belief (13)
The Devil's Crow-Bar
Living with a child like spirit is close to never growing up in many ways. It's not that my brain didn't grow or mature it's just that my spirit and soul stayed child like. My ability to believe in things I cannot necessarily see remains in tacked. T
Crazy Man in Median Teaches Faith to Many
God teaches faith in so many ways. One such lesson was learned one Sunday morning on the way to church for me and my family.
My visit with my parents one weekend was finished up with our trip to church that Sun
Being Strong and Courageous begins first with our mindset!
“Be strong and Courageous. Do not be terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”–Joshua 1:9
Admit to the fact that you either have
Creating a desire to expand and grow begins with your attitude towards life and the way you think and believe.
You will have to learn to feed the right emotions and starve the negative emotions. It is possible for both “faith and fear” to rise wi
I will Keep The Faith
Here I Go Wondering Again
There are some who are caught up in "Destruction". The world will be destroyed. The wicked will be distroyed. This system of things will be destroyed.
Don't get me wrong, I too, wish for the end of systematic inequality.
The Daily Meditation 08.26.2013
Ask in Faith, Believing (James 1:5-18)
Richard Mathiason
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Awakening comes from our soul not our minds. Our minds are but machines made of gray matter to process, learn facts,in short the computer that runs our body.
Feelings, emotions,mental and spiritual awareness are all ran o
Human Spirit Do We Have One or Not?
The Human spirit and what it is has long been a debate among many. Human Spirit is defined in Wikipedia as:
"The Human spirit is a component of human philosophy, psychology and religion - the spiritual or mental par
Spiritual Life
Spiritual life is lived when you start walking in the spiritual light. It begins when you feel your body, mind and soul open up to the universe.
Then you start lifting yourself up in an offering of understanding, love, peace and acceptin
Negative people obsess over the past while positive people
work their way eagerly toward the future. Life gets better
and better when you choose to make it so, and the future is bright indeed.
There are some events that you can influence by making