Susan Boston's Posts (295)

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Instant Income Is Possible If...

Instant Income Is Possible If...

instant Income

Instant Income is possible if you sell products. Selling products directly is the fastest income you can make on line.

Affiliate programs and systems are fine but rarely do they reward you with instant income which is over 90% of what those searching for on-line work is looking for.

In the unlikely event you have a load of sign-ups in affiliate marketing right off, most of affiliate programs will hold back your payments.

Don't get upset there is a good reason they do this.

It keeps the cheaters from gathering a lot of people signing them up; then after the cheating affiliates get paid  the sign ups all quit.

So, even though these businesses might pay just fine; it could take you awhile before the money comes to you.

This makes getting instant income impossible through that avenue. However, if you sell a product or products most of the money is paid to you directly.

The problem with the phrase (sell products) tends to panic people. The majority of people you might ask would tell you, "I can't sell anything!". Yet they will join Affiliate Programs.

Just for the record: You have to sell in Affiliate Programs too! The difference is the word sell is masked with the word prospecting.

If you want to make a good living on-line get with a program that first will pay you 100% profits. There are very few of those and fewer still that will pay that on a residual bases.

Meaning you don't just get paid one time for your work but over and over.

Susan J. Boston

Residual Income Here

Skype: susanjboston

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Motivational Marketing Reaping The Seed

Motivational Marketing Reaping The Seed

 Motivational Marketing is like planting a seed in your garden then watching it grow and develop over time. Such is "Motivational Marketing" it's a seed you plant of self worth.

You plant this seed not in the ground but in the hearts and minds of others. You then watch as their Spirit grows and their success matures.

In Attraction Marketing you plant the seed in the minds of others that you have value to give. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this type of marketing.

However, nothing was planted. Nothing will grow. All you have done is just given away the seed.

The person may or may not plant that seed (Use the eBook,CD,advice...) or what ever you have given them.

In Motivational Marketing as soon as you have given the other person a glimmer of self-worth, that one tiny seed starts growing and maturing into something beautiful.

Now for the difference in how these seeds grow and mature. In Attraction Marketing the seed grows fast but soon withers out when there's nothing else to give.

Many times the person will leave when the giving is over or it's time for them to actually do something.

Why, because you have given no self worth. You only handed out things.

In Motivational Marketing the seed may grow fast or it could grow slow; depending on the state their self worth is what determines the speed of growth.

The difference in maturity is that more than likely the Attraction will stop when the giving does. Your people will jump ship at the next shinny thing that comes along.

Motivational Marketing has given them self worth and believe me when I tell you once you fine someone that gives you that you don't want to go anywhere.

I hope you have enjoyed this segment on Motivational Marketing. If you would like to be a part of it all I welcome you.

I hope you will bring others to my blog to find their self worth as well.

If you would like to work with me in my business then lets talk.

Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Motivational Marketing What It Is How You Use It

Motivational Marketing, is one of those terms that could mean different things to different people.

Much like attractions marketing the goal is to bring others to you however, that's where the comparison ends.

In Attraction Marketing you attract the people to you by showing them how important  you  are to them and others, (you give them value) and then they feel you are of importance to their lives in some way.

Motivational Marketing, you attract people to you because you show them how important they are to you and others. (You lift them up first, give value second)

This way those people are seeing how important they are in your life and you are showing them they are of value to you and others.

Do you see the major difference here?

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that Attraction Marketing doesn't work because of course it does.

You see it day in and day out on the Internet from those making six-figure incomes. You may even think, "Why should I listen to Susan?"

That's a fair question, to answer that I would have to just say, "It's all in the way you view things."

Think about who you would rather work with, someone that tells you how great they are or someone that tells you how great you are?

In the next post; I will tell you how the seeds you sew as a motivational marketer and  seeds you sew as an Attraction Marketer grow and mature differently. Then you can decide which road you want to take.

Don't forget to help others in need reach deep in your pockets and pull out kindness. Please give to those agencies that give aid to disasters. Every penny counts.

Susan J. Boston

More On Motivational Marketing

Skype: susanjboston

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Learning From Disaster Survivors

Learning From Disaster Survivors

Learning Marketing from disaster survivors my come as a surprise. I have done some learning from disaster survivors this past year and God knows we have had plenty.

To see a Fema list of 2013 disasters: Click Here

Short list:

  • Tornado in Moore Okla
  • Bombing in Boston
  • Texas Fertilizer Plant

Some were very close to me some quite far away but each and every time, I sat glued to my TV with my heart bleeding and aching for those effected. Naturally, I as most do shared my concern and feelings with other people. This is what I found:

  • Some felt the same
  • Some would not even watch
  • Some just didn't care
  • Some just glanced at the news stories

Now I have a feeling, if you have been in marketing anytime at all you can correlate the connection here to prospecting in marketing. But, that's not your lesson here just pointing something out.

This is the lesson: (First however tiny bit of homework)

[ I want you to go real fast, Google a disaster and look at the rubble. Now I realize that unless this actually happen to you then you cannot totally accomplish this, but try and imagine this was something that happen to you. ]

Sitting this past year watching all the disasters that have occurred throughout the United States alone, each time I could feel the shadow of loss,pain and being totally disoriented.

I can't even dream of what the real thing must be like, I hope I never am faced with that type of Chaos.

Each and every time without fail however, I have seen people in the throws of complete devastation telling the world, " We will come back, we will rebuild, we will be stronger."

I don't know about you, but in all my life of marketing never have I face a disaster  like the people in real life have and you have to think...

If that's the attitude it takes to come back, rebuild and be stronger than ever, is there any wonder that 98% of the people working on line don't make it?

In real disasters you have no control you have no choice; if you want to live you just  decide to succeed.

Unfortunately, in marketing you do have the choice.

Make the right one people.

P.S. If by any chance you can afford to give any amount possible to the Red Cross or any of the disaster relief programs that help in times of disaster please do!

Caring is all there is without that all is lost,

Susan J Boston

Small Business News!

Skype: susanjboston

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Motivation Marketing Who Needs It?

Quick Word From Susan




Motivation Marketing Who Needs It?

Motivation marketing is needed by those that utter the statement above. Of course, I am sure you don't know anyone that feels this way...

motivation marketing

I would guess anyone that has been a marketer very long at all has at one time felt this way even if they might not have uttered those words.

The answer to who needs motivation marketing is everyone in marketing. Can you see where knowing this is a big benefit to you?

I know many will say, "Yes, Susan I do see how that could build my business if I grab those people and motivate them to join my business. I could get lots of sign ups."

Well yes, you could look at it that way however, how long do you think it will take for those people to realize that you really don't care about them?

How long before they feel once again like they have been used? This will make you a user. I really don't think you want that reputation do you?

No of course not.

Motivation marketing, has more to do with who you are than with how many sign ups you get. However, you will find that the sign ups you get with this type of marketing are golden.

You can't give a person a hug and then kick them and still expect them to like you. If you use motivation marketing to just gain sign ups that is about what it boils down to and...

It won't work!

When you do marketing this way you need to concentrate on the person and that person's problems helping them solve the problem. Not cause them more problems.

  • Does it matter if they are going to sign up with you? No!
  • Does it matter if they are not in your business? No!
  • Do you expect something in return? No!

You do it just because "That is who you are" that's it's that's all.

Don't slam the door on the little old lady just because she didn't leave you her fortune.

If you have enjoyed this post please share it.

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Define Your Target

 Define your target because it's not enough anymore to just write and expect someone to read it.

Have you noticed the competition you have out there? Go to any popular blogging site and just take a peek at all the blogs listed there.

So tell me, what is going to make them read yours?


How you say?define your target

This is how, you are going to ask yourself who you lookin at, who do you want to read your blog. Now think hard about this it's important.

If you are writing about lets say fishing, do you think those interested in pottery will be interested? Well they could be but more likely they won't. Why waste your time?

What do you do? You write to those that like fishing:

Example: I fish so if I were writing a blog about fishing; I would publish one on great fishing places. Then there are different types of bait, so the problem is how to know what bait to use for what type fish.

If you didn't know the answer you would do some research. Use what you learn. You are not expected to know everything.

What you are expected to do is learn and share that knowledge with your readers that's your job.

Are you getting the picture yet?

Blogging is really much more simple than most try and make it, just as marketing is more simple than some will tell you. (I didn't say it was easy) I said simple..

There is a difference.

If you decide who you want to write to then you should discover the problems of that group of people and solve them.

If you have enjoyed this post please share it.

Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Qualities of a Good Leader

Qualities of a Good Leader

Qualities of a Good Leader

These are the qualities of a good leader. These qualities are all equal in importance. A good leader must excel in all of these areas before they can be deemed worthy of the title.

I personally however, believe that there is one that stands a bit above the rest. I believe the pinnacle of ones leadership quality is communication.

If you think about it, if you don't have communication none of the rest of your qualities mean anything at all.

If you don't communicate you can't inspire, give your team recognition or any of the traits you see above.

You must stop and realize that your job does not stop soon as your lead becomes your sign-up that's when your job really starts!

Over the years I can't tell you how many times I have talk to people that were someone's down line and they will tell me, "I have never even spoke with my sponsor."

Qualities of a Good Leader

There have even been a couple that have told me that the sponsor chased them around everywhere to get them to sign up, they finely did then...

The sponsor never contacted them again, even with them (the sign-up) emailing and trying to contact them.)!

You see...

Getting an email saying, "Congratulations you just had a sign up!" Does not make you successful.

However getting a call or email from a sign up saying,



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Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Motivational Quotes For Business

Motivational Quotes For Business

Motivational quotes to brighten you day, make you think, give you tips and carry you through rough times in your business.

the pain

I will admit to you that I am one of the most unorganized, easily distracted people that you will ever meet. You can imagine how hard discipline is for me.

However, I know that without whipping those two disabling features of my personality I could get nowhere in business.

I had to make a choice. I could suffer the pain and quite frankly the irritation of discipline or I could suffer the pain of regret or disappointment.

How about you do you find yourself in this quandary?

Do you find yourself jumping around from business to business not doing all that is required, then moving on because that particular business didn't work for you?

In 13 years of working on line I couldn't possibly count the number of businesses that I have tried.

Moving from one to another in hopes that a miracle will happen and the business would succeed in-spite of my undisciplined efforts.

How you think that worked for me? Yep not well at all!

This is what I did and this is what you need to do...

  1. Make yourself

For 30  days do that thing that you need to do. (MAKE your self). It is an actual fact that after you do something for 30 solid days that it does become what they call a habit. Personally I see it is a routine.

It does work but...

You have to make yourself do it if you are one of those that have a focus problem believe me I know first hand.

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Susan J Boston (Skype: susanjboston)

P.S Money is not at the root of all evil but,
many times not having enough to live on is…

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Reasons For Failure In Business

Reasons For Failure


Reasons for failure can be numerous but the number one reason is summed up in 13 words above. Read them, study them, then evaluate your work habits.

See if you are the problem.

If the problem is a bad company, or a bad product, there isn't much you can do about that other than drop them; however, if it's you there is a world of things you can do.

I have some tips for you to check out so that you can evaluate your work habits:

  • Constancy
  • Time management
  • Goal setting
  • Business plan

These are the first four things you need to check and for goodness sake be honest with yourself. If you won't who will?

Make sure you set enough time aside to do the work. This doesn't mean you have to work 24/7 on it but when you do work (what ever allotted time you have for work)...

Make sure you DO work.

Your goal setting is very important. Goal setting is much more than saying something evasive like, "I want to make a million dollars" Narrow that down in increments that are attainable.

"My first year I want to make and extra 4,000 dollars."

This keeps you from disappointment which leads to failure. Then as you progress you can become more aggressive with your goals.

For more tips on succeeding get this free book!3818710255?profile=original

Get the FREE Book!

Be sure the one thing you continue to do is keep the knowledge flowing you must always be learning.

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If you would like to work on my team and succeed Click Here

Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston



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How Do You Get What You Want

How Do You Get What You Want

don't give up

Have you ever separated the degree of your wants? There are somethings you want in the long run, this is what you really want.

Then there are things you want right now. But, what happens when the things you want right now interfere with what you really want?

One example for you, a while back I had something come up in my marketing business and I really did want to do it however...

I had to decide if I was going to get what I wanted now, or if I was going to wait and get what I really wanted coming up in a few months.

What you really want is your dream, instant gratification is not your dream. Instant gratification is a whim. Look at the difference this way...

You build a house but have to save up for electricity. There comes up an opportunity to get a day of electricity.

But it means you might have to wait a long time or many be never get electricity. Which do you chose?

How Do You Get What You Want?

You adjust your thinking, your life and the way you look at what you really want. Keep focused on the (thing) whatever that might be that you really want.

Get tunnel vision to anything else. Focus so hard on what you really want that it is the only thing that you can see. You think about it in the morning, you think about it all day long and it's your last thought before you sleep.

That is how you get what you want and no one but you can do this for you.

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Join my team to build your dream click here!

Susan Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Motivational Marketing Have Other Goals in Life

motivational marketing

Motivational Marketing requires us to have other goals in life. There are so many things you should make sure you are motivated about; you should also be motivated in living your life to the fullest!

Marketing is a many faceted career as is life; all that both offer should be utilized totally.

Don't be caught up in...

Nothing in this Universe or man's soul is one dimensional therefore human kind was not meant to live that way, work that way or play that way.

We were all made multidimensional people our lives are rounded out for us. It is our job to make sure that we live the life to the extreme every day.

Motivate yourself and the life you have chosen. This way you will be all that you can be!

I would like to give you a book about Motivation look to the right top and sign up for the book called, "The Motivational Handbook" You will find inside 101 Quick Tips to Help You Boost Your Motivation.

If you have enjoyed this post please share.

Don't forget to sign up for the free book.

Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Motivational Marketing Don't Be A Choke and Puke Marketer

motivational marketing

Motivational marketing is misunderstood. When someone tells you all you have to do is motivate others to get them in your business it triggers a message to your brain.

That message is: "Make them fill out the opt-in box"

In truth you can't make them do anything they have to want to before they will. This then makes the message to your brain a wrong one.

What you need to do is learn what others really want and that is just this is 100% of the time.

They want you to treat them with friendship, respect, honesty and listen back when they speak.

Do you do that?

Or are you a...

Choke and Puke Marketer? (I will explain "Choke and Puke later...)

Do you want to just tell others your thoughts, about your business and never listen or care about what they say, think or are doing?

If this is the case you have already failed my friend. How can you tell if you do this? Simple, when you place a blog post do you in return at least read a few and leave comments and likes?

You have to be willing to accommodate and interact with others before they know and like you enough to even care what you are saying on your blog or ads. Let alone join you.

[ The term, "Choke and Puke" is a term that those of us that worked as Radio Disk Jockeys used to describe other Djs that used a fake lowered, loud and obnoxious voice to broadcast.] In essence they were trying to prove how great they were yet turned people off]

Don't Be A Choke and Puke Marketer

If you enjoyed this please share.

Susan J Boston

What We Do Join Us?

Skype: susanjboston



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Marketing and Sales While Relaxing

Marketing and Sales While Relaxing

marketing and sales

Marketing and sales can be done while you are relaxing writing your blog. Do you love to blog? What if, while you were blogging you were also earning money?

Did you ever think about that?

Blog Profits is a free book that will tell you all about blogging for profit and much more. Yes, I said free. All you have to do is fill in your information and you will receive my book. (Get Book Here).

Do you have trouble when you look at a blank page as to what to write? Is that what stops you from blogging?

Maybe, you don't feel like you have anything to talk about or that no one will be interested in what you have to say. If it interest you, others will be as well.

First Rule of Blogging

Write about things you love and things you are interested in then it will feel more natural and you will write a great blog.

I write about marketing and sales because I love marketing. What I love even more is helping people to earn money where they can be secure in their future.

Grab your copy of my book now.

Read it, enjoy it and start using the tips you are going to find there.

Bless you and all those you touch,


Skype: susanjboston

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How to be Successful in Marketing

How to be successful in Marketing

butterfly quoteHow to be successful in marketing, you cherish your vision and your dreams, you let no one take them.

Set your vision on where you want to be and then let your mind, body and soul dream the dreams that will take you there.

It can be done, it has been done and it will never fail you.

With out your dreams you can have no vision so let no one take that dream and break your vision.

Dreams are more delicate than memories. Others can never take your memories but they can steel your dreams. Never believe anything different, however...

They can only be stolen if you let them be whisked away from you due to an unbridled tongue.

Hold up your head believe in yourself and guard your dreams as the precious commodity they are and rejoice in your success, for success will come to you.

Don't let others define you, you define you not them. It's not what others think about you that counts, it is what you know about you that counts. Know that you are a dreamer.

Know that dreams, are always the start of your reality and your actions are what moves those dreams from the dream state to reality.

If you have the power to dream it then you have the ability to do it!

Bless you, your family, friends and those that do you wrong,

Susan Boston

My success started here

Skype: susanjboston

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