[ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OWNER - Terri Pattio] Anyone that requests to join Syndication Express must use their real name and it's recommend that you put an acceptable profile picture/logo up for branding. This is a social media platform for bloggers, article writers and authors. Your blog posts will be shared automatically on TOP social media sites giving you massive exposure and viral traffic. Additionally community members are encouraged to read, comment and share network members blog posts to the various social media and bookmarking sites for SEO purposes. When each member shares the blog posts published here, they will receive branding online, more exposure for the blog posts, social signals for the blog posts, one way backlinks for SEO and targeted traffic.

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Your banner ads will get exposure every time someone visits your profile and the Syndication Express home page. Members and non-members are visiting the SE blogging platform.

Helen Davis commented on Helen Davis's blog post Get Moving: Benefits of Physical Activity on Mental & Emotional Health
"Terri Pattio Glad to hear that you're feeling better!"
Jul 4, 2023
Helen Davis commented on Helen Davis's blog post Get Moving: Benefits of Physical Activity on Mental & Emotional Health
"John Cory Jackson I have been walking almost every day this year. My current streak is 126 days. I gained so much weight the past few years I had to lose some."
Jul 3, 2023
Helen Davis commented on Helen Davis's blog post The 3-Minute Blogging Hack You're Missing Out On: Tailwind
"I am currently using the free version. You get so many monthly credits for free. Paid plans start at $19.99 a month or $12.99 if you pay yearly."
Jul 3, 2023
Helen Davis commented on John Cory Jackson's blog post 3 Simple Reasons Why Affiliate Marketers Fail!
"Thanks for sharing. I definitely need to get more consistent."
Jul 3, 2023
Helen Davis posted a photo
Get Up To 10k In 10 Minutes Immediate offer!From $400 -$10,000.Easy-Breezy online process.Apply Now https://davidallencapital.com/gigfunding/101789585
Jul 3, 2023
  • Helen Davis That's great! I'm glad to have the opportunity to help business owners.
    Jul 4, 2023
Helen Davis updated their profile photo
Jul 3, 2023
Helen Davis posted blog posts
Jul 3, 2023
Helen Davis and Anthuwin Cupido are now friends
Jul 3, 2023