Timothy Eller's Posts (229)

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Is Fear Holding You Back

Never Fear Empower Is Here

Never Fear Empower Is Here



Don’t Let Fear Of Criticism Hold You Back


Listen as Mike explains how this common fear will literally cripple people from having success online!



Don't Let Fear Hold You Back

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back


Have You Had A History Of Fear Of What Others Think ?



I know I’ve had a long history of that same fear of criticism my hole life.


It all started as a kid,my Mother was a single parent with very limited resources.


Being dirt poor like we were,times were tough…


So she took whatever breaks she could get,even if it meant moving around alot,and I mean alot!


I remember moving after one week at one point in time…


That really made it hard going to different schools.Being the new kid so many times meant I was always the new kid getting picked on and made fun of.


Guess that’s where I originally gained my fear of criticism and it stayed with me to this day.


I have learned to cope with time,but just like Mike,I struggle with it to this day.


How To Rid Yourself From The Fear Of Criticism


When it comes down to it,you just have to learn not to care what people say or think.


I know you want people to like you,but don’t sacrifice who you are and throw that fear out the window!


You are the person you were meant to be.Don’t be ashamed of who you are.There are more people like you than you realize.


You have more value than you think and there are people out there who need what only you can give them,do not let fear keep you from reaching your dreams.


I fight with this fear on an ongoing basis,the only difference is that I have learned to just think to myself,who cares if they don’t like me.


If they want to hear what I’ve got to say.


They can always walk away,exit the the page or just not read or listen,because I know with out a doubt that other people like me and want what I’m offering.


So if you have that fear or not,just take action in your life and business.


Don’t let fear hold you back any longer…


Timothy Eller


Click this link to see our “Prosperity Formula” & Release Your Fear Of Success!


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Program Your Subconscious Mind For The Better

Program Your Subconscious

Program Your Subconscious


Program Your Subconscious To Achieve Your Desires


My business partner Mike was at a conference with is handy “Prosperity Journal” and he wrote down a KILLER nugget that will help you program your subconscious for the better!



Listen to this gold nugget to program your subconscious right here now…




How I Have Program My Subconscious Mind


A few years ago I was on a big trip to lose weight,I was always tired.

So tired I did not even have the strength to do things I wanted.

Have you been there,I know many have.



So I started experimenting with healthy foods and pretty much winged myself off soda and sweet tea.


I started jumping on the trampoline 100 times,that’s 100 jumps per day…


To the point where my legs were like jelly when I was done.


Beyond that I started riding a bike 3 to 5 miles per day,I really enjoyed the bike riding,it gives you the chance to relax and enjoy the scenery.


I lost a vast amount of weight in a short time to the point where people and friends would ask,are you sick?




Then there were those who were curious what I was doing…


The truth is I did not really work that hard at it,it just seemed to happen.


I would tell people for the most part,I believed it was my frame of mind..


I had learn to program my subconscious mind to lose the weight.


You see when you focus on a specific goal and you are determined to achieve that goal you program your subconscious mind to make that goal a reality.


Do you have that kind of focus in your business?


I challenge you to release the Prosperity in your business…


Release the prosperity into your subconscious to create massive results in your business.


Imagine if you could program your subconscious to bring you an abundance of wealth in any area of your life.


I’m here to tell you that it can and will happen if your willing.


So go to work on your subconscious starting right now.


Click this link to see our “Prosperity Formula” & Release Poverty From Your Life!


Create Your New Tomorrow Starting Today!


Timothy Eller



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Are You Inspired To Succeed




Stay Inspired Daily


I want to let you in on  a secret.


There are things that we all  strive to do
every single day to stay inspired.


For some of us our daily duty is to exercise to stay inspired
whatever form that may take.


Others of us strive to do something nice for someone we don’t know to stay inspired.


And for every one of us around this planet, there is another daily ritual to keep us inspired.


Brushing your teeth.

kissing your wife.

Telling your kids how much you love them.


Expressing gratitude and appreciation.


Yet still,

There is a small group among our kind…



Black Sheep

“Fringe” thinkers

We make it our mission to help the world to stay inspired..

In our own unique way.


We realize that if we can spend even a few short minutes each and every day – doing something that will leave it just a *little* bit better inspired than we found it…


That makes everything else just a little bit better.


Our relationships SPARK just a litte bit more than they used to when we are inspired.


The moon shines just a little big brighter than it did before.

Everything vibrates at a slightly different frequency

And things come easier when we are inspired.


Life is better and more fun when we are inspired.


But, there’s a wall between you and being truly inspired.


It’s tall.

It’s thick.




But wait.


Is that…

Is that a ray of light?…



It can’t be

There’s no way.

But it is.

A crack.

A chink in the wall.

We’re on the other side…

Waiting for you.

We hope to see you soon.

I know you’ll find a way to be inspired


Timothy Eller

You want to know the secret to
being inspired every, single day – to
do that thing that seems like so much


That thing you know you should be doing,
but you so often procrastinate (like
sending that email…)…


Here Is The Secret To Being And Staying Inspired In Your Life And Business Daily



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The Million Dollar Mindset

Million Dollar Mindset

Million Dollar Mindset


Do You have A Million Dollar Mindset ?

What Mindset Is Most Necessary to Change YOUR Life?


Very simple. It’s right there in the title. The mindset the separates the sheep from wolves is a
willingness to think in life-changing  -rather than life-improving-  terms.


Two Famous Examples of Changing your life… 


1. Did Domino’s Pizza reach 10,000 stores by playing the traditional pizza game better than anyone else?
Well, the traditional game was all about making a better-tasting pizza, or providing a better dining
experience, or offering a lower price.  Did Domino’s do any of those things?


Nope. Their pizza was mediocre at best. No dining experience. And while they were inexpensive, they did
not emphasize that in their game-changing, world-domination strategy. Domino’s changed the game.
They made it all about “Fresh, hot pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less or it’s free”. Whole
new ballgame. All about delivery speed. And they literally raced past their competition.


2. Did Starbucks achieve coffee hegemony by playing the traditional coffee game a little better
than everyone else? The traditional coffee game was “give it away for pennies to get people
to buy more donuts”.


Starbucks didn’t just change the game, they created a whole new game that didn’t even exist
before. Coffee went from a boring, commodity, add-on product to Total Customer Experience
complete with it’s own insider lingo almost over night.  And they were able to charge prices
500% higher than their competitors…and people stood in line to pay them!


And Don’t You Dare Say, “That Won’t Work in My Business” 

OK, so you’re not Starbucks or Domino’s. You’re not a billion dollar corporation. Granted.
But I challenge you to join here and obtain “Million Dollar mindset Number 1″ Inside you’ll find
examples of Inner Circle members, just like you, who implemented this mindset and changed
the game in their industries…


Getting people to
pay you for the opportunity of paying you more? Now that’s a life  changer.
Get these thoughts in your head…

-I want revolutionary improvement, not evolutionary gains
-I want to re-imagine my industry
-I want to invent, not duplicate
-I want to create a whole new life where I make the rules
-I want to laugh as I blow past my competitors still stuck in their tired old
“me too” marketing methods.


When you’ve got those thoughts firmly in your head, you’re ready to change your life with The Million Dollar Mindset.

Be a Life Changer.


Timothy Eller


Join Our Inner Circle That Will Teach You That Million Dollar Mindset


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Create Your Tomorrow

Create Your Tomorrow

Create Your Tomorrow


Your About To Create Your Tomorrow For What You Decide To Do Tonight Determines What God Is Going To Do In Your Life


“For I know the plans I have for you,declares the lord,plans to prosper you and…to give you hope and a future for tomorrow.


Don’t turn away from God and his blessing for your tomorrow.


“Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow.”
 L. Ron Hubbard quotes 

God Guides your Tomorrow



- God has a Plan for Your Life-

Proverbs 3:5-6


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight for tomorrow (or will direct your paths).”


How does a person find God’s will? Random sampling: “Inner peace on making decisions,” “Through Scripture find specific answers to guidance,” “No a simple answer. As you live and walk with the Lord you look for open doors for tomorrow and not force open closed doors.”



“Follow the desires of your heart and allow God to open the doors for you tomorrow to do His will.” “Pray, search the Scripture and ask spiritual leaders for their counsel.” “Pray and ask God to show you His will.”


Last Sunday we went walking on the Highway of Holiness. Today we are going sailing. In many ways finding God’s guidance is like sailing a ship.
Proverbs 3:5-6 are classic verses promising the Christian that God does guide.

I. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. “Get on Board”

Before you can go sailing you have to get on board the sailboat. You have to trust that the boat won’t sink and your captain is a good sailor.


Getting on board is an act of faith. If you want to find God’s will you first have to put your trust in God. In your heart you have to answer the question. “Is God trustworthy?” Are you willing to let God guide your life tomorrow.
In the Old Testament we have an example of a man and family of faith. God told Noah to build a huge boat large enough to hold a zoo full of animals. Noah had faith. He was obedient and began building a boat – Ark on dry land. There was no large body of water for miles.



Noah was preparing for a flood for some tomorrow in the future. Noah and his family were laughed at by all in the community. Noah trusted God and build faith. God brought the animals to the Ark and when the time came, 120 years later, God told Noah and his family to get in the Ark, and then God shut the door.


Noah was in the will of God because when God called him to a task Noah was faithful in completing the task. Noah practiced the definition of faith given in Hebrews 11:1 “Being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.”


Timothy Eller


Don’t forget to click the banner to the right and create your financial tomorrow starting today.


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What’s This Charge On My Credit Card?

What's This Charge On My Card

What’s This Charge On My Card



She Asked What’s This Charge On My Card


What’s This Charge On My Credit Card?


I was roused out of sleep this morning by a phone call at 7:45 am. On the other end of the phone was a woman asking “What’s this charge on my credit card?”


Half awake I answered it would have been a charge for your purchase of either Net M’LM Profits or Internet M’LM Success and if you want to get the full details of when you made your purchase here’s my customer support number to find the charge.


She stopped me mid sentence and asked “Who am I talking to?”


When I told her my name, I could literally feel her start to smile on the other end of the phone.


“Ohh it’s you, no no no go back to sleep, just wasn’t sure what this charge was. I love the book and I’m so happy to get a chance to talk to you. I’ve got some questions for you, but I’ll let you sleep for now.”


Ha ha!


I said “I’ll talk to you later.”


I hung up and went back to sleep for a few minutes.


The marketing principle here is simple.


Apply it to your business.


“As long as you deliver value to your recruits, teammates, and customers, first, the details aren’t that important.”


It’s a key to success that I think is very much overlooked these days.


We all want an instant downline.


In fact, sitting on my desk in front of me is one of those “That was easy buttons”


When I get down with an hour or two of work I hit it to remind myself that “That was easy!”


Well in network marketing most want an easy button.


They want to join a business, get the button delivered to their front door, open the box, press it and 3 seconds later have an instant downline that is going to pay them for the rest of their life.


Not saying it isn’t possible, but I had to buy my easy button.


All joking aside though . . .


The easy button in your business is laying the foundation. Creating leverage, learning how to market and make a sale, becoming a resource.


Once you know these things it is easy, so be sure to focus on them in your early days.


Most Folks Online Would Love To Get That Early Call About A Charge On Someones Card For Their Product




The University of Internet Science is the Premier Free Online Training Portal.

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Print And Save This Now




I was asked a great question regarding direct marketing style sales letters.


Again you should print and save for later..


The question came from someone, “Sam,” whose company did not have that type of sales letter in its system that is used to convert prospects into signups. So he considered creating one, and wanted a little advice on the following:


“Should the sales letter be focused on the marketing and training system created for his team, or more about the benefits of his specific company or both? If you were going to create a sales page for your business how would you go about doing it?”


The answer to this great question can mean many recruits for you and certainly can mean a lot of duplication for your team soon afterwards.


Pay close attention and remember to print and save. . .


SIDE NOTE: I have no problem revealing this because, for me, the story has already been written, now it’s your chance to leverage what I know for serious money.


I downloaded a free report created by a professional copywriter working for one of the most famous copywriting firms in the world.


This guy was writing a sales letter for a golf related product for one of his client.


In the letter, the copywriter referred to what he THOUGHT was most important to his market.


He addressed two major frustrations in the golfing world – hitting the ball farther and eliminating hooks and slices.


Upon completion of the letter the copywriter took the letter to the big boss for a final review.


His boss, being one of the most accomplished copywriters in the world and having written several high performing offers for the golf world, looked at the letter and gave him some simple advice . . .


“Forget about the slice stuff and focus the entire letter on hitting the ball farther. That’s REALLY what the market is after.”


The copywriter followed the advice of his boss and made the appropriate changes and ended up with a winner.


The moral of the story is . . .


Don’t worry about the ancillary stuff. Deal with the biggest problem and frustration of the target market and dig deep on it.


What this means to you and I as network marketers is this, and it’s important you get this before I go through the process step by step, forget about everything in your letter except solving the main problem of your prospect.


In the network marketing world, the problem always comes back to money. Solve that and that alone.


Print and save for future money

Print and save for future money


To be honest, no one cares about your company’s products for the most part. All they really want to know is “how” they are going to make money.


From your prospect’s perspective, if you give them a good opportunity to solve their money problems, they can always rationalize that the product or service is “good”.


Waste no time describing your product or why your company is so great, unless it directly supports how and why your prospects have the best chance of making money with it.


Look around both the online and offline network marketing world and you’ll soon see very clearly that this is the model that just about every highly successful opportunity uses.


So, you use it too. And you think of yourself as the opportunity NOT your company, but I’ll explain as we dig deeper here.


Further . . .


If you remember back to what you were trained to do when calling leads if you’ve been through the process you’ll again realize here – the focus of the conversation you’re trained to have is again solving the money issue.




So let’s get to the step by step.


First, you begin with a headline that addresses the concern of money.


Second, you start your sales letter with a lead in that either pulls your audience directly into your story to both entertain and address again the concern or you can simply pose a question that would pull them in deeper like “If you’re sick and tired of working pay check to paycheck then pay attention to everything you’re about to read.”


Next you dig deeper into your story. If you have a good one be sure to bring up your real life failures that they can identify with.




So that when your prospect reads it he then begins to think “If this guy can do it after going through all this then so can if I just know what he knows.”


If you can arouse that sort of curiosity then you’re on the right track.


Follow this up by bringing up a few things that they may have learned or tried in the past and explain why the only result of following that path is failure. Be sure to explain exactly why.


Allude to the idea that you’ve found a way around.


Bring up your biggest “Ah Ha” moment. The thing that changed everything for you.


Introduce your solution or system.


Explain why it will work for them where the others have not. At this point you can bring up a few details about your company or compensation plan, but don’t name names. Keep them curious.


Now it’s probably time for some bullets about what you have. Provide 30 or so bullets that keep them curious, but again don’t give away the farm.


Next it’s time for you to explain exactly how the process works. Make whatever it is that you do as simple as possible from the prospect’s perspective.


One that always works if you’re working from the perspective of never calling leads again and providing a form of an online solution is “Just think what it’s gonna be like when your prospects are doing exactly what you’re doing right now.”
This is a powerful and an incredibly enticing mental image to create in your prospect’s mind. It gets them to think into the future as a member of YOUR team.


Subtle but powerful.


Now it’s time to talk about what makes you different. Remember anyone can just go to your company’s website and join so you have to provide something above and beyond just get in under me if you’re looking for a high level of response and duplication down the line.


Good things to bring up here are that you provide one on one coaching, live weekly training on whatever it is you do, and a team co-op if you decide to provide one.


Another thing that really helped me was creating a team marketing guide that every new member received after joining. It’s a good idea to think about creating one for two more reasons. First it establishes you as leader and second it takes the huge burden in the way of training off the shoulders of you and your future downline.


Instead of having train everyone have them train themselves by going through your team training guide and provide support from that point. Address questions and concerns and then help them actually get started after they know the lay of the land to say.


Next, if you feel comfortable doing so . . .


Nothing removes more risk from your prospects shoulders than a strong guarantee, so here would be the place.


Now it’s time to tell them exactly how to join you. I don’t know your company so the method will vary from this point on, but I think you can figure this one out.


If you’re incredibly forward create a video AS WELL – not in place of – the text to describe the process your leads need to go through to get access to your team so nothing is left to chance.


If you have success stories be sure to add those throughout your letter.


Finally close out.


Provide a PS or two and you’re done.


Now here is what will separate you from the crowd. You’ve got to go out and test your letter on your own. If it converts great! Don’t change a thing.


If not, continue to test and make changes until it converts profitably for you. Why?


Well you don’t want to roll out a team marketing system that doesn’t work so you’ve got to be sure it works and converts before you make it something your team can use as well.


Once you do though, put the pieces in place to make that system available to your downline.


Then . . .


Watch the magic of duplication. Sit back and watch your company checks grow larger and provide the best support you can.


That should be enough to get you on the right track so print and save now


But let me emphasize. Your company or my company DOES NOT matter. Only the opportunity matters in the eyes of your prospects so focus your efforts intently and totally on that end and you will succeed.


Did you print this out yet?


The University of Internet Science is the Premier Free Online Training Portal.

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Reverse Engineering Massive Duplication




Creating Duplication



It’s important not only to think of how you are going to
achieve Duplication with your goals in your network marketing efforts, but also
to think from the top down.


This alternate path of thought about your success can bring
light to missing pieces.


Take a second and ask yourself this question . . .


“If I had a team of 5,000 people below me what would I have
done to make that Duplication happen?”


Really close your eyes and think about this. Imagine
yourself standing on a platform giving a speech to your team
and telling them your story of how you got there and how you created Duplication.


You Telling Your Team How You Created Duplication

You Telling Your Team How You Created Duplication

What would you say about Duplication?

What skills would you need to have to create Duplication?

What tools would you need to have to have massive Duplication?

What marketing systems would you use for Duplication?

What type of people would you be working with that are serious about Duplication?

What type of company would you be a part of that you believe can achieve Duplication?

How would you teach your team to do what you do in order to have Duplication?

How would you recognize those that are doing big things and creating daily Duplication in their business?

Why were you successful and can you show others how to have that same Duplication?

These are all important questions to be addressed now.




The great Earl Nightingale in his groundbreaking series
“Lead The Field” tells the story of a young boy eagerly
wanting to play with his father.


The father knowing that he was distracted and could not play
with his child at the time looked for something to give his
son to do. He found an old magazine cover with a picture of
the world on it.


The father ripped out the page and tore it into little
pieces and said “Here son, see if you can put this picture
of the world back together.”


The child happily took to the challenge and in just a few
minutes returned to his father with the entire picture


The father, amazed with how quickly his son was able to do
this, asked how he had made such quick work of his task.


The child said “It was easy! On the other side of the page
was the picture of a man. All I did was put the man back


The father smiled and said “Yes son, when the man is
together so is his world.”


It’s no different for you in your network marketing
business. When you know who you must be, success will find
its way to you.


And Duplication will follow…

You must be the person standing on the stage giving the
speech long before you ever get there.


Imagine If You Knew The Formula For Duplication

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Position Yourself For Success

Position Yourself For Success
Position Yourself For Success

Exactly How Do I Position Myself?

“Exactly how do I position myself so I can be
found by those looking for what I have to
The Answer:
The answer is surprisingly simple. You first
decide HOW you want to Position your business,
then you pick a marketing plan that fits the
way you want to do things. For me it was
recruiting without wasting time calling
Then you learn your craft. In learning your
craft you’ll soon discover your biggest
questions and hurdles are the same that your
prospects will be. You position yourself by
offering your solutions, after you’ve solved
them for yourself, to those who will come
after you.
Positioning Yourself for Success
About a year or so ago, in preparation for this transition, I began to  Position myself professionally online. I’ve had two goals in mind for this transition: became a writer and blogger, and help individuals and businesses build their online platform.
In order to do that, I had to position myself for success; namely, build a side business enough for sustainability, and then transition.
Find people doing what you want to do, connect with them, and learn and position yourself.
If the nature of your business is a competitive one geographically, find somebody far away in a different state doing what you want to do, and ask for help. If you are from Tennessee and want to open a pet store, perhaps call a pet store in Montana to get advice. They will be more apt to help you because you probably won’t steal any of their business.
To see exactly how I did this
when I had no credibility and no name, and
from that you’ll be able to model the process
for your unique position in the market…

Position Yourself With The University Of Internet Science

UOIS will teach you how to get results and position yourself in any business.

Position yourself with a UOIS free membership by clicking below.

Position Your Business With Tools Provided By U.O.I.S
Position Your Business With Tools Provided By U.O.I.S.
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Broke As A Joke

Are You Broke As A Joke
Are You Broke As A Joke

Do You Feel Like Your Broke As A Joke?

Every now and then I get a post over
on the blog from a person just starting
out in the industry that starts
with “I’m Dead Broke!” or “I’m Broke As A
And my immediate thought is “So?”
Read what Gina posted.
“To start off I am broke as a joke; looking
for something better than corporate america.
I want to try working as an affiliate; I’ve
signed up with xyz and looked at a few things
on there; some seem interesting, some not.
Here’s what I don’t get.
Do I need a website? How much is this going
to cost? Like I said I’m broke as joke.
Trying to get a leg up! I just really don’t
know where or how to begin.
Thanks again for listening and any advice you
The reply:
I think it’s tough to start a business with
that broke frame of mind.
When you repeat that you’re broke all the
time what’s your mind focusing on?
What you focus on increases, so you gotta get
out of that broke mind frame and focus on more
positive things before you do anything else.”
It’s easy to focus on what we don’t have, but
honestly what does that get you besides more
of the same old being broke?
And the honest truth is, it’s just as easy to
think the other way.
Why not day dream of the success and
prosperity to come in your future? Seems a
lot more pleasant than being broke, it
doesn’t require you actually have the
THING focused on yet, but . . .
It puts your focus in the right direction
to get it.
It’s hard to break habits I know, and it’s
hard to rise above what worries you when it’s
right there smack in your face, but it can be
It will take a little mental discipline and
continued focus, but it will set the path.
Here’s why this is important to your
business, and maybe this is something you
can’t quite see yet.
First, when you’re trying to grow and all you
focus on is what you don’t have you simply
can’t because your broke. You try to get by on what appears to
be the cheapest least risky path to success
and as a result you never get anywhere.
If you just switch that focus to what “could
be” and that vision is exciting to you what
happens now when you’re making decision to
grow your business?
You start to take a stab at that dream, you
put what “scarcity” minded people would
consider risk aside, because that excitement
to gain is more powerful a motivator than the
fear of loss and being broke.
And . . .
As a result you take your first steps into
the real world of an entrepreneur, and
eventually meet and surpass that original
goal you set.
Second, and most people have a hard time
getting this one, but it’s one of the most
powerful ideas that you can make your own and
prosper by . . .
Money is nothing more than energy. It’s a
tool – great if you have some, but it ain’t
necessary or essential. I start my business
on a credit card and dream, and to most
that’s risky, but to me that’s opportunity.
(What is it to you?)
Too many people think of money as a physical
thing, something that’s finite, that takes up
space, and that once you run out your life
is over. Far far from it . . .
Many of the most successful entrepreneurs on
the planet, like Donald Trump,  have gone
broke and bankrupt – $0 and a huge amount of debt, and
made it all back again. Why? They understand
what money really is – just energy that can
always be replenished.
That’s why I never got those guys that would
just horde away the money that they earn as
if they can’t get more. Sure save some,
create a cushion for yourself, but trying to
hold onto it all just never made sense to me.
Money, is energy, a tool to be used to attain
your end. For me that’s mastery of marketing,
for you it may be something totally
different, but it’s a tool to attain that end
and surpass it none the less.
I count my blessing every day I have the
money to pay for new marketing education
because it’s my passion, in other words I
want the knowledge and experience more than
the money and as a results the business
Now the last thing I’ll say here in is this . . .
The bigger your business grows the bigger the
opportunities, the more of them, the bigger
the risks, and the more of them, if you’re
not willing to flex your muscles when
you’re small, you won’t have the strength to
grow big.

Get Rich Or Die Broke

Are You Willing To Die Broke
Are You Willing To Die Broke

Start a business broke and unemployed!

It all starts with a free membership…
We can show you how to go from broke to badass!
From Broke To Badass With The University Of Internet Science
From Broke To Badass With The University Of Internet Science
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If A Few Drops Of Water Can Do This . . .

A Few Drops Of Water Can Do This

A Few Drops Of Water Can Do This



If Drops Of Water Can Do All That,Imagine What You Can Do!



As entrepreneurs we tend to under estimate
our abilities and over estimate the magnitude
of the obstacles that stand between us and
our goals.


You may not believe me, but I want you take a
second to ponder this . . .


Eons ago there was a small stream that began
as a few drops of water. That stream
gradually turned into a river. That river,
slowly and methodically carved out what would
come to be known as the Grand Canyon.


All from a few drops of water.
On one of my trips to Las Vegas I
decided to take a plane tour of the Grand
Canyon. As I sat there on the plane I thought
about how the Grand Canyon began.


Just a stream flowing down a mountain – if I
had been there at the beginning and someone
told me that one day where I stood there
would be one of the great wonders of the
world, and that it would be created by this
small stream and a few drops of water I would have called that person crazy.
Yet the Grand Canyon exists today.


Your actions are the water that carves your
future business. What you’re doing now may
seem small, a few leads here, and introducing
a few people to your business there, but make
no mistake you’re laying the foundation for
something Grand.

Like the ever flowing drops of waters of the Colorado
River which hold the power to carve through
rock to create its path, your actions will
carry you through any obstacle to your goal.




Make note that Colorado River never stops to
think about the task, the drops of water simply flows.
So too should your actions and desires. Have
faith in them. Keep them flowing constantly
and there is no obstacle too Grand.


Timothy Eller


Start Your Drops Of Water With A Free Membership


Lay Your Drops Of Water With UOIS

Lay Your Drops Of Water With UOIS




Look Below At How Small Drops Of Water Over The Years Turned Into Waves Of Success For Michelangelo!


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You Reap What You Sow

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow


You Reap What You Sow,You Get Back What You Put In


Galatians tells us that you reap what you sow, and that makes sense. It is roughly equivalent to a Judeo-Christian version of karma. That said, having grown up on a farm I know you also often sow what you reap. In other words, it is easy to get into a circular pattern.

What do you do to break the cycle?


For rulers are not a cause of fear to good conduct, but to evil. Do you wish to have no fear of authority? Then do what is good and you will receive approval from it, for it is a servant ofGod for your good. But if you do evil, be afraid, for it does not bear the sword without purpose; it is the servant of God to inflict wrath on the evildoer.
Romans 13:3-4

As the dog returns to his vomit, so the fool repeats his folly.
Proverbs 26:11



Step off the merry-go-round and mix it up. Complacency is a faith-killer. Every year, make a list of what you intend to do that year. Challenge yourself to go outside of your boundaries of comfort and embrace vulnerability. That’s not what I always do, but it is what I want to do.You Reap What You Sow.



He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all.


You reap what you sow then God will return that reaping ten fold.



Jesus multiplied seven pieces of food loaned to him into enough food to feed 5,000 with 12 baskets left over.

St. Matthew 14:19-21


”When we release up to God what our hands control,he releases back to us what his hands control.”

St.Luke 6:38


Do You Reap What You Sow


You reap what you sow.

what you do will come back to you.
Watch the way you live your life because you reap what you sow.
You Reap What You Sow

The basic nature of God’s Justice:
7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8: For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
9: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


1. Everything that you do has repercussions. It comes back to you one way or another.
2. You cannot escape the consequences of your actions. What you do comes back to you.
3. You will see the long-term effects of your actions.
4. KARMA – The total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person’s existence, regarded as determining the person’s destiny, especially, in his next incarnation.
5. What goes around comes around.
6. Your actions all have consequences. Don’t ever be fooled into thinking that your actions don’t have consequences. Don’t think you can get away with bad choices even if you don’t seem to get caught. Remember verse seven tells us that God cannot be mocked. He sees it all. You reap what you sow.



Watch the way you live your life because you reap what you sow.

We sow in one season, we reap in another.

Sow a thought you reap an act. Sow an act, you reap a habit. Sow a habit, you reap a character. Sow a character, you reap a consequence.


7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8: For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
9: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


Timothy Eller


Wear Your Blessings Well When You Reap What You Sow(video here)

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How Your Business Is Like Mexican Food…

Mexican Food

Mexican Food


Yes I Said Mexican Food


Before you call me a nut, hear me out . . .


How does one become an irresistible sponsor?


How do you put yourself in a position where prospects line up credit card in hand to join your business?


No matter what anyone says – when it boils right down to it, our business REALLY is a lot likeMexican food.


This is important to understand, so listen in:


First know that I’m a lover of Mexican food. I never get tired of it. If you ever want to get on my good side all you have to do is buy me a burrito and we’re friends for life.


That said, here’s what’s important:
You got to give it to Mexican Food restaurants. They have a formula and they stick to it.


You get a burrito, you get a taco, you get an enchilada, what are you REALLY getting (besides delicious Mexican Food food)?


You’re getting beans, rice, maybe some type of meat. All wrapped up in one of a few shell types.


Really, the only difference between most Mexican Food dishes here in the US is what it looks like. On the inside it’s all pretty much the same.


Understand your and my businesses are no different. Sure our companies are different, but that’s just the shell.


Underneath, are the things that really make you attractive as a sponsor.


It doesn’t matter what business you’re in, these qualities, these factors, are always the same.


Intrinsically, you’ve got to lead with your passion, you’ve got to be willing to take on risk for the benefit of your team, you’ve got to be a teacher, along with a few other things.

Extrinsically, you’ve got to be able to create a crowd, know how to communicate, create leverage, put simple things like traffic generation on autopilot, along with a few more key tasks, but . . .


The KEY here is, it doesn’t matter what business you’re in. These key factors are what make you successful.


Some folks will say “But, my business is different!” and the truth is NO it’s not.
You do the right things and you get the right results regardless of the shell you’re in.


So that’s one way your business is a lot like Mexican food.


Here’s one more just as important…


In a burrito, you can have beans, rice, meat, and sure a burrito with all the fixings is better than one with just beans.


But . . .


Do they sell bean burritos? Have you ever bought one? I’ve bought many.


My point here is simple.


You don’t have to start your business burrito with all the deluxe fillings, if you’ve got passion alone you’ve got your business beans.


You can fix your burrito up deluxe style later.


More important to get out there with what you got and build on that foundation than it is to wait until you’ve got the best deluxe burrito in town.



If all you’ve got is passion and you know your Mexican Food business is gonna grow, that’s enough.



Get going with your Mexican food system…


Timothy Eller

Just like Mexican food you too can be filling orders daily.


Learn The System thousands of others have used to build their business just like Mexican Food Restaurants with sales coming in daily.



Learn The System thousands of others have used to build their business just like Mexican Food Restaurants with sales coming in daily with UOIS

Learn The System thousands of others have used to build their business just like Mexican Food Restaurants with sales coming in daily with UOIS

The University of Internet Science is the Premier Free Online Training Portal.


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Is This Some Type Of Pyramid Scheme?

Pyramid Scheme

Pyramid Scheme


Is This A Pyramid Scheme


I got an email from a great new upstart in my
personal organization. A smart guy I
gotta tell you . . .


He’s got that “I’m gonna make this happen no
matter what!” persona. And once you got that
you don’t need much more to be highly
successful in this industry.


Here is why I think he’s smart:
He’s just getting going on his traffic
generation campaign following what he’s
learned in Internet M’LM Success and he’s
starting to get his first few high quality
leads asking for more information.
One of his leads emailed him back with that
old time favorite objections: “Is this some
sort of pyramid scheme?”


Instead of trying to do the job of overcoming
the Pyramid Scheme objection himself he emailed me and asked
for a little help.


You gotta lean on those who’ve been there and
done that, which is why I think he’s smart,
but he’s doubly smart because he didn’t come
to me and just ask me to do everything for
him, instead he validated that he was off
making things happen and was just chiming in
for a little support.



I’ll tell you, any email I get like that from
a team member I’ll answer in a heartbeat. And
you should do the same.




It’s the first sign of leadership arising
from the ranks and you want to do everything
you can to help foster that growth.


So let’s handle that objection now of is this a Pyramid Scheme . . .


Here’s what I wrote back for his prospect:

No it’s not, it’s an opportunity to change
your life the same way that my life has


(Then I went into giving a little bit of my
story to help give a perspective.)


Finally I gave status to the smart new
upstart who emailed me, and said . . .


“Sam” has given you the opportunity to change
your life the same way that our lives have
been changed. He knows his stuff and if you
are the right person he’ll surely show you
the way.


Let “Sam” know a little bit about you and why
you think you might be a good fit for our
team of highly exclusive and motivated
entrepreneurs and I know he’ll make the right
choice as to whether you are or not.


So why did I do this?


It’s simple.

You don’t want to give your prospect the
ability to choose you. You only want to give
them the opportunity to present themselves in
the best light.


It’s not a game of “if you have a credit card
you’re in.” Rather it’s a game of “Why should
I choose you?”


When you do that instead of you giving them
all the power, now they have to come to you.


It’s funny, when you do this and take on this
role of a leader looking for other leaders
instead of a newbie just taking anything he
or she can get your leads start really really
wanting to qualify to be one of your chosen


See the difference?
And it doesn’t matter if you’re doing it online
or off, the reaction on the prospect’s side
will always be the same.


Instant attraction and a desire to qualify to
be a part of your team.


This is powerful.


On a side note though, I gotta be honest, and
did tell “Sam” this: Any prospect who asks
“Is this some sort of pyramid scheme” is most
likely not the type of prospect you want to
let into your team.


If they do join expect to do a lot of hand
holding, and in fact you may want to even
disqualify them at that point because you
already know what’s ahead.


It’s NOT about communicating with your leads
and leaving things open for them to choose.
It’s about you making them qualify so that
you can make the best decision on whether or
not you want to choose them.


Timothy Eller



So That’s The Answer To Is This Some Type Of Pyramid Scheme?


You gotta start getting targeted traffic to
your business to do powerful follow up.

The University of Internet Science is the Premier Free Online Training Portal.


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How to close

My sponsor kept after me for 6 months before I joined.
I’d been with another company but the compensation plan was stacked against me
Finally my wife told me to give them a chance and listen.
I’d been approached before but one person lied to me and I wouldn’t listen anymore.



 How To Close And Tell The Truth – It’s Good Enough

It really is enough. People will respect you when you tell the truth.
We are the best company out there.
You need to know that.



The basics are simple on how to close leaders:

Know people,know how to close leaders.
Know how to get them to the top and beyond.
I’ve had lots of practice and good people to work with that allowed me to learn how to closemany leaders.
I have a strong support team and all of them have been extraordinary to me and have all pitched and taught me how to close.
I listen to the BEST.

What does it take to be successful?


How To Close Networkers?

Networkers aren’t easy – it’s a process.
Networkers are a special area.

You have to look for people who are better than you – recruit up.


Be coachable.
I want to win. I don’t want to drag someone.
Focus on people who want to make money when learning how to close.


If you owned a mountain and discover a vein of gold, you’d call people you love and share it with them.


You have to get them dreaming.
Have them develop a why.


The enemy of a great life is a good life.


Stay focused on the facts. Your posture helps them determine if they want to work with you.
When I’m calling a networker, I tell them it’s xxx, and how this has turned out to be an extraordinary thing. It’s slow, though, because you’ve got to be careful.
Hi, Jim, I have you on a list here you were doing XXX. I’m curious to know what you’re doing with yourself. Have a dialog.
Talk to a person.
Be honest.
Be excited.

It’s true. I love the company.

I want no overhead. No receivables. No payables. No employees. NO overhead.
That’s exactly what my company does for us. Everything.
The focus is posture when you approach people.


Is this an ok time to talk? If you could answer a couple of questions for me I can put this in perspective. Suppose you found something you thought was really exciting, what kind of money in a month would make a difference in your life right now? On top of what you’re learning now, what would get your attention? Extra $100, $500, $1000? How much time could you put together?


15 hours is very realistic for $2,000. I joined this company x years ago, and the guy who told me about it called me once a month for 6 months. I put up $25 to join. My 12th check was about $11,000 for the month. 15 years ago. I was building it from scratch, part time. 90% of what I have to tell you is visual.


I brag about my support team. You can hear the excitement in my voice. People get it. That’s how I set an appointment. Never take anyone off your contact list. You never know. After calling someone for  years, I finally signed him.


I eliminate objections in my approach. They already know it’s $25.

They can hear you smile on the phone. If they can’t feel that, you need to change.


How To Close With Objections:

I don’t know if I can afford the monthly products – Just before I turn the membership page, I say, you join for $25.



How to close the presentation.
Ask me anything you want. You have to be strong to do that but it gets objections out of the way.

No more questions? What did you like the most about what you heard ? They like the money, products, delivery to the house. Have you heard enough to make this monumental $25 decision?


How to close and work with networkers - not for brand new people. Talk to everyone you know online and tell about your success or better yet your sponsors success. That’s where you’ll have the fastest success.


Look for signs where people are advertising. Vendors calling you. Time Warner, Verizon. Most people don’t want those calls but I ask, How long you been with Verizon? So, you must be making the big bucks.


You have such extraordinary communication skills, do they know how good you are? I can’t promise you anything but have you ever thought about finding a second income stream? What if I could show you how to put some serious money on the table without risk? I work for a company online and they’re always looking for people like you. Give me your email and I’ll contact you.


 How To Close Networkers And Where To Find Them



When looking for networkers, pay attention for people. I carry a voice activated recorder and record them all. Most distributors are now out of business. Look in the newspapers. I get solicited all the time to make money. I fish all the time. Go to www.anywho.com and just look for companies you want to find. Arbonne, Amway, put in the zip code and it’ll give you people in your area.




What do you say? Establish a relationship.. HI, this is John, I got your name off a list. I understand you used to do new skin. Are you still doing that? I think we could help each other. What he’ll will blow him away compared to what he does. You never know what the future holds for any of us.


The key on how to close is to build a relationship. 


Go to networking meetings. Google it on the internet. Get out there and mix with people. Show up. Become friends. Know who they are. Then some day you can say, hey, I think I could help you.


NO matter where you are, or what you’re doing, you can find one person who wants to earn $1,000 before the end of the day if your willing.


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How To Be A Leader

How To Be A Leader

How To Be A Leader

How do you create a new leader in their first 60-90 days?



I ask what is their “why” – I want a leader with a burning desire, not just a reason.  If I know the goal, I can use it when they’re having a bad day.     People have real needs with the economy.



I go through the business.  Go through the presentation again and cover the program.  Create a sense of urgency.  Help them bank time now to use later.They want to double the money.  If you put the time and effort into it,you can do it.



Ask:  How many hours are you willing to invest?  What are you willing to give up? The only investment you’ll have is your time.  The only inventory you have is your contact list.   Determine if goals and commitment are in line.  I tell them I will match their efforts.    I tell them what I’m making a month.  Whatever you’re making, tell them.  Tell your story.  Don’t think you need to make a lot of money before you can talk to business leaders.  It all starts out with one customer at a time.



Create important deadlines,Duplicate success,Create A Leader.



I look at their contact list and tell them to keep adding. Brainstorm.  Over the next 2 weeks, I’m going to help you become a leader.  It’s on the job training and you get paid as you go.  Are you available to work together for the next two weeks?   If they stall, then I ask when they are available for a two week training period.   If they are serious, they’ll put people in front of me right away.


You’ll see how we do the presentation and pick up some good verbiage.  We’re in the presentation business.  Feel comfortable.  Read it like a story book.  Add your own testimonials.  You’ll learn how I’m going to close and deal with different categories.


Create a sense of urgency.  Set them up for success.


I role play with my new leader to get the appointment.  If you don’t coach them on getting the lead, then they’ll feel like a failure.  I tell them the best way to get them come to listen is your excitement.  Keep it simple.


Work with them and have them follow your lead.  People are looking to be a leader.  If they are hungry, they will do this.



How do you continue the sense of urgency?Help them find a business partner.It will help them reach their goals that much faster.It’s a win-win situation.


I team up with their leaders. I will team up with them and their people to do the training.Work through the non-participants because it will work out in the end.Help create the synergy and excitement.Team up together.By helping their team, it helps them.  Hold your leaders accountable to their goals.



Learn their short term and long term goals as a leader.




52 cards in a deck and you never know when you’re going to be dealt the aces. You’ve got to go through all the cards to find the aces(leader).

I recruit every month and earn Circle of Influence.  I don’t want to just maintain.  I’m looking to be in leadership mode.I want to be a leader.There’s always a higher level.


Keep engaged to fill their leadership pipeline.Lead from the front.Lead by example.People will do what you do.Encourage goal setting.Share success to build excitement.



Call all them up and say thank you.Say, the reason you’re calling is that in the beginning you wanted to make some money.Ask how things have changed and see if they want to team up.With your great story.



If they’re not interested right now, tell them that’s fine, and that you’ll just check with them some other time.Before I let you go, you might be interested in free training.They are more open to that.



You never know.You might have a leader sitting there on your list.We can truly influence people’s lives.We can give them confidence.They need someone to give them hope and confidence.They need a leader.


Many people need what you have.Share it with them. 



So much integrity and excitement here.We have real people leading this company.We have real products for real people.

You want to experience that.


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How To Lose Weight

weight loss results.lose weight

weight loss results

How to lose weight is a challenge. It involves a process that we all need to do to live — eat. Studies are finding that high-fat, high-sugar processed foods seem to have an addictive pull on our brains. Understanding why food cravings can be so intense will help us have more control. The New York Times presented a very interesting article exploring the strong possibility that food can be addictive.


Not the way to lose weight

Not the way to lose weight


The Melaleuca Wellness Guide recommends a high-fiber, low-fat diet to help you lose weight. Lots of fiber cleanses the body by removing toxins. Fiber also lowers cholesterol, stabilizes blood sugar, and increases energy. Adding Fiber Wise to the diet not only increases dietary fiber, but also provides probiotics that help sustain “friendly” bacteria. Interestingly Science Daily reports that researchers were able to identify twenty six species of bacteria that appear to be linked to obesity.


On the positive side PubMed published a study that found obesity was reduced in rats by feeding them the friendly probiotic, Bifidobacterium.


Florify provides a blend of five billion colony units of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis. It also provides the prebiotic fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS). Prebiotics boost the growth of beneficial probiotics in the gastrointestinal tract. The goal is that good bacteria will crowd out harmful bacteria to help you lose weight.


Learning how to Lose weight is turning out to be more than just counting calories in and calories out.   We can help bridge the diet gap with these supplements:


  • Vitality 4 Essentials includes the probiotic Florify.
  • Luminex with 5htp helps improve mood and reduce food cravings to lose weight.
  • Attain Bars and Attain Shakes with patent-pending, all natural CraveBlocker help with the two sources of hunger cravings — your stomach and your brain to keep your hunger at bay so you can lose weight.
  • Patented Access Performance Bars will help you burn fat as fuel. Eat one on an empty stomach two hours after eating and/or fifteen minutes before starting an activity. You’ll be able to exercise longer, experience less fatigue, and lose weight. The Australian marathon swimmer Tammy VanWisse calls them her ‘secret weapon’.

When we  lose weight, we not only achieve our immediate goals. We also benefit by becoming healthier, and probably saving money by not buying tobacco and some processed foods. We most likely will also save money on health care.


We are all creatures of habit. We can expect that making and maintaining changes will have its challenges until new behaviors have become good habits. Life is always about change. Good changes are worth the effort. Don’t give up on your goal to lose weight! One more tip: Cinnamon Hot Shot Sugarless Gum with a cup of coffee or tea can help you resist dessert, and chewing gum is a well-known quit-smoking tip.





Customized Fat loss was made for people that are serious about their transformation goals. Men and Women, young and old, as long as you’re serious about accepting the truth and using it to make your dream body your reality, Customized Fat loss was made for you to lose weight. 



This should be the easiest decision of your life. 

You have nothing to lose but lose weight that is, and everything to gain.


Let’s get started here

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Believe In Gods Grace

Gods Grace
Gods Grace


The credit bureaus try to predict your future by looking at your past.This is the way the world operates.They judge you by what happened in the past.But Gods Grace is not interested in what you did yesterday.Gods Grace is only interested in what your doing today.
Simply believe in Gods Grace and act on his word being revealed to you.
It’s no accident that Gods Grace brought you here.It was planned by Gods Grace.God sent us into your life to confirm his word.
I believe from the revelation of the holy spirit that you are at a major turning point,and you are not going to stay where your are or where you have been.In faith I believe that important events will happen in an unexpected way.
Many things that you thought were so precious in the past,have now become clutter.Like it or not you must go through changes.You have to say goodbye to yesterday because you are going into tomorrow.
You don’t belong in yesterday anymore. Gods Grace has something better for you.It is a tomorrow with new hopes and dreams.You need the anointing of the Holy Spirit because the tomorrow you are going into is a place you have never lived before.
Tomorrow can hold no fear ,when you have the Holy Spirit and Gods Grace working with you today.

The Bible Clearly States Gods Grace And Explains To All Of Us What To Expect In Our Future

God’s Holy Word all the events we are seeing today.In the 24th chapter of St. Matthew,the bible tells us about earthquakes,floods,droughts,wars and famines,but in the midst of all this,Gods Grace tells us that a revival of his Holy power will be poured out upon his church of believers,and it is happening through Gods Grace as we speak.

God Bless,
Timothy Eller
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Free E-book-Think And Grow Rich




Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill is regarded as one of the most influential books of all time.



It’s no wonder,after all it has been given credit for making so many millionaires over the years.



I think today most people see Think And Grow Rich as more of a guide to success than an average self help book.



We always hear about why you should set goals and write out a plan to achieve those goals.



Napoleon Hill lays out a 13 step strategy to make your goals a reality in his book Think And Grow Rich.



If you have never heard of Napoleon Hill or his master piece think and grow rich,you must have not been in the make money arena.



Unless you have been living under a rock somewhere,no offence but his name and bookThink And Grow Rich are seen everywhere you look online.



You can’t even visit a social site without seeing a famous quote someone has posted byNapoleon Hill.


When Napoleon wrote think and grow rich,he basically wrote stories of highly successful people of his era.



Most see Think And Grow Rich as a tool to propel the to riches over night.



It’s really meant to teach philosophies to be successful in any line of work.



At 238 pages,it’s no quick read.



I suggest you take it day by day and implement the strategies as you read about them.



These methods in Think And Grow Rich are proven to bring success if you take action and truly study the material at hand.



The strategies Of Think And Grow Rich are as true now as they were the day they were written.



Just because they are old school does not mean they are outdated.



My advice would be to use the methods in think and grow rich along with more modern strategies together to get the best of the old and the new school of success strategies.




Think And Grow Rich In Audio


Watched my video here talking about think and grow rich I mention a software you can use to copy and paste text and have it read aloud,awesome right!


Well the 1st step is to join UOIS,don’t worry it’s free.


Register Below and receive details on how to listen to think and grow rich.

Click To Register To Receive Details To Get The Free Software To Listen To Think And Grow Rich Or Any Online Text Or Document

Click To Register To Receive Details To Get The Free Software To Listen To Think And Grow Rich Or Any Online Text Or Document


Don’t Forget Your Free Download Of Think And Grow Rich


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Your Sweet Tooth

Your Sweet Tooth

Your Sweet Tooth 


This One’s For Your Sweet Tooth


Written by David Corder



Your sweet tooth has gotten you into lots of trouble over the years.

All those diets you abandoned for a slice of cake, all the extra calories you took in ‘just to have a taste of something sweet’ before bed to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Where has your sweet tooth gotten you?

Into pants that are another size larger. Into your doctor’s office for another lecture. Into a body that you no longer enjoy because of your sweet tooth.

Yes, sweet treats sure are tempting, but the life-long repercussions far outweigh the momentary pleasure.

To help you conquer your sweet tooth, I’ve identified the 5 sweet traps you should avoid, as well as a healthy substitute for each.


Your Sweet Tooth Trap #1: Candy


Your Sweet Tooth

Your Sweet Tooth


Nothing gets refined sugar circulating through your body quicker than a fistful of candy that will satisfy your sweet tooth—and if you’re in the habit of eating candy daily then your body will crave it.

Candy has virtually no nutritional value, other than caloric energy, and will quickly end up stored on your body in the form of unwanted, annoying fat.

Try This: Swap your sickly-sweet candy out for a handful of unsalted nuts, a few pieces of unsweetened, dried fruit, or a small square of very dark chocolate (at least 72% cocoa content).


Your Sweet Tooth Trap #2: Baked Goods


Your Sweet Tooth

Your Sweet Tooth


Cake, cookies, brownies, pastries, donuts, and pies are popular vehicles for sugar consumption. While these may not taste as sweet as candy, the combination of refined sugar and white flour will spike your blood sugar just the same.

Very much like candy, regularly eating baked goods may become a habit. Break yourself of this and you’ll find the number on your scale going down rather than up and break yourself from your sweet tooth cravings.

Try This: Put down the cookie and reach for a piece of fresh, seasonal fruit. Fruit is nature’s candy, and is every bit as blissful as a slice of cake. Serving a beautiful fruit platter to guests can be as delightful as any baked treat and help your sweet tooth as well.


Your Sweet Tooth Trap #3: Ice Cream 


Your Sweet Tooth

Your Sweet Tooth



Nothing makes you feel as happy and carefree as a bowl of creamy ice cream to cure your sweet tooth…until that ice cream makes its permanent home on your waist. Very much like candy, ice cream has few nutritional benefits.

Try This: Let’s face it, cold, creamy and sweet makes a delicious combination. Create a healthy protein-packed ice cream with the recipe below.


Your Sweet Tooth Trap #4: Soda Pop

Your Sweet Tooth

Your Sweet Tooth

A regular can of soda pop contains the equivalent of 10 packets of sugar. That’s more sugar than you should consume in a week’s time!

Soda pop is something that you get into the habit of drinking, and do without thinking. The good news is that a habit can be broken and then replaced with something healthier.

Try This: Take soda pop out of your diet. Period. There are plenty of other, healthier, beverages available to you to hold your sweet tooth at bay. Try the recipes for Spa Water below.


Your Sweet Tooth Trap #5: Blended Drinks 


Your Sweet Tooth

Your Sweet Tooth


Smoothies, blended coffee drinks and milkshakes are all tempting treats, especially in hot summer months. Don’t give in to the temptation!


These items are even more deadly than most treats since they are consumed through a straw and don’t make you feel full. Let me assure you that even though you don’t feel full, like you would after a piece of cake, you’re still taking in a boatload of sugary calories.


Try This: Make your own healthy blended drinks at home by using natural sweeteners like stevia, or simply by using fruit. Take the ice cream recipe below, add non-fat milk and mix in the blender for a high protein milkshake that will surely cure your sweet tooth.


Eliminating refined sugar from your diet will do so much for your health, as well as your weight. A great thing to remember is that once you’ve fallen out of the habit of eating sugar, your body will no longer crave it and you will no longer need to curb your sweet tooth.


This means that each day spent in discipline will bring you closer to the day that sugar no longer has a hold over you. Imagine how much slimmer and healthier you will be without your sweet tooth!


Eating healthy is half of the battle when it comes to fitness and wellness. The other, equally important, side is maintaining a regular, challenging exercise program.


For an exercise program to be challenging it must always be changing. That’s why my workouts are never the same. It’s my goal to get you into the best shape of your life.


Beyond Soda And Your Sweet Tooth

You know that soda pop isn’t good for you…and yet you still drink it. I understand that plain water gets boring – especially when you’re having a party or gathering.


Use the recipes for “Spa Water” below and quickly turn plain water into an exciting and refreshing treat without added sugar or chemicals:


Citrus: Slice an orange, lemon, and lime into a large pitcher of water.

Add ice, allow to chill for 1 hour before serving.

Raspberry Lime: Slice a lime into a large pitcher of water, add a handful of raspberries. Add ice, allow to chill for 1 hour before serving.

Strawberry Basil: Slice 10 strawberries into a large pitcher of water, add 5 leaves of basil. Add ice, allow to chill for 1 hour before serving.

Watermelon Rosemary: Place 1/2 cup of small watermelon chunks into a large pitcher of water, add two sprigs of rosemary. Add ice, allow to chill for 1 hour before serving.

Pineapple Mint: Place 1/2 cup of small pineapple chunks into a large pitcher of water, add 15 mint leaves. Add ice, allow to chill for 1 hour before serving.

Guilt-Free Strawberry Ice Cream:Here’s a recipe that allows you to indulge in something sweet, cold and creamy without the sugar rush.

Non-fat Greek yogurt is packed with protein, which makes this delicious snack even more beneficial. Feel free to add Stevia In The Raw to increase the sweetness as described below.

Servings: 4 Here’s what you need…

20 organic strawberries 2 cups non fat Greek yogurt optional

*1/4 cup Stevia In The Raw* Wash and hull the strawberries. Mix in a blender until smooth. Add yogurt (and Stevia In The Raw, if using) and blend well.

Pour into an ice cream maker and run until yogurt is frozen and creamy.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 87 calories, 0g fat, 53mg sodium, 9g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, and 13g protein.

I don’t know if I told you but I’ve partnered with a company called Melaleuca. We have some products with this company that specializes in helping people just like you with (your sweet tooth…..) and many other health conditions without any of the side effects of the prescription medications. Is that something you’d be open to reviewing some information on? We share this information via online webinar or online information sessions, and can schedule a time to get you into the next available webinar… “WHAT WORKS BETTER FOR YOU, TODAY OR TOMORROW”? For more information about melaleuca and products go to:


Or contact me so we can work you in our next webinar.

Timothy Eller

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