Susan Boston's Posts (295)

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The Marketing Mistake Made By Most Marketers

marketing mistake

The marketing mistake made by a majority of  marketers is the most major one that could be made.

The mistake you are making is to target those that are not interested in what you have to offer.

Spreading the word about what you have is fine, shout it to the world. Where you make the mistake is====>Read More

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Simple Work at Home Project

Simple Work at Home Project

simple work

Simple work at home projects are hard to find. It's even harder to find one with a company that is reliable and safe to do.

If the fear of not being able to work at home because of all the technical stuff you think you have to know. I have great news for you...

There is a one step system that delivers customers and affiliates right to the front door of your new on-line business.

You have no need for technical knowledge, selling knowledge or prospecting knowledge. This is how it works:

  • You just share and invite people to a Facebook Group

This is the entire system because what happens is you give them a link that's connected with you. They end up in the group, if they have questions they can ask the group (not you)!

If they like it they can sign up. If they do sign up they do so with you.

Want to see how it works first hand? You can look around see if you like it then sign up or not it's up to you [LINK REMOVED BY MODERATOR]

I believe in straight forward marketing and not messing around so your safe :)



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Crossing The Border: What's The Real Problem?

crossing the border

(Picture for emphasis only)

Children crossing the border and what to do with them is a problem; however is this the real problem?

This has been the focus of the National as well as Local News stations as of late. While I do understand the position of each side there is one side I have yet to hear anyone address.

The side I am talking about is the real problem====>Read More!

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Danger to Living Free


We put living free in danger without a second thought by doing things that are common place in today's society.

I'm sure you by now have heard that the school systems are going to or are thinking seriously about not teaching cursive writing anymore.

In addition, you might have also noticed that the majority of our lives have...Read More========> Living Free

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Hope does not always spring eternal by looking at numbers compiled on the amount of Depression and Anxiety medications prescriptions written out daily.

Many think that hope and faith are one in the same. Although the word faith is often used as a synonym for hope in truth they are different======>Read More  

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Warning: Viral Infection is Spreading World Wide

Viral infections are spreading throughout the world. In come cases these viral infections are spreading slowly in others it's spreading fast. In addition there are those that are not getting infected at all but want to.

The fast spreading ones are the lucky ones. Those that spread slowly or not at all have somehow missed the infection wagon===>Read More

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Warning: For Self Employment Seekers

Warning: For Self Employment Seekers

by: Susan Boston

Until you have read this...

Warning  self employment seekers, being an entrepreneur occupies the minds of many across the world. There are garage, kitchen table,on-line and many other ways of working for yourself.

Before you even consider this you need to...

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Chivalry does live and it lives in the heart of a homeless man in Mo. Do you ever think about winning the lottery?

Do you ever say something like, "If I won the lottery, I would help a lot of people."?

Isn't it strange how we think about giving after (we) get money? Watch this I think it will make your day and refresh your faith in mankind...

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Do The Good and Get The Well

Do The Good and Get The Well


When you do the good you automatically get the well. This is true for any part of your life. Do you want friends, are you first a good friend to those friends?

If not you will not have friends.

Do you want respect? Do you give respect? If not then don't expect it! The same goes for your wealth. If you want to get anywhere in this world then first you must do good for others. Click Here to read more====>

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Resolving Problems in Your Relationships

Resolving problems in your relationships when you get irritated with each other is very important, regardless of what type of relationship it is. It might be you and your spouse, you and your best friend or maybe even a family member.

One main relationship that tends to get killed the fastest with this is====>Resolving Problems in Your Relationships

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How to Control Your Mental State

How to Control Your Mental State

How to control your mental state is not easy for us as humans. It is easier for us to deal with our physical state than our mental. You might control yourself physically from taking a piece of chocolate cake but your mind lingers on that cake.


If only a simple piece of cake was our only worry.

Throughout life we are confronted with millions of moments when we must control our mental state to be able to control our physical actions. Our mental state controls the very fiber of our beings.

For this reason it is extremely important for us to gain control over our mental state. When this happens the physical self will follow willingly.

You cannot move anything on your body without your mind telling you to do so if your mind isn't working you are catatonic.

How to Control Your Mental State

Controlling your mental state is not as hard as you might think. Although your mind controls relatively the essence of who you are, you control your mind. (Setting aside medical issues)


Opening doors of positive thinking are important to the well being of who you are, what you do and how well you do it. Reach out and take that door turn the knob and open it today! If your looking for a positive place then you are invited just click the invitation.


Susan Boston


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Positive Attitude and Good Friends

Positive Attitude and Good Friends

Positive attitude and good friends were all this child needed to get past what some might call a handicap. Amidst the bullying and bad news in the world this is refreshing. If you have ever thought there was something you could not accomplish, you will rethink that after viewing this video.

You never have to be perfect, because none of us are perfect. What you do have to be is willing to give it your all and stick with it even after a missed shot.

You may feel you can get where you want to go all by yourself in life. I would hope this video has shown you that no one ever does it alone. You might be the only one making the shot but you need those there...

Going wild and cheering you on.

positive attitudeWe all have our handicaps in one way or another. The handicap is not what holds you back it's the lacking of positive attitude and letting friends into your life, that holds you back.

Thing is when you get that positive attitude in your heart like Jason McElwain did and the friends to back you up, there is no stopping you.

You will go far beyond any expectations that you had originally set for yourself.



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How Negative Turns Positive

How Negative Turns Positive


Positive people over look the negative aspect of life. Let me ask you when someone tells you 'no" do you just write them off, have ill feelings or maybe...

You see it as a personal attack?

In life as in business you should never do this because, the results of your negativity effects you more than their "no".

How many times have you approached someone they told you no and you walk off grumbling with ill feelings thinking, "FINE, it's your loss!"

I have a little secret for you...


"It isn't their loss, it's yours."

Positive enlightenment shrivels when ill feelings sticks it's ugly head up. When you lose that enlightenment your body actually goes through a chemical change.

Think about...

A time when you were told no and got upset with the person. What did your body feel like? If you can't remember then think about it the next time.

I want you to talk a look at this positive news story. Think about how you feel afterward.

I want you to see who are the real winners. I want you to remember to not write those off that tell you no. I want success for you and this is the only way to get it.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I wish you all positive enlightenment,


Join our positive Facebook crowd


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Positively Positive Facebook Group

Positively Positive Facebook Group

Positively Positive Facebook

Want a positively positive Facebook Group but, you don’t know how to get there? It is very simple you surround yourself with positive and cut out the negative.

Have you been on Facebook and noticed all those airing their dirty laundry? Do you think it would be nice to be where people lifted you up helped you with your goals and genuinely cared about you?

I’ve been on line a very long time and I have seen negative feedback kill: friendships, business partners, businesses and at times even family members. (Sad don’t you think?)

If you are out there trying to make a living on line or just need a friend there is a place a group on Facebook where you can go and honestly connect with others.


 Positively Positive Facebook

 Isn’t it!

There is a place and I want to invite you to it just click here to go to the Facebook Group that will lift you up, at times give you tips and tricks to help you succeed and much more.

You will arrive at a positively positive Facebook Group!



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Alzheimer's What to Expect

Alzheimer's What to Expect


 Alzheimer's what to expect when parenting your parent. It will be much harder than you might think. We love our parents of course therefore, it seems quite natural that you want to take care of them when they age right?

Although it might be natural it is not an easy task regardless of the love you feel for them. What most family care-givers do not realize is that the person you knew is not there anymore in the later stages.

When this happens your concept on caring for them changes. First it is just moments of disassociation with them so you over look it. It is also easy for you to over look as just the condition.

As the condition progresses it gets harder and harder to look at them as someone you even know anymore.

Unwittingly you begin to see them as just a person that is irritating you enormously. Many times you will feel they are just doing the things they do to irritate you.

They are not.

What's more is that the things they (do) may very well disgust you simply because it will be something that you never dreamed they would do.

Let me give you an example:

My mother was always a stickler for clean clothes. These days if she is allowed she will wear the same clothes day and night over and over.

I sincerely hope that I can help people that are dealing now or will be dealing with this in the future. I hope by sharing things I deal with everyday might give some insight on what to expect and let them know they are NOT alone.

Get more information and support here.


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Think Losing is Punishment? Think Again!

Think Losing is Punishment? Think Again!


Losing, is it a punishment or a lesson? Take it from Bill Gates (who knows) it's a lesson! I'm sure you've heard people say, "I'm such a loser." and what did you say...

"Don't say that about yourself!" Right?

Maybe you should have said, "You are NOT a loser you are just well educated." What comes easy goes easy. If you have a stroke of luck and win millions what normally happens?

Don't know Click Here to see what has happened to many lottery winners! (Beware very sad stuff)

Why do you suppose things like that happen? It is not because they were losers. It wasn't because they were stupid. It was because they were not well educated.

The only education they received was one of instant success. There was no education on how to grow the money rather than spend it.

Oddly enough, this doesn't only happen to lottery winners. There are many successful people out there that feel there is no way they can lose. When one thinks this way they have already lost.

Every loss is a class on life and living. It's not the losing, it's what you do with that losing that counts. You can lay down and die or you can learn from it and grow. Which will you do?

The main lesson in life is to never feel that you cannot lose and always learn from it when you do.


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Enlighten Your Soul By Resting Your Mind

Enlighten Your Soul By Resting Your Mind

Enlighten Your Soul

Enlighten your soul by resting your mind. You cannot stand in the middle of a rain storm and expect to stay dry.

When your mind is troubled your soul cannot rest, plain and simple. Your self interrogation requires you to clear your mind where your soul can rest and respond to your questions.

Then and only then can you search your true soul.

When your mind is thinking about all those things that boggle you down in clarity; it's comparable to being in a hail-storm trying to hear someone ask you a question.

There are many suggestions as to how to clear your mind and different things work for different people. I would not even attempt to tell you what it is that puts you at peace and clears yours.

What I will tell you is that you know in your heart where you feel at peace. I suggest that's where you go sit relax, turn off your cell phone and your troubled mind.

Then begin asking your soul who  you are and what you are about.

May "Enlightenment" be yours always.


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Beauty of Nature Enlightenment of The Senses

beauty of nature

Beauty of Nature when invited, enlightens and invades all your senses. When you look at this scene you might think, "how beautiful it is to see".

You might even feel bad for those that have no eyesight but, do you realize that actually you (the sighted) person is the impaired one?

Let me explain.

When you see this wonder in nature (imagine you are actually there) you see tremendous beauty right? The problem with this is you are only seeing it. You are only using one of your many senses.

Many times you let your sight take the lead in your senses pool. When you do this you miss so much.

You very well may see unrivaled beauty through your eyes however, the unsighted person's senses envelope the whole package of smell, sound and touch.

The sighted person at times unless very enlightened misses the smell of the flowers an,

  • A sound made by a light rustling  of the leaves
  • The touch of bark or
  • The feel of a falling leaf on your face.

To view the beauty of nature see it will all your senses you will appreciate it so much more.


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