worth when you do your job description.

Though you need a job to survive you also have the chance to take your time off to find your own business and become your own boss.

So why don't more people do this?


Fear of failure, fear they might not know what they are doing, fear of choosing the wrong business, fear of losing money and who knows what other fears lurk in the minds of the fearful.

Oddly enough working for another, never making what your worth and no job security at all doesn't frighten people as bad as the thought of stepping out and owning their own businesses.

If you are looking to build your own business call me:


Skype me: susanjboston

Email me:


Just click here!

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