Bill and Teddy Rogers's Posts (166)

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When we went to our next appointment with our alternative health care physician, little did we know that this would be our last session with her.

She was a new member of a medical association that our health care plan had approved.

In addition to being an MD, she had spent years studying alternative health care treatment programs and all natural remedies. She knew that these treatment programs and all natural remedies worked, often much better than prescription drugs and without the nasty side effects. She had made a decision that, whenever possible, she would treat her patients with these alternative programs and remedies and would only write prescriptions for life threatening illnesses when it was absolutely necessary.


She told us that when the medical association discovered that she wasn't writing the required number of prescriptions every month, they got very upset. It appears to us that the medical association was far more interested in writing prescriptions and only treating our symptoms than they were in treating the root cause of our illness and actually curing us.

NOTE: The Drug Companies take in 10 Billion Dollars Every Year with high blood pressure drugs alone. Think about all the other drugs that are prescribed. And, doctors have us on a pharmaceutical merry-go-round of office visits and tests to see how the drugs are working for us. This represents big money for the doctors. So, prescription drugs are a big money maker for both the drug companies and the doctors!


She said that the director had called her in and told her she would have to write more prescriptions or she would have to leave. Because of this ultimatum, she had decided to start her own private practice and was leaving the medical association at the end of that month.

We would like to have stayed with her but she would no longer be approved by our health care plan and we couldn't afford the fees she would have to charge patients in her private practice.

Sadly, we had to say goodbye and select another primary care physician.


We strongly believe that God had led us to her specifically for her knowledge of the health problems we were experiencing and for the recommendations she would make that resulted in the complete restoration of our good health and a much better outlook for our future.


During our last session, she spent extra time with us, gave us some very helpful information on the importance of removing acidity and balancing the pH levels in our bodies, and explained why our health problems were being caused by dehydration ( covered in our previous 3-part post ) and the water, foods and other stuff we were putting into our bodies.


She told us that ACID was the enemy that was keeping us from good health and that a healthy ALKALINE body thrives with energy, glows with health, has a stronger immune system and naturally dumps toxins and excess weight.

It all made sense to us and we left highly motivated to dramatically change our eating and drinking habits and our overall lifestyle.


Listed below are what she called the Nine Most Dangerous Foods:

1. White Sugar: including all white sugar substitutes.

2. White Flour: including cakes, pies, cookies, doughnuts, bagels, white bread, cream of wheat, grits, so called whole wheat bread, pasta, cereals, etc.

3. Group Of Drinks: including sodas, coffee, tea, juices from the grocery store, and all drinks containing sugar substitutes.

4. Red Meats: Very high in acid and do not digest well.

5. Dairy Products: including cow's milk, 1%, 2%, low fat, and skim milk, processed cheese, macaroni and cheese, ice cream, non-dairy creamers, etc. They do not digest well and stop other foods from digesting well. They are high in bad fat and can clog up the body and arteries which can lead to heart attacks and stroke.

6. Animal Fat: including margarine, corn oils, lards, and bad saturated fats.

7. All Processed Foods: They include additives, harmful chemicals and other toxins to extend the shelf life

8. Drinking Too Much Fluids: including water. This can overwork the kidneys.

9. All Junk Foods In General.


1. She took us off all the prescription drugs we were on. What A Blessing!

2. She recommended that we immediately stop drinking distilled water as it is acidic and tends to drain our body of minerals.

3. She encouraged us to get a high quality water purifier system which is different than a water filter system. We will cover this in another post.

4. She recommended that we read the following 4 books and follow their advice as closely as possible. We found them at the public library.

The Acid Alkaline Diet For Optimum Health. Restoring Your Health By Creating pH Balance In Your Diet.” By Christopher Vasey, N.D.

The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health.” By Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelly Redford Young.

The Acid Alkaline Food Guide. A Quick Reference To Foods & Their Effect On pH Levels.” By Dr. Susan E. Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr.

The Amazing Acid Alkaline Cookbook. Balancing Taste, Nutrition, And Your pH Levels.” By Bonnie Ross

After we read these 4 books, we felt the information was so important, we bought our own copies.


Immediately Do The Following:

  • Stop eating all dairy products except for eggs which are an excellent source of protein and real butter which is an excellent source of good saturated fats. This included milk, margarine, processed cheese, ice cream, etc. When we need milk, we use Almond Milk.

  • Stop eating all breads and other products made from white flour.

  • Eat a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. As she knew this was sometimes difficult to do, she recommended that we take some specific high quality nutritional supplements that are very potent as part of our strategy for optimal health, peak performance and longevity. We will cover this in another post.

  • Stop using sugar and other sugar substitutes except for Stevia and that in moderation. Sugar is one of the most acidic foods. For cooking and baking, we should use organic coconut sugar.

  • Stop drinking sodas and cut way back on coffee, tea and alcohol. Of course, we had to tell her that we didn't drink alcohol.

  • Stop eating a lot of fried foods – When we do, we should use only organic coconut oil in our deep fryer.

  • Cut way back on red meats and pork products and eat white meat of chicken and turkey and fish in moderation. She stated that it's best to get protein from plant sources rather than meats.

  • Stop cooking vegetables – this destroys a lot of the nutrients. She recommended that we get a steamer and steam our vegetables.

  • Use virgin olive oil in salads and organic coconut oil for frying.

  • Eat beans frequently.

  • Drink Fruit and Vegetable smoothies when we have hunger pangs instead of loading up on junk snacks.

  • Stop eating pre-packaged food products that may contain harmful chemicals and other toxins.

  • Use our Silver Sneakers program that our health care plan provides us through the YMCA more often and get more aerobic exercise. Just get moving!

  • Avoid before-bed snacks, especially grains, sugars, caffeine or alcohol, and not to drink any fluids within 2 hours of going to bed.



As you can imagine from having read all of the above, we had to make a radical change to our lifestyle and eating and drinking habits to comply with all of her recommendations. And, in the beginning, we fell off the wagon many times.

But we knew that this would help us to lead a healthier life and have more energy so we stuck with it. It wasn't easy but our results have been well worth it! We thank God every day for keeping us in such good health!

Our next post will be coming soon, so stay tuned...

Wishing you a long, healthy and happy life,

Bill and Teddy Rogers

P.S. If you are not familiar with what an Alkaline Diet is, below are links to three videos that will give you a good basic understanding. We recommend that you watch all three.

Video 1: “Getting Started With An Alkaline Diet.” At

Video 2: “Foods That Can Restore Your Health!” At

Video 3: “7 Steps To Restore Your Good Health!” At

P.P.S. If you haven't already read our previous posts, below are links in the order they were presented to the posts we have already written about our journey to restoring our good health. Just click on the post title.

1. Our Road To Recovery How Bill And Teddy Were Able To Restore Their Good Health.

2. What Our Alternative Health Care Physician's Tests Revealed.

3. Dehydration Is Stealing The Health Of Most Adults - Especially Senior Citizens - Parts 1, 2 and 3.

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Most experts agree that all adults should drink approximately half their body weight in ounces of pure water each day. Example: A 170 pound person should consume 85 ounces of pure water each day to keep their entire body properly hydrated at the cellular level.

You should drink additional water in hot or humid weather to help lower your body temperature and to replace what you lose through sweating. You may also need more water in cold weather if you sweat while wearing insulated clothing. Finally, you should drink extra water if you are at land altitudes greater than 8,200 feet.


Water, when it's pure and free of contaminants, is truly a miracle worker. An adequate intake of pure water every day will:

1. Dissolve calcium in your urine and reduce the risk of stone formation;

2. Help lubricate your eyes;

3. Help prevent urinary tract infections;

4. Help suppress your appetite;

5. Improve your digestion and nutrient absorption;

6. Improve your energy levels;

7. Increase your mental and physical performance;

8. Keep your skin healthy and glowing;

9. Lubricate your internal organs;

10. Lubricate and create a cushion in your disks that support your upper body and in your joints. This helps absorb shocks from physical activity and may reduce back and joint pain.

11. Maintain your muscle tone;

12. Maintain your body's pH Balance;

13. Neutralize fat and assist in weight loss;

14. Reduce cardiovascular stress;

15. Reduce headaches and dizziness;

16. Reduce histamine levels and mucus buildup and help to restore normal breathing;

17. Reduce recovery time from colds or flu;

18. Reduce water retention;

19. Regulate your body temperature;

20. Remove body wastes and toxins;

21. Strengthen your immune system against most infections and make you less susceptible to viruses; and

22. Transport oxygen to your cells.


Here are a few tips to help you easily drink more water:

1. Drink 8 to 16 ounces of pure water first thing every morning. Your body becomes mildly dehydrated every night. This will get you off to a great start on that day's water consumption, rehydrate your body and flush out the wastes and toxins that accumulated during the night while you were sleeping;

2. Keep a full water bottle with you everywhere you go;

3. Drink a glass of water or two every time you go to the bathroom;

4. Drink before meals while you are still hungry;

5. Do most of your water drinking in the morning and early afternoon so there will be time for that water to be eliminated before you go to bed; and

6. Don't drink too much coffee, tea, soda or alcohol. A small amount of water will do far more good for you than large amounts of these other liquids.

If you drink an adequate amount of water every day, you'll be amazed at how good you will feel.

In our next post, we will be sharing “Recommendations From Our Alternative Health Care Physician.”

Wishing you a long, healthy and happy life,

Bill and Teddy Rogers

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1. You may experience pain or discomfort in various parts of your body;

2. Your eyes may appear sunken and stop making tears;

3. You may become extremely thirsty with a very dry mouth and mucous membranes;

4. You may have muscle cramps;

5. You may suffer a heat stroke;

6. You become nauseated and may vomit;

7. You become lightheaded – especially when standing up;

8. You may have feelings of anxiety, irritableness, anger, impatience, and depression;

9. You have an increased heart rate;

10. Your brain may not work like it should. You become groggy, slow and feel out of touch;

11. You lose muscle tone;

12. You get constipated;

13. You feel hungry all the time and are likely to eat more;

14. You may have cravings for sugar and carbohydrates;

15. Your skin gets dry and itchy and begins to sag;

16. You have trouble regulating your body temperature and may feel too warm or too cold most of the time;

17. You may have little or no urination or sweating so wastes and toxins don't get flushed out of your body. This can make you feel very sickly; and

18. Your metabolism doesn't use up the fats stored in your body and you may gain weight.


1. Your blood pressure will fall which results in decreased blood flow and oxygen to your brain and other vital organs;

2. When your blood pressure falls, you may go into shock;

3. You may have abnormal electrolyte levels that cause muscle weakness and seizures;

4. You may become confused and go into a coma;

5. Your organ cells may be negatively affected and begin to swell and eventually die;

6. You may suffer heart rhythm disturbances; and

7. You may have kidney failure.

The above level of dehydration can be life threatening and calls for immediate medical attention!


The solution is very simple. Drink more water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables that are high in water content! However, don't drink too much water too quickly because this can cause bloating and discomfort.


Water is necessary for:

1. Maintaining your body's pH Balance in order to prevent and cure disease;

2. Keeping your skin looking healthy and beautiful;

3. Helping you to lose weight;

4. Keeping your eyes properly moisturized;

5. Reducing water retention;

6. Proper digestion;

7. Absorbing nutrients from the food you eat and drink;

8. Circulating and transporting oxygen to your cells;

9. Lubricating your internal organs and joints;

10. Maintaining your muscle tone;

11. Regulating your body's temperature; and

12. Eliminating acidic wastes and toxins.

Water facilitates the transport of toxins away from your cells and tissues, and ultimate elimination through your kidneys. And, as a major component of blood plasma, water is necessary in bringing life-giving nutrients to every cell of your body.


Water is very important to your good health and accounts for about 70% of your body's mass. The following is a breakdown of the normal water content of your body parts:

  • Blood 83%;

  • Bones 22%;

  • Brain 75%;

  • Eyes 95%;

  • Heart 75%;

  • Kidneys 83%;

  • Liver 69%;

  • Lungs 83%;

  • Muscles 75%; and

  • Teeth 05%.

Dehydration Is Stealing The Health Of Most Adults – Especially Senior Citizens.

Continued In Part 3.

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Since this is a lengthy but very important post, we have split it up into 3 parts to make it easier to read and digest. Thanks.

80% of all adults suffer from mild dehydration. Learn what it is and if you are one of the 80%.




Water is the single most important element of any health program and is vital to your body's cells and your good health. If your body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions, you are dehydrated. Anyone can become dehydrated but older adults and people with chronic illnesses are most at risk. If you don't keep your body fluids at their normal levels, you can quickly suffer some serious consequences.


Dehydration occurs when you lose more water than you take in. Becoming dehydrated is easier than you think. As little as a 2% water loss can cause it. This can easily happen when people are confined to bed with pneumonia, a cold, the flu or other serious illness, have fever, diarrhea or vomiting, sweat excessively from exercise or physical labor during hot weather, or simply don't drink enough water.

Also, eating too much protein will cause the kidneys to excrete too much water and you can become dehydrated.


When counting your daily water intake, don't include coffee, tea, sodas or alcohol. These liquids may be diuretic and do not replace water. They will ultimately dehydrate your body as they cause a net loss of your body's water reserves.

If you drink any of these liquids, it's important that you drink a few extra glasses of water to offset this net loss.


The signs and symptoms of mild dehydration are as follows:

1. You become very thirsty;

2. There is a decrease in your urine output;

3. You may have a dry, sticky mouth. As we grow older, this sign is gradually blunted and can disappear entirely; and

4. You have less energy and tire very easily.


There are also five distinct conditions that indicate states of dehydration. These include:

1. Asthma;

2. Allergies;

3. Hypertension;

4. Constipation; and

5. Type II Diabetes.

These conditions help your body conserve water and/or protect vital areas of your body from the ravishing effects of dehydration.

If you don't drink sufficient water and you become dehydrated, your body will allocate water from less vital parts/functions to more critical areas such as your cardiovascular, nervous, and muscular systems.

Dehydration Is Stealing The Health Of Most Adults – Especially Senior Citizens.

Continued In Part 2.

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NOTE: You can read all of our recent posts at If you haven't already done so, please click on “Our Road To Recovery” at the top of our blog page and read our post titled How Bill And Teddy Were Able To Restore Their Good Health" before you read this post. Thanks.

Now, on with our story.

Our new alternative health care physician ran a complete battery of tests to determine the cause of our serious health problems.

Based on the results of her tests, she stated that our bodies were over acidic and mildly dehydrated and that this could be the cause of most of our health problems.


Over acidity is common in our society due to the typical American diet, which is far too high in acid-producing animal products like red meat and dairy, and far too low in alkaline-producing foods like fresh vegetables.

Additionally, we eat acid-producing processed foods like white flour, proteins, cereals, and sugar and drink acid-producing beverages like coffee, tea, sodas and alcohol. We use too many drugs, which are acid-forming; and we use artificial chemical sweeteners like NutraSweet, Equal, or Aspartame, which are extremely acid-forming.

Finally, she stated that most of her senior citizen patients were mildly to severely dehydrated because they didn't drink enough good water. Because water played such a critical part in restoring our good health, we'll include information about dehydration and its health risks in our next post.


She stated that a surprising number and variety of physical problems and diseases can be caused by over acidity. Listed below are 46 of them:

1. Acceleration of free radical damage, possibly contributing to cancerous mutations.

2. Acid regurgitation.

3. Acidic saliva.

4. Bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones.

5. Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and the reduction of oxygen.

6. Chronic fatigue, lack of energy, loss of physical tone and psychic drive, sensation of heaviness in the limbs, feelings of inability to cope.

7. Chronic inflammation.

8. Conjunctivitis.

9. Cracks at the corners of the lips.

10. Depressive tendencies.

11. Dry skin.

12. Excess stomach acid.

13. Eyes tear easily.

14. Gastritis.

15. Hair looks dull, has split ends, and falls out.

16. Headaches.

17. High blood pressure.

18. Hives.

19. Hormone concerns.

20. Immune deficiency.

21. Inflamed, sensitive gums.

22. Inflammation of the corneas and eyelids.

23. Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup.

24. Leg cramps and spasms.

25. Loose teeth.

26. Loss of drive, joy and enthusiasm.

27. Lower body temperature; frequently feel cold.

28. Mood swings.

29. Mouth ulcers.

30. Nails are thin and split and break easily.

31. Nervousness, agitation without cause, hyperactivity, sensitivity to high-pitched noises and easily stressed.

32. Obesity, slow metabolism and inability to lose weight

33. Osteoporosis; weak, brittle bones, hip fractures and bone spurs.

34. Pain in the nerves of the teeth.

35. Premature aging.

36. Recurring infections of throat and tonsils.

37. Skin tends to be irritated in regions where there are heavy concentrations of sweat.

38. Slow digestion and elimination.

39. Teeth are sensitive to hot, cold or acidic foods.

40. Teeth have a tendency to crack or chip.

41. Tendency to get infections.

42. Ulcers.

43. Very pale face.

44. Weakened immunity.

45. Weight gain, obesity and diabetes.

46. Yeast/fungal overgrowth.

As you can see, this list contains many of the severe physical and health problems that we were experiencing.

So, if you have any of the above health problems, you are likely a walking acid trip too.

Finally, she told us that, in spite of previous diagnoses, we really didn't need the powerful prescription drugs we were taking every day and we could stop taking them. To us, that was the best news we had heard in a long, long time – a better quality of life with no life threatening or damaging side effects. Hallelujah!


In our next post, we will share “Why Dehydration Is Stealing The Health Of Most Adults – Especially Senior Citizens.” Changing the quality and quantity of water we were drinking played a very important role in the restoration of our good health and a much better quality of life. We'll share the changes we made in our drinking water in a future post.

Wishing you a long, healthy and happy life,

Bill and Teddy Rogers

P.S. If you are currently experiencing serious health problems and are taking doctor ordered prescription drugs, we recommend that you continue to do so. We are writing these posts to simply share our personal experiences with you and to let you know what we have done to greatly improve our personal health and to obtain a much better quality of life.

For a couple in our mid seventies and early eighties, we are doing great. We thank God every day for this and for allowing us to continue our ministry to men and women in prisons and to other senior citizens – we are truly blessed!

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Today, thanks to our strong faith in God's awesome healing power and a few all-natural products from several high quality health and wellness nutritional supplement companies, we are alive, healthy, happy, prescription drug free, and thoroughly enjoying our senior years!

But, that hasn't always been so. Below is a list of the severe health problems we have experienced.


Included High Blood Pressure, Bouts of Vertigo (Extreme Dizziness), a debilitating Stroke, Vitamin B-12 Deficiency causing severe nerve damage in spinal column, frequent Muscle Cramping, loss of Good Sleep caused by Enlarged Prostate and frequent night-time trips to the bathroom, and excruciating joint pain and a subsequent diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis.


Included life threatening Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Steroid Induced Diabetes, Auto-Immune Hepatitis, High Blood Pressure, and Bouts of Vertigo (Extreme Dizziness).


In 2004, we were both in poor health and the future didn't look very good. The doctors had both of us on several high powered prescription drugs with some horrendous side effects and stated that we would have to be on those drugs for the rest of our lives.

In addition to our Health Care Insurance costs of almost $500.00 a month, we were taking those doctor ordered prescription drugs with their nasty side effects that cost several hundred dollars more every month.


After much prayer, we decided it was time for us to take personal control of our own health issues.

We were led to see an alternative health care physician and, based on her input, we changed our eating habits and our drinking water source. We'll explain both of these in future posts.

And, we began to do some serious research to find out if there were any all-natural products that could replace the prescription drugs we were taking with their horrendous side effects and help us to restore our good health and give us back a better quality of life.

We though that, if possible, it would make more sense for us to spend our money on all-natural nutritional supplements with no side effects than to continue taking and paying for those doctor ordered prescription drugs that were only treating our symptoms – not the cause.

During our research, we found a lot of products that sounded very promising. The content of their advertising and marketing materials included claims that their product would take care of our specific health issues and in a very short period of time. So, time after time and with high expectations, we placed an order.


Sadly, the majority of those products didn't live up to their claims. Not Even Close! They were just a lot of over-priced products being promoted and sold with false claims through Multi-Level Marketing Programs! And, time after time, we were very disappointed. The only thing that changed was the reduced amount of money in our checking account.


In another post, we'll give you our personal testimony on the first product we found that actually lived up to all of its promises.

With the change in our eating habits, our new drinking water source, and the new products we were taking, we were finally on our way to restoring our good health and a better quality of life.

Stay tuned...

Wishing you a long, healthy and happy life,

Bill and Teddy Rogers

P.S. Our Prayer: We have the following prayer taped on our bathroom cabinet, refrigerator, and computer and we repeat it every time we feel a sniffle or pain coming on.

Lord, you said that by your stripes, I am healed. So, on the authority of your Word, I declare that I am healed and that no virus, sickness or disease has any legal right or hold on me and they must go now in the name of Jesus! Amen.”

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